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In the Rocky Mountains, team wild were resting at the a river. Gear was meditating and dingo was working on his bike. Spike and teebone. They were having a battle. Teryx slid across the floor, facing drago. Drago roar catching everyone attention.

Teebone: you sure you want to do this spike, drago been known to go overboard 

Spike: you forget yo, I was in the spin go tournament, I know how to fight

Dingo: you were in the tournament for one round

Spike: whatever yo, teryx wildfire

Teebone: drago, dragon breath  

Both Monsunos unleashed their fire breath.  The attacks collide, scorching the ground. Once the smoke clear. Teryx was gone. Drago looked around.

Teebone: drago look up

Drago does so and sees Teryx dying.

Spike: Teryx, flare strike

Teryx fires the barrage of meteors. They hit the ground. Drago blocks them all with his tail. 

Spike: Teryx, soaring tempest

Teryx flies at drago like a drill. Getting close drago backs up.

Teebone: drago, demolition wave

He send the wave attack at Teryx, both collide creating an explosion. Through the smoke cloud, Teryx fell to earth. He gets up an was drain.

Spike: man, drago is wicked tough.

Teebone: yeah, drago hasn't even showed his full potential[thoughts] but that lock, he's special too, almost like these two were meant to meet. Alright who else wants to fight

Gear: Im done meditating, I would like to spar

Dingo: sure why not, I'll get to sure these newbies how the pros fight

Drago and Teryx back up. Gear went to spike. And  dingo sided with teebone. They brought out their cores.

Gear: Horridian 

Dingo: undertow

Both: launch

They spun their cores. They made contact and the energy shot into the sky. Both Monsunos emerged, roaring into the air and ready to fight.

Gear: tribal crusher.

Once on the ground he fires the attack.  Drago used atomic tail an block the attacks. Drago and undertow looked at each other an smirked.  Undertow tunnels underground. Teryx flies up as undertow burst out. Undertow unleashed his sonic blast at Horridian. He dodged the attack an divides into three. Each start to swarm and attack drago.  Drago counter then all. Teryx unleashed another soaring tempest. While undertow transformed into his werewolf from and caught the attack. He then throws Teryx into Horridains.  Undertow rushed and slash all of them. Freezing them. Drago fired howling blast, decimating all. The two returned to their cores.

Spike: man, that was intense 

Gear: those two Monsuno have a history

Teebone: you have no idea. Retu-

Dingo: hey bud, let them catch up, we got to talk

Teebone nods as they both walk to the jet. Drago and the revered undertow walk to the woods.  They look at each and nods, in a meadow both of them rested. Inside the jet.  Teebone and bringing begin talking.

Teebone: so, how's life on the road

Dingo: been better, I see how you been busy, glad to see you again.

Teebone: yeah, it's been awhile. We all felt like we needed a break and went separate ways

Dingo: and how's Zap

Teebone looks away

Dingo: that bad

Teebone: I don't even know how he's doing, but he can take care of himself.  the main problem is that I can't fine june

Dingo: I know, and June is always the reckless one. And greedy, and stubborn. And your girl

Teebone: sees not my girlfriend

Dingo: right, but anyway, where could she be, you're not the only one who's been looking for her. I heard story of here an here Monsuno. It would take a scientist to know the hunter's beast is a Monsuno. But I couldn't find her.

Teebone: tell me about it, I hope she's alright 

Dingo: if she's the same girl who beat all of us in an arm match, then yeah, she's doing fine.

They both laugh. Location change brought to you by team. 

High above the same mountains. A group of thugs were basing a rock wall. These thugs had unique tatoos,  bones in a serpent shaped with a skull. These skull grunt were searching for something.

Skull: how much longer till we find these Monsuno bones. 

???: soon enough

Skull: you better pull your weight when the time comes.

???: I will, an do not order me around, you work for my father remember 

Skull: no, I work for my boss, who's an equal benefactor to Dr. Eklispe.

???: be that as it my, we are still looking for the same goal

Skull: ..... alright, get back to work

???: are you sure this Monsuno will do the job. It doesn't look like the clones my father gave your boss

Skull: oh it will, because my boss, has the real one, under wraps. Get it moving

One of the grunt held its core. The Monsuno roars, Back at the team hang out. They were all relaxing when suddenly the ground shakes.

Spike: woah, woah, woah, is this an earth quake

Gear: my scans so no tectonic plate movement 

It soon stops. Then teebone and dingo went to the other.

Dingo: what was that 

Teebone: we're about to find out.

Suddenly the trees shook, something was coming, the readied themselves and suddenly the a wave of Monsuno power came at them. Before they could do anything, drago and undertow jump over them, ranking the wave.  

Spike: what was that

Gear: definitely not an earthquake 

Dingo: teebone, do you think

Drago looks at his controller. He too knows the unique energy.

Teebone: I know what you mean guys, let's go, return

Drago returns as did undertow.

Teebone: divebomb, launch. 

He spun the core at the ship landing gear. Releasing divebomb. Who hears more banging. They all board him a fly to the seen. Through the air, divebomb can head the sounds of impact. He follows it to an excavation site. But of what. He lands down faraway.

Teebone: thanks for the help bud, stay behind 

Divebomb nods as they walk to the site. Once close they can see everything.

Spike: so what's making that booming sound

Gear: I believe that

Near the wall. They see a swing wrecking ball. It look unique.

Dingo: so now who's operating it 

Teebone: I give you a guess, he's a clone, and looks exactly like

Dingo: Eklispe 

Teebone points to the area. There was none other than six. 

Teebone: six, Eklispe clone/son

Spike: looks like junior helping his old man get back in business 

Gear: yeah an who are these goons with the weird tattoos, are those bones

Teebone: they'll probably looking for dino bones 

Dingo: speak of the fossil 

The look to see the rock wall busty down, at what happens next shocks them, the wrecking isn't a wrecking ball, it opens up and reveals to be a monsuno. I tremble much of a badger, with the bulk and horns of a bull. And claws, armor and tail of a pangolin. But colors of an Eklispe Monsuno. It was a true juggernaut. And teebone and dingo knew this.

Spike: woah, that thing is a bruiser

dingo: it can't be

Teebone: it's crasher

Gear: crasher, who's that

Dingo: it's junes Monsuno, but a bio clone

Teebone: Jeredy worked on a core that can replicate a Monsuno, looks like he got it to work

Dingo: was stolen by Eklispe. And if they have crasher, they must have 

Teebone: June. An I say we go down there an ask then how. Divebomb. 

As the skull goons were retrieving the dino dna. They hear a screech. And landing in the center was divebomb. Team wild jumped down. Cores ready.

Skull: what the

Teebone: boy, let's get this going, drago

Dingo: undertow

Gear: Horridain

Spike: Teryx

All: launch.

They launch their Monsuno. Some skull grunts do the same. They cores collide and the Monsuno battle. Divebomb joins the battle. Teryx unleashed soaring tempest on his opponent. Sending it firing into equipment. Horridian, divided and unleashed multiple slashes. Undertow goes under, and rocks everything. Drago brushes serveral off him. But then he notice the Monsuno clone. That Monsuno infuriated drago.  He charges at the Monsuno. Unleash demolition wave. It hit and instantly the Monsuno return to the skull grunt. But then drago stomped the ground making the grunt drop the core. Drago roars making him run.

Teebone: I know bud, I know.

The wild Monsuno were living up to their name. Decimating all the stormed clones. 

Skull: yo boy, time to do what you're brought here to do. 

Six: alright, Serno, launch

He launches the fire at Horridian. It unleashed the dino Monsuno, serno. It tackles Horridain in the wall. Taking the Monsuno out. He then ignites into flames and goes for Teryx. He flies out the way as undertow grabbed serno. Then tossed him into Teryx, who smacks him down. It doesn't stop him as he fires multiple blast. Drago was too busy dealing with the rest of the clones.

Six: archaic lock, launch

He launches the core. It hits drago foot. It unleashed energy, energy drago sensed before, catching his attention. Before him was the dark linchpin, Archaic lock.

Skull: be ready to move 

Six: go my friend attack.

Six eye turn red.( it does that time to time). Archaic lock punches drago across the room. He unleashes a blast of fire at drago. Drago counters with an atomic tail. But the dino caught the attack and threw him across the area. Drago rolls but get up. He unleashes demolition wave. It changes at archaic lock, taking out servals Monsuno in it s path. Archaic lock creates a magma sheild. Drago charges at the dino, as it did the same. They but heads and exchange blows. 

Teebone: drago time to end this, final strike zone

Forming a cloak of energy drago charges at archaic lock. Archaic lock ignites into a cloak of flames. He charges. They collide and form a swarm of energy. Causing a huge explosion almost sending everything flying. Once it settles, both Monsunos faced each other. Both were still standing as archaic lock roars. Then smoke filled the area.

Six: my friends, return

They answer his cal and return. They had got in a chopper with the dna and left the area. Drago slammed the ground blowing the dust away. When they see them gone, drago roared.

Spike: woah, what's grabbing him

Dingo: like undertow, crasher was a close friend to drago, they all trained together 

Teebone: a now out friends are prisoners someone while his essence is being used for these mining operations. But we're gonna get them back.

He spots the core and picks it up.

Teebone: a this, this is our clue.

They head back to the jet.

Boom that's it for the chapter, you have met the final member Monsuno, or a piece of him. Now it's time to bring them home. Next chapter, The search leads them to unexpected prizes in, Casino.

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