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"Coming!" Izuku ran through the halls to the living room of the mansion to see Camie and Bakugou relaxing on the sofa while treating the area like their own personal home. "Sorry. It took a little time to make-"

"Just give me the fucking food!" Bakugou shouted with Izuku handing it to him. As this occurred, Ryuko walked past in her working attire to see Izuku be treated like a servant to be somewhat irritated.

"Who the hell are these two and why is Izuku treating them like they're above him?"

"Katsuki Bakugou and Camie Utsushimi. Two people that have treated Izuku like garbage in the past." Reiko came over with a notable disgust on her face.

"Ok. If they treat him like crap, why are they here and why is nobody kicking them out?"

"Well this kinda started this morning."

Flashback a few hours ago

The sound of the doorbell rang for Reiko to start floating down from the ceiling in hopes to get it. "I got it. You don't have to worry." Izuku reassured the ghost woman for her to smile and continue on with her task. Opening the door, Izuku was met with two people he wished to never see again for as long as he lived.

"Sup, nerd."

"Get off my property right now or I'll call the cops." Izuku bluntly stated to Bakugou and Camie who seemed to hold a not so hostile attitude to them.

"Woah, easy there fam. We just wanted to say sup and see if we could chill here for the weekend. Like you've got a ton of space and stuff where we figured it'd be ight."

"First off, I can barely understand you. Second of all, how stupid do you think I'd be if you even think I would allow you to be on my property without any form of supervision after you tried stealing from me the last time you were here. In all honesty, I'd rather have Itsuka turn into her werewolf form and chase you out like the loyal companion she is would."

"I think this would say otherwise." Camie showed Izuku a video on her phone of the night they were there to show them being attacked by the girls. "Now I don't know a lot about these extra species laws, but I totes know that they can't hurt people. I wonder what they'd do if this little thing would come on the internet."

"So you're blackmailing me. Isn't that illegal?"

"Woah. Blackmailing makes it sound mean. I'm giving you a deal. We take out this video and nobody has to see it if you allow us this weekend at your mansion all expenses paid."

Izuku glared at both with notable anger. "And what reason do I have to believe you might have backups of this in case you want to do this again?"

"C'mon. Do you have that little trust in us?" Izuku glared at Bakugou to show how little he really does.

"One weekend. However, you aren't allowed to boss around the girls. You try, and I will report you two. Also, you're forbidden from going into any of the private areas and are only able to stay in the room I give you for leisure enjoyment. It's my home and I want to make sure the workload on the girls isn't that hindered because of you two."


"Whateves." The two walked in with Reiko coming down with a dagger popping out of the back end of the duster she had.

"Get out, now."

"Let them stay here, Reiko. I'll explain everything later." The ghost woman continued to glare at both before putting the blade back in the duster and floating away and not breaking eye contact till through a wall.

Back to present

Since you were out cold still, you missed the info we were given. As such, leave them to their own accord here, but make sure they don't do anything suspicious if they leave. Izuku will handle what they ask for as he said, so don't give them any attention."

"I had no plans to." Yui walked up to the group to see Izuku still serving Bakugou and Camie to give a notable sigh.

"Sir. We need to leave for the office in the next few minutes." Yui opened the door for Izuku to hear it and look up.

"Got itAHH!"

"Whoops." Bakugou smirked while seeing a cup of coffee he had tossed at Izuku's stomach. "Guess I've got bad grip today. How about another one."

"*sigh* I don't have time to get you another one. I need to go to work."

"Then like, get a maid to do it. That's what maids are for, right? To serve people."

A growl was heard for the group inside to see Itsuka glaring at them with teeth showing. Izuku held his hand out before looking at Yui. "Can you make the coffee while I change? I'll give it to them so you don't have to interact with the two."

"Just let us help. This isn't your problem alone, Izuku."

"I'd rather you not have to deal with them if I can. Please just let me handle this." Yui looked at the two before back at Izuku to nod. Both walked out of the room with Camie rolling her eyes at the scene.

"Gag me with a spoon. I can tell that bitch wants his dick, but won't show it."

"I bet Deku's a limp dick and she hasn't been fucked by a real man, yet." Bakugou started to laugh with a portal coming out from the ground and revealing Nemuri in the center of the room. "The fuck?"

"My question exactly. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll ask my daughter why some egoist and slut are in this mansion." Nemuri walked away to rub both young adults the wrong way. However, there was something Bakugou could still do even if Izuku tried to mess with their chances to live his life.

Later that day

"Oi! Dog bitch!" Bakugou shouted to Itsuka who glared at him with anger. "Get me food."

"Get it yourself, asshole."

"Now that wasn't nice. And here I was thinking we could erase this thing and not put it on the internet." Bakugou held his phone out with the video shown on it to have Itsuka turn and glare at him.


"Oh, good to see you wanna cause violence. It'll make uploading this all the more pleasant." The werewolf woman looked at her options. The two were going against her master's wishes and using the video to push her around. In her mind, she'd rather kill the two and worry about just finding a spot to dump bodies, but Izuku didn't want them to get violent. As such, Itsuka walked down the corridor towards the kitchen to grab things to make sandwiches and grumble while making them.

"Damn fucking assholes of humans. If it was up to me, I'd rip your throats apart and turn you into mulch for Ibara's plants."

"I thought Izuku had us agree to not serve them?" Momo walked in, overhearing Itsuka's grumbles.

"That went away when they started using the video against us. They're abusing Izuku's trust and I feel like crap knowing they can."

"Want me to spike their sandwiches?" Kinoko asked, holding some mushrooms in her hands.

"Just let me handle this. It's not like they can do worse without actually breaking rules." Itsuka brought the sandwiches with her towards the living room for Pony and Setsuna to walk in and see their werewolf companion storm out in a bit of anger.

"What's eating her?"

"The jerks are misusing their power over Izuku. Just let things be and don't give those jerks headway." Momo and Kinoko walked out alongside for the girls to understand things will get worse as the weekend progresses.

Later that evening

Izuku walked into the mansion looking somewhat exhausted as he walked through the door. "Well, we're home." Izuku saw Ibara in a corner crying a bit to walk over and try to comfort her. "Hey. What's the matter?"

"*hic* My tree...They took my tree and I don't know where it is." The dryad woman cried as her skin looked somewhat sickly. "Us dryads are so closely related to our trees that we basically are them. I don't want to think what'll happen if they damage it more than they already did."

Seeing one of the girls in tears, Izuku felt nothing but anger as he stood up. When he did, Tsu ran down the hall to find someone to help. "Tsu! What's wrong?"

"Ochako's fighting with Bakugou! She's trying to get Ibara's tree back and things are looking violent!" Now angered things are getting worse, Izuku storms up the steps towards the living room to look in and see both getting into a heated argument.

"Just give back Ibara's tree! It's very special to her!"

"You think I take orders from a slut. I bet you haven't had a good dick in a long time. Why don't you and I have a little fun? And if you get knocked up, you can always say it's the loser's kid." Bakugou laughed with Ochako seething in anger.

"LIKE I'D WANT ANYTHING FROM A PENCIL SIZED DICK LIKE YOURS-*SMACK*!" A loud slapping sound was heard to see Bakugou enraged with his hand across his body and a notable red mark on Ochako's cheek. Seeing this, Izuku lost it and ran into the room.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" He went right for Bakugou to punch him in the face, knocking him down from the surprise. As he did, Izuku went over and knelt down to grab and keep punching the ash blond in the face. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE IBARA CRY AND HIT OCHAKO!? DO YOU HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR WOMEN AT ALL, ASSHOLE!?"

He would've kept hitting Bakugou if Camie didn't hit Izuku over the head with a vase. "YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU HAVE ROOM TO ARGUE! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A PIECE OF SHIT THAT SHOULD'VE NEVER HAD ANY OF THIS! WE SHOULD HAVE THIS, NOT YOU! WE SHOULD HAVE WOMEN READY TO GROVEL ON THEIR HANDS AND KNEES WITH THEIR LEGS SPREAD, NOT YOU! WHAT MAKES YOU SO FRIGGIN SPECIAL AND NOT US!?" Camie went for another weapon before her hand was grabbed by Shoko. "What, you want some too, headless bitch?"

"Get out of our home, now. This is your only warning."

"Did you forget that we have all the cards here~?" Camie held up her phone with a smirk on Shoko's face.

"Actually, we didn't." Everyone looked up to see Ryuko sitting on a percy in the room before jumping down to them. "You see, nobody trusted you here and even though I never met you, I don't either. As such, I was recording you both all day long. The fact you pushed Izuku around, pushing us around when he left. Stealing Ibara's tree even though her life is connected to it which would be the endangerment of an extra species, assaulting Ochako, and repeated attacks on Izuku which from your little rant can be told is personally motivated. Now unlike you two, we have nothing of value we want. So let's keep this simple. Erase your video and never bring it up again and this little video doesn't get shown to the public. Also, you're never allowed on these grounds ever again or we will upload this. Do we have a deal?"

Bakugou and Camie glared at the group before going into their phones and erasing the video. "Done."

"Excellent. Now where's Ibara's tree?" Camie went behind the TV to show it and how it was notably hot from the corner.

"Bitch tried to talk back when we were looking for something nice in there and made a fit with this tree being taken. Hope she doesn't feel better."

"I'll take that into consideration, NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOME!" Izuku spoke up with some blood coming down his head from where Camie struck him. The two did as asked for the entire mansion to watch them leave out the front door and towards the car they came in. When they drove away, Izuku walked to Ibara and gave her tree back to her. "I think this is yours. Sorry if they messed with it."

Ibara grabbed the tree with happiness before seeing Izuku bleeding. "I'm sorry if you got hurt because of me."

"This isn't on you. By the way, Ochako. Are you ok?"

"Better now that they're gone. My cheek still stings though." She commented, holding her swollen cheek.

"Here." Toru came over with an ice pack for Ochako before leading Izuku to a chair. "We should also check out your head. You got hit pretty badly."

Kyoka came over with a dry erase board before writing down what she had to say. "I have something in my room. Just relax and I'll get it."

"Thank you. I'm also really sorry that you all got caught up in-" Izuku was tapped by Kyoka's board as she wrote again.

"Not your fault. Theirs. Just sit down and let us help."

"Right." Izuku did as the girls asked for them to make sure his head wasn't hurt any worse than it looked. Fortunately for him, it wasn't deep to the point he needed stitches, but the girls were adamant about helping to the point they wouldn't let him go until they were certain he was alright to move. 'Huh. I just realized something. I just stood up to Bakugou. Guess I have something to be happy about from all this.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and the girls handle their life next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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