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It was too crowded for us to see properly. Bianca and Aria leaned forward and managed to catch a glimpse of the prince. They giggled and pushed me forward so I could see him as well. 

He was dressed in royal blue extravagant clothes and was smiling at everyone, though the smile did not quite reach his eyes. He was extremely handsome with lush dark hair and blue eyes. Girls were practically swooning as they saw him and even the boys looked impressed with his regal confidence. 

Kuperus greeted him and smiled. She led him inside and we followed them to the dining room which had been decorated and lit up with many candles, which had created a great ambience around the room. I had seen him once or twice before and that was only a few years ago. He was mostly present at the noble meetings which my dad wished for me to attend before, but my mom had protested saying they were no place for a lady. I had argued with them for I had badly wanted to attend, and my dad had agreed. 

But that had been before the summer trip. After that, my dad thought I wasn't responsible enough to attend and I hadn't asked him about them for I no longer cared. 

Dinner began and it was twice as extravagant as any normal meal at the academy. Huge roasted turkeys and chickens made their way to the table as did some other meats. There was a wide selection of exquisite looking vegetarian dishes as well, as many Carthans did not believe in killing animals. They thought taking blood from humans was enough. 

For all their no killing policy and moral principles, the Carthan society was still full of hatred against humans and against anyone who loved them enough. They looked down upon anyone who was different and closed themselves off when someone needed help. They could be ruthless and had no qualms about killing their kind just to make sure people were following the rules. 

Prince Arryn Dragomir rose after dinner was finished, clearly to make a speech. 

"Good evening everyone," he said, in a soft warm voice. "I am so glad to be here with all of you and so pleased to have a chance to stay here at Monteverde Academy."

He paused and took a deep breath. 

"However, I have come here in uncertain times. I am sure all of you have been told about the threat of a hunter which has been looming upon our society. I am sure you know this and like everyone, you must have thought that he is too far away which has lulled us into a false sense of security. Well, I have brought some distressing news. It is not an ancient hunter who has awoken but a huntress."

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