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In the night sky, flying above the could was the cloud carrier. The most heavily armored h.q. of storm. Completely impenetrable, until now. A figure on a hang glider was in the air gliding to the cloud carrier, he was following a signal,  he sees the carrier insight, and glides onto the steel floor. He sneaks behind one of the storm hopper. He waits for security to pass before sneaking into the facility. Not seeing another hang glider land. The person ran down the halls. His signal was getting stronger. He follows the signal and it lead him to vault door. He place a device on the door, by doing so it hacks the door and inside he sees it four red and orange cores. He smiles and grabs them, but then alarms sound as he turns around seeing the figure from the second glider. The fact is, they knew each other.

???: what are you doing here

???2: making sure you don't do anything foolish,  zap

Zap: you won't stop me 

He tackles him through the door, then he ran away from the person.

???: get back here zap

He chases zap down several halls.  He got close and trips zap. Zap tucks and rolls. He turns and face the person. 

Zap: leave me alone dude, this has nothing to do with you, Teebone.

Teebone took off his mask revealing his face.

Teebone:  but why, you don't owe her anything, she has done nothing for

Zap: I have to, you can't understand 

Teebone:  I'm sorry, but I got to stop you, they're to dangerous

Zap: oh really, you didn't think I didn't plan ahead

He throws a smoke bomb, teebone coughs from the smoke.

Teebone: you always good, to good

As he moves through smoke and goes after zap. As alarms blare everyone started waking up. Including chase suno. 

Chase: what the krag happening.

He gets up and runs to the door. Then he sees jinja run past him, he follows her.

Chase: jinja, what's going on

jinja: chase, glad your up, someone is stupid enough to sneak onto the cloud carrier.

Chase: man, they better be packing some serious power if they're raiding us. And for waking me up

Jinja: Bren is up and is waking up the others.

They see screens on the walls turn on and it was commander Jon ace.

Jon: team core tech, we have found the source of the signal. He in the test room

(the same room where chase dad test lock power)

Chase: got it Jon[he hangs up] alright let's go

He said as they continue running. Teebone found him self in a testing room. 

Teebone: geez, I got can't even find a bathroom on this place without a map. But I feel Monsuno, presence, a strong one[thoughts] and it's right behind me

He turns around an see a group of five. But he instantly recognized two.

Teebone: well, it's good to see you sunami, you to jinya.

Chase: wait that nickname

Jinja: it couldn't be

Dax: oh princess, you and suno know about this bandito 

Bren: wait is that him

Beyal: him, my friends, who is this person

Chase: his name, is T-bone,  and he was an old friend, until an accident happened, an he disappeared. 

Jinja: for a long time

Bren: 8 years to be exact 

Beyal: and what has he been doing all this time

Teebone: none of your business 

Dax: hm, I liked this guy

Chase: enough chat, why are you here teebone

Jinja: yeah we found a signal you brought here

Teebone: what signal

He realized something and looked down, seeing the device Zap happened. 

Teebone:[thoughts] very clever [out of thoughts] well I would love to stay and chat but I got to take care of a few things.[he starts to walk to off]

Chase: your not leaving teebone, we've got answers 

Teebone: [looks at him] you really want to take me, sunami, this isn't gonna be like some basketball game.

Chase: oh we know, guys

Bren and jinja nod

Dax: sure, I want to see what this guys made of

Beyal: yes, let's us see what he is made of

They all brought out, their cores.

Core-Tech: Team Core-Tech, Launch

They launch the cores, they spin into the center testing platform. They spun out and released a massive blue energy and light. Teebone shielded his eyes. From the energy five armor creatures appeared. These were Monsuno, not just that, hyper evolved Monsuno. They were Charger, Airswitch, Neo Quickforce, Glowblade, and the one and only, Lock.

Chase: this is my dad finished work, The Monsuno

Bren: yeah, and they haven't met any Monsuno they could beat.

Teebone: hm, yeah, they look pretty fierce, but they haven't seen everything, an with Monsuno essence 

He grabs from behind his back waist and pulls out... a purple and gold core.

Teebone: Drago, Launch

He launches the core, it spun towards the Monsuno, it soon hit locks claw, he looks down just as the core released massive purple energy. Lock froze for a minute as he saw red eyes coming from the energy. Small gold back spikes rose out. Then a sharp reptile claws came out and then to mass golden crystal blades. Then a tail with golden tip. The Monsuno swung his tail and sent lock through the ceiling. As the dust settles they got a look of the Monsuno, it was Komodo dragon, golden spikes and horns , blades on his arms, Hind back legs. And glowing gold chest( like odon, and lock). 

Chase: holy krag, lock!

Jinja: he sent them all back

Dax: you gotta be bleezin kidding me

Bren: anyone else not gonna talk about his purple core

Beyal: and a new Monsuno 

Teebone: I see your surprised, this is the first Monsuno I made and bonded with, the most powerful Monsuno ever made, Drag

Drago roars and tail smacks the ground. Shaking the floor.

Teebone: so team Core tech, so me what you got

Dax: okay bandito you wanna go, let's go, airswitch, show him how we low. Fourarm energy swords

Airswitch flew up, his claws become energy blades.  He slashes drago multiple times in the face, but really drago was unfazed

Teebone: not bad, drago, atomix tail!

Drago tail glows becoming a spike mace. He swings it into hyper airswitch face. Sending him into neo quickforce. Neo Quickforce and Airswitch got up, but the energy was drained

Bren: took him out with one punch

Jinja: charger tow trap

Charger spikes on his horn glow and become glowing tendrils. They wrap around drago and pulls him closer. Close enough his horns move and crushed him. Then Charger released an electrical shock onto drago 

Teebone: drago, toss him

Drago moves the horns and lifts Charger throwing him into glowblade. They lose energy. 

Jinja: Charger no

Beyal: glowblade. This Monsuno is no ordinary one, I sense great power in dago

Chase: it doesn't matter we've taken on tougher opponents

All: yeah

The Monsuno then got up. And charges at the drago. 

Teebone: drago, Demolition Wave!!!

Drago roars and pulled back his arm, then the crystal blade grew in tremendous size he swings the blade, striking all the Monsuno, being carried by its slash wave into the hole made by lock. With his blade retuning to normal he looks at teebone. He jumps onto his head.

Teebone: let's go, we're done here

They jump and start climbing through the hole. 

Chase: come on, we're hitching a ride

Bren: wait chase, oh krag 

They chase and jump, grabbing onto the tail. Jumping onto top layer of the cloud carrier, Drago spots the Monsuno he tossed, breathing heavily. He growls as teebone jumps down, looks over seeing his glider destroyed.  

Teebone: just great

He looks over an saw team core tech on drago tail. He snapped his finger and drago nods swinging his tail, sending core tech sliding into their Monsuno. Chase got up and saw lock, unconscious.

Chase: lock[runs to him]

Jinja: chase wait

But drago growls and charges at them. Somewhere inside the cloud carrier, zap, searches his where down to the prison containment section. He walks down the halls. He checked each one until he finds the three cells. He gently knocks on the door.

Zap: hello, is there a doctor in the house 

He smirks as he heard footsteps, taking a step back he see the person he was looking for.

Eklispe: that's Dr. Eklispe, and who might you be

Zap: well my friends, nevermind, I'm called zap

From the cell next to him, his clone- I mean son, no wait clone, shows himself.

Six: what do you want with my father

Zap:  I'm here to free the both of you, and join ranks

Eklispe: an what do I may ask do you have to offer 

Zap:[shows the key] well this [then shows their cores] and I thought you might want a welcome back present 

Eklispe:[smiles] you got a deal, now free us

Zap: on one condition, she comes with us

He's talking about the cell next to his, the former leader of storm, Charlemagne, as she walks out.

Eklispe: lucky for you we were planing to work together, deal.

He smiles and unlocks their cells. They walk out as zap looked at Charlemagne before hand Eklispe and six cores

Eklispe: our revenge will be soon at hand, acro, launch.

He released his dino Monsuno back with core tech they weren't doing so good against drago. Chase ran to lock, currently under several hoppers, knocked out.

Teebone: drago, take them out, Dragon Breath

Drago charge up energy into his mouth, before firing a wide range of energy. Taking out the Monsuno. Neo Quickforce and glowblade returned to their cores.

Bren: unbelievable 

Beyal: but yet, he did,[drago loomed over them, all shadow with red eyes] he's on a completely on a different level then what we've face 

Chase:[sees all of this, turns to lock] lock you gotta get up, your probably the only one who can take this guy, he's just a pushover, after everything we been through, lock, Lock

Their bond been tested again as Lock eyes shot open. He rose as he saw the fire and drago. He growls and charged. 

Teebone: take them out drago, another dragons breath

Drago charged the attack, but through the smoke ,in slow motion, lock jumped in the air readying a punch. Drago eyes glares at lock, back in real time, lock punches drago in the face and this sent him into the ground. That punch drained a bit of drago power

Teebone:[whistles] so the stories true, lock is the strongest. We got a fight in our hands drago.

Drago then shot up and growl in agreement, just as chase ran over.

Chase: time to end this teebone

Teebone: bring it on sunami

Both: go

As they yell both Monsuno roar and tackle each other, giving each other back to back hits.  Firing energy blast? They sometimes do this but the special ones have names) dragon unleashed his atomic tail,  lock counters with his Grappling Blast. The attacks collided sending both of them back. Then both released dragons breath and jaw of light. Those attacks nullified each other but they the force blew the flames out.

Chase: lock finish this Slam Ram

Teebone: drago, take them out, Final Strike Zone

Both Monsuno cloaked in energy, they attack and charged at each other. When they collided, they let loose a massive amount of energy. They had to shield their eyes. When the smokes they see drago and lock look at each other. Then lock change out of his hyper mode and fell down.

Chase: lock

Teebone: well that's it, divebomb, launch

He launches another purple core. It's hits dragon and purple energy released. A four winged bat bat with hawk legs and lizard tails. His wings were gold as the parts of his legs. It looks at airswitch and growls before lifting up teebone.

Teebone: we'll meet again sunami drago return 

Drago snorts fire before returning to his core.  The bat release a fog before flying off. He let out a screech taking out the lights. 

Bren: that screech took out of the electrical systems

Dax: good thing the cloud carrier is one tough shell 

Beyal: yes but now we can't track him

Jinja: so much for our vacation, chase

Chase: [looks at her then lock]  yeah, this isn't over, we'll meet again, teebone, you can count on it.

Lock gets up and roars. A few hours later at another location, divebomb landed in a forest. Teebone returns him. 

Teebone: that team core-tech is no joke, but they still have a lot to learn, but their leader, chass, and lock. I think it's time to stop being the lone wolf, and a leader of my own.

He walks through the trees.

Boom that's it for the chapter. Now you have witnessed teebone main Monsuno, Drago, and be warned he puts the power in powerhouse. And you'll see more of divebomb and a whole lot of other Monsuno later on. Next chapter, The friend of my Friend is an Ally in, Bros.

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