9- pervy sage

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-

Chapter 9 - pervy sage

Both Naruto and Ichigo panted taking a short break drinking from their canteen of water. Both were exhausted from the strenuous training. Naruto was learning how to use and control his chakra seeing how Ichigo couldn't use or know how to even attempt to use chakra. So he focused more on how to use his zanpakuto powers. Naruto did various zanpakuto training and learning what he can about chakra. Both Ichigo and Naruto were learning much about their zanpakuto abilities and chakra. After their break Yamato proceeded to hand both Ichigo and Naruto a piece of paper.

"I want you both to focus on this piece of paper. It is chakra paper as it will tell me what kind of chakra nature that you both possess." stated Yamato as he explained about the different types of chakra natures. There was wind, water, fire, earth, and lightning. Both Ichigo and Naruto took the paper as they both focused on their chakra. Naruto's paper cut completely in half before half of it seemed to turn to ash.

"Interesting. It seems that you are more of a wind style chakra user. The small fire style charka you have must come from Kyuubi." stated Yamato.

*Is that true Kyuubi?* Naruto questioned the fox mentally.

*It sounds about right.* replied Kyuubi. It was then Ichigo's turn. Ichigo's paper also cut in half showing that he had wind style chakra. The two halves also crinkled up before erupting into black energy.

"That was weird. But it seems that the chakra paper can also determine your spiritual powers that you possess as Soul Reapers. So Naruto you have wind style chakra while your zanpakuto has not only wind style but fire style natures. Ichigo it seems that you possess two chakra natures. This is usually unheard of for a genin as they usually develop two chakra natures over time. Much like Naruto you also have wind style chakra. But you also possess lightning style charka. It seems that the black energy is the power of your zanpakuto. I suggest that you when you can train with your inner spirits and zanpakuto spirits when you can. I can teach you sword techniques and charka techniques. Tomorrow we will do tree climbing so get plenty of rest." stated Yamato. Both Ichigo and Naruto nodded their heads as they went over to the hot baths.

As the two teens were heading into the hot baths they could see an old man squatting on the side of the women's bath peaking in. His long white spiky hair that reached to his butt in length was tied back into a ponytail. The man was giggling like crazy.

*Is he…..?* asked Naruto mentally. Ichigo nodded his head yes.

*Don't say anything. I am going to do something.* Ichigo stated as he crept up right behind the man. Naruto was trying hard not to snicker. Ichigo cupped his hands and took a long deep breath. "Hey old man….. Stop peaking into the women's bath!" Ichigo yelled loudly right into the old man's ear. The women in the bath screamed violently as the old man looked like he had a heart attack. Naruto cracked up falling over laughing."My research!" whined the old man who had tears in his eyes. "Don't you boys realize what you have done? You both ruined many years of research." yelled the old man. Ichigo crossed his arms across his chest looking not amused.

"Serves you right for trying to peak into the women's bath. Come on Naruto….. Lets go." stated Ichigo.

"Don't you have any clue on who I am?" asked the old man.

"No!" replied both Naruto and Ichigo in unison.

"I am the great toad sage of Mount Myoboku. I am the great Jiraiya." replied Jiraiya doing a poise. Both Naruto and Ichigo rolled their eyes.

*I think that he's certifiably crazy.* Naruto stated mentally.

*I agree with you there.* replied Ichigo. The two teens were hardly listening to Jiraiya's ramblings about being one of the legendary sannin and lover to women everywhere. "So basically you are a pervy sage as you get your thrills off of when you spy on naked women while they are bathing." stated Ichigo. Naruto laughed at the pervy sage part.

"Don't you understand its research for my book series Icha, Icha Paradise!"

"Sure it is." replied Ichigo and Naruto rolling their eyes. "If we catch you spying again on the women, we will tell the hokage. See you later pervy sage." the two teens stated waving to Jiraiya as they entered into the baths.

While Naruto and Ichigo were bathing, Jiraiya was spying on them. His eyes widened when he saw the nine tails seal on Naruto's stomach.

'So that's Minato's son. He is definitely the spiting image of his father. Minato and Kushina did tell me that they were going to name their son after one of the characters from my book.' Jiraiya thought to himself. Jiraiya listened into both Naruto and Ichigo talking as they talked about Ichigo's family wondering if they were all right.

"They are possibly worried sick about us. I wonder what happened to that Soul Reaper who helped us out?" asked Naruto.

"She possibly went back home after we had slain all those hollows. I just wish we can figure out how we are able to transport between dimensions and why we are able to do it." replied Ichigo. Jiraiya had heard enough as he let the two boys bathe in peace.

After the hot baths both Ichigo and Naruto wondered around the village as they needed some spare clothes while they were here. That's when a small shop had caught their eye as the sigh read 'Urahara's Shop'. The two teens entered as they were greeted by a man wearing a shop keepers green robe and a green and white striped beach hat. Much like Jiraiya he had on a pair of large wooden sandals.

"Welcome boys to Urahara's shop. How can I help you today?" asked the owner.

"We are looking for some spare clothing to where when not on ninja missions and pajamas." replied Naruto. Urahara smiled.

"Well then, you came to the right place I have everything that you will need and more. Come with me and we will get you suited up." stated Urahara. Both Ichigo and Naruto smiled as they followed Urahara picking out some clothes. Urahara was nice enough to give them a discount as they bought clothing, food, cooking ware, and other essentials since they were first time customers. "Take care boys and I hope to see you back again." stated Urahara as he waved good bye to the two teens.

"So what do you think?" asked a voice. Urahara turned to see Jiraiya standing right behind him.

"They definitely have a lot of spiritual pressure as they all ready have awakened their zanpakutos." replied Urahara as he opened up a fan before his face.

"Yes I can almost sense the enormous chakra that they both possess. I know that Naruto's is that way because of the demon within him. But that Ichigo kid is almost equal in strength." stated Jiraiya.

"Yes we will have to keep our eyes on those two as that the reason to why the Soul Society had sent me here. Those two maybe the only ones who can restore the balance between the dimensions." added Urahara.

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