Strange Luck

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The day ended for Izuku Midoriya like any other recently. He had walked into his friend's apartment after a day full of job hunting with no success. "I'm home." He walked into the room to see nobody but a small corgi he owned sleeping on the couch. "Hey Monchan. What are you doing?" The small dog smiled at his master for Izuku to relax next to him. Monchan moved to rest on Izuku's lap to allow Izuku to scratch his ear. "Daddy had a bad day today. He couldn't find a job again." For the past month, Izuku has been holding a lot of problems one after the other. The start of the month had him losing his job from being laid off. About a week after, his girlfriend cheated on him with his childhood bully and recently he had been evicted from his former apartment. Though there was some light in his situation as his best friend from college, Hanta Sero had offered him a place to stay on his couch in his studio apartment. Izuku at first attempted to turn down to option but when Sero reminded him that his parents are 1,000 kilometers south of Tokyo he relented and that is where he finds himself now, sitting on the end of the couch that Sero had given him reading the mail he had picked up from the post office.

"Junk mail. Junk mail. Offer for a credit card. Bill. Bill. Porno magaizi- Oh, Sero's got mixed with mine again." He says putting the hentai manga that his friend had ordered aside before going back to his mail. "Catalogue offer, junk mail, car loan denied, bank loan denied....what's this?" Izuku pulled out a letter from a lawyer.

Dear Midoriya Izuku,

We regret to inform you that your uncle Hikoshiki Midoriya has passed away due to an unforeseen health complication.

Izuku looked up for a moment realizing what happened. "Uncle Hiko died?...Wow. That's really something. Then again, he was in his eighties but looked like a hundred." Going back to the will, Izuku continued to read it.

Detailed in the will states that you have been left with his estate owned by him as well as his title as CEO of the company in his name. Official speaking of the will will take place....

"Wait, HE APPOINTED ME THE POSITION AS CEO!? I DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT BEING A HEAD OF A COMPANY!" Monchan woke up hearing this to spook the dog.

"Oi! Zuku! Don't yell so fuckin loud dude. I'm hungover." Sero's voice echoes from the hallway, Izuku looks down the apartment to see Sero laying halfway off his head mere inches away from a vomit pot.

"Sorry, I-I'll tell you more about it when you're not... disposed."

"Thanks man. Just take the decibels down like a hundred levels ok? And give me the bacon sushi that is in the fridge on the second shelf. Heat it up first before rolling it."

"Gotcha." Izuku went to the fridge and did as his hungover friend asked. Grabbing the left over bacon from that morning and the sushi rice and wasabi. He quickly makes Bacon nigiri for his hungover friend, knowing that despite seeming weird the fats in the bacon mixed with the carbs from the rice would help the hangover. As he did, he couldn't help but think of the will he had. 'Being the head of a company. That's crazy.'

A week later

After the reading of his uncle's will, Izuku with the help of Sero, had begun their journey to the estate left to him. "So your dead uncle actually left his estate and seat as a CEO of a company to you?"

"I guess.I'm...To be completely honest, I didn't even know uncle Hiko thought that highly of me to begin with. Then again, he did always seem to be happy to see me when I went to visit him as a child." The two made a turn to see they were completely out of the big city and on a countryside landscape.

"Well you always said you wanted to live a quiet life out of Tokyo."

"Yeah. I've had my fair share of the city to last a lifetime. It was not pleasant for me and was clearly not something I was cut out for."

"Well then again, you were laid off and nobody was hiring. You were just part of the unlucky set of people that hit downward luck. By the way, why was Bakugou there?" Sero questions before taking a sip of a soda they had from a stop for lunch.

"Mom thought it was good moral support. Aunt Mitsuki and Kaachan have been 'family friends' for years."

"But I thought Bakugou tormented you?"

"He did, but his mother's a great friend to my family. Makes me wonder where she went wrong with her son." Izuku held his head down remembering the fact Camie had come with him. It hurt knowing she was with Bakugou, but maybe a bit of time away from everything in his opinion was just what the green haired boy needed.

As they continued to drive down the road, Sero thought it was a worthwhile thing to start a conversation. "So what type of man was your uncle when he was alive?"

"From what I remember of him, he was a nice guy. Seemed a bit extreme at times, but for the most part was a rather down to earth guy. If I had to say the most peculiar thing about him was, I'd have to put the fact he was strangely interested in my love life as a highschooler. I couldn't get to see him as much after I went to college. I feel a little bit of shame knowing I couldn't see him one final time."

"He seemed like a nice dude."

"He was. I'm sorry about rambling like that about my uncle. I'm sure you have more important things to deal with."

"No worries. You helped me out back when my old man died in college the first year. I know it wasn't much to you, but it meant a lot knowing I had a bud on my side. Did you ever find out how he kicked the big one?"

Izuku looked over the information he had from the will reading to find the cause of death. "Sudden aneurysm. Apparently he died before he hit the ground and didn't feel a thing for the most part." Knowing there's worse ways to go, Izuku felt some solace that his uncle didn't suffer in his final moments.

"So what's gonna happen to his remains?"

"My dad's friends with an eccentric tycoon who's willing to fulfill my uncle's lifelong dream of going to space and seeing the world from country to country in a single moment."

"That's right. You said your uncle was an avid traveler."

"He was. He's seen places and things that people always dream to see. He never believed in going through the world without enjoying what's in it. He unfortunately had to stop about five years back because of his own health condition making it hard for him to travel. I feel bad knowing what he did with his life and I can barely even say I accomplished anything."

"Hey, c'mon man. I know you've had a bad string of luck, but you're doing your best. Think of this as uhhh...a reward. A reward for sticking to stuff even when things are hard. You had a bad string of luck for the last month. Think of this as luck coming back to you. My mom always said that good things happen in time to good people. Yours just came to you in the form of an eccentric uncle leaving you his company chair and estate." Izuku was still somewhat against this before Sero tried to reassure him. "What's the worst that can happen man? The estate is a bunk and the company is going bankrupt?" He laughed a bit for the joke to obviously not be well placed.'For his sake I really hope this place isn't a dump.'

The two continued down the road before coming near a small road. "We gotta turn here." Sero did as Izuku said for them to begin driving near a massive estate that was still very well kept up with.

"Woah. That's one hell of an estate. Just how big is this place anyway?"

Izuku looked at the deed to see the amount of property owned. "Three hundred acres"

"HOLY SHIT MAN!" The two got to the gate with there being a padlock on it. "I don't suppose the will reading gave you a key, did they?"

"Nope." Izuku started to fumble around what he obtained to see no key in sight. "I guess there's no reason why we shouldn't call out. *ahem* Hello!? Excuse me, but my name is Izuku Midoriya! I was given this home by my late uncle and I was hoping to come insi-" The lock immediately came undone and the gate opened up almost as if it was magic. Izuku immediately looked to Sero who was just as spooked as him. "Ok. I'm going to pretend that didn't happen right now. We had something bad to eat at the last rest stop that's making us hallucinate a bit. We didn't just see a locked gate open in front of us." He got in trying to convince himself nothing was wrong as he and Sero went into the mansion.

The ride up the long driveway was filled with silence as they tried to grasp what happened. Pulling up to the front door, Sero parked and shut the car off while Izuku let Monchan out of his carrier to walk with them. Feeling curious, Sero started to venture around the walkway of the estate and see the back. "Yo Midoriya. Check it out."

Izuku and Monchan walked towards the dark haired man to see the back. In Izuku's memory of the home, he remembered beautiful cherry blossom trees with his uncle's home being deemed a sanctuary for them in the country. Now what stands were the same trees, but an abnormal swamp, a stone entrance to something underground and for some reason a mausoleum. "Ok, so things are a little different from when I was here as a teenager. Not the worst thing."

"Hello. Can I help you two gentlemen?" Izuku and Sero turned to see a woman standing between them who appeared as if out of nowhere to spook them.

"AH!" They both jumped back from the startlement before taking a closer look at her. The woman seemed to look around their age, have a ceramic look to her as if she was a glass doll, but the more notable thing was the french maid outfit she wore exposing some cleavage and having a seam going up her thigh almost to the point you could see her panties as well as her left side holding red hair and a blue eye while her right had a dark eye and pure white hair.

"S-sorry about the shock. M-my name is Izuku Midoriya. I was told of my uncle's passing and that he left me this place."

The woman stared at Izuku calmly before holding out her hand. "May I see the will, the deed and proof you are who you say?" Izuku did as he was asked to show his license, the copy of the will he had and the deed proving he was telling the truth. The woman gave back everything before turning. "If you would kindly follow me, I will show you inside and ask for the other maids to take your things. I would like to be the first to welcome you to your new home, Izuku Midoriya. My name is Shoko Todoroki and I am the head maid at Hikoshi Manor. The name shall be changed soon to your name."

Sero followed them trying to find out a little more about Shoko. "So how old are you, lady? From what you look, you can't be much older than us."

"I'm 24." This surprised both men as she was only a year younger than them.

"So where did you go for school?"


"Can you give a little better of an answer?"

"Germany." Shoko had given little information to Sero for Izuku to ask a bit more.

"What made you come here and work for my uncle?"

"I had been given an offer by him when he was visiting the German town where I lived at the time. He had offered me a job due to the fact he was suffering from underlying conditions. At the time, things were becoming rather difficult for my family, so I had run the idea through them for it to be accepted by them. I have worked here for a total of five years now."

"Wait, so you never went to college?"

Shoko stared at Sero with a rather cold look. "No."

"I'm sorry that you had to work for my uncle and not keep up with academics."

"Do not get me wrong, Izuku Midoriya. I had done what I could to obtain a college degree online. I am in no way restrained by this job and my academic knowledge." The group came to the front door for Shoko to pull out a key. "I hope you are prepared to meet your staff, young master. For we have been waiting for you for quite some time." The door opened for Izuku and Sero to see a line of women having a similar looking age and outfits as Shoko's standing calmly in front of them.

The group noticed Izuku for them to look at him and bow. "Hello master. We hope your journey was pleasant."

'....Just what did my uncle do to get this many women in a single home?' Izuku thought seeing every woman smile comfortably to him to make the green haired boy blush.

"Dude. Just what did you do to get this heaven?" Izuku turned to Sero who grabbed his shoulders in agitation. "YOU HAVE A FREAKING HAREM HERE LEFT TO YOU BY YOUR UNCLE! JUST WHAT TYPE OF GOD GAVE YOU THIS AND HOW CAN I GET IT TOO!?"

A woman with orange hair in a ponytail and green eyes came over to grip Sero's wrist and nearly break it. "I would advise not harming our master if you can. You are here as his guest, but we will not tolerate rudeness from even those welcomed by the young master." She let go for Sero to fall to his knees in pain. The orange haired woman turned to Izuku and bowed. "We will handle unpacking, young master. Do not stress yourself over it." Izuku turned to see every woman carrying a bag except for a woman that looked like a blond american who carried several of his larger and heavier things that took both Izuku and Sero to pick up with a single arm.

"Well Monchan. It looks like we're no longer scraping by....I hope." The small corgi barked with the car being unpacked in less than a minute.

"Well, I gotta go and make the trip back. I have work tomorrow."

"No worries. Thanks for making the trip up here with me."

"Don't worry about it. I'll talk to you again in a few days so you can spend the time getting fully settled." The mansion doors closed shortly after Sero left with Izuku turning to the maids.

'This is gonna be an escapade for me.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when Izuku spends his first night at the mansion. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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