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I got up as soon as the sun's rays started shining through the window and closed the heavy curtains quickly. I would have to change my schedule soon. School would start tomorrow and the classes took place at night as we couldn't go out during the day. I completed packing by gathering all the odds and ends I could find.

There was complete silence during the day at our manor. All the maids and the butler were fast asleep. 

Feeling restless, I got up and started going up the staircase. All my dad's rooms were on this floor. The whole floor was shrouded in darkness. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight. Heavy red curtains hung on all the windows. The whole corridor was covered with expensive artwork. 

It looked exactly the same as when I had come up here last. I opened the door to my dad's bedroom. There was nothing new there.

I went on and opened the door to his study. His computer was sitting on the desk. Switching it on, I entered his password. The password was incorrect. Frowning, I entered it again. The password hint appeared- "Stop it Ver." 

So dad had figured out I used to sneak up here. Sad. I opened his drawer, thinking he must have left something in his hurry to get back. I opened the door and saw a report from his secretary. Smiling triumphantly, I pulled it out.

 It was about the hunter. I skimmed through it quickly. It said that a number of witches had tried to cast wards but all of them had died from the effort. They were still working on the issue. 

This was bad news. Closing the door, I went back downstairs.

As soon as the moon appeared in the sky, the servants put all my luggage in the car. Stanley came out to bid me goodbye and told me to take care. Scooping up Bella in my arms, I got in the car and told the chauffeur to start the car.

I was going to the train station where Bianca and I met at the end of every holiday and took a train to the academy together. I looked at my phone again. Bianca hadn't called me back yet. In fact, she hadn't called much since she returned from her cruise. Feeling annoyed, I shoved my phone back in my pocket. 

We soon reached the station. I waited for Bianca but I didn't see her. I frowned. The train would be leaving soon. I was about to call her again when I received a text from her. 

Going by car today. See you there. 

Feeling mad, I stormed into a compartment and sat down. The chauffeur brought in my luggage. The train whistled and started moving. I was off to the Academy.

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