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-Dream Realm

The scene transit to a lush forest, brimmed with beautiful trees. We see a person walking into view. The person was Teebone, who had no idea where he was.

Teebone: where am I

???: keystone, the keystone

Teebone: what the, what keystone

Teebone follows the voice. The scene transits to another location. Where we see Chase resurfacing from a river.

Chase: oh krag, why did it have to be water

???: lynchpin, the lynchpin

Chase: what, what does this have to do with lock

Chase sighs and follows the voice, as he's been through this event already. The scene transits to a temple surrounded by crystals as well as multiple Monsuno statues. Teebone makes his way to the temple.

Teebone: wow, never been here before

Chase: Teebone?

Teebone looks to his right and sees Chase. They glare at each other and reach for their cores... only for them to be gone.

Teebone: well that's shocking

Chase: yeah

???: the keystone, the lynchpin

They look up to see two auras, emanating from Monsuno's essence.

???: the keystone and the lynchpin, Yin and Yang, two different factions with one goal, be once the beacon, the beacon that'll bring the bridge to your world

Teebone: what is it talking about

Chase: it's talking about Lock, but I don't know what the Keystone is, that one is new to me

Then the glowing Monsuno took the forms of Lock and Drago.

???: the keystone

???: And the lynchpin

Teebone: Drago, he's the keystone

Then the place begins to shine brightly, consuming teebone and chase. The scene transits to the teebone in the wild jet, sweating bullets.

Teebone: what the heck was that

Teebone looks at Drago's core as it shines.

Teebone: I guess you have more potential buddy.

Teebone falls back to sleep.

Location change brought to you by team core tech.


The scene transit to inside the cloud carrier. It was morning and Chase ran around looking for his dad. As he ran done the hall he saw Bren and Beyal.

Beyal: oh good morning chase

Chase: heys guys, you know where my dad is

Bren: oh you didn't hear, your dad went on an expedition to find more meteor fragments.

Chase: what, to where

Bren: I think he said the lowlands

Beyal: near Eklispe old mining facility

Chase: we'll that's great cause I got to tell him something

Beyal: I'm sure he'll be fine Chase, but I need to tell you something

Chase: later beyal, I at least got to tell John about something

Chase runs off as beyal sighs.

Bren: if you want you can tell me

Beyal: it has to be with the team Bren

Bren: oh well, you want to get some food

Beyal: yes

They head to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Location change brought to you by the team wild logo.

-Lowlands Airspace

The scene transits to the air as the wild jet sofa through the sky. Inside the jet, teebone was piloting the jet. Dingo and Spike were in the lounge as they battle each other on the consoles.

Dingo: you think you can beat me, bro

Spike: yo bro, I don't think I know

They continue to battle until the game is over sounds, dingo won.

Dingo: you were saying

Spike: best out of 3

Dingo: you're on

They resume the game and battle. Scene transit to the cockpit where gear opens the door.

Gear: hello teebone

Teebone: hey gear what's shaking

Gear: I was wondering if we could talk

Teebone: go ahead

Gear: I have been having the vision

Teebone: you don't say

Gear: yes, even for a robot I'm technically half Monsuno, and it allowed me to get these Monsuno sights. The sight revealed Drago and Lock battling on an ancient site, and their battle caused a beam of light to burst forth. Along with two Monsuno fighting, a lion, and another one that hates our designs.

Teebone: and when does this fight to happen

Gear: I fear very soon.... Teebone, are alright

Teebone: oh yeah I'm peachy

Gear: it's just you look like you have been getting visions, your face shows that you've been going through your visions

Teebone: maybe, but for now we just need to find the meteor fragments

Teebone continues to pilot as Beat left the room, then he looks at his red and purple core.

Teebone: was he talking about you

He gazes at the core and looks at his new weapon.

Location change brought to you by Team Wild.

-Mining Facility

The scene transits to the ground, the widget was cloaked as we a hole near it. Inside we see Undertow tunneling into the facility, he moves out of the way as team wolf slid down.

Dingo: thanks big guy, return

Undertow returns to his core as the team walks around.

Teebone: be on the look guys, that fragment has to be close.

As they turn the corners they are shocked to see skull grunts mining.

Spike: yo boss we might have some competition

A skull grunt was dragging a mine cart when he spots

Skull Grunt: it's Team Wild, the beast crew

Dingo: I didn't know we were called the Beast crew

Teebone: I like it

Skull grunt: destroy them

Dingo: oh take a number, there's a line

The skull grunts begin readying their cores.

Gear: how about a new game, first to defeat the most Skull Grunts sun

Teebone: oh yeah and I got just the thing

Teebone brings forth his new weapon.

Dingo: woah

Spike: wicked

Gear: let's do this

Teebone: Divebomb

Dingo: Undertow

Spike: Neo-Teryx

Gear: Horridian

Team Wild: launch!

They fire off the Monsuno cores. Same with the skull grunts. Teebone weapon boosted It's strength. When they all burst from the energy. Divebomb appears as he sends his opponent back. Then the Monsuno growls and attacks. The scene transits to another part of the mining facility. There we see Jeredy Suno being accompanied by storm grunts. 

Jeredy: interesting, the fragment seems to be close, split up

As Jeredy and the storm grunts searched around, the battle was still raging on. As Jeredy search he picked up the signals he zooms in and sees a glow in the cracks.

Jeredy: heh, and to think a powerful piece of Monsuno was in Eklispe's facility... and he didn't even know it was here

But what he didn't know a camera was still recording. He hits the crack with a pickaxe, breaking free the fragment. As he grabs it he feels the room shaking. He looks up to see the wall cracking.

Jeredy: everyone moves

They run from the wall. It explodes from the force, the force of Teryx using Soaring Tempest on a Monsuno, and they crash into the other wall. Jeredy looks at the hole and is shocked to see the wild Monsuno, each decimating the opponents. One by one they all fell and returned to their core.

Spike: sweet

Dingo: that is how it's done

Gear: so who won

Teebone: sorry boys looks like I won

Spike: oh that's cold yo

Dingo: well wins a win

Teebone: thank you and thank you

Jeredy: Teebone

Teebone flinches as he sees Jeredy.

Teebone: Jeredy, it's been a while

Dingo: well this is awkward

Gear: it's about to get more awkward, look!

Gear and the others see storm soldiers running to Jeredy.

Spike: guys we need to bail

Skull grunt: not without leaving a bang

They see the skull grunts still there as they set off charges. The mining facility begins to blow up. Rubble falls from the ceiling. The storm grunts were cut off.

Dingo: the skill grunts bailed and this place is going down.

Teebone snaps out of it and sees the situation. He sees rubble about to hit Jeredy.

Teebone: Jeredy watch out

Teebone tackled him out of the way.

Teebone: we got to get out come on

Jeredy: wait not without the fragment

Teebone: dingo

Dingo: got it, undertow

Undertow grabs them all and runs off as the facility came down. The scene transit to the surface. All of them made it out in time.

Teebone: everyone okay

Gear: we all seem to be unharmed

Spike: if you called being covered in dust unharmed then yeah I'm peachy

Dingo: we're good boss, but what about him

They all look to Jeredy Suno.

Dingo: we can leave him

Gear: but he isn't our enemy

Spike: teebone what you think

Teebone: it's obvious, he's coming with us

All: what!!

Teebone begins to walk to the wildjet as it de-cloaked. As the hangar door opened teebone looked at Jeredy.

Teebone: you coming

Jeredy: yes

Jeredy follows him inside. The others look at each other and follow teebone. The wildjet takes off skywards.

Location change brought to you by team core tech

-Cloud Carrier

The scene takes place in the mission briefing, where Lieutenant Trey is they and is briefing team core tech and strike squad.

Trey: listen up, for months we have let Team Wild and Their beast get in our way, but now they went too far.

Dax: oi, what could he be talking about, normally we are the ones getting in their way

Bren: yeah and we don't even know they are there at the time

Jinja: sh!!

Trey: moments ago Jeredy Suno went on an expedition with several Storm Soldiers. But an incident occur

Beyal: an incident

Trey: they ran into team wild as they were battling skull men, they one but the facility was falling, Jeredy was separated from the soldiers and team wild took them.

Dax: well that's not good mate

Jinja: woah I know teebone and he would just take him without reason

Tango: maybe you don't know him too well

X-ray: you haven't seen him in years, it's obvious that time changes a person

Jinja: oh like how the next few seconds are gonna show your face can change easily X-ray.

Trey: enough, as commandant marshal John Ace is already filling in Suno, you'll wait until he arrives to go out and look for him. Strike squad will be the first to embark.

Dax: so we're benched, great

Trey: strike squad, move out

Strike squad walk off. The scene transits to the command center as we see John and Chase talking.

Chase: seriously my dad is capture

John: those are treys words, you and I know teebone wouldn't forcefully take him. But we need to get him back quickly. We don't know what enemies teebone may have and Jeredy might get caught in the crossfire.

Chase: yeah, I can guess Dad would be trying to get teebone on our side

John: I hope he'd join him as well, he's a good kid and his research would be a big help.

Chase: I guess, but let's worry about my dad for now

John: I completely agree

They head out

Location change brought to you by team core tech logo.


The scene transited as the others looked at Jeredy, as he examines their stuff. They felt very uncomfortable.

Gear: it's like when you meeting you loved parents

Spike: or turning in a test late or speaking first before everyone yo

Dingo: relax teebone said this could help so he'll help

Jeredy: what a fascinating piece of a strike launcher, made to fire cores from long range with silence

Dingo spots him holding his sniper, the stealth strike launcher. Dingo bolts and grabs the sniper.

Dingo: oi, I did not permit you to touch my stuff

Jeredy: forgive me dingo, I got ahead of myself. The design reminds me of the work me and Eklispe made

Teebone: and then I would pop up my ideas

They look and see teebone leaning on the wall.

Jeredy: yes, and Eklispe would just ignore them

Teebone: but secretly keep them to use for his own

They laugh as Dingo reads the room and walk off. Jeredy and teebone walk up to each other and continued talking.

Teebine: and then you'd be the only one to listen to me and it helped you.

Jeredy: yes and no one would believe it came from a kid

They both laugh as the others rolled their eyes.

Jeredy: So, tell me how's it been, being out on your own and making your Monsuno

Teebone: it's been great, when I first brought Drago he was extraordinary.

Jeredy: but all that aside, I need to ask, what happened to you, after the event you suddenly disappeared, and everyone searched for you. They haven't been this sad since your mother's death.

Teebone: yeah I know... but honestly I don't know what happened, but after it, I was able to understand the Monsuno, in more ways than one

Jeredy: well, I can't wait to learn the things you've lean

Gear: guys

Gear gets their attention as he sensed

Gear: A meteor fragment is near, a beach

Teebone: alright, spike land the jet

Spike: you got it

Jeredy: teebone, how did Gear know a fragment is near

Teebone: well, I guess I can tell you

Teebone explains Gear's abilities.

Location change brought to you by team wild

-beach airspace

The scene transit to the Strike squad flies through the airspace.

X-ray: guys, I'm picking up reading of a meter or fragment

Kilo: how much you wanna bet that Mr. Suno is there

Alpha: enough to investigate, let's go

They fly towards the beach. Scene transit to the beach. The wildjet was hiding in the tree, then we see the gang investigating the beach. Jeredy was talking to Teebone.

Jeredy: unbelievable, he's a robot filled with Monsuno's essence

Teebone: yes, not just any Monsuno essence, the essence that fuels the city mechanopolis, he easily rebuild the city after the two lynchpins went toe to toe.

Jeredy: wow, he is the embodiment of what monsuno knowledge can reach, but imagine what people like Charlemagne and Eklispe would do with that knowledge, it would be the key to ultimate power and the gateway for Eklispe to gain the ability to become Monsuno.

Teebone: yeah, so it's a good thing he reached out to us and decided to join our team

Jeredy: and from the look of them, they remind me of Chase and his team

Teebone: yeah, but Except for Gear and Spike, spike would be the Bren of the group but Gear takes both Bren and beyal roles, he's his role.

Jeredy: but what about jinja place, surely dingo wouldn't take it

Teebone: oh that spot is already filled and we're just trying to find her[blushes]

Jeredy: oh June, I remember how fondly you were around here

Teebone: what it's not like that

Jeredy: sure it is

Dingo: found it

They look in Dingo's direction, his grapple was in a hole as he pulls out the fragment.

Dingo: Bag that for our vault.

Gear: great, now we can move to figure out the visions

They head to the wildjet, and Jeredy enters the jet first. As he does a hopper descend into the scene.

Dingo: well that's not good.

When the hopper lands we see the Strike Squad walks forward.

Alpha: hold it, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Jeredy Suno

Spike: didn't he come with us

Kilo: best not to speak now, we still got your capture from the spin go tournament.

Dingo: well if you think you gonna just take us, then your not right in the head

X-ray: by my analysis, being the perfect Rivals of team core tech, we are more than enough to take you

Teebone: is that right

Teebone and Gear walk up to the others. When Tango saw gear, something inside her was terrified.

Teebone: well if my training has thought, statistics, and analysis don't count for anything in a real battle, now let's fight

Alpha: my thoughts exactly, strike squad

Strike squad brings forth their hyper cores.

Teebone: Beast Crew

The beast crew prepares to fire. Tango saw gears eyes as she recognized them.

All: launch 

They spin out their cores. They drift across the sand and connect. Monsuno's energy burst into the sky. Landing before them was the beast crew's drago, undertow, Neo Teryx, and Horridian. From Strike came their new hyper Monsuno: Alpha's Skysite, Tango's Ironjaw, Kilo's Warwing, Bravo's Deadfall, and For X-ray(whosefirst Monsuno hasn't been seen along with alphas) Hyper Ricochet. Ricochet now resembles a rhino beetle with his lower horn being larger than the higher one, his spikes legs now replace with black and blue highlighted drills. his carapace is similar to Ironjaw, adding red to the wings, his black is now replaced with coretech blue. Each monsuno now faces each other. Alpha faced teebone, kilo, and tango faced gear, spike and X-ray, and dingo face bravo.

Teebone: drago split them up, demolition wave

Drago shows off his strength and fires the shockwave, it sends the monsuno back except for Skysite and Ricochet. Teryx flies up and breathes fire on Ricochet.

X-ray: that won't stop up, go

Ricochet flies through the fire with his new wings.his horn charges with electricity as he tackles Teryx in the chest. Horridian was being circled by warwing as he fires off sonic screeches.

Kilo: yo tango, where's the backup

Tango: no, no why is it, why is that nightmare coming to me? Why does it when I see him

Gear: let's end this, Variant commando

Horridain fires the three orbs.

Kilo: fly out of there

Warwing tries to evade but they caught up and electrocute the Monsuno.

Gear: one down, one to go

Gear glares at Tango, but with glowing eyes.

Tango: it is, your from mechanopolis

Gear: do I know this girl, oh well, deadly nightmare

Horridian fires the attack as it hits the ironjaw, sliding him into Warwing.

Tango: nightmare, nightmare!

(If those of you don't realize, or haven't watched season 3 of Monsuno, tango has a deadly fear of everything related to mechanopolis, her old home, and do recall gear is the very heart of mechanopolis). Undertow is attacked by deadfall. Deadfall fires and attacks as it makes contact. The smoke subsides as we see a massive hole.

Bravo: where is it

Dingo: I thought you would know, Dax would have. I call it tremor uppercut

Undertow burst from the ground and uppercuts the monsuno.

Dingo: ice blades

His frozen claws slash deadfall as they freeze his body. Deadfall slowly falls to the ground.

Dingo: if you can't handle the cold you certainly can't handle the big splash, [laughs]

Spike: yo dude I don't get it

Dingo: cause we're near the beach

Spike: oh, [chuckles] I get it

Horridain continues to battle both Monsunos. They charge at him but he dodged them. He fires his attacks at them, Warwing dodged it but ironjaw is hit badly. Gear was concerned as she looks at tango.

Gear: are you alright

Tango: no, no

Gear: something is not right with her, if only I can remember where I've seen her before, Horridian, End Gardner Alpha and take care of them while I think

Horridian produces fog that covers the beach. Then the three horridians jump out and start attacking the two Monsuno.

Kilo: hold up it can split

Gear: shocking isn't it

We see Teryx and Ricochet still flying in the air, ricochet fires energy drills that hit Teryx. Teryx slowly begins to fall.

X-ray: seems like the math is gonna win

Spike: no way am I losing to a storm grunt with glasses. Teryx, show him your fire, Magma Hammer

Teryx's eyes shot up and he flies back up, flying past Ricochet. Now above him, he reels his claws back, as molten energy constructs itself in a massive hammer. Teryx roars and pounds ricochet towards the ground. As undertow and deadfall fought, a shadow looked over them. Dingo looks up and sees Teryx crashing a molten hammer along with ricochet.

Dingo: undertow get out of there 

Undertow here's it just as the hammer crashed into him and deadfall. They force sends both controllers back. They see blue energy return to X-ray and bravo.

Spike: yo man sorry about dropping the hammer

Dingo: meh it's no biggie

Undertow emerges from the sand a bit mad as Teryx lands by him.

Dingo: it's undertow you should be apologizing to

Spike: sorry undertow

Undertow nods.

Dingo: but nice job on the new move

Spike: thanks

Then we see a drago and skysite battle, skysite begins to drain drago of his powers, drago just takes it.

Alpha: keep going skysite. It looks like I'm gonna defeat the mighty teebone, and you were suppose to be the one chase Suno couldn't beat. Go skysite 

Skysite turns into a drill and attacks drago and crashed into him. Alpha smirked thinking he's one

Teebone: [sigh] your just like chase, to cocky to soon, Drago 

From the smoke we see drago holding skysite by one of his heads. 

Teebone: Atomic tail 

Teebone tail glows as he crushes skysite. Skysite hit the ground as he turns to energy and returns to alpha.

Alpha: just one hit?!?

Teebone: alright Drago, return

Drago snorts fire before returning to his core. Teebone, dingo and spike run to the wildjet. Horridians curled warwing as they slashed him repeatedly, once it ended warwing returned to his cores.

Kilo: dang

Gear: where do I know her from

Tango continues to her freak out when she snaps.

Tango: No!! Ironjaw stop him, stop him

Ironjaw fires an energy ball at the horridians, they dodged, as the one heads to gear.

Gear: oh no

It crashes causing an explosion. The guys in the wildjet heard the explosion.

Spike: guys it's gear

Dingo: that was a big explosion, we should help him

Teebone: no, gear knows what to do, we've been over this

Dingo: never thought it would happen.

The scene transit to the beach, strike squad closes in on gear, half his body was in the sand, and some of his metal was revealed. He slowly grabs his core.

Gear: Horridian, go now

The horridians understand they're controlled and grab the fragment, they race to the jet and place the fragment before the boys, before returning to the core. Then Gear falls unconscious.

X-ray: well at least we have one thing to bring lieutenant tray

Alpha: that's better than nothing, load him up, strike squad

The squad Carries gear away all except tango.

Kilo: Man he is heavy

Bravo: especially for a guy his size

Alpha: just keep lifting

They get him in the hopper and fly out

Location change brought to you by tram coretech logo

-cloud carrier

The scene transit to the interrogation room. Team core tech and strike squad were on the other side of the glass, staring at prisoner, Gear. As Trey and John interrogated him.

Bren: you guys beat teebone crew. Impressive

X-ray: we lost

Jinja: that explains it

Dax: yep, if we had trouble beating them, the same goes for you

Alpha: they don't need to know that, but yes they were, challenging, the only way we were able to capture him was a misfire from tangos ironjaw

Tango: it was an accident, because that boy, he's not like anything we've seen. He's like that accused city

She states as she shivers

Jinja: tango?

Tango: he, he is that creature, the creature that drove me out of my home, the thing that Eklispe controlled, and is in that room working for teebone. It's the heart of mechanopolis.

Chase: get out, that would make him, a robot!

Bren: come on Chase, he can't be a robot we would've seen it. For all we know beyal could be a robot with the way he talks.

Beyal: but I am not a robot

Jinja slaps been head

Bren: ow

Jinja: be serious Bren.

Dax: yeah but for real though, a robot, I mean we seem weirder things than that

Chase: well it just got weirder, look!

They see the arm of Gear as if it was a robot arm. This freaks Tango out and she runs off. Been chased after her.

Trey: alright I'll once this once, where is teebone hiding Jeredy Suno

John: we only want to help the sport, so tell us

Gear then opens his eyes and looks at them. They see the metal under his scarred skin.

Gear: I only tell you, if I talk to the monk

He breaks the cuffs with ease and points through the glass at beyal.

Dax: okay, I'm just gonna say it, that's bleezin freaky

Jinja: you don't have to do this alone Beulah

Beyal: it is all right jinja, cause I have my answers.

Beyal walks into the interrogation room. John and Trey left as the two talked.

Beyal: I knew you were unique when I saw you at the temple. I would never have a guess

Gear: that I'm a robot, well yes, it was only possible through teebone and the power of Monsuno, you can say I'm a cyborg monsuno. I have soul and everything, and more

Beyal: interesting, but I still have a question, you have been getting vision haven't you

Gear: yes, and if you know, then you are getting one. This one being the two faction leaders going head to head, within a beacon of light as they're Allie's battle as well, especially a lion and wolf.

Chase: what does he mean by 2 leaders

Jinja: and a lion and wolf

Trey: he must be talking about Driftblade

John: but the wolf could be any Monsuno in teebone possession we haven't seen

Gear: but that's not all, I know for a fact that our leaders have been getting a vision of great importance, it's about the lynchpin and the keystone

Dax: yo Chase, is that what you were trying to spill

Chase: yeah, turns out Lock and Drgaonare possibly connected

Beyal: but why is the keystone, Drago,

Gear: Destiny holds many secrets, but I have a hunch it has something to do with their rivalry. Come on, don't you think it's odd that Drago still considers lock a rival even after the repeated defeats, because they have a bond of their own, just like their controllers? They are yin and Yang and when they combine they are the most powerful source of good, and the most destructive threat to anyone

This left everyone speechless.

Gear: what, you wanted to know

Beyal: yes and now on to my question, where will this battle take l

Gear: look deep into the vision, your answer lies within.

Beyal was cautious before he mediates. Chase decides to do it too.

Location change brought to you by the team wild logo.

- Wild jet

Scene transit them flying in the air, inside we can see dingo marching back and forth.

Dingo: I don't like this, we should've got gear

Jeredy: I understand your angry nut gear is okay, with John as the commandant he'll be well treated

Dingo: I still don't like it, what do you think boss... boss

They see he was meditating. Soon vision starts to flood his mind, as well as Chase and Beyals. They get images of the location. The final clue reveals to be the location of the once-

All: the valley of the five tribes

Teebone: let's move boys

Beyal: we need to head to the valley of the five tribes right away

The scene splits showing beyal and teebone faces.

Location change brought to you by team wild logo.

-snowy mountains

The scene transit to the wild jet descends into the mountains.

Dingo: hey boss, you sure you know where we're going

Teebone: yeah.

Dingo continues to fly, as they turn to a maintain they see a small mountain covered in ice

Jeredy: that mountain wasn't there before, could it be a reaction to the well of life being destroyed before

Teebone: maybe, dingo keep us steady

The ship stops as the hangar opens. Teebone is there with his new weapon, a purple and gold Auto Strike Multi-Launcher, with a face paint similar to planes use.

Teebone: let's do this, Drago, divebomb, launch

He fires off both Monsuno with great speeds. They soar through the air and make contact with the ice. Drago and Divebomb stood ready.

Teebone: melt it, boys

Drago produces howling blast and throws it into the ice. The attack slowly melts the ice as Divebomb chips away the rest. Soon the ice was gone and within the mountain was a temple.

Teebone: seems we found the place

Then Teeebone head groans as he was getting a vision: it was Drago and Lock battling, and this time teebone and Chase were there.

???: ignite the light, bring back the Well

Teebone: uh this Monsuno sight is so annoying, dingo take us down

The wild jet descends. The boys walk out as they gaze at the temple.

Dingo: I'm no geologist but that shouldn't be their right

Jeredy: your right, it must have something to do with all the Monsuno related events, like how Lock affected the well of insight, and before that when Chase destroyed the well of light, all of that must've brought this temple out of hiding.

Teebone: my visions tell me that I need to ignite the light and bring back the well

Spike: what Well?

Jeredy: ... the well of light, but how could it be possible

Teebone: just how you were able to stop the world from being destroyed

Dingo: wait what

Spiked I second that what

Teebone: by using Lock and Drago, the Lynchpin, and The Keystone

Spike: so seeing as we have the keystone we need lock

Dingo: which means we'll have to wait

Teebone: not long enough, thanks to our friend on the inside

Dingo: oh that's why you let gear get taken, to warn chase and team core tech, wicked boss

Teebone: yes, now we just wait.

Location change brought to you by team core tech logo.

-snowy mountain airspace

The scene transit to a hopper as it flies towards the mountains. Inside was Chase and his team.

Bren: so why couldn't strike squad come with us

Jinja: Commandant Marshal John Ace wanted strike squad to guard their captured while we investigate the vision brutally and chase got.

Chase: and if it leads us to Dad then I'm more than happy to investigate

Dax: and what if teebone and his crew are there

Chase: than lock can handle him

Bren: but what if he can't

Beyal: then we shall leave it to destiny

Chase: and to this little friend who's more than willing to stretch his blades.

Chase shows another core, with yellow highlights. The team drew closer to the location. The scene transit back to the beast crew. Where we see the crew examining the temple. Spike was on the ground, dingo was on the second layer and Jeredy and teebone were on the third and final layer. That layer had an image on the ground.

Jeredy: Fascinating

Teebone: yeah it sure is, I guess the five tribes still hold many secrets

Jeredy: indeed, but how to "ignite the light"

Teebone: to do that we'll need chase

Then they see a blue hopper in sight.

Teebone: looks like they here

Jeredy: perhaps you could try reasoning with him

Teebone: Jeredy, it's chase

Jeredy: fair enough

The blue hopper lands on the ground. Team core tech looks around and sees the temple.

Bren: that wasn't there before

Dax: oh yeah I think we would've noticed the temple near the well of life glasses.

Chase: either way Dad might be here, let's go

They march to the temple. Once close they see each of the Beast crew.

Teebone: took you long enough chase

Chase: where's my dad

Teebone: he's here, so come and get him

Chase growls and runs to them along with his team. But Teryx and Divebomb land before them. Spike is seen with the pack.

Spike: you got to get through them.

Chase: guys

Dax: I'll handle spike, we got a score to settle

Beyal: but what about divebomb

Chase: bring out your best flyers gang, they are in for a fight, Evo

Jinja: Skyfall

Beyal: Mysticblade

All: launch

They fire the cores and spin towards divebomb as they make contact, the wave of Monsuno energy explodes as the Monsuno stood before divebomb. Divebomb looks at teebone.

Teebone: let loose on them, boy

Divebomb fires a piercing screech, its hits mysticwing pushing him back into the snow.

Beyal: mysticwing!!

Divebomb flies off as the other Monsuno chase after him. Mysticwing resurfaced and follows in pursuit. Teryx looks at the team as Dax brings out his core.

Dax: you ready to settle this, bro

Spike: you got it, bro

Dax: airswitch, launch

Airswitch is spun out as he hits Teryx's claw. His energy releases as he flies up and lands on the ground. Airswitch and Teryx both roar and tackle each other. As they battled Chase and the others ran past them. As they make it up to the next level they see dingo waiting. He tosses undertow core up and down.

Dingo: so, who do I have the pleasure of fighting

Been: I'll do it, I've been meaning to get payback they put tango through. I mean strike squad

Chase: Thanks, Bren.

Chase runs ahead of the then but beyal and Jinja ran they were stopped.

Dingo: I think you two might have bigger problems

They look skyward and see the Monsuno still battling, divebomb is taking down their Monsuno as Evo was taking care of her.

Bren: he's right, deal with Divebomb, I got Dax's evil twin

Dingo: I'm not his twin, I'm much more handsome

Dax:[off screen], oi I heard that

Bren: Neo Quickforce

Dingo: Undertow

Both: launch

They spin out the core as it make contact. The energy shot out and quickforce and undertow landed. They roar and begin to attack. As they did we see another hopper flies in view. Beyal sensed something was wrong with it.

Jinja: sweet we got more help

Beyal: it is not help.

From the hopper, the door opens midair and a person jumps. Landing on the ground, it walks from the smoke revealing Gear.

Gear: am I late to the party

Dax: woah, how you get out of storm

Gear: did you think strike squad could stop me without monsuno? Now who's my opponent?

His arm opens a hidden storage box that reveals Horridian core. Beyal glares and slides down.

Jinja: beyal!!

Beyal: I shall be your opponent, glowblade

Gear: excellent. Horridian

Both: launch

They fire off their Monsuno, they make contact in the air, and landing is Horridain and Glowblade. They both tag team with Teryx and Airswitch.

Dax: glad your here monkfish

Beyal: me as well, we must hurry and end this.

The Monsuno continue their battle. The scene transit to chase climbing up to the final stop. He sees teebone on the other side, the platform was big enough for Monsuno to battle to the fullest.

Chase: teebone

Teebone: chase

Chase then brings forth locks core, as teebone did the same, bringing out Drago.

Chase: where is my dad

Teebone: he's close, so let our Monsuno do our talking.

Chase: fine by me, Lock

Teebone: let's end this here and now, Drago

Both: LAUNCH!!!!

They spin out the cores, drift across the ground, and collide in the center. A spiral of energy surged. Yellow and blue spikes emerged, white fur and purple scales. Final yellow and blue eyes as Lock and Drago land. Drago lifts his head and roars, calling to lock. Lock raised his head and opened his eyes. He let loose a massive roar that impressed Drago. Lock proceeds to revolve into his hyper form. 

Teebone: now, lets battle

Both Monsuno charged towards each other. Bother roared as they reeled back their claws. And punched each other in the face. The impacts was intense it produced a showkwave of energy, such energy that the temple begins to react to it. 

Jinja: skyfall look out

We cut back to Jinja as we see Divebomb overpowering them. Skyfall and mysticwing rally with Evo as they fire off energy attacks. They hit Divebomb as this stuns him. Mysticwing then blinds Divebomb with light. Skyfall and Evo fly towards divebomb to attack. But Divebomb didn't need to see, He used Aerial Combat to unleash a chain of attacks on both of them. Dealing massive damage he throws Skyfall into mysticwing. Divebomb goes into a boom burst as he tackles both of them. He shoots past him as mysticwing returns to his core. As the scene transit to Beyal and Dax.

Beyal: that isn't good

Gear: and neither is this

We see the horridians trio circling glowblade preparing their ninja gambit attack. They set it off until glowblade blocks the attacks with shields.

Beyal: we won't give up that easily

Gear: looks like the link has learned, so have we Forced Slew

The horridians fire off the spikes as they hit glowblade, weakening them. They begin to draw closer until-

Dax: hurriclaw

A tornado hits them all sending them sliding into the ground. The tornado is airswitch doing an assist.

Beyal: thank you, Dad

Dax: anytime

Then airswitch is tackled by Teryx's soaring tempest.

Dax: right, where were we

Spike: losing this battle, magma hammer

Teryx flies above the airswitch and unveiled a magma hammer.

Dax: that's a cool move, we got one of our own, forearm energy swords

Airswitch claws turned to swords and fly at the hammer, the weapons collide and send both Monsuno away.

Spike: wicked

With Bren and Dingo, quickforce is sent down by Undertow, who was faster and more skilled.

Bren: oh Krag

Dingo: Man I was hoping for a better fight

Jinja: I'll give you one, hope you don't mind making this a tag team

Bren: no I don't mind

He sees Undertow changing into a werewolf.

Bren: seriously help

Jinja: charger, launch

Jinja spins out charger. Undertow lifts quickforce into the air as we see charger core hit his leg. The energy burst forth and charger slid back. Charger rams undertow saving undertow, sending him back.

Bren: thanks

Jinja: oh keep mentioning it

Dingo: your gonna regret that, frost spikes

Undertow slams his claws into the ground and a trail of ice spikes head to Charger and Quickforce, they hit them sending them flying. They crash down as undertow roars.

Dingo: what, you think Spike and Gear are the only ones learning new moves

Undertow marches to the other Monsuno. Back with the leaders, lock, and Drago but head. Drago slash lock but he caught it, he fires energy orbs from his spikes as they send Drago back. Drago used atomic tail and sends lock into a column.

Chase: take him down lock

Lock roars and jumps up, he fires a grappling blast that hits Drago's face. Lock them Tackles Drago down and repeatedly pounds Drago.

Teebone: drago quite having fun, Guillotine crusher

Drago gets up and roars, his arm blade ignites, and jumps at Lock slashing him with great power ( note that this is the same move he finished Lock within the Skill Chapter). Lock it a column and fall but quickly gets up and roars.

Teebone: haha, looks like he can take a hit. This could be fun

Both Monsuno continue their battle, as the temples reacted more. Scene transit to the wild jet, as Jeredy was inside watching each battle. He then contacts someone.

Jeredy: it's me, I have an idea

Back to the action. Jinja and Bren were having trouble.

Jinja: come on bren

Bren: I gotcha, megahorn

Jinja: electric orb barrage

Both fire consecutive barrages of energy orbs. They hit Undertow as he struggles to block it. The smoke cloud subside and they saw he was gone, but there was no hole.

Jinja: did we get him

Dingo: you might wanna look up princess

They look up as Undertow dives at the Monsuno, he lands between them unleashing a multitude of slashes. They freeze solid as the Monsuno returns to the core.

Jinja: not again

Bren: so much for that

Dingo: you put up a good fight, and almost beat us. Oh but you got another fight to take care of

Jinja looks to see Skyfall in trouble. Back with Dax and beyal.

Beyal: glowblade, streaking blades

Gear: horridians, mangler claws

Glowblade fires a beam from his blades as horridians charge. Two are hit and return to the core as the last one hits glowblade

Beyal: again glowblade

Gear: deadly nightmare

They both fire and the attacks take them out of the fight as they turn to the core.

Gear: impressive monk

Beyal: to you as well

Dax: let's finish this bro, airswitch Armageddon beam

Spike: Teryx, flare strike

Teryx flies overhead and fires the beam at them. And Airswitch fires the beam as they both connect. The Monsuno returned to the cores.

Spike: it's a tie

Dax: wouldn't have had any other way

The scene transits to the other place Chase and teebone. Drago pins down lock as he growls. Preparing Dragon Breath. But then lock fires off blizzard breath freezing Drago as lock escapes.

Teebone: impressive, you put my bud on ice

Chase: yeah, it looks like your bud is out of commission

Teebone: yeah but you're forgetting someone.

Then something lands on the ground. Then another thing. The smoke clears as we see Skyfall, divebomb pinned the Monsuno down as he had evo in his jaw. They both return to their cores.

Chase: oh yeah your vampire knockoff

Teebone: yeah and after that little snack he has enough energy to face lock.

Chase: sadly he's not his opponent

Teebone: oh

Chase then brings forth his striker gear and aims it at between divebomb legs. Loaded was a blue core with yellow highlights.

Chase: Driftblade, launch

He fires the core as it spins and hits Divebombs tail. The energy emerged from the core. Razor claws and dragon wings emerged, then a lion main followed by horns. It was none other than the Monsuno that represents STORM, Driftblade. Driftblade roars and sends divebomb back.

Teebone: woah, that's some Monsuno

Chase: you jealous, plasma barrage

Driftblade surges with power and fires electricity at Divebomb. Electrocuting the Monsuno to the point of returning to his core.

Teebone: woah, you beat Divebomb, that rarely happens.

Chase: and lock seems to be done resting

Then Drago breaks from the ice and roars, he now faced Lock and Driftblade.

Chase: you think Drago can handle both of them, face it teebone, your beat

Teebone chuckles and it turns into a laugh. Drago looks at him and is pleased with what will happen.

Teebone: oh tsunami. I'm so glad you got better buddy. Lock has gotten stronger and you're using Driftblade, I finally have an excuse to use him. And you don't know how happy that makes me

Teebone brings forth a purple core, and it had red highlights. It looks pure-ride and chaotic.

Chase: my vision was right, you do have another core

(From the survival chapter)

Teebone: heh heh yeah, dingo was able to sneak into Eklispe facility and grab this code from his vault. I've been training him and now he's ready to stretch his claws.

Teebone brings forth his multi-strike launcher and inserts the core in. He charges it up.

Teebone: and you're in luck Chase, cause you and your two Monsuno are already fully acquainted with this Monsuno.

Chase: what are you talking about.... Oh krag, double Krag

Teebone: yeah, but enough talk

Teebone aims the launcher into the air as Drago nods.

Teebone:....... Backslash Z... Launch!!!!

Teebone launches the core skywards, drago tail then hits it sending it flying. The teams witness a large light of purple and red energy. Strong it destroys the clouds. A large Monsuno falls from the sky. Crashes right behind Drago. Chase waited for the Monsuno until it Leaps over Drago and lands.

Chase: oh krag, it is him

Backslash is back with a new look. His dark purple now has gold slash marks on them. His jagged spikes are replaced with gold blades. His claws teeth and eyes are now yellow. His black tail and underarms are replaced with yellow fur as well. Backslash now has scales-like armor on his head, arms, and tail along with spikes. The red spikes on his face are replaced with forward yellow horns. His teeth have gotten sharper as well. His chest plate is no longer there now replace with surging stripes. His head has a Mohawk growing a bit, his claws are longer and he still has the chipped nail at the end. his back spike are now two that go down his shoulder. Backslash Z lets loose a roar.

Chase: backslash

Teebone: backslash Z. Now we can let loose. backslash Z, Primal Flex

Backslash Z grows more ripped, energy surged through him as he marks glow. He slams the ground creating a shockwave. The shockwave sent the two Monsuno back. He disappears and reappears before Driftblade, dealing a vicious uppercut. Driftblade was sent flying, I'm which he fires at Backslash, backslash simply tanks the shot. Lock and Drago look at each other and roared. They start attacking each other.

Teebone: Backslash Z, thunder roar, Drago demolition wave

Chase: driftblade Electronade cannon, Lock grappling blast

Drago and lock fist/blade connect creating an energy surge, neither backed down. Driftblade and Backslash Z slowly charge an attack in their jaws. They fire it off as they connect, from the explosion they run at each other. Running around the temple as they attack each other, passing the other teams. Backslash disappears and reappears above driftblade and pulls him down to the base of the temple. They get up and start slashing each other.

Bren: do I need new glasses or is that backslash

Dax: it is glasses

Jinja: but how did teebone get him

Dingo: I help get the beast for him but man he looks sick

Spike: yo how did it get even scarier

Beyal/Gear: only destiny know the real answers

As they attack they sent energy to the temple. Then suddenly the temple markings beam to glow and Monsuno's energy shot from the podiums.

Bren: woah, these are getting wild

Spike: I hate to agree with glasses but he's right, we got to bail.

Dingo: he's right, wild crew move out

They run off as they return to their Monsuno.

Jinja: everyone to the hopper

Bren: but what about chase

Dax: he got out of worse

They run off towards the hopper. Back to the leaders, their Monsuno continues the battle. Lock and Drago fire off Jaw of Light and Dragon Breath. They connect as they cause an explosion and send them back.

Chase: teebone, let's end this

Teebone: hell yeah Chase Suno

The Monsuno let loose a massive roar and charged at each other. Before they collide the temple platform blasts a massive beam of light.

Teebone: woah, the vision, it's coming true

Chase: yeah, now what

The temple begins shaking as the ground cracks. The temple slowly sinks into the ground, and as their platform began to shake the beam grew bigger.

Teebone: the floors giving way.

Chase: yeah, we better end this quick

Teebone: we may not get the chance chase

The platform continues to crack. The Monsuno growls but see the situation. They look at each other, understand each other, and nod. The energy almost hits Chase when Lock grabs him.

Chase: lock, thanks pals

Lock and chase runoff. Teebone saw the cracks draw closer but Drago catches him.

Teebone: thanks pal

But the cracks cause Drago to fall through. He hangs to the ledge.

Teebone: Backslash!!!

Drago roars as well. With the other monsuno, driftblade, and backslash look at each when the ground glows. Then Lock runs past them and driftblade follows them. Backslash was about to attack when he hears Drago. Sensing his controller in trouble he teleports to him. At the podium, Drago slowly falls as backslash appears.

Teebone: thanks Backslash

Backslash helps Drago up, but then the beams grew more intense

Teebone: oh krag!!

His face turns green and for a split second, his eyes change color. The temple is engulfed in light. Just as the chopper and wildjet flew from the blast.

Chase: woah

Dax: don't worry Chase, your pop is tough, he'll be found

Chase: I know, but right now, I'm worried about teebone

He says that as lock and driftblade core glow.

Location change brought to you by the team wild logo

The scene transit, the sun had set as it was night, and team wild searched for their leader. The temple that was once there was now buried under rubble.

Dingo: I said he could handle himself, but dang

Jeredy: just keep searching

Spike: ah guys, look

Gear: something is happening

A purple glow came from the rubble which begins to shake. The team backs up as Drago and Backslash came exploding out.

Gear: they are alright

Spike: what about teebone yo

Jeredy: I don't see him

Dingo: [sigh] I do

He points within the smoke. They see something large and massive as it drags its tail closer to them. It breathe heavily as its appearance shocked the team, all except Dingo. As we zoom in on the beast, we see similar team wild dog tags. The beast growls and roars.

Boom, boom, complete boom, that's it for the chapter, you have finally met the newest version of Backslash Aka the new member of Teebone Monsunos, Backslash Z. Also seeing that mysterious figure from within the smoke. But why did he have those dog tags aka the team's dog tags? And what happened to the temple? For now, you'll just have to wait and see. Next chapter, the search for the fragment is put on pause, cause the fight member is about to make an entrance in, Saturday.

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