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Everyone spent Saturday evening in the common room, too keyed up to sleep. A lot of people had been invited including the sixth and the fourth years. No one really knew anyone from the seventh year. Nearly everyone from our year was going to attend the party. 

We couldn't play music so someone decided that we all should bring our headphones. But Eryx pointed out that noise wouldn't carry over to the school if we played the music softly. It wasn't a bad idea and everyone agreed to it. We needed more alcohol so everyone was asked to bring whatever they could. 

We went up to bed as soon as the bedtime bell rang, giggling and nudging each other. After about half an hour, I texted everyone- 'It's on.' Bianca had changed into a blue dress while I decided on a red one. We opened the dorm door quietly. Aria's dorm was right next to ours and she emerged wearing a pink dress complete with high heels and perfect makeup. 

We slowly crept down the stairs without making any noise. The Carthans had enhanced hearing after all. The boys were waiting for us by the kitchens. We all slipped through the side door without any difficulty. Airell had told us that wards had been placed to keep people out, not in. We could easily move out.   

The sun must have not been very bright today because hardly any rays were visible through the thick canopy overhead. The luck was in our favour today. It had been so long since I had gone out during the day. I flipped my hair back and grinned. 

"To the lake," I whispered.

We sped through the forest until we reached the lake. The air around the lake was cool. The canopy around the lake was so dense that there was no chance of anyone being burnt, as long as they didn't do anything stupid. The lake itself was huge with waves lapping at its edge. The water over its other side glittered in the sunlight. It looked beautiful. The lake was far enough from the school that we could talk without being overheard. 

Soon, the party was in full swing. A couple of people were dancing with their headphones in their ears. Soft music played in the background. Eryx was handing out shots and drinks to everyone while Yves stood around nervously. Bianca saw Finn and headed over to him. 

Aria and Airell were laughing together. Several fourth years arrived including Oaklyn Clemonte. I had known her since we were little because our dads were pretty good friends. I liked Oaklyn. She was fun unlike her older sister Sarah who was always serious. She was in the sixth year and was all set to become the head girl next year. 

Oaklyn saw me and grinned. "Verina! Great party." 

"Thanks." I said, giving her a hug. "You look good." 

She did look good with her long mane of chocolate brown hair and warm brown eyes. She handed me a bottle of beer she had brought which I passed over to Eryx. 

We danced and talked for the next hour and scarfed down junk food. I was already pretty drunk and was feeling too full of Doritos. 

Everyone seemed to be having fun, making out and dancing.

Suddenly, Eryx got up swaying. 

"Hey," he yelled. " How about a swim in the lake?" 

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