Avatar Roku / I Am Tsukkio, Daughter of the Moon Spirit (Winter Solstice pt 2)

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"Sir, the order for the Moon Scroll was a complete transaction,"

Dawn, Tsukkio

I've been watching Aang all night, making sure the little monk won't fly off with Appa and Momo alone to the Fire Temple. It's dawn, and the moon was hiding under the horizon as the faintest of sunlight was peeking through the sky. Once it was a sign morning was coming around, Aang swiftly bolted, packing his things and silently opening and closing the door behind him to get to Appa. I slowly lifted myself from my sleeping bag, pulling myself out its comfortable bedding. I glanced over at Sokka and Katara, Sokka was sprawled out with his mouth hung wide open deep in sleep. I could have sworn I saw some drool sliding down the side of Sokka's mouth. Katara was sleeping peacefully with her hand supporting her head like a pillow. I still couldn't shake Katara's question of who I am out of my head. Ever since I gave her my unsure answer, Katara hasn't been talking to me, let alone acknowledge me being around her. I don't see why she is acting this way when I don't even know who I am. Monk Gyasto always called me Moonchild, but am I the daughter of the Moon Spirit?

I sighed roughly, shaking Sokka to get up while gently shaking Katara up. Sokka had the look of irritation on his face as he doesn't like to be woken up out of his sleep. Katara had the same look, but not from being wakened up, but from the situation that happened earlier. I'm not surprised Katara can keep a grudge all night, letting it pour over to the next day.

"Is Aang gone?" Sokka asked as he blindly glances around the room for the young monk.

"He just let the room not too long ago, we have to pack our things quickly, or we'll miss the chance to fly with him to the Fire Temple," I replied quickly, rolling my sleeping bag.

"Are you sure Aang just left, or you don't know if Aang already left?" Katara asked, still with that look of irritation.

"I watched him all night Katara with no sleep, so I just saw him left!" I rolled my eyes at Katara's pettiness.

I placed my sleeping bag within my bag as I watched Sokka and Katara get themselves together. Then a grumbled rumbled through the air. It must be Appa grumbling that we're not coming along for the ride. Katara and Sokka were done quickly packing, and we were walking out the housing of Senlin Village when the locals of the village came behind us. We silently watched Aang struggle to get Appa to follow him as Appa sat on his butt.

"Look, I'm sorry, but Katara, Tsukkio, and Sokka aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt, I'd never forgiven myself," Aang said sadly to Appa. "SO GET YOUR BIG BUTT OFF THE GROUND AND LETS GO!!"

I've never heard Aang yell of anger before besides the squeals of excitement or fear. It was a new side of Aang I've never witness, and to think he will ever yell at Appa like that was surprising.

"I think his big butt is trying to tell you something?" Sokka said as Aang quickly turned around to see the villagers and us of the village.

"Please don't go, Aang. The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation," Katara stepped forward with her hands within each other, expressing her care for Aang. "Neither can I,"

"But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means, and I need to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the Solstice. That's today!" Aang said as I rolled my eyes.

"Stop acting like we are some fragile beings, you saw us kick and outsmart those Fire Nation idiots, and we'll do it again until there's none of them left!" I smirked, cracking my knuckles.

Aang jumped on the reigns of Appa. I can tell Aang was still hesitant to let my siblings and I on this dangerous ride to get to the Fire Temple. Then Aang looked at Sokka, Katara, and I like he was going to ignore us and let Appa fly off. The three of us stood in front of Appa, stopping him from pushing forward.

"The more time we waste trying to stop you from going, the more time we lose of getting you to that temple, so I suggest you let us hop on Appa!" I stared into the eyes of Aang.

"We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation, Aang!" Katara said as her eyes

"At least not without your friends, we got your back!" Sokka smiled. "EWWWWW!"

Appa licked Sokka, which I'm confused about why Sokka hasn't gotten used to Appa's love. Appa then nuzzles his head next to me, causing me to laugh at the tickle sensation I was getting from the big fluffy ball. I let Appa's fluffy cheek, and once done, I went to the back of Appa. I got on the saddle and placed my things down along with Sokka and Katara getting comfortable on the seat for the long ride ahead of us. The chief of the Senlin Village gave Aang a parcel for the things we will need on our journey. After that, Sokka, Aang, Katara, and I waved goodbye to the villagers and thanking them for everything they have given us.

It has been hours since we have been in the sky, and the sun is entirely up in the air. White clouds floated above us as Appa was flying kind of slow, and he might be tired. It was kind of boring as I simply took a small piece of a cloud and started bending the water to pass the time. I moved my hand gently, watching the stream of the cloud follow my moves. I noticed Katara was studying my every move as it was quiet on the way to the Fire Temple until Aang groaned.

"Come on, boy! We've got a long way to go! Faster!" Aang said to Appa as Appa pumped his tail up then down as he was flying a little faster than before.

Something felt funny with the water. The vibrations coming from the ocean below Appa was having a very distorted wave pattern. I hung on the end of the saddle, which caught the attention of Sokka and Katara.

"What's the wrong, Tsukkio?" Sokka questioned.

"Do you sense something with your unique waterbending abilities?" Katara said, being petty again.

"Yes, I do, and something is going wrong," I ignored Katara again.

I moved my hand, causing the clouds to break apart to reveal the familiar warship sailing the waters. It was a Fire Nation boat. It's not just any Fire Nation boat; it was Zuko's Fire Nation boat.

"Aang, we got trouble!" Katara exclaimed over at Aang.

"Yeah, and it's gaining fast!" Sokka shouted over his shoulders.

"Guys prepare yourself because we don't have to only deal with Zuko's boat," I turned my head to the front of Appa.

"What do you mean, Tsukkio?" Aang asked me with worry.

"I mean there's a fleet of Fire Nation ships that are going to block our chances of getting to that Fire Temple,"


"Sailing into Fire Nation waters ... of all the foolish things you have done in your 16 years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish!" I voiced my concern and frustration with my young nephew.

"I have no choice, Uncle," Zuko explained to me, looking through the telescope to search for the Avatar and the Waterbender.

Zuko, you do have a choice, but you have chosen to go after those two. Zuko, why don't you turn back and wait for them to fly over the Earth Kingdom waters to capture the Avatar and the Waterbender?

"HAVE YOU COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN THAT THE FIRE LORD BANISHED YOU?!?!?" I yelled at Zuko, hoping to get through him. "What if you get caught?"

"I'm chasing the Avatar and Tsukkio, my father will understand why I'm returning home," Zuko explained as he took his eye away from the looking glass.

Zuko, you know you're father is not the understanding type. If he were, then you wouldn't have to chase the Avatar or this unknown Waterbender around to get your birthright back to you. Zuko, when will you learn that you don't have to chase someone to get someone to love you?

"You give him too much credit, my brother is not the understanding type," I told Zuko hoping he will learn and have the Helmsman to turn this ship around, but my mind finally caught up with what Zuko said. "Tsukkio? Who's Tsukkio?"

"That's the name of the Waterbender; her name is Tsukkio," Zuko informed me, going back to searching for the flying bison. "There they are! Helmsman, full steam ahead!"

The clouds cleared up, showing the Avatar and Tsukkio. I saw Tsukkio and her eyes glowing white as I assume that she is the one that cleared those clouds.

"So you two on a first name base?" I smirked mentally, but I need to get Zuko to turn this ship around.

"It's not the time to talk about girls, Uncle, and it's time to claim my prize!" Zuko proclaimed as he got away from the looking glass. "Men ready the catapult. We have a bison to take out of the sky!"

The catapult rise from under the deck of the ship, the catapult is loaded with a steaming and smoldering projectile. The projectile was from the waste that was stuck in the boat, and I couldn't believe Zuko was going to fire that at the poor kids and bison in the sky. I pulled out my fan from within my clothing to get the filthy smell away from my nose.

"Prince Zuko, couldn't you shoot them down with something more fragrant?" I fanned some clear air over to my nose so I can breathe something fresher.

Zuko went behind the smelly projectile and shot a fireball it. The flames of Zuko's fire quickly ignited as the fire burned bright around the missile.

"On my mark.........Fire!" Zuko order sending one of the soldiers to let the thing go.

The projectile flew pass the flying bison missing them altogether. In response to the stinky missile, huge icebergs formed in front of the ship as they created tight and sharp turns to block them.

"Helmsman steer this ship out of the path of these icebergs!" Zuko spoke to the Helmsman.

The Helmsman guides the ship bobbing and weaving out of the way of the already grown icebergs to throw the boat off its course. Then out of nowhere, there were two lines blocking the Fire Nation waters. It was a line of ships belonging to the Fire Nation. Those ships formed a blockade preventing the waterway for Zuko to get by. The form of the barrier seemed like it stretched for miles, I knew Commander Zhao is doing this as retaliation for Zuko winning the Angi Kai as well as taking the Avatar and Tsukkio as a prize for my brother. Zuko realized it was a blockade, as I hope this will be a sign for Zuko to turn around.

"Technically, you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now, and they cannot arrest you," I suggested the idea to Zuko as I comb through my gray beard, hoping Zuko will finally get the point.

I waited for Zuko to give me his answer. I took notice of the flying bison and see that it was speeding through the cloudy blue sky. I already knew Zuko's response before he even said a word. This is going to be a troublesome day for Zuko and I as I tried my best to think of a way to get Zuko out of this if he does cross over Fire Nation waters.

"He's not turning around!!!" Zuko whined.

"Please, Prince Zuko, if the Fire Nation captures you, there is nothing I can do!" I begged this time, trying to get through my stubborn nephew. "Do not follow Tsukkio and the Avatar!!"

"I'm sorry, Uncle," Zuko apologizes with her head down then up to shout to the Helmsman. "RUN THE BLOCKADE!"


I stood facing forward with a glare on my face as I know Commander Zhao will make it harder for me to capture the Avatar and Tsukkio with my own hands. Then Zhao sent flaming projectiles at the bison and my ship. He doesn't care that I'm the crowned Prince of the Fire Nation. Once I give Tsukkio and the Avatar to my father and take my rightful place of the throne, I'm going to make Commander Zhao time serving my army miserable. Zhao's fireballs missed the ship landing in the water as the flames of the projectile died once coming in contact with the Earth Kingdom's ocean.

"Helmsman tries your best to dodge those flying fireballs just like how you did for the icebergs," I ordered the Helmsman.

The Helmsman navigates the ship, trying his best to dodge the flying fireballs. It was hard to see when icebergs were towering and sprouting right in front of the vessel, causing the boat to take the hits from the contact of the icebergs. I can only imagine the dents that need to come out of the metalwork of the ship. Not only trying to get through the sprouting icebergs, but the helmsman was also trying to get out of the range of the flying fireballs from Zhao's ships. The boat rocked back and forth since Zhao's fireballs missed the boat landing in the water as the flames of the projectile died once coming in contact with the Earth Kingdom's ocean. The rocking of the boat caused my soldiers, Uncle, and myself to keep our balance because of the waves created by the fireballs hitting the water close to the ship. Unfortunately, one of the fireballs hit the ship dead smack in the center and back of the boat. The projectile shook the ship harder as I held on the catapult for support. The Engineer Master of the vessel came running out when the waves were calming down. I could hear him panting from worry as his breathing was deep and taking a long time to exhale. The engineering master pointed to the smoke and burning fire that was behind him as he looks stressed.

"Prince Zuko, the engines are damaged! We need to stop and make repairs!" The Engineer Master shouted over to me.

"Do not stop this ship!" I ordered as I had my eyes staring in front of the water as I had a better view of Zhao's ships.

More fireballs were soaring through the sky as they were landing in the Earth Kingdom waters splashing. I noticed that the growing icebergs had stopped growing. I looked at the sky and saw that the two figures were free falling. For some reason, the time had stopped causing time to run by slowly. I studied the statistics noticing it was Tsukkio's older brother falling faster and Tsukkio trailing after him. Tsukkio grabbed her older brother as they both hit the water, and time returned to normal when Tsukkio and Sokka shot out of the ocean water. I took notice that Tsukkio's eyes were white, meaning she was using her unique waterbending abilities to get the water to shot them out of the water. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a sharp thump sound coming from the front deck of the ship. My eyes looking to see the thump was to see sharp ice shards wedged within the metal flooring of my boat.

  Tsukkio and her older brother got back on the saddle of the flying bison as it dipped its toes in the water to dodge a fireball that was aimed right at its face. Then the bison picked up in altitude as another projectile was aimed at the bison. The Avatar jumped off the bison's head and used its airbending to dispel the flames and break apart the missile into dust. The Avatar was pushed back into the reigns of the bison as the bison again picked up altitude. Then the flying bison crossed the borderline of the Fire Nation territory. I growled until I realized the ship was getting closer to Zhao's blockade. I thought my boat with hit Zhao's ship until my eyes locked on to a space that was big enough to get through Zhao's barrier and flow that bison in the direction it went.

"WE'RE ON A COLLISION COURSE!!" Uncle yelled, worried that the ship will crash into one of Zhao's boat.

"We can make it!" I declared confidently as I stared hard the space that is enough for my ship to go through.

Zhao's boats stopped moving like the engines of the ship was cut off. With the drivers of the boats shutting off gave enough space for my boat to pass them with ease. I glared up at Zhao, who was glaring back at me with his head tilted down. I didn't like the levels Zhao, and I was, Zhao, looking down on me like he was better than me. My ship completely passes Zhao's ships and blockade. My ship was sailing through the water with a busted engine with black smoke polluting through the clear blue sky. Zhao had a chance to arrest me and send me before my father, so I can face the consequences of crossing Fire Nation lines. But Zhao let run free, and that's a problem, a huge problem.

"What's he up to, Uncle? Why didn't Commander Zhao arrest me?" I bombarded Uncle with questions as I was growing curious as to why Zhao let me go without cuffing me, sending me on my way to my father.

"Because he wants to follow you," Uncle replied as he sounds disappointed. "He knows you'll lead him to the prize you're both after... the Avatar and Tsukkio,"

"If Zhao wants to follow our trail of smoke, then that's exactly what I'll let him do,"

Fire Temple: Sokka

Appa landed on the side of the Fire Temple that leads to the stairs to get to the temple itself. I was stretching my limbs, getting myself ready for the upcoming fight with the firebenders. I looked over at Tsukkio as she was standing on the edge of the cliff of the temple. Tsukkio's eyes glowed as water flowed up to Tsukkio's level, but went back into the body of water. I'm glad I got the chance to thank her for saving me, but it was strange how she propels us back onto Appa's saddle with only the force of water. I hate to notice this at the last minute, but Tsukkio's powers are a bit strange, which is stranger than Katara when she bends water. I also took see the tension between Katara and Tsukkio, which was made evident to Katara being petty. I don't know what happened to them, but when they are like this, it's dangerous to be around them, especially Tsukkio.

"You did it, buddy!" Aang exclaimed, letting Appa's head affectionately. "Nice flying!"

Appa groaned and rolled on his back. I can tell Appa was exhausted after all the flying we did in one day, especially when Tsukkio was healing Appa after we passed the blockade into the Fire Nation territory. I noticed that Katara was rubbing Appa's belly while I continued to stretch.

"Oh! You must be tired!" Katara said as I assume she was talking to me, but I was okay and refresh.

"No! I'm good!" I beamed as I jogged in place. "Refreshed and ready to fight some firebenders!"

"I was talking to Appa!" Katara had a wry look on her face as she was looking at me, making me feel embarrassed.

"Well ... I was talking to Momo!" My eyes caught sight of Momo hanging from a thin tree branch.

There was a sound of snickering coming from the side. I turned my head to see it was Tsukkio coming towards the group.

"Momo wasn't even paying attention to you, let alone you have taken down firebenders is slim to none Sokka!" Tsukkio laughter stopped when Katara spoke.

"We know you, Tsukkio, you can take out a whole fleet of firebenders with a blink of an eye, or should I say glow of an eye!" Katara said, being petty once again.

"I know I can take a fleet of firebenders out with a glow of my eyes, but I wonder if I can take you out the same way!" Tsukkio growled, and I can feel the trouble brewing within Tsukkio.

I know it won't be a good time in this temple, but now that Tsukkio is playing along with Katara's pettiness, I know for sure that this Fire Temple is going to drown itself in the water thanks to these two!

"Okay, let's end the sibling bickering and get to this temple," Aang said, running up the stairs leading to the Fire Temple.

When we got to the top of the steep path, the Fire Temple was before us. The temple glowed a fiery red color as the low afternoon sun's rays touched the temple's structure. Aang, Tsukkio, Katara, and I quickly hid behind the small wall that was placed before the Fire Temple's entrance. It was quiet and little too soft for all the ruckus the Fire Nation did when we were trying to get into their territory. I suspected guards protecting the doors of the temple, but no one was out there standing at attention. It was like the temple was easily letting us inside to get the job done. We steadily looked to our left and right in anticipation of an attack or at least a sign of a surprise attack.

" I don't see any guards," I said, seeing not one guard in sight.

"The Fire Nation must have abandoned the temple when Avatar Roku died," Katara chimed.

"Or the most realistic idea is when the Fire Nation thought that Aang was no more after they killed all the airbenders," Tsukkio added on to Katara's words.

"Its almost sundown, we'd better hurry," Aang said as he ran inside the temple with Katara, Tsukkio, and I trailing behind him.

Once inside the Fire Temple, it was just as empty inside than it was outside. Everyone walked in silently, taking in the appearance of the inside of the temple. I stopped walking in mid-stride when I felt someone behind me, and I guess Tsukkio felt the same way too, but she stopped also. I turned around and saw five men dressed in the same outfits. I can think these older men are the caregivers of the temple.

"We are the Fire Sages, guardians of the temple of the Avatar!" One of the older men in the front introduced himself and his other sages.

I wanted to smile at the fact we finally have someone or a group of people on the side of the Avatar. But something about these Fire Sages felt off about them. I felt Tsukkio placing a hand on my shoulder, gently pushing me behind her taking the role of protector.

"Great! I am the Avatar!" Aang announced as he walked forward too.

"We know," the elderly man who introduced the Fire Sages replied nonchalantly.

The Fire Sage at the front quickly got into his firebending stance. The Fire Sage snot a blast of fire at Aang and the rest of us, which Aang airbend the fire away from us while the Fire Sages body hit the floor as Tsukkio used this as a chance to get the water out of her pouch. Tsukkio's eyes glowed as the water turned into ice, restricting the Fire Sages to get up.

Underground passage of the Fire Temple, Aang

Shyu, one of the Fire Sages of the Fire Temple, showed Tsukkio, Katara, Sokka, and I the way to speak to Avatar Roku. The underground passage of the Fire Temple had a fiery red glow just like it did outside, but the flaming red hue was coming from the magma that was resting under the Fire Temple. Surprisingly it was hot in here as I suspect it to be especially being this close to a hot magma liquid. I was astonished that Shyu wanted to help me after the other Fire Sages are going out of their way to find me and try to keep me away from speaking with Avatar Roku. The thing I want to ask is why Shyu wished to betray the other Sages he knew longer to help me talk with Avatar Roku?

"Avatar Roku once called this temple his home!" Shyu gave a mini backstory about Avatar Roku. "He formed these secret passages out of the magma!"

"Did you know Avatar Roku?" I asked Shyu because it seemed like he knew him personally.

"No, but my grandfather knew him," Shyu replied as he was leading the way for me to speak with Avatar Roku. "Many generations of Fire Sages guarded this temple long before me, we all have a strong spiritual connection to this place,"

If the Fire Sages guarded and only serve the Avatar, then why didn't they want to help me out? Was Avatar Roku a better Avatar than me, well Avatar Roku didn't leave his duties because it was too much, and Shyu didn't go his obligations when I didn't show up.

"Is that how you knew I was coming?" I glance up at Shyu.

"A few weeks ago, an amazing thing occurred. The statue of Avatar Roku, its eyes...began to glow!" Shyu recalled.

That was when I was at the Southern Air Temple. That was the day I saw Monk Gyatso's skeleton body surrounding those Fire Nation skeletons into that hut. So that's how they knew I was coming or my existence back into the world.

"You say glowing eyes, huh?" Katara questioned. "That sounds like someone I know right, Tsukkio?"

"I can show you glowing eyes if that's what you want, Katara!" Tsukkio rumbled. "All you have to do is say the word,"

"Can you two please stop fighting, especially near this hot magma!!" Sokka panicked. "You weird magical bending might bend this magma over to my handsomely good looks!"

Katara and Tsukkio didn't say anything but ignore Sokka, which is strange. Tsukkio and Katara always used to reprimand Sokka together, but this time they didn't even say anything to him. Katara and Tsukkio exhaled a puff of air and snapped their bodies to the side, pouting the other way.

"At that moment, we knew you had returned to the world," Shyu ignored Katara and Tsukkio's bickering.

"If this is the Avatar's temple, why did the Sages attack me?" I can finally speak my thoughts.

"Things have changed, in the past, the Sages were loyal only to the Avatar," Shyu gave another backstory. "When Roku died, the Sages eagerly awaited for the next Avatar to return. But he never came,"

I quickly became sad. The previous Fire Sages were waiting for my return, and I never showed up to take my place as the Avatar.

"They were waiting for me," I held my head down in shame.

"Hey, don't feel bad! You're only a hundred years late!" Sokka joked as he put his arm around my shoulders with a smirk.

I glared at Sokka, causing him to put his hands up in defense. I wished Tsukkio or Katara could get Sokka to make me feel better, but they're going through their girly issues that Sokka and I don't know what happened or how to fix it.

"They lost hope that the Avatar would ever return when Fire Lord Sozen began the war, my grandfather and the other Sages were forced to follow him," Shyu continued his tale, but this time shook his head in dismay. "I never wanted to serve the Fire Lord! When I learned you were coming, I knew I would have to betray the other Sages,"

"That's very brave of you, Shyu at least you knew what you had to do and who you are!" Katara exaggerated, snapping her head over to Tsukkio, who just glared at Katara with fury.

"One more time, Katara, and I mean it, one more time!" Tsukkio barked.

"Thank you for helping me!" I thanked Shyu.

Shyu nodded with a gentle smile as we went up the cool molten stairs. Shyu explained to me about how I could speak with Avatar Roku once I get inside the sanctuary with Avatar Roku's statue. It was silent for the rest of the way as we got to this little hatchet door handle of the underground passage. Shyu opened the door as we all walked through the door to be back to the main room of the Fire Temple. I heard Shyu gasped as he ran towards the sanctuary elaborate entrance with five golden metal dragons with their metallic mouths opened wide like they were getting ready to fire some flames out of their mouths. I ran over to Shyu along with the others as they got out of the underground passage.

"Shyu, what's wrong?" I asked, confused about what's the problem.

"The sanctuary doors, they're closed!" Shyu explained in a panic.

"Can't you just open them with firebending?" Katara questioned touching one of the five golden metal dragons. "Like you opened that other door?"

Katara does have a point. What's so different about this door than the other secret entrance of the burning Temple?

"No, only a fully realized Avatar is powerful enough to open this door alone," Shyu said as his words hit me harder than a Bumi throwing his rocks at me. "Otherwise the Sages must open the doors together with five simultaneous fire blasts,"

"Five fire blasts, huh?" Sokka spoke his thoughts out loud, standing under a latent that turned on when he got an idea. "I think I can help you out!"

Sokka went to the front of the sanctuary doors as he was grabbing the things he needed. Sokka even provided some items to Sokka to use for his unspoken plan to open the doors. The more Sokka worked on his project, the more I was interested in what he was coming up with. Once Sokka was down to the last creation, Sokka began his plan.

This is a little trick I picked up from my father. I seal the lamp oil inside an animal skin casing, Shyu lights the oil-soaked twine and tada! Fake firebending!" Sokka exclaimed, showing off the finished creation of firebending.

"I got to say Sokka, and you came up with a brilliant plan!" Tsukkio smiled big, and this was the first time I have seen Tsukkio smiled so big since I've met her.

"You've outdone yourself this time, Sokka!" Katara beamed, staring in awe at the creation.

"This might work!" Shyu combed through his gray beard.


"WHY WON'T IT OPEN!!!" Aang yelled, hurdling huge slashes of air "attacking" the metal doors. "AAARGH!!!!"

The doors of the sanctuary didn't open after that powerful blasts of Sokka's fake firebending trick. I thought that would work by the look of the explosion, but I guess we have to come up with another plan before the other Fire Sages come and see us. Having Aang screaming and throwing a tantrum is not going to help the situation.

"AANG, STOP," I shouted, grabbing Aang's arm before he can create another air slash to the door. "There's nothing else we can do,"

"Can you guys stop screaming and shouting, we already drawn enough attention to us," Tsukkio declared as she stared and studied the door.

"I'm sorry, I put you through all this for nothing," Aang apologize with his head hung in shame.

"You did out us through nothing, Aang we still have time left for you to talk to Avatar Roku!" Tsukkio smirked at Aang.

Sokka walked to one of the open metal mouths of the dragons. Tsukkio joined Sokka's side, and she took a closer look at it herself. Black soot-stained the used to be clean golden mouths as Sokka run his index finger picking up the soot.

"I don't get it? That blast looked as strong as any firebending I've seen," Sokka said, studying the skit on his index finger as Tsukkio was next to him looking at his index finger at the soot.

"It looked like true firebending at its finest being performed, but do these doors know the difference between true and fake firebending?" Tsukkio turned to face Shyu, awaiting his answer.

I took a closer look at the door while I stood next to Aang. My eyes widen as it did leave the after marks of fire, meaning that Aang did open the sanctuary's doors! Maybe we could use this to trick the other Fire Sages!

"Sokka, Tsukkio! You two are geniuses!" I exclaimed with a smile.

"Wait, how is Sokka genius? His plan didn't even work!" Aang looked confused. "And Tsukkio only agreed with Sokka's statement!"

"Come on, Aang, let her dream!" Sokka cockily smirk.

"How about your dream of that in your sleep!" Tsukkio snickered, causing Sokka to glare at her.

"You're right, Aang, Sokka's plan didn't work ... but it looks like it did!" I smirked myself looking at the door.

"Did the definition of "genius" change in the last hundred years?" Aang had the face of confusion.

"Guys, I have a plan that will work better than Sokka's failed but brilliant plan!" Tsukkio hurdled us around in a circle, but Sokka.

"Hey, that's mean!" Sokka exclaimed, which Tsukkio quickly got him into the circle.

I'm not petty with Tsukkio as I gave her my full attention. This situation is more significant than what issue I have with Tsukkio. We have to get Aang to talk to Avatar Roku. Tsukkio told us her plan of how we can get those sanctuary doors opened, and the idea sounds like it could work!

"HURRY!!!" Shyu yelled, getting the attention to the other Fire Sages. "The Avatar has entered the sanctuary!"

"How did he get in?" The Fire Sage from earlier questioned Shyu with curiosity.

"I don't know, but look at the scorch marks and down there!" Shyu replied.

Shyu pointed at the space between the sanctuary door and the floor to reveal a shadow of Momo pretending to be Aang inside. Sokka, Tsukkio, Aang, and I were hiding as we were inching closer to one of the Sages to take them down so Aang could quickly get inside with Avatar Roku.

"He's inside!" The Fire Sage from earlier shouted as he got into his firebending stance. "Open the doors immediately before he contacts Avatar Roku!!"

The Fire Sages got into their stance and blasted five fire blasts at the same time, as Shyu mentioned earlier. The metal dragon heads all turned as I heard the five clicks of the locks unlocking. The doors to the sanctuary opened, revealing Momo with a cloth o er his head as I wondered where he got that from, but Momo had a sneezed. Momo looked at the five Fire Sages with a puzzled look, which was perfect distraction like Tsukkio mentioned in her plan to get closer to the Fire Sages while they are not paying attention to their backs.

"It's the Avatar's lemur! He must have crawled through the pipes! We've been tricked!" The Fire Sage from earlier informed his other Sage friends.

Momo suddenly leaps at one of Fire Sage's face, knocking him down. Sokka and I jump from behind two columns and grab the two nearest Fire Sages. We pulled the Fire Sages' clothes over their heads while Shyu catches the last Fire Sage by twisting the Fire Sage to face the wall, but grabbing his arm. Tsukkio's eyes glowed white as she bent some water from the ocean and froze the water restricting the other four Sages from moving.

"NOW, AANG!!" Shyu called out for Aang to come out of hiding, but he didn't come out.

"AANG!!!" I shouted, hoping to get Aang out of hiding. "NOW'S YOUR CHANCE!!"

I turned back to see the horror of Prince Zuko holding Aang captive. How did Zuko get here? I thought he's ship was smoking from the fireballs of that other Fire Nation ship!

"The Avatar's coming with me!" Zuko declared.

"Oh, Aang's coming with you?" Tsukkio's head nodded like she understood what's going on with her eyes still glowing white.

Tsukkio moved her arms as move water from the ocean outside came into the room. The water was sent flying over to Zuko, causing Zuko to let go of Aang. Aang used the fight between Zuko and Tsukkio to get to the doors of the sanctuary.

"Close the doors! Quickly!!!" Zuko ordered the four faithful Fire a Sages of the Fire Nation.

The tables quickly turned for Sokka, Shyu, Momo, and when the Fire Sages took control of the situation by firstly evaporating their frozen restraints like earlier when we met. The only person that could save us was Tsukkio as Aang ran for the open doors, but he looked back Sokka, Tsukkio, Momo, Shyui, and I. I know Aang wants to stop running and save us, but Aang kept going when Tsukkio said something to him.

"Aang doesn't worry them, and I can get them out of it!!" Tsukkio called out to Aang. She was taking jabs from Zuko. "You worry about speaking to Avatar Roku!"

Aang ran faster to the door as it was slowly closing itself on him. The Fire Sages had chained Shyu, Sokka, and I to the red column so we couldn't move. The Fire Sages went after Aang to stop him, but Aang used their heads as stepping stones to jump through the crack of the door. The doors of the sanctuary shut themselves once Aang was inside with a blinding white light creeping through the spaces of the locked doors.

"HE MADE IT!" I cheered with a smile.

A few minutes later, Zhao

"Why did you help the Avatar?" Zuko asked one of the Fire Sages that was chained with his arms behind his back.

"Because it was once the Sages' duty, it is still our duty," The one Fire Sage replied full-heartedly.

I just got inside the Fire Temple with a few of my soldiers following me inside as well. I got to say that it was a good idea for Zuko to come here to the Fire Temple with the covering of the black smoke of his damaged ship. Zuko needs to learn how to be more discreet, but he can't when you are a failure to your nation and banished from your own home! I noticed a Water Tribe chained up to one of the red columns all on her own compared to the two other Water Tribe boy and girl. I can assume that the girl chained on her own is the special Waterbender Zuko's crewmen told me about, and the other Water Tribe boy and girl were her older siblings. I guess it's time to make my presence noticed too that Banished Prince, the traitors, and Water Tribe siblings. I clapped my hand, gaining everyone's eyes on me, but Zuko's face funny as he thought he outsmarted me.

"What a moving and heartfelt performance!" I said, sarcastically ending my clapping with my soldiers behind me. "I'm certain the Fire Lord will understand when you explain why you betrayed him,"

"Commander Zhao!" The Fire Sage bowed as I ignored the Sage and his other sages' traitors.

"And Prince Zuko, it was a noble effort, but your little smokescreen didn't work," I smirked as I imagine my quick promotion to Admiral! "Two traitors, in one day, the Fire Lord will be pleased!"

I nudge my head over to Zuko as two of my soldiers went over to Zuko apprehend him. Zuko struggled in the hands of my soldiers as they went to go tie Zuko up to a column.

"You're too late, Zhao!" Zuko exclaimed, trying to get out of my soldier's grips. "The Avatar's inside, and the doors are sealed!"

"No matter! Sooner or later, he has to come out!" I smirked, causing the Water Tribe older brother and sister to look at each other with a worrying glance.

"AND IF YOU LAY A HAND ON HIM, I'M GOING TO END YOUR EXISTENCE RIGHT WHERE YOU STAND!!" The lonely Water Tribe girl shouted as her chains rattled from trying to free herself.

"Oh, the Moon Priestess is feisty for a suppose calming spirit child!" I taunted the Moon Priestess as her eyes glowed white like the incandescent Moon.

"Moon Priestess? What are you talking about, Zhao?" The Water Tribe girl on the other side of the room asked me, confused.

"Yeah, that is my sister from the Southern Water Tribe!" The Water Tribe boy exclaimed. "She is not a Moon Priestess or whatever you name you have under your sleeve.

"So, you didn't tell your siblings who you are?" I clicked my tongue in fake shame, but it was amusing to me. "I wonder once I get done torturing you, how much will Fire Lord Ozai will love to get your glowing eyes in his hands?"

"Zhao, if you lay a finger on Tsukkio, I'm going to beat you up!!" Zuko struggles to get out of his chains as well as he glared at me. "SHE'S MINE!!!"

So the Banished Prince will like a low-life Waterbender? Not only did the Banished Prince defend and protecting this Waterbender trash, he even knows her name! This Banished Prince never fails to surprise me every second we are in each other presence!

"Zuko, you can kiss your dream of getting your birthright crown back once I tell Fire Lord Ozai your relations with this Waterbending trash!" I smirked over to Zuko as he was trying his out of his restraints. "Fire Lord Ozai will never claim you as his son!"

I walked away from the Moon Priestess as she was struggling it get out. I now stood in front of the doors of the sanctuary waiting for the Avatar to come out of the other end of the door. My soldiers came next to me as we all took our firebending stance.

"When those doors open, unleash all your firebending power!" I ordered my men as they stood ready to take down the Avatar.

"Tsukkio, why didn't you tell Sokka and I who you truly are?" The Water Tribe girl asked the Moon Priestess. "Why didn't you tell me when I asked you yesterday?"

"Katara, not right now, so just drop it when we get back to Appa!" The Moon Priestess growled.

"No, I want to talk about it now! SO GET TO EXPLAIN ABOUT WHO YOU ARE OR THE INFORMATION YOU ARE NOT TELLING YOUR FAMILY!!" The Water Tribe girl continued to press the Moon Priestess.

If that girl doesn't so mess around with the Moon Priestess, then the Moon Priestess could show her real power.

"Cut it out Southern Water Garbage before you kill us all!" I called out to the Water Tribe girl as she just smirked at me.

"I'll take that chance!" The Water Tribe girl replied.

"DON'T TAKE THAT CHANCE!!" The Water Tribe boy screamed.


Suddenly I felt my body getting cold. I glanced around to see my soldiers and the Fire Sages shivering as well. I noticed that the Water Tribe siblings and the two traitors weren't trembling. I slowly turned my head over to the Moon Priestess, and she was flowing freely in the air as water from outside was encasing the chains that held her. The Moon Priestess has entered her Moon State having the ability to change a person's body temperature. I wrap my arms around my body, trying to give my body the warmth it needs, but that didn't help. I heard the sound of the ice breaking and turned to the sound and see that the Moon Priestess was free from her chains as they used to chain now shattered ice pieces. Another sound of broken ice erupted the room, and then I see the traitor of a Fire Safe free along with the Moon Priestess's siblings.

Then the door of the sanctuary opened, revealing Avatar Roku on the other end of the door instead of the airbending kid. Avatar Roku raises his arm and brings it down on the floor of the temple. The strike rends the level as molten lava rises to the surface. Avatar Roku lifts it, pulling the magma from deep within the volcano. A wall of magma shoots up through the entire temple structure. The lava explodes out of the very top of the temple. I suddenly feel my body heat rising as I was out of the control of the Moon Priestess. I used this opportunity to exit the soon to be a volcanic soup of the Fire Temple. My soldiers were behind me as we jumped and leaped to get away from the molting lava liquid that was burning anything in its path. Once out of the volcanic trap of the Fire Temple, I still felt the chill of the Moon Priestess's powers again messing with my body temperature as I was slowly warming up. I looked in front of me and saw my soldiers freezing as well, but they were waiting on my orders.

"M-men r-retreat t-to the b-boat as w-well as c-capture t-those F-Fire S-Sages!" I trembled through my words as I was still cold even when the Moon Priestess not having control of my body temperature anymore.

After a few minutes, my troops grabbed the Fire Sages as they were told. I was hot thanks to the soldiers that I left on the boat to warm me up some water to put on my body as well as the other soldiers who had the Fire Sages in our custody. We all climb aboard my ship on the way to Fire Lord Ozai to inform them of their treacherous deeds.

"No prince. No Moon Priestess. No Avatar. The only thing I do have is five traitors!" I growled as I stood before them.

"But Commander, only Shyu helped the Avatar!" The Fire Sage replied, pointing over to Shyu.

"Save your stories for the Fire Lord!" I waved over the Fire Sage words. "As far as I'm concerned, you're all guilty! Take them to the prison hold!!"

My soldiers followed my orders and sent the Fire Sages to the prison hold of my ship. I rubbed my head for a headache I have for almost having the Avatar, the Moon Priestess, and the Banished Prince in my hands to turn in to Fire Lord Ozai! I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned to see a soldier standing at attention as he had a stern look on his face.

"What do you want a soldier because it better be good to have you in my presence when I have a headache at the moment!" I barked at the soldier.

"It is good sir, I have news from the seller you was sending letters back and forth with," the soldier replied clearly.

"And what's his news?" I straighten my back.

"Sir, the order for the Moon Scroll was a complete transaction!"

I took my hand off my forehead as I smirked. I'm glad that the transaction went smoothly because know I possibly know a way to defeat the Moon Priestess!

A/n: if you guys have any ideas for the Moon State of Tsukkio's powers can you please put it in the comment section of this chapter because I will be sure to shout you out for your idea! Thanks for being here and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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