Kong: Skull Island - Chapter 1: Piggyback

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Dr. Selina Conrad joins with Bill Randa and Houston Brooks in Washington to convince Senator Willis to get funding for their expedition, meanwhile Lieutenant Colonels Preston Packard and Owen Riley are withdrawing their men from Vietnam.

Washington, D.C.

Around this time period, protests were happening outside of the congressional building. People were holding up signs which few read "NO MORE WAR!", "END THE WAR IN VIETNAM!", and a few dozen others. Few officers arrived and had the protestors back up.

Inside of a taxi cab, there were three people in the back, looking outside, seeing the protest. The trio were Bill Randa, Selina Conrad, and Houston Brooks. Selina looked really nervous, and tries to keep her composure.

Randa: "Mark my words, there will never be a more screwed up time in Washington. But we can't let it stop us."

They all exited the cab, and made their way into the building. Inside, they were walking in the hallway. Selina, along with Brooks, don't feel confident about what they were about to do.

Selina: "Randa, maybe now is not the best time to ask."

Randa: "Monarch is on the cusp of being shut down, Selina. We're broke. When this war ends, we'll never get approval for our expedition."

The trio went inside the reception area, where they were about to head over to the reception desk, until Brooks tried to talk with Randa.

Brooks: "She does have a point though. I mean, we both aren't confident in our presentation. I mean, all of our materials are loose leaf. In one day, one day, we could have had all of this organized and bound." He said as he ran in front of Randa.

Then, something grabbed their attention. They looked over at a TV in the corner, where they saw Nixon giving his speech.

Nixon (TV): "...that we, today, have concluded an agreement to end the war and bring peace with honor in Vietnam. All American forces will be withdrawn."

Randa: "We don't have a day." He then walks over to a secretary. "Hello, there. Bill Randa here to see Senator Willis."

Secretary: "Of course, Mr. Randa. I left you a message this morning about rescheduling today's appointment. But he should have something available in the coming weeks..." She responded.

Randa simply narrowed his eyes towards the secretary, making her a bit nervous. Then, a door opened as Senator Willis stepped out, agitated as he saw Randa.

Senator Willis: "Oh god..."

Randa: "Al, you're looking well." He said as he shook hands with the Senator.

Senator Willis: "So you didn't get the message, Randa? To reschedule?" He asked.

Randa: "For the fifth time? I must've missed it. It'll be quick." He said.

The Senator looked at him for a moment, till he decided to hear them for a bit. Everyone was inside his office, as Randa, Selina, and Brooks took a seat while Willis got his suitcase out.

Senator Willis: "Okay, don't get comfortable. You got five minutes. I'm late for a meeting. So, what imaginary monster are you hunting this time?" He asked them.

Brooks then took out a photo from his folder and placed it on the Senator's desk for him to view.

Selina: "Right here, Senator, is a satellite photo of an uncharted island in the South Pacific. It has defied discovery...until now." She started off.

Senator Willis glanced down at the photo. It showed the island in its entirety, resembling a giant skull.

Randa: "Many civilizations spoke of it in legends. Skull Island. The land where God did not finish creation. It's notorious for the number of ships and planes that have gone missing there."

Senator Willis: "Like the Bermuda Triangle? Or like that aluminum foil hat that I like to wear on the weekends?" He asked.

Selina: "Eh, It's more like the triangle than the hat... but we like to think it's much more than that, sir." She responded.

Then, Brooks takes out another photo and places it on the desk. The picture showed the ship called the USS LAWTON, where it was heavily damaged by various claw marks.

Randa: "Right. The 1954 Castle Bravo nuclear tests... weren't tests. They were trying to kill something. I believe there's an ecosystem out there the likes of which we can't imagine. And the place to find it is this island. A place where myth and science meet."

Senator Willis: "Randa, it's a fairytale." He said as he grabbed his suitcase and left his office.

The trio glanced at each other, as they quickly got up on their feet. Selina grabbed the pictures and handed them back to Brooks, while Randa quickly walked after the Senator.

Randa: "Harry Truman didn't think so when he funded Monarch in 1946." He called out.

Senator Willis: "You know, in terms of sheer waste... Monarch ranks right up there with the search for alien life." He responded.

Randa: "Yeah, but those guys are nuts."

Senator Willis didn't respond to that, as he then walked away. The trio continued following him down the hallway.

Senator Willis: "We should have shut you down years ago."

Randa: "This is an opportunity for our country."

Brooks: "Listen, Senator, Landsat is sending
a mission to the island. We could piggyback on that operation. With your permission, of course." He cuts in.

Senator Willis: "What're you hoping you'll find?" He asked.

Selina: "There's various possibilities. Resources, medicine, the cure for cancer, geological discoveries. I mean... possible alternate fuels. Senator, look, just... listen, to be honest, we don't exactly know for sure what's there on the island." She said as the Senator stopped looked over at her and Brooks.

Brooks: "But we will tell you what we do know. Tomorrow night, the Russian Novosat passes over this sector. And in three days, they're gonna have the same images we have. So... whatever's there, you want us to find it first. Right?"

Senator Willis: [He pauses for a moment until he gives his answer] "I don't believe I'm saying this, but that almost made sense."

Selina & Brooks: "Thank you." They both said.

Senator Willis: "So, I will get the piggyback for you. I will. But listen to me, listen to me. This is it. It's gotta end. This is it. You promise me? Last favor? Okay?"

Randa nodded, as then the Senator was about to walk away, until he called out to him.

Randa: "Senator?" He asked.

The Senator stopped, sighs in exasperation, and turns around to look at him, wondering what he wants now.

Randa: "One last thing. I'm going to need a military escort." He said.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ðà Nång Air Base

The war is over as the U.S. is withdrawing their forces from Vietnam. The soldiers on that base were gathering their things and getting ready to leave.

Announcer: "Attention all soldiers and base personnel. Final troop withdrawal will commence at 0600. Pack your bags ladies. We're going home."

Inside the base, a small group of soldiers were chatting with each other.

Reles: "Hey, Mills?"

Mills: "Yeah?"

Reles: "How many letters did you end up writing her?"

Mills: "Uh, ten, fifteen." He answered.

Slivko: "How many she write you?" He asked next.

Mills: "I don't know, three, four?"

Slivko hissed through his teeth, while Cole, who was simply reading a book, overheard the guys and spoke up.

Cole: "Man, you got a shitty mom."

Reles and Slivko laughed at Cole's response, while he was smirking towards Mills. Mills couldn't help but smile at this.

Mills: "Thank you, Cole for clearing that up. Thank you. I'll be sure to tell her when I see her in the next 48 hours."

Slivko: "Yeah, you might have a shitty mom."

Reles: "Right?"

The soldiers were all laughing together. They were certainly going to miss this when they returned home. Then, Major Jack Chapman called out to everyone.

Jack: "Ten hut! Look alive!"

All the soldiers and base personnel all stood in attention, as two people entered the base behind the Major. As they were entering, the chopper behind them flew up in the sky. The two people were revealed to be Colonel Preston Packard and Lieutenant Colonel Owen Riley.

Packard: "At ease, assholes."

He then smiled, seeing all his soldiers together. He, along with Riley and Chapman, stepped forward towards Mills, Cole, Reles, and Slivko.

Owen: "Hello boys, we both know that you are all happy to be going, and so am I, but at some point down the line, ten, twenty years from now, you'll be surprised, you'll look back and miss these days. The family we made out here. The brotherhood. I know that I, and Colonel Packard, will miss each and every one of you."

Packard: "We served in the most decorated chopper assault unit in aircraft history, and we're still standing. Now, if that's not reason enough to tie one on, I don't know what the hell is. Drink's up, gentlemen!"

He along with the soldiers grabbed their drinks and raised up in the air.

Owen & Packard: "Griffin Co!"

Soldiers: "Griffin Co!"

After the celebration, Lieutenant Riley was in office, sitting down and drinking his beer. He looked around, feeling relieved to be going back home after so long and also, going to miss the place. Now, his last main priority is getting his men back home. Major Chapman then enters his office.

Jack: "Sir?"

Owen: "Chapman."

Jack: "You need anything, sir?"

Owen: "All good, son."

Jack: "Roger that." He said as he was about to leave until Owen asked him a question.

Owen: "So what're you gonna do when you get back to the world, Chapman?"

Jack: "Oh, I'm already set up with eastern air lines. Grace and Billy all moved in in Atlanta, just waiting on me. What about you, sir?" He asked.

Owen: "Well, when I get back home, the first thing that comes to my mind is visiting my family, and...I might probably take up a job at construction that my brother offered me." He answered.

Jack: "That's nice. Any chance you might end up meeting a girl along the way, sir?"

Owen: "Did Slivko make you ask me that?"

Jack: "Along with Mills, Reles, and Cole." He responded.

Owen: [Chuckles] "Well, we'll see. You can tell them that. Why don't you go ahead and get on out here, go have some fun with the boys. I'll catch up, I just gotta meet with Colonel Packard."

Jack nodded as he left the office. Owen then went over to meet with his old friend, who was just sitting down, looking down.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Owen: "Colonel Packard."

Packard: "Lieutenant. Anything you need?"

Owen: "Just checking by, is everything okay?"

Packard was silent for a moment, as he was looking down at a box. Inside were various medals he has earned throughout his career.

Packard: "All of this...for what?"

Owen: "Packard?"

Packard: "Tip-top, Lieutenant. Go ahead and have fun with the others. I'll be all good."

Owen: "Roger that." He said as he stepped out.

Hours passed, as it was now nighttime and began raining. The boys were outside, laughing and leaving the base. Colonel Packard was following behind them, until a soldier called out to him.

Soldier: "Colonel Packard! There's a phone call for you!"

Packard went into the phone booth and picked up the phone.

Packard: "This is Packard."

General Ward: "Packard, it's General Ward. You and your boys up for one last op?" He asked.

Packard: "I would not be opposed to that, sir." He responded.

General Ward: "Your orders to head home are already processed. Sure you don't wanna take some time?" He asked.

Packard: "I'm here to execute whatever orders I'm given, sir."

General Wells: "Ah, don't get too excited. Bunch of scientists called Landsat discovered a new island on their satellite. They need helicopter transport for a survey job. Make sure you pass this along to Lieutenant Riley as well."

Packard: "Roger that. And, sir?"

General Wells: "Yes?"

Packard: "Thank you." He said as he hung up the phone and smiled.

District - Quân Nâm

Selina, along with Randa and Brooks, walk across the street, holding umbrellas to not get themselves wet in the heavy rain.

Brooks: "Selina, I don't get it. Randa already got us a military escort. Why do we need a tracker? And why SAS?"

Selina: "Former SAS. No allegiance to anyone. And he rescued 12 downed pilots in Ða Nang, in '72." She responded.

Brooks: "But your source says that he spends
most of his waking hours in some back alley watering hole."

Randa: "Is your Yale degree supposed to lead us through the jungle, Brooks? Besides, my father told me never to judge a man by where he drinks, only how he holds it. From what Selina has told me about him, he seems to be a man worth talking to. Are you on board with us here?"

Randa pays entry to an establishment, as the trio enter. They walk through, with Brooks feeling nervous as this was not his scenery.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Brooks: "Well. Okay. So... how much do we tell him?"

Selina: "Hopefully, just enough to get him to say yes. When we find him, let me do the talking." She said.

They continued walking, until they stopped to see the man they were looking for. Captain James Conrad, former British SAS Tracker and Selina's brother. He was simply playing pool, and as he reached the cash on the table, another man stopped him and began yelling at him in a different language. James looked at him, unfazed, while another took out a switchblade. He then began to take several guys, with Selina, Brooks, and Randa watching in awe.

Randa: "Now there's a man worth talking to."

Selina stepped forward, as then James spotted his sister. He dropped the pool cue and walked around the table and hugged her. It has been a few years since these two saw each other. Selina was relieved to see her brother again, but she informs him that she brought her colleagues to talk to him about hiring him.

They all sat together as Brooks placed cash on the table.

James: "An uncharted island? Let me list all the ways you're gonna die. Rain, heat, mud, disease carrying flies and mosquitos. Sure, you could load up on the atabrine for the malaria but what about the other bacteria? And we haven't even started on the things that want to eat you alive."

Randa & Selina: "We'll double that."

James: "You have no idea how dangerous this is. I want five times that. Plus, a bonus if we make it back."

Brooks: "If?" [He questioned as James looked at him]. "Pay him." [He said as Selina then glanced at him, sharing that same look as her brother]. "I mean, I-I think your brother, Mr. Conrad, should be fairly compensated."

Randa: "Here's to profit during peacetime." He said as he raised his drink up.

James: "One question. You came here looking for a tracker. Who or what am I tracking?" He asked.

Brooks: "This is all the information that we have. Okay? There is no map. Only satellite images. So we need someone like you, with your skill, your unique expertise in uncharted jungle terrain, to lead us on our ground expedition.

Selina: "James, we're just scholars and scientists. We need someone with experience, in case things go sideways. That's why I thought you would fit the bill, as I trust you." She said.

Randa: "Men go to war in search of something,
Mr. Conrad. If you'd found it, you'd be home by now." He said, leaving James silent for a moment, as he accepted the job.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mason Weaver, an anti-war photographer, was in a darkroom, developing photos she took. Then, her telephone rang, as she quickly rushed to it and picked up the call.

Mason: "Weaver." She answered.

Jerry: "Yeah, it's Jerry."

Mason: "Hey, Jerry. So, tell me, did I get it?" She asked.

Jerry: "That Landsat thing? You got it."

Mason: "I did?" She giggled in excitement as she quickly reached for a pen.

Jerry: "Hello? It's the Athena, docked in Bangkok. Pier 14, 6:00 tomorrow night." He informed her.

Mason: "1800 tomorrow. Thank you, I really owe you one."

Jerry: "I don't get it. Why do you want a gig documenting a mapping mission when you're up for the cover of Time?" He asked her.

Mason: "Jerry, when three sources tell you the same thing word for word, you know they're lying. There's something going on here, something that nobody is talking about." She responded.

To be continued...

Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter for Kong: Skull Island!!

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