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We stumbled back to the academy at around five o'clock. The wakeup bell would ring soon. I wanted to hit the bed as soon as I got back but there was something I had to do first. Eryx had woken up and puked all over the place. After he had stopped hurling the contents of his stomach everywhere, he had complained about his shoulder hurting. 

I couldn't take him to the healing room right away or else we would be asked unwanted questions. I peered into the healing room but didn't see Wanda there. I tiptoed down to the witches' living quarters. I had no idea how I would find her. Luckily, I spotted her right away. 

She saw me and got up quickly. 

"What is it?" she asked worriedly. "Are you having a relapse?" 

"No. But I need your help." I said. 

She followed me out of the witch quarters. I took her to the common room where Eryx was lying on the couch.  She took one look at his shoulder and hurried over to him. She put her hands on his arm and began muttering some incantations. Slowly, the burnt skin was replaced by a fresh new one. Eryx thanked me gratefully and headed up to his dorm. 

Wanda turned to me. 

"How did this happen? And why are you up so early?" she asked sternly. 

"Please don't ask any questions. I'd also be really grateful if you don't mention this to anyone." I stuttered pleadingly. 

She looked surprised. Then she wrinkled her nose. 

"I can smell the alcohol on you. I will talk to you later when you are more coherent." 

She started walking out of the room. She looked back and smiled at me. 

"Don't worry, I will keep your secret." she smiled at me, her eyes twinkling.

I smiled back. I headed up to the dorm. I looked at Aria's door. Muffled crying noises were coming out from her dorm. I desperately wanted to sleep but I felt bad for Aria. I had to comfort her. I couldn't leave her alone like this.

I knocked at the door. 

"Go away," she yelled, between sobs. 

I knocked again. 

"Who is it?" she asked. "Leave me alone!" 

"I'm Olivia. Let me in, I need to sleep." I said, thinking she would let in her roommate. 

"No you're not," she said, sniffling. "Olivia's passed out on her bed. Leave me the  fuck alone Verina." 

I kept knocking, trying to coax her out. Finally, she opened the door and stumbled into my arms. 

"Ver," she said, bursting into tears again. "Oh, Ver." 

"Shhh," I whispered, stroking her soft red hair. "It's alright." 

I took her inside and helped her on the bed. She was less drunk then I was, but I knew she would pass out soon. I tried to ask her how she was feeling and did my best to comfort her but she wasn't in the mood to talk. She just kept sobbing. I stayed with her until she fell asleep. Then I decided to head back to my own room before the wake-up bell rang. I opened the door and screamed. 

Hey guys!! How are you liking the story so far?? Do let me know your thoughts!!❤❤

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