Fight Like Onis

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 Few days passed since Izuku's time with Nejire in the springs with everything going as they should in a sense. Unfortunately for Izuku, his workload was regularly as large as normal with his focus being on getting it all done as quickly and right as possible. "Oh dear god, I feel like this never ends."

"Have some faith, sir. We are almost done for the day" Yui reassured him as they sat in the private study trying to get everything done. As they did, the girls of the mansion glanced in to see their master/fiance struggle with his work.

"I have profound respect for what he's trying to do."

"I'm with you on that one, Reiko. Izuku's working hard." Setsuna smirked, remembering that it was her's and Mina's turn this weekend. 'I'm gonna make him have a 'deadly' time with me this weekend.' She snickered to herself before hearing the doorbell ring. "I'll get it."

Setsuna walked down with Shoko trying to stop her. "Wait. You're in your real form now, it's risky."

"Oh please, I can smell what's on the other side of this door isn't human, so there shouldn't be any problems whatsoever with me answering it." The zombie woman opened the door and smiled while greeting the person behind it. "Hello-" She didn't even finish her greeting before being punched and sent into several pieces by the person responsible.

"SETSUNA!" Everyone ran to her with her head popping up clearly angry.

"I might not be able to die so easily, BUT THAT STILL FUCKING HURTS!"

"Sorry. I figured if you were living with my daughter, you were tough enough to tank my attack." The voice of a woman came with Izuku and Yui overhearing the shouts and crashing to see a woman with red skin and a rather toned physique in the doorframe. "So you're that guy that has my brat of a daughter hopping your groin. You don't look so tough."

"Oh my god, why did she have to come here?" Mina spoke silently to herself before speaking loud enough for the woman to hear. "Hello, mom."

"Wait a sec, mom!?" Izuku spoke up shocked before everyone else shouted alongside him.


"Sure am. The names Ketsueki Ashido. Mina's mom."

"Alright. So why are you here?" Mina asks for her mother to walk up to her and rip off her maid outfit. "C'MON MOM! THIS ONE'S MY FAVORITE!"

"...You don't have a child yet. What is this guy, impotent?" Ketsueki asked before walking over to Izuku and grabbing his crotch.


"Trust me when I say he's not." Nemuri came from the corner of the room holding a drink in her hands while also wearing a black dress that hugged her body's natural curves. "In fact, he could probably get someone pregnant if he went and attempted it."

The red Oni woman thought of this before ripping Izuku's shirt off. "WHY ARE YOU CONSTANTLY STRIPPING PEOPLE!?"

"We've got some definition. Not a lot of bulk. Solid. No scars and skin is as dainty as a baby's. How often do you try to have him impregnate you, Mina?"

"Ok, before we get into anything farther, we need to step back and gather why you're here mam-"

"I don't take orders from one of Death's messengers. Buzz off, corpse." Shoko began holding a tick mark on her head before Izuku tried to be the voice of reason.

"Mrs. Ashido. Perhaps if you explain why you're here, we can-"

"I never married. Oni don't bother with your weak forms of being together with someone and only care for strength. Always have been. Always will be."

Now somewhat on edge with how to progress, Izuku got to the point he was trying to make. "Can you just tell us then why you chose to come here? From Mina's reaction, it seems this was rather unannounced."

"Especially with PUNCHING ME INTO PIECES!" Setsuna shouted while reattaching one of her legs as well as grabbing her left breast that had yet to be reattached.

"Easy. I wanted to see what the man my unhonorable daughter lets between her legs. Seems that along with not being able to fight, you also can't pick a man correctly. I doubt this man even has a decent thing that could impregnate you. How stupid could you be for picking this...thing."

"DID YOU JUST CALL OUR MASTER A 'THING'!?" Itsuka began charging for the Oni with Pony holding her back. "JUST WAIT TILL I GET MY TEETH INTO YOUR NECK, BITCH!"

"Ha! He can't even control his mutt. How pathetic. Mina, you're coming back now so we can have you bear a healthy baby with a stronger member of our clan."

"I'm not going anywhere, mom. I'm staying with my master." Ketsueki began to hold a tick mark over her head before grabbing Mina's hair. "OW! OW! OW!"

"You're coming back home. I put in a good word and I have it where the strongest Oni of our clan is able to spend some time impregnating a sorry excuse for one such as yourself. Do not try and make this harder on yourself since you're coming one way or another."

"Hold on a second, mam. If I could just have a moment to try and reason-"

"GET OUT OF MY WAY, SHRIMP!" Ketsueki punched Izuku in the stomach to level him. "See. You're nothing compared to some of our dominant fighters. Even our kids are able to take a hit to the gut like that with ease."

"Hold it." Nemuri stood in front of the door staring at the mother who glared at her.

"Are you going to get in my way as well, former embodiment of Lust?"

"Though I admit that Izuku may or may not be the greatest candidate to have the child of so many members of different races, he's proven himself stronger in other ways than you believe. Strength counts for more than the brute strength you believe it should amount to." Raising an eyebrow now in irritation, Ketsueki continued to listen. "If you don't believe me, then why not let him show you that strength."

"Fine. In an hour, we'll have a little fight. My daughter against the shrimp. He wins, she stays. He loses, Mina comes with me. We'll also be doing this in the fashion of our tribe settling disputes." The Oni mother lets go of her daughter and walks towards a wall before breaking it open as a makeshift door.

"You know a door's not the worst thing to go through. We have to repair what you break." Momo speaks up with Izuku standing while wheezing from the punch.

"Mina. You ok?"

"Yeah. Sorry you're dragged into all this."

"It's not that bad. But what was up with your mom? She seemed, almost like she had a vendetta against you or something."

"My guess is that it's that old saying that Onis only respects power and nothing else." Nemuri passed an ice pack to Izuku for his stomach as Mina explains.

"Well you see, Onis are...problematic in that way. The way we're raised is we fight, we win and we take what we want. If you're strong, you get a lot in the clan. If you're weak, you're basically a breeding horse for the strong."

"Wait, but I don't get how she said you can't fight. You and I fought before and you're arguably one of the most powerful people I've met as well as the most clever." Itsuka asks not understanding the problem.

"It's because I use sneaky moves instead of going frontal like a normal Oni. To us, you're only strong if you can attack someone head on and beat them. Being that I'm notably half the size of a normal Oni, I learned to move in ways that are...disgraceful in a way. I mean, I never lost anything in my life, but that doesn't mean the clan respected me. Most looked at me and thought I was nothing but a coward since I don't fight people head on. And when your uncle came around, they were more than happy to get rid of me."

"I see. So your mom wants you to come back, why?"

Mina shrugged her shoulders as an answer to Izuku's question. "My guess is she made a deal with the strongest Oni that he'd get a virgin in exchange for impregnating me or something. Either way, I don't want to go back since I like it here. I don't have to fight if I don't want to. I don't have to sleep with an eye open. I also don't have to hunt my food. Why the hell would I want to go back to that?" She let out a sigh before walking away. "Whatever. Knowing my mom, she's going to make a condition to force me to fight like an Oni."

"Ok. So I've gathered why this is happening so far, but what did your mom mean by settling it like how your tribe handles disputes?"

"We fight in a ring and try to push the other back. It's kinda like sumo wrestling in a way. You can't do underhanded moves so easily and the only way to win is to attack your enemy from the front. Knowing her, she'll also have us wear the normal outfits of our people."

"Which is?"

"Loincloths." Everyone looked at Mina in disbelief at this. "I'm serious. She'll put Izuku in a loincloth with me wearing one as well and a band over my chest to keep it from bouncing everywhere. It goes with us putting our 'battle wounds' as we call it on display. The more you have, the more brutal a fighter you're deemed so to speak. Those that go without any are also deemed cowardly but I was never a fan of the whole muscle headed nature my people do, but I'm not one to hate for it." Mina walks away towards her room as Izuku contemplates what is happening.

"Izuku, you know that this is a ploy to get Mina to head back, right?"

"I kinda figured that as her mother was pulling her out by her hair against her will, but what other choice do we have Yui? It's either we play this game and hopefully have a chance to help Mina, or refuse and lose her. You heard what she said, she doesn't want to go back. She doesn't fit in and would rather not live with their customs."

"A lot of good that's going to do." Ibara began thinking before getting an idea. "You know, I remember an herb that works well with increasing your strength. If you use it, maybe you can fight Mina on a level strength field."

"Not the answer I'd want, but I'll take anything to help you girls if I'd have to." Hearing this made the women of the house blush a bit knowing how dedicated Izuku was to them. "Alright. Let's get this herb and help Mina stay here."

Meanwhile with Mina

Placing on her people's normal attire, Mina stared at herself in the mirror rather angry she was wearing what she was again. 'Never thought I'd wear this crap anymore.'

"You know you cannot go easy on him, correct?" Turning around, Mina saw her mother on her bed looking rather uncomfortable. "Why is this bed so soft? It's unpleasant to sit on."

"Not everything has to be hard to sit or lay on. Things can be soft."

"*sigh* Living in the outside world has made you weak. I was hoping that you'd hold some pride as an Oni, but clearly I was wrong. You're a disgrace and the only thing I will take as satisfaction for this is having you give our clan a child that can fight as opposed to you." Ketsueki got up and began walking towards the window. "I will know if you fight seriously and if you do not, you will pay the consequences. You and that pathetic man you call a 'master'." She jumped out the window for Mina to groan in annoyance.

"I just want to be happy. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO FUCKING ASK!?" Accepting this as the inevitable, the pink skinned Oni grabbed the spare loincloth she had and brought it down with her for Izuku to put on. 'At least I can see the master in a fur mankini before I leave. That'll at least give me something to see instead of some disgusting Oni's scarred bulky muscles.' She shivered as she left the room ashamed of where her life was going to result.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Mina and Izuku fighting for her own freedom. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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