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- Wild Jet

The scene transits to the wild jet, parked deep within a mountain cave. Teebone was inside, reading the reports of his teammates: Gear rescued Spike from getting arrested by Storm. Dingo was still flying solo but reported he'll meet up with the others soon enough. Teebone sighs, fiddling his cores within his palm.

Teebone: it's kinda boring without the others here. Isn't that right boys

Teebone takes to his cores, as they glow. He smiles as he thinks about something else.

Teebone: I wonder how tsunami is doing, since the last time we faced it. Heh, I bet he still hasn't fixed his bond with that Monsuno, Lock. Though thought I can't blame him, he doesn't have the same bond we have Drago

Drago's core glows as Teebone laughed.

Location change brought to you by Team Wild logo

-Storm Cloudcarrier

The scene transit to the cloudcarrier. We see Chase Suno walking down the hall. To others, he looked like he was having a regular day, but it was the opposite. Ever since the casino incident, he couldn't once bring lock out, when it was battle or training, lock would not respond.

Chase: geez Lock, I thought we were past this broken bond Mombo Jumbo. I wonder if Dad finished the results.

With that in mind, Chase heads to his father's lab. Time passes as we see him enter the room, his father was busy analyzing important data. The data was focused on the Wild Monsuno, it's was still missing several days but still enough to brand these Monsunos as dangerous threats. Especially one monsuno, Drago, teebone most dangerous Monsuno. As Jeredy Suno worked, he spots his son out of the corner of his eye.

Jeredy: hey son, how long have you been there

Chase: not long, so how's the research going on Teebone Monsuno renegades

Jeredy: don't think I didn't spot that joke, son. But anyway they're still not enough information on them, what they're made of and what gives them their features. For all we know the Monsuno are monsters in disguise, having some hidden power. Take for instance Dingo Monsuno, a shake and wolf hybrid with the ability to become a werewolf. and then Gears, a Cerberus beast that can split into three individual entities with increased speed. And making the jump from dino, Teryx has shown increased aerial ability and defense. And we don't know the full power of Drago

Chase: well either way, once lock stretches his claws, he'll wipe the floor with them.

Jeredy: Chase

Chase: I know Dad, I know. Teebone made it clear that Drago is pretty powerful, and that l still have a lot to learn. But it's not like I've been down this road, neither has lock. We just got to get stronger.

Jeredy: that's the son I know. And I think it's time we need address it. Follow me

Chase follows his dad out of the lab.

Chase: so, where we are going dad

Jeredy: better you find out on the way

Chase: well okay

They walk down the hall when they pass Bren. When they do Bren feels a vision. It was blurred with many images flooding his mind. But two stand out, Lock and Drago, fighting with all their might. The visions stopped and beyal breathes heavily.

Beyal: that is, most concerning. I must tell Chase and Mr. Suno.

Beyal tries to call them but they are all gone.

Beyal: perhaps I should've reacted sooner.

He sighs and walked away.

Location change brought to you by team core tech 

In the lustful forest. We hear the sounds of a motorcycle driving through the forest. It leads all way to a hill. Arriving at the said hill was Dingo. Then Dingo brings forth a device that allows him to contact Teebone.

Teebone: hello dingo, good to finally hear you

Dingo: yeah yeah, I get it, you gotta understand buddy, I gotta keep up the lone wolf persona

Teebone: well why don't you love wolf your way on to the rendezvous point? Spike and gear are waiting for you.

Dingo: ah yeah, I forgot about the rendezvous. I was on my way when my tracker pick up a large stash

Teebone: very good but be careful, your coordinates have you deep within the jungle. The jungle is known to have smuggler runs, it probably supplies some of Eklispe's operations so be on your guard.

Dingo: don't worry boss man. I am well aware of what routes are filled with smugglers. I'll be able to avoid all of them. And if I don't, I'll have some backup to deal with them.

He pats his Monsuno cores. Teebone eye rolls as he chuckles.

Teebone: very well, but be careful

Teebone then hangs up. Dingo smirks and starts his motorcycle, it starts as he drives off. Our scene transit to the sky where we see a storm hopper fly. Inside were Jeredy and Chase, Jeredy was flying to a specific location.

Chase: so dad I don't mind going on these flights with you but where are we going

Jeredy: within this forest lies information that might help you and lock get your bond restored.

Chase: sweet, Dad's pulling out all the aces

Jeredy: [chuckles] The temple was on one of the places I have been to when I was laying low. The tribe that lived there also knew about the Monsuno. Description written in the walls holding Monsuno secrets, some holding images of ancient Monsuno

Chase: woah ancient Monsuno, for real

Jeredy: for real chase.

Chase: alright let's go

The chopper flies faster to the temple. But at the temple, all is not what it seems


Within the Temple walls, we can see various items, podiums, and old banners, and above the walls holding the very hieroglyphics of the Monsunos. But slowly the wall begins to crack. The wall breaks up with a Skull grunt. The room was filled with them as they tear their way through to find something. Completely decimating this sacred place.

Skull Grunt 1: ugh, how much longer do we need to keep searching

Skull Grunt 2: as long as it takes, the boss "son" said there's a load of dino DNA within this temple. So when we find it, we'll get paid

The skull grunts continue to work. We move to a throne, where a figure sat. Half of his body was covered in the darkness, we see he has tan skin as well as a red glowing eye.

???: Father will be pleased by the success

Skull grunt 3: sir

A skull grunt arrives at the figure's feet.

Skull grunt 3: our scouts have reported that a storm hopper is reported near the area, and growing closer to us. It has the paint job of those brats, team core tech.

???: hm, then let us give them a warm welcome

Location change brought to you by team wild.

The scene transit through the forest. A motorcycle engine roars and dingo flies through the air on his bike. He lands and dives across the forest in search of the fragments. As he listened to his music he notice a shadow fly over him.

Dingo: Huh?

Dingo stops and looks up, the blue hopper flew over Dingo as it heads to a destination.

Dingo: hm, core tech here too, how many times are we gonna keep running into each other? Oh well, that won't stop me from getting the fragments.

Dingo drives off in the same direction as the chopper. The scene transits to the entrance of the temple, where the chopper lands and chase, and his dad walk out. 

Chase: alright let's do this

Jeredy: careful son

Chase: relax Dad what could go wrong

Chase and Jeredy walk into the temple, as soon as they end the skull grunts come out of hiding and blocked the entrance.

Skull grunt: [com] They're inside sir

???: Good

Chase and Jeredy walk down the hall. They see the shocking damage.

Jeredy: what has happened

Chase: well Dad you did say it was an old temple

Jeredy: that may be but look [points to footprints] these are entirely needed someone was searching for something

Chase: oh crag, broken things, fresh footprints, all this is adding up to a-

???: a trap, yes you are correct

Chase and Jeredy are surrounded by various skull grunts.

Chase: and by that voice, I know who it is

They all look to the throne room where Six slowly walks from.

Chase: spike

Spike: greetings chase suno, we meet again and don't try to spin out your core, you are our number

Chase looks around as the skull grunts aimed their cores directly at them.

Chase:[whispers], Not sure I could even try

Chase hands over his cores. A skull grunt takes them as they tie up the two.

Spike: Father will be pleased, both sunos captured and delivered ancient dino DNA.

Chase: I wouldn't count on it

Spike: oh then we shall see, take them

Spike walks away as chase and his father takes another direction. But what they didn't know, dingo watched all of this from afar.

Dingo: hahaha, Chase got captured so easily, that explains how he always lost at Capture the Flag when we were young. Now should I save him or let his luck get him out, though teebone wouldn't like that, and if I last member was here [shudders], don't want to deal with that. Alright, I'll save him, then he'll oh me.

Dingo laughs before driving away. Scene transit to the entrance of the temple. Skull grunt stood watch, one is grabbed and pulled away silently. The other look for his partner before he is knocked out. Dingo was the one to knock them both out, walking into the entrance. The scene transit to spike, he stood before the dino DNA as he began to absorb it.Spike: now that I have the dna, it's only a matter of time before father checks up on me, and sees whose production is going.

Six: now that I have the DNA, it's only a matter of time before Father checks up on me, and sees how's production is going.

He walks off, but from within the crack in the walls a glow, and that glow was from a meteor fragment. The scene transit to the next room, Chase, and Jeredy were tied up as two skull grunts watched them.

Jeredy: Chase, do you know something I don't

Chase: just a hunch, when we were flying I saw something drive through the woods. It looks purple and yellow, and if I'm correct, then I know who it is

Jeredy: well then we'll just have to wait

The scene transits to another location, dingo sneaks past the grunts and makes his way down the tunnel.

Skull grunt: hold it

Dingo turns around and sees Skull grunts. Dingo sighs and puts his hands up.

Dingo: alright boys, nothing in my hands, except this button

He sets it off. From the trees, we see his bike, along with his sniper gun. The weapon was in auto control, ready to fire on a trigger and Dingo pressed the button. The sniper aims through the window and fires. A purple code soars into the window as it flies past the skull grunts and explodes. Purple energy erupts into the ceiling. From the energy emerges dingo partner, Undertow. Undertow waist no time evolving into his werewolf form.

Dingo: hey boy, you can hurt them now

Undertow roars and attacks them, the skull grunts fire off their clone Monsuno. They waste no time attacking. The action can be heard from all around the place. From six locations, he's outside loading the DNA into the vehicle. When the roar catches his attention.

Six: It looks like Chase was right.

Six eyes glow before he walks into the temple, his cores at the ready. The scene transit to Chase and Jeredy, their guards were focused on the commotion outside.

Skull Grunt: what's going on up there

Then suddenly a large barrel hits one of them. The other is then kicked down, and Dingo lands on the ground. He gets up and walks to chase.

Dingo: well, well, well, look who needs help.

Chase: yeah, yeah so let us out

Dingo: how do I know if you won't get in my way

Jerdey: you have my word

Dingo: hm.... I can by that

Dingo brings out a purple knife and cuts them free. Chase runs and grabs his core.

Dingo: let's get wild

Chase: you read my mind

They two run off, Jeredy follow them but sees a glow. He follows that instead. 

Jeredy: interesting

The scene transits to the main room, and Dingo and chase arrive to see the Undertow and frozen Monsuno. The Monsuno break free from the ice and return to the cores.

Dingo: guess he gave them the cold shoulder

Chase: I don't know which is colder your Monsuno or that pin

Dingo looks at Chase when Undertow is tackled by a ball of fire. Undertow hits the wall, causing the Ceiling to crack.

Dingo: hey!!

The flaming ball was serno. Chase and Dingo look over to six.

Dingo: oh that was a dirty move

Six: and sneaking in was also a dirty move, serno, destroy them

Dingo: I don't think so, undertow, wolfs fury

Undertow fired off a Sonic blast that sends Serno back. Serno breathes fire onto the wolf.

Dingo: undertow, tremor uppercut

Undertow snarls and tunnels underground, serno looks around as the ground shakes. Then undertow uppercuts serno into the air.

Chase: oh I always wondered what that move is called.

Dingo: undertow ice blades

Undertow slashes the serno mid-air, freezing him solid. They land on the ground as they face six.

Dingo: so much for your hot lizard

Six: serno has more firepower than you think.

Serno then melts from his ice. Things got worse as six brought out another core.

Six: archaic lock, launch

The core flies out of his hand. It hits undertow foot releasing red energy. A skeleton claw emerged from the energy and grabs undertow by the neck. Archaic lock strikes the beast into the wall. Now both serno and archaic lock appear before him.

Chase: you wouldn't have another Monsuno on you

Dingo: sorry but I'm fresh out at the moment before I just handled things with undertow. But I know you have one. So bring him out

Chase: well, I can't at the moment

Dingo: what do you even mean... Oh, the last battle, right Drago has that effect. Well, this is the best chance to change that.

Chase: wait-

Dingo waist no time and jumps out the window. Undertow understood his partner and grabs Serno, throwing him through the wall.

Six: now all that leaves is you

Chase growls as he brings out Lock's core.

Chase: alright lock, let's so then we're not outdated

Chase concentrates and blows on his whistle necklace, moments pass as archaic lock shadow loomed over Chase. He's about to crush him, just as Chase's hand glows as well as his necklace. Chase throws the core as it hits the archaic lock hand. Everything was silent until a blue energy erupted. Kick white fur with blue spikes emerged, growing larger as armor from around him. Lock emerges grabbing his evil twin claw.

Chase: lock, I'm glad your back

Lock roars as he strikes archaic lock. He slid back as both Monsuno roar at each other.

Chase: oh yeah now let's go

The Monsuno charge at each other. The scene transits to the Jeredy location, he's in the room with the dino skeleton, then he spots a crack

Jeredy: could it be

Jeredy begins to break it open. And then the wall breaks free as the glow was the meteor fragment.

Jeredy: it is, a meteor fragment, how fascinating. The energy that's coming off it, I must get this to the lab. I can then understand what teebone is planning.

Jeredy begins to break the fragment free. The scene transit back outside. Lock and Archaic Lock attacked each other. Lock seemed to get his fire back and began to overpower archaic Lock. Then the place begins to crumble. Skull grunts begin to flee.

Skull grunt: sir we need to flee it's too dangerous

Then Serno is tossed into the wall and undertow lands on him before the beast returns to energy. Lock them fires a massive energy breath that engulfs archaic lock, turning him into energy. Six then walks out along with the skull grunts. Dingo arrives and sees lock.

Dingo: hey your bears back, go for you

Chase: yeah thanks, wait what you have done if lock didn't come out

Dingo: I don't know just let you get eaten

Chase: oh that's really swell dingo

Jeredy: Chase, dingo

Chase: up here dad

Jeredy comes out holding the fragment, shocking Dingo.

Chase: glad your okay Dad- what is that

Jeredy: it's the meteor fragment. I can't wait to study it

Dingo: that belongs to us

Dingo approaches them.

Dingo: hand it over

Chase: no way, by the looks of it my dad got it fair and square.

Dingo continued to walk until lock roared and blocks his path. But then undertow roars and face lock. Lock glares at the Monsuno, but only sees Drago's aura. He backs away and changes to his original form.

Chase: you okay lock

Dingo: looks like he's not fully healed

Jeredy: dingo, you trust Teebone and he trusts me, you both know we're not the enemy. We can learn more about the Monsuno this way

Dingo glares at the fragment and then at Suno. He groans and sighs. he walks to the hole and returns undertow to the core.

Dingo: Teebone... would want you to have it, but next time is fair game

Jeredy: thank you, and tell Teebone I said hello

Dingo nods and walks away.

Chase: we may need to head back

Jeredy: yes, 'cause now really can begin.

They all walk off as Lock still had Drago in his mind.

Boom that's it got the chapter. Lock is back, even if he's not at full strength. Undertow shows off his underground technique. And Jeredy finally got a meteor fragment, so what will happen now? Next chapter, another round with the team wild, will Lock overcome his scars, or go into another hibernation in, Streak.

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