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The next evening I woke up feeling tired. Hunting Class was just in two days and my body was asking for blood. I got up and was just dressing in my normal clothes when I saw the outfit Bianca had decided to wear. It was fancy and frilly. With a jolt, I realised that most girls would be wearing such outfits. I decided to wear a dress. Not wanting to put in too much effort, I decided on my navy dress yet once again. 

Bianca got up and we went down to breakfast together. To say I was undressed was an understatement. I didn't care. I wasn't planning on impressing the prince like everyone else. 

Mrs Kuperus got up after everyone had eaten looking grave. 

"Dear students, we have decided on putting up wards all around the school. No one will be able to leave without permission and then only in extremely urgent cases. We will be expecting full cooperation from you. Due to the current situation, you will be brought humans for feeding here instead of hunting on grounds. That is all, you may proceed to your classes."

I started walking to my Vampiric History class and sat down next to Airell before Eryx could. He looked a little surprised but then shrugged and went to sit next to Aria instead. I wanted to talk to him as well but Airell was harder to find these days. My thoughts were filled with Aiden while Mr Aureus Lowell droned on about the selzer wars. I wouldn't be able to leave to see him for a very long time. While it hurt me to stay away from him, I felt a little relieved that the events of the summer trip were unlikely to repeat themselves. I couldn't bear the thought of him getting hurt. I put my head on my desk and tried to think of something else.

Airell slid a note over to me and nudged. I leaned over. 

"What's up Ver? Everything okay?" he had written. 

"Yeah. It's just that this huntress thing is stressing me out." I wrote back. "I haven't seen you in so long." 

"I know, sorry. It's just that Oaklyn wanted to hang out." 

I smirked. 

"So you will forget about your other friends?" 

I waited for him to write back but he didn't. Curious, I glanced at him and saw that he was staring at Eryx and Aria laughing together. 

Suddenly, Mr Aureus swooped down on us. He took the piece of paper we had been writing on and stuck it into his pocket. 

"I see we are working hard and making notes here." he said and walked away. 

I blushed and looked down on the desk. If it had been Mr Spartan, he would have read the notes aloud to the whole class. But Mr Lowell was nicer than that. I tried to pay attention to him. 

I caught up with Eryx after the class. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. "You looked worried after that call with your father." 

"Yeah," he said gloomily. "He wants me to befriend the prince and to raise our family's status in the royal clans. He said I was usually a worthless piece of shit and this was the least I could do." 

I stared at him in shock. I knew his dad was power-hungry, but I didn't know he was so hurtful. I tried to comfort Eryx but he wandered away, leaving me standing there in shock.

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