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I stared at him in shock. What was he even doing here? Come to think of it, he had been acting weirdly all year and I had been too busy with my own life to notice. I realised how much of a bad friend I had been. With a pang, I realised that I hadn't even apologised to him for being rude at the party. I couldn't even remember when I had talked to him last. We were so often wrapped up in our own lives and thoughts, it was hard to see what others were going through. I realised my flaw was sometimes not noticing things about my friends. And that made me feel guilty. 

My friends cared about me and it was because of them I had been able to get through my life normally even after the summer trip. Bianca had consoled me and gave me a shoulder to cry on whenever I needed to, Airell and Yves had asked about the fight with my dad and had understood when I was not ready to share that. Pretty Aria, whom I had always considered self-obsessed had skipped classes to be with me when I needed someone. Eryx had always supported me in his way and had always gone through with my plans no matter how crazy they were. Even Wanda, who I had known for such a less time had helped me in times no one else would and had comforted me and Arryn understood me and confided in me and made me smile to lift my spirits. Even Bella, my cat was my friend who had stood by me through all difficult times in my life.

I realised I had often taken them for granted, never truly appreciating them or acknowledging them. Even when my family didn't understand me, they did. They took me in, listened to my problems and helped me. I felt lucky to have them in my life. I resolved I would look out for them even if my life was filled with problems.  

I saw Yves look around furtively and pull his coat closer to him. He lowered his head and began walking quickly towards the forest. He was probably heading back to the academy.

My phone dinged in my pocket and I pulled it out. Bianca and Aria were asking me where I was. I bit my lip and shoved it back. I decided to head back myself. Aiden was gone and Yves had headed back to the school.

 There was nothing left for me here. I swallowed back my tears and decided I wouldn't pine over something I couldn't have. I would have to try harder to move on. With a deep breath, I resolved not to think of Aiden ever again. Resisting the faint traces of his smell lingering in the air, I raced towards the forest.

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