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I don't know why that shocked me so much. After all, she was a witch and very few witches were left after the war. It made sense that she acted both as a nurse and as a teacher. 

She waved her arms and gestured us to come forward. All of us crowded around her. 

"Good morning everyone. I am Wanda, your new teacher. As you all know, a few decades ago, the Carthans and the witches decided to join forces against their common enemy- the Selzers. Now, it is necessary to teach you our ways so that we can fight together. Carthans have a lot of strength and agility and these skills are useful for defeating the Selzers. Witches, however, can enchant any object to fly, with broomsticks being the easiest objects to cast a spell upon. We also make potions and spells to heal you from lethal  injuries." 

She smiled. I noticed she didn't tell us her last name because last names held immense power over the witches.

"Now, let's begin with the class. We will have Emily and Siya to assist us." 

Two girls who had been setting up Selzer dummies in the corner came over and smiled at us. They looked our age. Emily had soft-looking long curly brown hair while Siya had curly blonde hair. Both of them were witches as well.

The class began. Wanda and her helpers enchanted the Selzer dummies to come to life and taught us how to fight them while Emily and Siya flew overhead on brooms. Wanda cast a lot of spells and taught us a little about each. Even though we couldn't cast spells, knowing which ones were deadly could save our life in a battle. 

Then she taught us a little about poisons and potions and antidotes. Nearly all of the required magic, though some could be made without it. She also made us work on our battle strategies. 

When the bell rang, everyone was sweaty and exhausted. Wanda caught my eye and smiled at me.  I smiled back. At dinner, everyone was ravenous. Nobody talked much as all of us concentrated on our food. 

Everyone headed to the common room after that. Eryx pulled out a pack of cards. We had a lot of fun playing them even though Airell won all the games, his black hair falling into his grey eyes as he laughed slyly.

Bianca and I headed to the dorm after that. I opened the windows to let some air in. The night was almost over and the sky was turning pink. The sun was about to rise. I closed the windows before the sun came up fully. We thrived in darkness and that was where we belonged. But my heart yearned to be able to walk in the sunlight just once and to feel the sun on my skin without getting burnt.  

Sighing, I moved away from the window. It was time for bed.

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