Date with a Dullihan

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 Izuku stood in the front of the entrance hall with a nice pair of jeans and a button up shirt on. Though he wasn't going to do anything 'fancy', he still wanted to at least look nice so Shoko wouldn't be somewhat ashamed to be beside him. Turning to the stairwell, Izuku noticed Shoko start coming down in a black dress that seemed more like a mourning gown than an outing attire. "I'm terribly sorry if I had kept you waiting, sir."

"Oh no, you didn't keep me waiting. I was actually finished just a moment ago." He laughed a bit with Reiko who was dusting nearby correcting him.

"He was down here for twenty minutes while also making sure his outfit had no stains, wrinkles or that his hair wasn't so ridiculously wild that it looked like he just rolled out of bed."

"Reiko. That's so mean to say that I made a girl wait." Izuku spoke in a sad tone as the Poltergeist woman just shrugged it off and continued cleaning.

"Not like it matters to me if she thinks you're a gentleman. As far as I'm aware, she just wants to make sure you take her head and use it to-"

"Can we not air dirty laundry, please. Today is nice enough without us willingly ruining it." Shoko asked, with Reiko continuing to dust. "So. Do you have anywhere you'd like to see first, young master?" Shoko asked, holding onto Izuku's arm with him blushing a bit.

The two walked out of the mansion and towards a vintage red Dodge Charger that was brought out by Setsuna. "Ok. She's raring to go. Oil got changed recently, if you take sharp turns, you'll probably need to be a little slower especially on damp areas and try to avoid letting the car idle for too long since it could stall out on you."

"Thank you for the help, Setsuna." The zombie woman tossed Shoko the keys for her to catch them with ease. "Would you like to drive, or shall I?"

"Since I'm here to help, I'll drive." Shoko held the keys out for Izuku to drive the vintage vehicle with them going towards the car. Izuku held the door open for the dual hair colored woman before shutting it and going around to get himself prepared. "Ready?"

"Yes. You can proceed when you are ready." Izuku started the car and began pulling away with Setsuna watching from a distance.

"I wonder if Izuku is going to get the chance to see if the carpets match the drapes."

Half hour later

After arriving into town, Izuku and Shoko began walking around and seeing some of the shops. "Wow. I never realized how nice the shopping area here is. I always pass it in the car with Yui and Reiko, but I never get the chance to see what it's like here."

"It is quite the feat. They also have a movie theater nearby as well as an internet cafe if you are interested in those." Shoko points out as they walk into a convenience store. There, they walk towards the cashier who was an older man with grey hair and a mustache with the top of his head's hairline receding from age.

"Well, if it isn't miss Todoroki. What can I do for you today?"

"The usual Mr. Yasashi."

The man known as Yasashi made a call and began speaking to someone. The person on the other line seemed to understand by how the conversation on his side was going with it lasting a matter of seconds before the cashier placed the phone back on it's hook. "The order will be ready in about an hour. Would you care for anything else while you wait?"

Shoko thought for a second before answering. "No thank you. We'll just browse around town while the order is prepared."

"Very well. I hear that the cafe shop nearby that you like is having a nice sale on German Chocolate cake. Perhaps you and your boyfriend would care to share some." Hearing the term 'boyfriend' made Shoko go red before hiding her face in her hands.

"Y-y-you misunderstand, sir. W-w-w-we're not a c-c-c-couple." Izuku tried to explain as Yasashi laughed a bit.

"I'm sorry. I was only teasing." He began wringing them up and keeping the bill to the side waiting for them to come back. "You can pay when you return so you can inspect the order yourself. I'll see you two in a little bit."

"Thank you Mr. Yarashi. I shall see you in an hour." Shoko waved goodbye as they went towards the exit. Once outside, Shoko looked at Izuku who was still a bit flustered after what was said. "W-would you like to spend some time at the cafe he mentioned? My treat."

"S-sure." The two walked towards the cafe where they sat and looked at the menu. From what it was, the cake slices were buy one get a second half off. Shoko decided on a German Chocolate piece while Izuku was going for a Strawberry Shortcake. As they ate, Izuku stared at Shoko who gave a bit of a smile having a piece of the chocolate dessert to smile seeing as well. "You're quite easy to make happy, Shoko."

"I'm sorry. I just enjoy German Chocolate. It reminds me a bit of home."

Now realizing he barely understood anything about the girls as a whole, Izuku decided to take this time to ask Shoko about her past and why she's at the mansion. "So, what was your family life before coming to the mansion?"

Shoko finished what was in her mouth before starting. "Well, I'm actually from Germany to begin with. Also, there isn't much to tell about my life up until now. Growing up, my family which consisted of my mother, father, two older brothers and older sister had lived on the outskirts of a little town. We avoided going into the town and even more with cities. We worked hard and weren't the greatest structure wise, but we cared for one another." Shoko started to smile before grabbing another bit of her cake. "Actually, having German Chocolate reminds me of my mother and sister back home. During special occasions, we'd get supplies from stores and make German Chocolate cake."

"Ah, so the German Chocolate tastes almost like you're reliving your past when you eat it?"

"Oh please, my mother would make a cake that would put this one to shame." Izuku laughed at this before continuing onto what he wanted to know.

"Yeah. The homemade stuff normally tastes better. So why come to Japan and be a maid?"

"Well...It's....hard for Dullihan to find a lover. Most of the time, we have one night stands and my father is a rare occasion. Knowing there won't be many opportunities for me to find and talk normally with other men that won't run in fear or threaten to burn me at the stake, my mother wanted this as well as my father after some 'negotiating'."

"So you joined because your mother wanted this for you?"

"In a way, yes. It was hard leaving my family, but I know I'm doing this for the best and giving myself a life that they couldn't give." Shoko placed her fork down while also pushing her fingers together in a bit of a tense way. "I...I'm also worried I may not be up to the task since Ochako, Itsuka and Yui have all know."

"Shoko. You're an amazing girl. You're cool and collective, you take charge, and you aren't afraid to answer me truthfully. To me, you're more beautiful than most women I come across. Also...that dress looks....v-very pretty on you."

Hearing the words of praise, Shoko immediately held her face in her hands again in embarrassment. "P-please don't call me those things while I'm in this form. I feel ashamed hearing them."

"Ok. I'll give you that, but..." Shoko glanced up to see Izuku move his seat to be next to her and see his face right near her's. He gave a small peck on her nose before smiling. "You're prettier in your real form than this one so you know."

Shoko immediately let out a massive wave of steam at this before covering her face again. "Why are you doing this, sir? You're making me embarrassed."

"Because I think you're really cute."

Still reacting to that word, Shoko kept covering her face in embarrassment. "I'm ashamed I can't pull my head off in these moments. You're making me want to hide my head so you don't see what's happening."

"Alright. I'll stop teasing you." Izuku placed his chair back to where it was for Shoko to calm down enough to stop hiding her face. "But you really are cute. The fact I have someone like you that likes me is amazing enough." Sure enough, Shoko went back to being as red as the left side of her hair to hide her face on the table. 'I didn't expect the things Yui taught me to say to girls would come in handy this much. At least it looks like Shoko enjoys it.'

An hour later

After finishing their snack, the two began talking more about some things that happened in their lives before as well as their family. To Izuku's surprise, he found out that Shoko had a genuine softer side to her that made her stand out even as a 'messenger of death' as her kind was more known for. Upon finishing their trip, Izuku stopped at a local flower shop to buy Shoko a white rose to place in the right side of her hair. Needless to say, this made her blush and turn her face into a tomato fairly easily. The time soon came for them to pick up the order that Yasashi had for them and decided to take a shortcut through an alley as a way to save time. Unfortunately for Izuku, he was discovered by a disgruntled employee that he fired for sexual harrassment.

As they came through the empty alley, the man came out and held a knife out to the two. "Alright. Give me your cash and maybe I'll let you both go free without getting hurt."

"Ok. You don't need to get violent. We'll comply." Izuku was going for his wallet while holding his other hand up before being stopped by Shoko. "What are you doing?" He asked as Shoko seemed to give a distant stare at the man.

"He's bluffing."

"What, you think I won't use this!?"

"No. You're a coward. The second you have Izuku's cash, you'll knock him out, try to knock me out and then try to violate me as a way of getting back at Izuku for some personal vendetta."

The former employee stared at Shoko blankly as she literally hit the nail on the head for what he was planning. 'Just how smart is this chick?' "OH YEAH! WELL IF YOU'RE SO SMART, THEN WHY DON'T YOU FIGHT BACK!?"

"Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you." Opening her dress's cleavage a bit, Shoko pulled out a staff that was taller than her before getting near the end to show a blade as wide as her and as long as her as well. She held the blade at the thug's neck just above his jugular while giving a death stare. "If you truly want to go down this path, then let's see who's blade will cut who first." She gave a death stare for the man to go completely white before falling back and hitting the solid ground. Laying back, the couple saw him soil himself with Shoko smirking. "I thought so."

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CARRYING SOMETHING THAT BIG AROUND!?" Izuku started shouting while seeing the giant scythe in Shoko's arm "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ARRESTED!?"

"Oh please, there was no threat. See." Shoko pushed the blade for it to bend. "It's rubber. Completely harmless. I couldn't even hurt a fly if I tried with this."

Izuku stared at her blankly before asking. "So you carry around a rubber scythe on you in a way I want to question how you even fit that in your dress because...."

"You never know what type of thugs you'll find on the streets. No matter where you go, there will be violence and we just happen to be in an area where robberies at knife and gunpoint are a little higher than normal cause of less police. Of course, I'm not going to be stupid and carry this around like I want to cause danger. I could never get my work done if that was the case."

'And yet you don't have a problem carrying it around with you anyway if it's concealed.' Trying to accept what happened, Izuku calmed his nerves before responding back. "Alright. Well we can put that away now so we don't cause a scene while getting our order."

"Certainly." Shoko placed the rubber weapon back in her dress with the two heading out of the alleyway as if nothing happened.

Half hour later

After obtaining their order, Izuku carried everything to the car and drove back to the mansion with Shoko. While unloading, the two began talking with one another. "Well today was nice. I appreciate you letting me tag along."

"No. I should thank you. These are things myself and another member of the staff would normally do as part of our job. The fact you were willing to help is a great help." The two smiled at this before Shoko had an idea. "You know, I haven't shown you my secret room yet. Perhaps tonight if you are interested, I you."

Izuku smiled before nodding. "I'd love to. But no special potions or anything to get me in bed. That uhh...I don't think I need to go any farther with logic as to why."

"Fair enough." Shoko grabbed the final bit of supplies in the car before kissing Izuku's cheek. "I'll come get you tonight after dinner to show you my room." She walked inside with a deep red blush on Izuku's face.

"*whistle* I didn't expect Shoko to be that bold." Setsuna spoke up from the side for Izuku to panic.

"H-how long were you there?"

"Around the time Shoko offered to get you off in her personal room."

Izuku blushed while correcting her. "I-I'm just seeing her room. I'm not going to bed with her."

"Of course you're not. Say that to Yui, Ochako and Itsuka who have tasted sausage from you." Izuku held his head down, ashamed of being corrected by the zombie woman as she merely laughed at his unease.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku going to Shoko's room. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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