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We were all seated at the table for a grand lunch. The room was unusually silent, everyone seemed in a grim mood. Three large ornate chairs which had been placed for the royal family were empty. They still hadn't come for lunch and I doubted they will. They had seemed to be in a heated discussion after the funeral was over, probably about security issues.

A servant brought a letter for Mrs Kuperus and everyone's expression turned serious. News of more attacks by the huntress. I pushed my lunch away and got up. I couldn't stand being still like this. I needed to do something. I made my way towards the library. 

I went up to the computer and searched the huntress and it directed me to the shelves where some books could be found. I opened one and turned the pages randomly. It contained little information based on eyewitnesses who had seen the huntress a century ago. It contained no new information on how to stop her. 

I thumbed through various books, but they all said the same thing. The huntress had been defeated in a war resulting in the near extinction of the Carthans and witches. Even the Selzers came to help for the huntress was killing off every vampire in the vicinity. I doubted any Carthan would like help from Selzers. I thought about Garessa and was filled with anger. No one deserved to die like that. And then I thought about her parents. No one deserved that either. 

I was startled by a call on my cellphone. I hurried to the silence the shrill ringtone before anyone could protest. Not that there were many people about- only the librarian and a few helpers. 

I walked out of the library and answered the phone. 

"Hello," I said. 


"Dad? What's wrong?" I asked, fearing the worst. 

"Nothing," he said, sounding surprised. "Why?" 

"I was just...asking," I said lamely. I was surprised my dad had called me instead of my mom and had immediately assumed the worst. I felt a little stupid. 

"Verina, is everything okay?" he asked, concerned. 

"Yes fine, fine," I said. 

"Well, I called to ask you if you would join us in Vervosia. I know your mother has already asked you this but she insisted I convinced you to do so as well." 

"If everyone is leaving then I would have to too," I said, deliberately phrasing it this way. I didn't want to get Mom's hopes up in case my friends decided to stay here. I had a feeling it would be so and I couldn't leave them alone. Besides, I just didn't want to spend my days overthinking and being lonely.

"I am worried about all this huntress stuff Dad." I burst out suddenly surprising myself. I felt a need to confide in him and for him to reassure me. This was not a time to be fighting with one's family. I hadn't forgiven him of course but I still wanted to talk to him like before. 

"Even I am worried about that honey. But many strategists are out here drawing up charts and plans and holding meetings with the witches. We all are going to be alright." 

I took a deep breath. 

"I love you, Dad," I said, choking on a half uttered sob, and hung up before he could reply.

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