Bato of the Water Tribe

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Before we get started this chapter please check out this fabulous new writer by the username of Magical_Malia. Magical_Malia has written a story where she blends the Disney movie, Zombie with the Winx Club and made a story called Zombie Princess. This story is about Bloom having twin sister who wasn't with Bloom when Bloom arrived at Gardenia. In a world full of zombies will Bloom's twin sister, Zaya discover who she is? I'm even wondering who Zaya could be well let's discover together by reading Zombie Princess and enter into a side of the Winx Club fanfic we have never witness before! Magical_Malia's story has been deleted off Wattpad because it has malfunction and she will rewrite it, but please stick around and let's give her some reads and show Wattpad they can't be deleting stories without our permissions. 

I would also like to mention that the picture above is made by Magical_Malia and she drew her oc from her story Zombie Princess Zaya and Emalia from my Winx Club story! Don't they look so happy and so much like bffs 😁! I wonder who was taking that picture? The instagram name you see above Dreamingfairy is her instagram please follow her on there and show her love. If you're wondering if I followed her on Instagram of course I did and I'm wondering why are you not following her on the gram?

I would like to end this list of promotions with a good friend of mine lyllypinkranger, she had written a story called the The Tale of a Thunderbird (picture is below). This story is a Miraculous Ladybug and gang type so story. This story begins months after Miraculous Ladybug and her friends have kicked butt in Paris and they are enjoying their time on a school trip to United Heroz of America. Everything maybe peaceful in Paris but will it stay that way in America when Hawk Moth knows there are other Miraculous in America? Find out in lyllypinkranger's The Tale of a Thunderbird!

 "No, it's been separated from the pack. I understand that pain. It's how I felt when the water tribe warriors had to leave me behind. They were my family and being apart from them was more painful than my wounds,"

A/n: This quote will not be used in the chapter since my timing for this chapter is wrong and I hope you guys can forgive me. But this quote is the important since it sums up the whole chapter you are reading now! 


 I was having afternoon tea with Uncle Iroh or should I say Uncle Iroh was having some of his afternoon tea with me. I didn't want to be here sitting at this table with a hot cup of tea in front of me while Uncle was sitting across from me with a delightful smile on his face. I would rather look for the Avatar and Tsukkio than having this relaxing tea moment. 

 "Ahhh!!!" Uncle swoon over the hot cup of tea his placed on his lips. "See, Prince Zuko, a moment of quiet is good for your mental well being!" 

 I saw Uncle smiled as he placed the cup's circular curves lip to his own. I looked down at the mildly hot tea that was waiting for me to take a sip. I glanced back at Uncle as he still had that content grin on his face. Why the heck not try this tea and make Uncle feel happy that I'm taking part in his unplanned activity. I grabbed the cup of tea about to place it on my lips when I felt the hot liquid was all over my face and hair due to a surprise shock on the ship. I wiped the tea away from my face and shot up from my spot at the mini table. I groaned marched to the epicenter of the shock which on the foredeck of my ship. Uncle followed after me probably trying to come up with ways or words to make me calm down. When I got to the foredeck there was a young, but older dark haired lady on the ship as she was riding a massive but disrupting animal on its back. My ship members were forming a semi circle around the beast and its lady scared as the beast was sniffling around my metal floors. 

 "GET BACK!!!!" The dark haired lady yelled at my crew members. "WE HAVE A STOWAWAY!!" 

 I broke the scared crew member apart making a path for me so the lady can know I was talking to her. Stowaway? How can someone a board my ship without me, Uncle, or my crew members not knowing? Why is that hairy beast keep sniffing my floors?

 "There are no stowaways on my ship," I declared glaring high at the lady. 

 The beast began to use its sharp claws to scratch at the metal of my ship floors. Then it proceeds to rip out a chunk of my floor open with its mouth. Once the ripped metal floor was in the beast's mouth then the beast hurled the metal floor piece to the side putting his head inside the hole of my floor. Why would this beast rip my floor to only be in my barrel supplies for my journey to search for the Avatar and Tsukkio? One of the barrel made a rattled sound sounding like the beast is sticking its head around my supplies until some Earth kingdom man popped out of the hole screaming. I was stun that a man was hidden in my ship without me knowing along with the beast being able to track this man down without any eyes. The man was running up the ship's foredeck still screaming, but the beast shot it's thin spiky end tongue like a whip. The whip-like tongue hit the man's neck and I saw how quickly his body stiffen. The man fell face first to the metal floor while the lady smiled cockily as she hopped off her ride and walked over to the man. 

 "He's paralyzed," I thought out loud surprised that this disgusting creature could do something to someone like that. 

 "Only temporarily. The toxins'll wear off in about an hour, but by then he'll be in jail and I'll have my money," The dark haired lady went to toss the man over her shoulder like we was a light sack. 

 "But how did you find him on my ship?" 

 I ran over to the lady as she was putting her bounty on the back of her ride. The lady ignored me until she hopped back on her beastly animal companion's back. The lady began petting her animal's head as he stood his head high. 

 "My shirshu can smell a rat a continent away," The lady replied as she grabbed the reigns to the beast. 

 "Well, I'm impressed," Uncle said stroking his beard studying the animal or was he talking about the lady? 

 A beast that can't see, but can track down anyone using just its nose? Not only too mention this said person can be a continent away and track down this person? That's very much impressive! I got out of my thoughts when I heard the lady crack her whip at the beast and it charged off my ship and back on land like nothing happened. 

 "Very impressed," 


 Bayou and Appa landed on a hill and down the hill was the ocean. I heard the tides of the water crashing against the rocks. Aang, Katara, Tsukkio, and I were walked down the hillside because I noticed there was a battle that happened in this section of the hill. 

 "Hey look!" Aang called out to me. "A sword made out of whale's tooth just like Tsukkio's!" 

 A sword out of a whale's tooth? Just like Tsukkio's? Is Aang talking about a whale tooth scimitar? I heard rustling of the grass behind Aang and I, I turned around to see it was Tsukkio taking her eyes off her Moon Scroll to look at Aang and I. 

 "I heard my name, what's up?" Tsukkio said rolling up her Moon scroll she was reading looking between Aang and I. 

 "It's nothing Tsukkio, it's just Aang found something that may belonged to the Water Tribe?" I said walking over to Aang. "Let me see that," 

 Aang let me see what was in his hands and true enough it was a whale tooth scimitar from the Southern Water Tribe. My eyes got lost staring at the blade. I instantly had a flashback when I was younger. I remembered standing on the cliff watching the older Southern Water Tribe men load up the ships with their supplies. My face was painted with makeup, the warrior paint of battle. There was nothing I could do because I was a little boy in my dad's eyes and I needed to stay behind and protect our village and my sisters. I came back to reality, when I handed the whale tooth scimitar to Tsukkio and her body freeze upon seeing it. I know Tsukkio didn't get the chance to get things right with dad like she did with Katara and I, but our dad's men were here fighting someone here on this hillside. Maybe this is a chance for Tsukkio and dad to get right with each other. 

 "This is a Water Tribe weapon!" I said pointing at the weapon in Tsukkio's hands with Katara coming along and looking at the weapon herself. "Aang see if you can find anything like it," 

 "Do you want me to help too?" Tsukkio asked putting her Moon Scroll away as she was looking somewhat down. 

 I know this maybe hard for Tsukkio to try and look for dad. Maybe I'll just tell Tsukkio to stand back and let Aang and me search around for the Water Tribe. 

 "Yes Tsukkio, you can help Aang find the Water Tribe but do it at your own risk okay?" Katara patted Tsukkio's back with a smile. 

 Tsukkio nodded and walked a bit forward then she stood in one spot on the ground while Aang was a tiny bit ahead of her. Tsukkio's hair slowly rises and I felt the pressure coming from Tsukkio. I tread slowly through the pressure Tsukkio created to see Tsukkio using her Moon abilities. 

 "I sense a lot of things coming from the Southern Water Tribe up ahead and something huge in the water too," Tsukkio replied as she was slowly winding down her powers. 

 "Tsukkio I said help at your own risk not a global scale," Katara said concern. 

 "But that was at my own risk," 

 I gazed at Tsukkio shocked that what she just did was at her own risk. I wonder how powerful is Tsukkio if this was at her own risk? 

 "Can you identify the things that belonged to the Southern Water Tribe?" I questioned. 

 "No I can't identify what it is since their sweat or water droplets were evaporate, but from the little recent water I can tell the objects belonged to our tribe," Tsukkio shook her head. 

 I walked further from Katara and Tsukkio and I spotted a burn mark on the grassy ground. When that burnt patch of the ground was a burnt arrow. The brunt marks from the grass and arrow must been the fire benders doing. I bent down to examine it further. I un-lodged the arrow from the ground and it proved that there was a battle on this hillside. I know by the brunt marks that this battle didn't happen too long ago. 

 "There was a battle. Water tribe warriors ambushed a group of firebenders," I explained to Tsukkio, Aang, and Katara who came near me. "The firebenders fought back, but the warriors drove them down this hill," 

 I began running down the hill following the burnt marks and crispy arrows that was leading down the hill. I heard panting and crunching of the ground and it was happening at different times which means Katara, Tsukkio, and Aang was following closely behind me. I stopped running causing the others to stop running, I stopped running because there was no more clues telling me how the battle ended. Did the Water Tribe win or did the Fire Nation beat Dad and his men?

 "So then what happened?" Aang asked looking around for anymore clues that could be around our spot. 

 "I don't know, the trail ends here," I replied looking around. 

 "Tsukkio was right about something big was at the water, look guys!" Katara pointed over to the water.

 I followed the tip of Katara's index finger and see that there was a boat docked by the shoreline of the ocean. My eyes widen when I saw the familiar structure of the boat along with the traditional colors of the Southern Water Tribe. 

 "It's one of our boats!" I smiled running towards the docked ship. 

 "Is this... Dad's boat?" Katara asked following right behind me studying the boat herself. 

 "It doesn't look like Dad's particular boat," Tsukkio said touching the boat and closing her eyes. 

 "Tsukkio is right, but it's from his fleet. Dad was here!" I exclaimed. 

 "So what do we do now?" Aang questioned being the last person in the group to get a look at the boat. 

 "Someone or a group from this fleet must have docked from some strange reason, I bet someone or the group is going to come back to this boat. So it's best to say we're making this our campsite for the night until we see a familiar face from our tribe," 


 Night has fallen and everyone ate some fish that Tsukkio caught from the sea. The campfire was keeping the group and I warm from the chilling night air. Tsukkio, Aang, and Katara was bundled up in their sleeping bags fast asleep as I volunteered on the first night watch. I was tending the fire with my stick as I was lost in my own head. I went back to thinking the last day I saw day and the last day of Tsukkio's childlike behavior. 

~ Flashback ~

I was young carrying my supplies to the war boats which was my sleeping bag and gear. I came prepare for the war Dad had planned as my face was fresh with warrior paint. Dad was in charge of loading of the ships but he was also helping. I heard the sound of snow crunching near me like someone was walking towards me. I moved my supplies out of my face to see Dad looking down at me with a sad look on his face. 

 "Sokka," Dad called to me as I stared up at him. 

  "I'm coming with you," I said knowing that Dad won't let that happen, but I hope I had a small chance of getting on that ship. 

 Dad sighed and kneeled down so we was on the same level eye to eye. That's when I knew Dad is going to turn me back to the village. 

 "You're not old enough to go to war, Sokka, you know that," Dad informed me. 

 "I'm strong! I'm brave! I can fight! Please, Dad!" I pleaded hoping this will get through to Dad. 

 Dad was about to open his mouth until his blue eyes looked past me to behind me. I turned around to see what Dad was staring at until I saw it was Tsukkio. I growled as I didn't wanted to be near her at all. Tsukkio is the reason why Mom dead and the reason for Dad to leave with his warrior leaving me behind. Tsukkio had the same warrior paint as me but her's was sloppy. Tsukkio was running with her bow and quiver of mini play arrows were on her back, but she had in her arms a large sharp whale tooth scimitar. Tsukkio was panting as she was running towards Dad and I. I face the other way until I heard the sound of Tsukkio's little yelp along with something skidding across the snow. I turned back to Tsukkio's direction to see that Tsukkio was face first in the snow and the whale tooth scimitar was a few meters away from her. 

 "As you can see from what Tsukkio did she's going to be protected as she gets older," Dad informed me as he got to his feet. 

 "I don't want to be that mother killer," I mumbled pouting with my face turned to the side. 

 "Excuse me what did you say about your sister?" Dad's face was turning red. "You don't speak ill of your sisters when they made a mistake no matter how deadly or little the situation becomes!" 

 I slowly nodded my head then I looked at the snowy ground. Dad sighed and placed his hands on my shoulders. 

 "Sokka while I'm gone I need you to be nice to your sister especially Tsukkio and I need you to be a man. Being a man is knowing where you're needed the most, and for you right now that's here protecting your sisters," Dad explained to me as he gave me smiled as he held me close hugging me. 

 Dad picked me up and walked further up until I heard the sounds of more crying, but this cry was high pitch. I unburied myself from Dad and see it was Tsukkio crying as she hugged Dad's leg. 

~ End of Flashback ~


 "Who's there?" I heard Sokka called out from my dream world. 

 I heard another voice, but this voice was unrecognizable to me. What I can point out about this voice that it belong to a man since the voice is deep like he was a wise man. The voice was kind and full of spirit. Then I heard Sokka's gasp like she was surprised to see this voice that belong to the mysterious man. I opened my eyes and saw an older man who was badly injured as I seen bandages wrapped around his chest and shoulder. The older man wore the traditional clothes of the Water Tribe like Sokka, Katara, and Tsukkio down to colors. This must be one of the members of the Southern Water Tribe, Sokka was mentioning earlier. 

 "Bato?" Sokka called out a name surprised. 

 At the name of this Bato guy, Katara popped out of her sleep and nearly jumping out of her sleeping bag. 

 "BATO!!" Katara exclaimed as she was running over to Sokka and 

 "Who the what now?" I questioned confused. 

 "BATO!!!" Tsukkio said being the last to shot out of her sleeping bag with her wild hair covering her whole head until she pushed it back to see Katara and Sokka surrounding this man named Bato.

 Now Tsukkio joined Bato, Katara, and Sokka as they was smiling at each other as I kind of felt left out. 

 "Sokka! Katara! Tsukkio!" Bato exclaimed calling out the siblings names from oldest to youngest as he hugged them. "It is so good to see you three! Oh, you've grown so much especially you Tsukkio, I remember when you was this small!" 

 Tsukkio giggled like a shy little girl as her cheeks were red. I walked over to the Southern Water Tribe group as I can feel their happiness of seeing each other. 

 "Hi, I'm Aang" I bowed as I was interrupted by Sokka's question. 

 "Where's Dad?" Sokka questioned search around behind Bato to see his father. 

 "Is he here?" Katara was nearly jumping out of excitement. 

 "Where the fleet of guys?" Tsukkio blushed even more. 

 "Excuse me!" Sokka rolled his neck over to his youngest sister. 

 "What I can think about boys!"

 Bato laughed ending the tiny bickering between Sokka and Tsukkio. 

 "I'm glad some things habit changed with you two, but no, he and the other warriors should be in the eastern Earth Kingdom by now," Bato replied shivering from the sudden wind picking up making the air chiller than before. "Brr! This is no place for a reunion. Let's get inside!"

 Minutes later

 I was slumped on the wall bored out of my mind throughout my time with this get together with Bato and the Water Tribe siblings. They was going on and on about Bato and their Dad's adventures when they were younger then it went to something else. They have been ignoring me since we got to the Abbey that was offering lodging for Bato. After awhile I began to fall asleep, but I heard everything that Bato and the Water Tribe siblings was talking about.

 "There's something I should tell you kids. I'm expecting a message from your father," Bato informed the siblings. 

 "Really?" Katara exclaimed sounding happy. 

 "When?" Sokka questioned. 

 "Any day now. Your father said he'd send a message when they found the rendezvous point. If you wait here until the message arrives you can come with me and see your father again," Bato told the siblings as I woke up. 

 I was looking at the excitement on Sokka and Katara's face while Tsukkio was staring at her lap a bit uneasy. The siblings nor did Bato noticed that I fell to sleep or woke up to see what was going on. I felt this feeling of losing my friends as I saw two out of the three eyes were twinkling with delight. I quickly got to my feet and ran out of the room. I was met with the chilly air  outside again as I ran back to Bato's docked ship. I sat at the prow of Bato's ship with my knees to my chest and my head resting on my knees. 

 "I can't believe they would leave me," I said to myself frowning at the thought of Katara, Sokka, Bayou, and Tsukkio leaving me. 

 Then I heard the sound of a marching. I looked up to see an Earth Kingdom soldier riding on a bipedal lizard coming towards me. I got a closer look to see the messenger bagged its strap crossing his shoulder and to the other side of his hip. Could this be the message that Bato and the trio was waiting for?

 "I'm looking for Bato of the Water Tribe," The Messenger said stopping his bipedal lizard to talk to me. 

 "Uh, I know Bato," I replied wearily. 

 "Make sure he gets this," 

 The Messenger handed me a scroll and lightly kicked the lizard's belly to tell it to push forward. I  held the scroll in my hands as Momo was perched on my shoulder looking at the scroll too. Then Bayou came out of the water gazing at me then the paper in my hands. 

 "I guess you heard the news of Bato and Tsukkio along with Katara and Sokka wanting to leave me?" I asked Bayou as she pushed air out of her nose as it was a spritz of water from the sea as I took as a yes. 

 I turned my attention back to the scroll and studied it for a bit until I realize its a map with a circle at a particular spot on the paper map. 

 "It's the map to Sokka, Katara, and Tsukkio's Dad!" I said to Momo and Bayou. 


 Zuko has been searching for this lady that damaged his ship floor since the time she fled out on land. Finally, after hours of searching for the lady by asking around a nearby village. One lady from the village said the lady with the beast always spent her time in this bar. Zuko is now marching toward this rowdy pub as I heard the roars of men yelling. Zuko kicked the door opened as he didn't get any attention from the rowdy men inside the bar cheering for someone as they crowded around something. Zuko walked forward with a stern look on his face as he was pushing or thrusting the men aside so can see what was going on. 

Out of my way!" Zuko pushed the bar goers out of his way. "Step aside, filth!" (A/n: Fell in love with line when I heard Zuko said it 🤣) 

 I quickly appeared behind Zuko as he was walking towards the epicenter of the crowd. I was smiling at the people Zuko pushed or thrusted to the side as they looked bothered at Zuko then at me. 

 "He means no offense! I'm sure you bathe regularly!" I said in response to Zuko's out of line behavior. 

 I followed Zuko until Zuko stopped to see the lady from earlier was having an arm wrestling match with one of the men at the bar. The man seemed to having trouble trying put the lady's arm down as he sweating his forehead off but he was still holding his own. 

 "I need to talk to you," Zuko barked slamming his hands on the wooden table not even shaking the lady out of her game with the man she was arm wrestling with. 

 "Well, if it isn't my new friends, Angry Boy and Uncle Lazy," The lady said giving the side eyes at Zuko and I not faltering a bit in her match. 

 I laughed finding this lady funny and bold to say that to Zuko and I. My laughter ended when there was a chorus and chant over the lady as she won the match in one arm swoop. The men who was watching was throwing money at the table as the lady was hovering over it protecting from potential sticky fingers who wanted the gold coins. 

 "Your beast trashed my ship!" Zuko barked again harsher than earlier. "You have to pay me back!"

 "Aww, I'd love to help you out, but I'm a little short on money!" The lady said with a fake tight smile clearly lying as she had enough gold coins to pay Zuko back until she shot her head up to yell. "DRINKS ON ME BOYS!!!!!"

 "YEAHHHHHH!" The men in the bar went wild.

 The men went back cheering and holding their glasses in the air like they was making a toast. I guess this lady is short on cash. 

 "Money isn't what I had in mind" Zuko declared as he grabbed the lady's hand as she was about to put her lips to her beverage. 

 The lady smirked and chugged the rest of what was in her cup. The lady kicked the chair back as she got up from her wooden chair. She wiped her mouth from any excess liquid from around her lip and she nudged her head outside signaling us to follow her. Zuko marched after the lady while I was again following after him. The lady, Zuko, and I were outside as the lady's shirshu was waiting outside for its master. 

 "State your business with me," The lady declared with her arms crossed. 

 "I need you to find someone," Zuko declared not telling the lady all she needed to know, but pulled out Tsukkio's eldest sister's necklace form his pocket. 

 "What happened? Your girlfriend run off on you?" 

 "No, its her sister," 

 "Wow you don't seem like the type to hop from sister to sister, but hey keeping it in the family is a dirty game, Angry Boy,"

 Zuko growled as I can see a tick mark formed on his head. Zuko rolled his eyes and calmed himself down. 

 "It's not the girl and her sister is not my girlfriend, but I'm after, the sister and the bald monk the owner of this necklace travels with," Zuko clarified. 

 "Whatever you say," The lady rolled her eyes probably not believing what Zuko is saying. 

 I can tell she is not going to take Zuko's deal. We may have to pay her with money to get her to be even interested in this job?

 "If you find them, I'll consider the damage to my ship paid for," Zuko offered a free trade for the lady's service. 

 "Heh!!!" The lady scoffed hopping on her saddle. "Forget it!"

 "Plus we'll pay your weight in gold," I declared to the money hungry lady as she smiled at me. 

 "Make it your weight and we got a deal!" The lady used her knuckles to knock on my stomach implying the weight of how much gold she should receive once the job is finished causing me to laugh again. 

 "You got it!" I laughed heartily. 

 "Get on!" The lady snatched the necklace out of Zuko's hand and had her shirshu sniff out for the Avatar gang. 

Morning, Katara

 Bato was leading the way to the ocean where his boat was docked. I was happy to see Bato again, but its sad that won't be seeing dad when he give out the coordinates of his location to Bato. But Aang needs me more than Dad does and I have to get Aang to the North Pole. Bato stopped in front of his ship with a smile on his face. Bato began gently patting his boat like it was a prize object. 

 "This ship is sentimental to me. It was built by my father!" Bato smiled at the boat then at me and the others. 

 "Is this the boat he took you ice-dodging in?" Sokka questioned with excitement. 

 "Yeh, it's got the scar to prove it. Huh. How about you, Sokka?" Bato beamed. " You must have some good stories from your first time ice-dodging?"

 "He never got to go, Dad left before he was old enough," I replied for Sokka as he was despair. 

 "I want to ice dodge too!" Tsukkio raised her arm. 

 "Oh, I forgot, you were too young," Bato stopped smiling for a second as he thought about it.

 I looked over at Sokka who was still looking sad. I know ice-dodging was a huge thing for the growing boys in our village and I'm sad too because Sokka never had the chance to do that. 

 "What's ice-dodging?" Aang asked confused as one of his big ear was sticking to the sky. 

 "It's a rite of passage for young water tribe members. When you turn fourteen your Dad takes you... you know what ..." Bato replied to Aang, but was having his attention on Sokka as he put his hand on Sokka's shoulder getting his attention. " You're about to find out!"

 Everyone climbed into the boat and Tsukkio undocked the boat from the side on the shoreline into the ocean. 

 "Ice-dodging is a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery and trust. In our village it was done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs," Bato explained to Sokka, Tsukkio, Aang, and I as we stood at the center of the boat. 

 "How are we supposed to ice-dodge without ice?" Sokka asked as he brought out a point as there was no ice in the ocean to do ice dodging. 

 "I could formed the ice if that's what you want!" Tsukkio beamed as her eyes slowly growing white until Bato stopped her from using her Moon powers. 

 "We don't need that Tsukkio, because you guys will be dodging...those," Bato pointed at the jagged rocks that sticking out of the ocean. 

 I hope this boat don't crash into those rocky rocks. Maybe Bato needs to tell Tsukkio to get some ice to form out of the water so we can know that Tsukkio can make them disappear when we are about to hit one of the ice!

 "Sokka, you steer and call the shots. Lead wisely. Katara and Tsukkio, you secure the mainsail. The winds can be brutal, so be brave. Aang, you control the jib, without your steady hand we all go down. Your position is about trust!" Bato explained giving us positions at the ship as he was smiling at each one of us. 

 "I know that! Why wouldn't I know that? I'm the Avatar! I know about trust," Aang said nervously. 

 Bato walked over to the top of the ship as he was sitting at the bow. Bato had his legs crossed while Tsukkio and I was holding the rope that was attached to the mainsail. 

 "For this to be done right I cannot help. You pass or fail on your own," Bato informed Sokka, Aang, Tsukkio, and I. 

 The boat was rocking back and forth because of the sea's current was swishing. 

 "Aang, ease up on the jib. Tsukkio and Katara, steady! Aang, less sail!" Sokka gave the orders. "Aang! Helm to lee! Helm to lee!"

 "What does that even mean!?" Aang exclaimed confused. 

 Tsukkio and I was trying our best to keep the rope steady like Sokka ordered. I opened one of my eyes and see Bato was swishing side to side like the boat itself. But we was dodging the rocks that were sticking out in the water. 

 "Great job!" Sokka exclaimed cheering us on.

 I looked at the waters and see the ship was about to enter into a cul de sac, ringed by jagged rocks, at high speed. I turned my head back at Sokka as I see the thrill in his blue eyes. 

 "THERE'S NO WAY THROUGH!!!!" I yelled at Sokka. 

 "WE CAN MAKE IT!!!" Sokka yelled back. 

 Bato was getting up from his spot on the bow of the ship. He was holding on to the railing of the boat as he was looking at the end of the ship where Sokka was at. 

 "SOKKA, YOU'VE ALREADY PROVEN YOURSELF, MAYBE WE SHOULD -" Bato yelled, but was cut off by Sokka giving Tsukkio, Aang, and I orders. 


 I held on tighter to the rope mainsail as I felt Tsukkio's grip was slowly letting go as she was waiting for Sokka's command to get the water to rise. 

 "NOW!!!!" Sokka yelled as Tsukkio and Aang went to action. 

 The boat began to speed up thanks to Aang and the water was rising under the boat thanks to Tsukkio. The water splashed over the jagged rocks if Sokka didn't come up with this plan in time maybe the rocks will end our lives and most definitely wreck this boat. I cheered when the boat glided over the jagged rocks along with Bato who was letting out a breath of relief. Tsukkio had the water placed the boat back on the shoreline where it was before we undocked. Everyone climbed out of the ship and Sokka, Tsukkio, Aang, and I were lined up with Bato have a bowl of dark blue ink. Bato stood in front of Sokka with a warm smile on his face. 

 "The spirits of water bear witness to these marks. For Sokka, the mark of the wise, the same mark your father earned!" Bato exclaimed as he created a dot with a half circle mark on his forehead. 

 Bato moved in between Tsukkio and I. 

 "For Katara and Tsukkio, the mark of the brave. Ladies, your courage inspires us!" Bato beamed making the present moon symbol on mine and Tsukkio's forehead.

 Lastly, Bato was standing in front of Aang with that friendly smile he had on since giving Sokka his inked symbol. 

 "And for Aang, the mark of the trusted. You are now an honorary member of the Water Tribe!" Bato grinned giving Aang a half circle ink mark. 

 "I can't," Aang announced backing himself up away from everyone shocking Tsukkio, Sokka, and I even Bato. 

 "Of course you can!" I said confused, but tried to get Aang back being cheerful. 

 "No, you can't trust me," 

 I squinted my eyes not understanding what Aang was saying. I walked closer to Aang. 

 "Aang, what are you talking about?" Tsukkio asked trying to figure out what Aang was implying. 

 "A messenger gave this to me for Bato," Aang said pulling out a crumbled piece of paper from his clothing. I grabbed the piece of paper smoothing out the crinkles so Tsukkio and I can get a better look at what information Aang was hiding. When eyes got the idea of what was on this paper, I draw breath surprised while Tsukkio glared at Aang. "You have to understand, I was afraid you'd –"

 "THIS IS THE MAPP TO OUR FATHER!! YOU HAD IT THE WHOLE TIME?? HOW COULD YOU???" Sokka yelled angrily interrupting Aang once he caught sight of the paper. "Well, you can go to the North Pole on your own! I'm going to find Dad!" 

 "Now Sokka, I think you should –" Bato was speaking, but got interrupted by Sokka's angry burst. 

 "Katara and Tsukkio, are you with me?" Sokka asked looking between Tsukkio and me. 

 I looked over at Aang as he was shriveling up scared. I lowered my eyes then looked back at Sokka, who was still angry. 

 "I'm with you, Sokka," I replied to Sokka as I nudged Tsukkio. 

 Tsukkio looked at Aang who now held his head down avoiding our look on him. Then Tsukkio turned to look at Sokka and me with a determined glare on her face. 

 "No I'm going with Aang to the North Pole,"Tsukkio said causing Sokka to scoff stomping away while I took one last look of Tsukkio and the now surprised Aang. 


 Everyone was finishing their packing expect for Aang who was sadly sitting at the reigns of Appa looked depressed. I was tighten the reigns of Bayou when I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me. It was Sokka holding his backpack straps tightly with an angry look on his face. 

 "Why are you going with this traitor?" Sokka grumbled with his eyes boring into mine. 

 "Because that traitor needs us more than dad does remember Aang's the Avatar and the last of his people, he has no-one in his corner expect us well now me and Bayou," I replied boring my eyes into Sokka's. 

 "You're just saying that because you're the Moon's daughter and you have to protect him," 

 I was going back tightening Bayou's reigns so it won't be too loose on her when are in the air flying. I stopped what I was doing when I heard Sokka said what he said. I can feel my powers rising and my hairs floating at the ends. 

 "I'm not sticking by Aang just because I'm the Moon's daughter! I'll by Aang with or without the Moon's enchanted abilities! I'm sticking beside Aang because Aang is family right or wrong in any situation! Remember that word family that you and Katara also vowed to be for Aang when he found out his was the last Airbender on this planet? I'm keeping my vows to Aang unlike you and Katara, you know what it seems to me that Katara and you are the traitors because it takes one to know one," I barked at a now speechless Sokka as I took Bayou's reigns and gently signal Bayou to walk over to where Aang was. 

 Katara was leaving Appa and Aang getting ready to leave out with Bato and Sokka. Katara waved bye to me and I gave her a stank goodbye. The nun in charge of the abbey, the Superior came over to Aang and I with a little stank attitude herself. 

 "Guess we should be moving on," Aang said to the Superior. 

 "That would be best," The Superior replied with a bland glare on her face.  

 "Should I show this Superior what's best for her?" I said feeling my power rushing within me again scaring the Superior away. 

 "Come on Tsukkio its not even worth it," Aang snapping the reigns of Appa having the flying bison walking out towards the abbey's entrance.

 Appa and Bayou went out of the abbey onto the roads of the forest. Appa and Bayou was walking side by side as we was walking in the direction of the sea. 

 "Tsukkio," Aang called out to me barley even looking at me when he called my name. 

 "Yes, Aang," I replied turning my attention from the road to Aang. 

 "Why are you here with me and not with Sokka and Katara?" 

 I can hear the crack in Aang's voice when he mentioned Sokka and Katara in his question. Even though Katara, Sokka, and I cleared our year long beef with each other a couple of weeks ago, it brought my heart that I'm not with them. I felt there was going to be a divide between us when Bato mentioned about the coordinates to get to Dad. I could see it in their eyes that they wanted to be with Dad since we haven't seen him in years. I wanted to see Dad, but Aang is more important than Dad at the moment, not because he was the Avatar because Aang need someone, a family member on his side.

 "Isn't it obvious Aang?" I fired a question back at Aang as he looked at me confused. "You need me, I need you, we need each other! We are family and I considered you as a brother to me," 

 This shocked Aang as his eyes widen with surprised. I know Aang didn't expect me to say that since I don't really speak from the heart but he needs to know that someone is in his corner helping him in the fight. 

 "I made a vow to get you to the North Pole so you can learn from a Waterbending Master and I'll do that while hopefully picking up a few tricks myself!" I wiggled my eyebrows playful causing Aang to laugh for a little bit. 

 "Thanks Tsukkio!" Aang said lightly with a little smile on his face.

 "No problem that is what family is for!" I beamed back at Aang. 

~ Skipping to when Tsukkio and Aang gets back to the abbey to fight Zuko, June (the lady), and Shirshu ~

 "AANG!!!" Katara cheered happy to see the monk saving them as he was gliding in the air with his glider getting the weird looking beast off its footing causing it to dump Sokka, Katara, Iroh, Zuko, and the lady controlling the beast off it's back as it fell. 

 "TSUKKIO!!" Sokka yelled my name to rescue Katara and himself. 

 I used the perfume liquid that was in the containers to form a frozen slide bridge for Katara and Sokka so they can be out of the battle until they get out of being limp. I heard the sound of a whip snapping which caught my attention as I ducked dodging the whip's end to crack on the ground a few meters behind me. I followed the direction of the pulled back whip and see it was the lady who control the blinded animal. 

 "Did you tried to whoop me like I'm that blinded beast you ride on?!" I exclaimed highly upset. 

 "I'll whoop you for all the money in the world now hold still so I can get that money that Angry Boy and Lazy Grandpa is giving me!" The lady cracked her whip again and I dodged it again by stepping to the sides as she continued her whip attack. "If you stop moving eh pain wouldn't hurt that bad!" 

 "I highly doubt it," 

 The lady continued her onslaught attacks with her whip as they barely touched me, but I noticed she was getting faster with her movements of the weapon as I getting inch by inch closer to being hit with that thing. The lady is not giving me time to use my abilities to end her so I can help Aang with Zuko. Zuko must have told her everything he knows about me? The lady made her whip cracked again and this time it wrapped around my arm which I'm for sure is going to leave a red whip lash around my arm. The lady yanked the whip pulling me towards her as I nearly lost my step towards her. 

 "COME ON TSUKKIO YOU GOT THAT LADY!" I heard Sokka cheering me on from the side lines. "GLOW, GLOW, PUNCH TSUKKIO, GLOW, GLOW, PUNCH!!" 

 "Really Sokka?" Katara glared at our eldest brother. 

 "What you didn't like that?" Sokka questioned sounding hurt. 

 "I see why your boy toy, Angry Boy couldn't catch you!" The lady darkly grinned as I tried to get out of her tightly wrapped whip. "For one you're too pretty for him and you seen to fight better than what he put up with maybe with a little more training you could have beaten me!"

 "First off, Zuko is not and will never be my boy toy and secondly you should of never gave me the chance to freely get you!" I barked at the older lady. 


 I felt my power rushing through me as the perfume liquid was using turned into small puddles on the ground. The puddles rise as the liquids was forming a structure of me form high to toe, making three copies of me. One copy of me freed me from the restricted bandage of the whip while the other two copies threw the lady across the abbey. I looked at my arm and sure enough there was a red pulsing sting of the whip going up my arm. I was about to get that lady even further until an hand stopped me by getting a hold of my hand. I turned around to see it was Katara and standing next to her was Sokka rubbing his wrist. Standing next to Sokka was the Superior holding a bottle of perfume. 

 "That thing sees with its nose. Let's give him something to look at," Sokka informed Katara, the Superior, and I rubbing his other wrist. 

 "That thing over there like to whip people for money," I said pointing over to my perfumed clones taking turned throwing punches at the lady. 

 "I'm sure her hairy beast friend can handle her, Zuko, and itself!" Katara smiled. 

"Will the perfume work?" The Superior held up the bottle in her hands as my siblings and I smiled at each other. 

 The Superior, Sokka, Katara, and the other sisters pulled in all of their huge containers of perfumes out to the center of the fight. Once the containers were lined up, I spilled the perfume out of the huge jugs combining it with the used to be clones of me and poured it onto the hairy beast. The hairy beast was going crazy once the different scent of perfumes were everywhere around it. The beast thrashed its head running into things and start sticking it's tongue out. It's tongue went to flying everywhere hitting the ground then eventually Zuko then lastly its owner, the last I was fighting. 

 ~ Skipping to when the Avatar gang was fleeing the scene of the abbey ~

 We was flying in the air with Bayou and Appa flying side by side at the same speed. It was quiet at first, an uncomfortable, but relaxing kind of quiet. If you get what I mean. The sun was setting the clouds were slowly disappearing before the Moon comes in and transition it to night. 

"So, where do we go?" Aang asked clearing his voice while Sokka and Katara as they beamed at each other. 

 "We're getting you to the North Pole!" Katara continued to beam. 

 "Yea, we've lost too much time as it is," Sokka chimed. 

 "So we are all on the same page again?" I asked with a smirk. 

 "Of course we are, when have we not?" Sokka fired back at me. 

 "Don't make me list he moments Sokka," 

 I glance over at Aang who happy, but quickly wiped it off like something sad suddenly popped in his mind. 

 "Don't you want to see your father?" Aang asked as everyone's smile easily went away. 

 "Of course we do, Aang. But, you're our family too, and right now, you need us more!" Sokka replied speaking for Katara and I. 

 "And we need you," Katara chimed with a grin. 

 Katara and Aang went off into their own little world while I had my head down thinking about Dad. I heard a light sound of someone clearing their throat. I turned my attention over to Sokka who was leaning over the saddle of Appa. 

 "What do you want Sokka?" I questioned totally not in the mood to be bothered. 

 "Speaking of Dad, you know he loves you right?" Sokka asked me squinting his eyes and making a weird face. 

 "Of course, I do, that's what a dad suppose to do!" 

 "Dad didn't love you because he had too, Dad loves you unconditionally," 

 It was my turn to squint my eyes and make a face. What is Sokka talking about?

 "What are you implying Sokka?" I asked my eldest brother confused by what he is saying to me. 

 "I'm saying is Dad didn't blame you for mom's death like I did when we was younger. He saw past that and loved you regardless of the situation," 

 I was silent slowly taking in the news Sokka was giving me. Dad never blamed me for mom's death. I thought he did since he didn't want to hang around me before he left to declare war on the Fire Nation. 

 "Dad may not have been around you when you was younger making you think he blamed you or loved you less than he loved me and Katara at the time. I'm here to tell you Dad never stopped loving you during that time, its just that when he was around you, he didn't know how to talk to you about the situation with Mom and how to move past it. Dad decided it was best not to come around you until you feel like you was ready to talk about it," Sokka explained to me. 

 "W-why are you telling me Sokka?" I questioned not understanding why Sokka would tell me this until he started smiling. 

 "So when we get the chance to see Dad later on in the future, you can make the first move and tell Dad how you feel and be ready to forgive him just how you forgave Katara and I," 

 "Forgiving Dad!" I smiled lightly staring at Bayou's scaly skin then at the sky. 

 Forgiving Dad, huh? I like how that sounds in my head and out loud!

 A/n: I'm starting another round of college on Monday since my long awaited break is over 😭😭😭!!!! Guys wish me luck 😭😭. 

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