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As it turned out, Bianca managed to visit before dad did. She was extremely worried about me but I got her to calm down. I convinced her to get me my diary and my laptop. 

The witch, whose name was Wanda, soon shooed her out and I spent the rest of the day binging shows and writing in my diary to ease my anxiety.  

I was feeling drowsy from all the herbs Wanda had given me and had nearly fallen asleep, when my dad came in, followed by mom. 

"Hi sweetheart!" she said, coming over to hug me. She looked perfect as usual with her mane of chocolate brown hair neatly brushed and brown eyes lined with makeup. A faint smell of strawberries hung around her. 

"We were so worried about you. We had no idea you were so ill." she cooed.

"Mom, it's fine," I said, trying to wriggle out of her arms. 

"Let her go Mal." said my dad, who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. 

My mom released me and stepped back. 

"Honey, your father has spoken to Mrs Kuperus and she has given us the permission to take you home," she said.

"Take me home?" I sputtered. "What do you mean, take me home? I am not leaving! Look, I am completely fine." 

I probably wasn't thinking straight from all those herbs because I got up and did a few jumping jacks to emphasize my point.

A stab of pain shot through my head. I dropped my arms, realising what a bad idea it was to jump around while I still felt dizzy.

My father sighed.  

"There is no need for such antics," he said. "We are just taking you for the weekend to make sure you are alright and to have the family healers look at you." 

I protested vehemently. 

"Father, there is no need to make a fuss," I said. "And why did you bring mom along? She is so busy all the time and I am sure she has some important business to attend to." 

"Nothing is more important than you dear," she said. "Now come along, the car's waiting." 

She went out of the room, leaving me alone with my dad. I got up quickly, not in the mood to talk to him. 

"Verina, wait," he said. "Why didn't you tell me about your feeding issues? I noticed you looking pale at home but I dismissed it as stress of going back to school." 

"I am in my fifth year now," I said coldly. "I am not a child. I can make my own decisions, you know. And you want me to confide in you? All you care about is your family reputation." 

He looked at me wearily. 

"I am not going to argue with you Verina, not anymore. I just want you to know that you can confide in me any time you want." 

"Yeah, right." I snorted, bending down to tie my shoes. 

"What do you want me to do?" he snapped. "I am trying my best to knock some sense in your thick skull but you just won't listen to me." 

I stared at him. He looked sorry about losing his temper. 

"Verina," he said, in a gentler tone. "This feeding problem runs in our family. Your great aunt died because of it. All I want you to do is to be healthy and happy." 

I stared at him and then left the room without a single word. 

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