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I was woken the next evening by Bianca who was looking worried. Her blonde hair hung about her face listlessly and she looked as though she hadn't slept. 

"What's wrong?" I asked getting up immediately. "Is it about Finn?" 

"Yes and no," she said, looking at her hands. "Yes, I am worried about him and his weird behavior. And no, because I have some news. Bad one. Academy is being sued by Garessa's powerful uncle and he has managed to get a signature from nearly all the parents. Ours included. Rumors are that the school will shut down in a week." 

"What?" I exclaimed, tying up my long hair. "That can't be happening." 

"It is," she confirmed. "And there is nothing we can do about it. It's probably for the best after you know what happened with Garesssa." Her voice softened. "But I can't say I won't miss it." 

"Me too," I mumbled, still a little shocked. Monteverde Academy was like a second home to me and the thought of it being gone forever made me want to curl up and cry 

I was still reeling from the news when there was a knock at the door. Bianca opened it and exclaimed in surprise. 

"Finn! Um, what are you doing here?" 

I came over to stand by Bianca. Finn's arrival surprised me as well. 

He smiled nervously at Bianca and nodded toward me. 

"Oh, right I should leave you guys alone..." 

"I wanted to talk to Verina..." 

We both said at the same time. It took me a minute to process what he said. 


"Just for a minute please," he said, gesturing towards the hall. I followed him out and crossed my arms. 

"Hi Verina," said Eryx. I jumped, feeling startled. I had not seen him leaning against the wall. 

"Eryx!" I said. "What's wrong? And what are you doing with Finn?" 

He jammed his hands into his pockets, looking uncomfortable. I raised my eyebrows. It was out of character for him to be uncomfortable. 

"Well?" I prompted. 

"It's about Yves." he burst out. "He hung a few times with that Finn guy and they became sort of friends I guess. He came up to me just before Garessa's funeral and told me that Yves had looked troubled since the start of the school year. He told Finn that he had gone to Vervosia with his mom and the trip had been a disaster- his parents had decided to split up. And he was hurt by all the times I had snapped at him. Finn was worried about him as after Garessa's death he had seemed even more distant and withdrawn. Finn wants us to go talk to him." 

I took all of this in. I had no clue that Yves was going through so much. And he was being blackmailed too. And none of us had known about it. Well except maybe Finn, who had turned out to be a better friend for him than all of us. 

"Why didn't you tell this to Bianca or Aria?" I asked. 

"You were one of the closest friends Yves had. And I thought it was wrong to share his private story with everyone. I knew you would help me." 

"So what do you want to do now?" 

He looked even more uncomfortable than before. 

"I think I want to apologize."

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