Siege of the North pt 1

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A/n: I would like to thank you guys for getting this story to 13k and 14k reads! I'm so happy that we reached this milestone and that people continue to enjoy this story! I hope you enjoy this chapter and have fun reading it!

Post A/n: Before you guys start reading or listening to the audio, I would like to say a lot is going on in this chapter as it is a "finale" chapter of the book. So that means I'll be skipping some parts of the story to get to the essential scenes of the show or some characters will have a short POV. I would also like to state that the things mentioned in this chapter are the ideas of whiirlwind and hayilaajaxz (if you are still reading this, can you please comment your updated username 😁), which will continue in the next chapter for these Wattpad users' ideas! I would get this user next to the description or action where it falls under! Other than that, enjoy the chapter 🥰😁!

"You rise with the Moon, and I rise with the Sun."


bing bing bing

"The prayer has ended. You can go on with your day until later this evening!" I beamed, placing the gong down.

I glanced at the rows of people in the Moon Temple, with Moon Priestess and Tsukkio in the front leading the prayer. The people got to their feet, talking among themselves while most tried to get Tsukkio's attention. I watched as Tsukkio took her time and spoke with the people from the tribe. I can hear their praises for her while telling Tsukkio how they always came to pray and wait for her to go to the North Pole.

It made me sick to my stomach how the people from my tribe were lying to Tsukkio's face. These people never came to the temple, nor did they pray for Tsukkio or anything in the Moon Temple. It was just me alone praying. Nobody believed that Tsukkio, the Moonchild, and Moon Priestess were ever coming since the supposed loss of the Avatar. I was the only one in the Northern Water Tribe who believed that Tsukkio would come and breathe life back into the Water Tribe.

Soon the people of the Water Tribe left the Moon Temple as it was only Tsukkio and me in the prayer room. I stood next to Tsukkio as Tsukkio stared at the Moon ice statue. It was quiet in the prayer room as the only sound in the room was the calm water pouring into a little stream that surrounded the Moon Temple. I studied Tsukkio's emotions as I felt like Tsukkio was trying to figure something out. Tsukkio was calm, and her face remained neutral, which threw me off.

"Was something off about you, Ziasina?" Tsukkio asked me calmly as she was now looking at me.

"Um, no Moo-, I mean Tsukkio!" I shook my head, trying to hide my feelings.

"Ziasina, you don't have to lie to me; I know something was off with you since the start of the prayer,"

How did Tsukkio identify the boiling emotion of anger growing in me? Was I being careless?

"I just felt some discomfort when I saw all those people walking inside coming here like they have been coming into the temple for many years when they just started today and lying to you about it!" I barked in anger.

Tsukkio placed a hand on my shoulder, which, for some reason, calmed me down. Tsukkio laughed as her eyes turned white, and the water from the tiny stream formed two ice chairs. Tsukkio sat in one of the chairs as she gently patted the empty seat gesturing for me to take a seat next to her! I swiftly moved to the seat next to Tsukkio and sat in the chair.

"No worries, Ziasina, I knew they were lying!" Tsukkio beamed at me as her wild dark brown hair nearly covered her kind blue eyes.

"H-how did you know?" I asked, wondering how Tsukkio knew that the people within the tribe were lying to her.

"The same way I knew you were angry, I can tell by your body," Tsukkio answered with a gentle smile. "Why does having so many people in this temple bother you?"

So Tsukkio is using bloodbending without even knowing! Tsukkio connection with the Moon and waterbending is so incredible! How could Tsukkio not know anything about Bloodbending, but she is using it?

"There was a time when the people of this tribe had little to no faith in the Moon. And taking care of the temple was a punishment duty instead of doing it for the enjoyment and pleasing the Moon," I explained to Tsukkio, recalling the things my grandmother told me before she passed.

Tsukkio got up from her iced chair, letting the water she used for the chair go back to the stream. I was confused why Tsukkio would get up from the middle of my explanation. She had a smile on her gentle face along with her hand out.

"You can tell me more about your grandmother walking around because you look like you need some fresh air and new scenery!" Tsukkio beamed as she rolled her wrist, signaling me to come on.

I agreed with Tsukkio as I got a glimpse of my face from the polished temple's floor to see my face turning red like the Fire Nation flag. I took Tsukkio's hand as she held my hand with hers. Then Tsukkio moved her hand away from mine as she hooked our arms like a chain while we walked through the Moon Temple to the exit. The light from outside graved our skin once stepping out of the Moon Temple. Tsukkio used her free hand, pointing in the direction of where we were walking.

"Now you can continue your explanation," Tsukkio told me as she had a relaxed mood on her face.

"My grandmother took the position of caring for the Moon Temple since she saw the state she was in, and over time, people thought it was a punishment from the Chief. People began looking down at my grandmother, including my mother and father. People would make rude comments or even trash the Moon Temple to spite my grandmother," I continued explaining to Tsukkio as I felt like she heard every word I was saying. "The only person that didn't do anything hurtful to her or the Moon Temple was Yatari and me,"

"So that's why you were the only caretaker of the Moon Temple because nobody was here to help you because they thought less of the Moon Temple," Tsukkio nodded her head like the information I told her was all making sense to her now. "Speaking of Yatari, how was she able to know about bloodbending before me?"

I froze like a statue causing Tsukkio to stop and stare at me with a blank but severe expression. Tsukkio's hooked arm never turned me loose like she wanted to let me go. If anything, Tsukkio's hook around my arm was tighter, but not to the point where it hurt. Tsukkio's once bright eyes turned dark despite being outside the Moon Temple or any building.

"Ziasina, don't try to lie to me as it wouldn't be the intelligent thing to do," Tsukkio informed me before I could give her a reply.

"My grandmother found some scrolls teaching about the different types of waterbending and their sub-genres," I replied honestly to Tsukkio.

"One of the sub-genres must have been bloodbending,"

I nodded my head, and Tsukkio was going to say something until someone more so someone I knew interrupted this moment of confession between Tsukkio and me. A loud yell turned Tsukkio and my attention away from each other to the person. The outcry that was ringing in the air sounded like the yell of desperation. It was coming from Yatari's mother.

Yatari's mother had bags under her eyes like she had been awake all night. I also noticed that Yatari's mother used to be clear blue eyes and was now red. Her long dark brown hair that used to be braided was sticking up on her head. My eyes caught on to the wet patches on Yatari's mother's clothing. Why was Yatari's mother looking like this?

"Hello Moon Priestess and Ziasina!" Yatari's mother grabbed my shoulder tightly like she was scared to let me go. "Ziasina, have you seen Yatari earlier this morning or something?"

"I hadn't seen her since last night when she was speaking to Tsukkio and me about something that went off the wrong footing," I explained to Yatari's mother as I could see her eyes swelling with tears falling down her face.

"Is there a problem with Yatari? Tsukkio asked concernedly. "Did she not make it home to you last night?"

"Yatari did not make it home last night, and I've been searching for her to no avail," Yatari's mother cried on her knees. "Ziasina, Moon Priestess, I beg you to find my little girl and ensure she is safe!"


I was spending time with Princess Yue, which surprised me how Yue ran off. When Yue ran off from me, I thought I wasn't going to see Yue again because she wanted to devote her time to her new husband. I was slowly getting over Yue telling me she had arranged to marry another guy in the Northern Water Tribe. I walked over the bridge railing as Yue walked on the bridge path.

It was peaceful between everything in the Northern Water Tribe as people performed their normal daily activities. Walking on the bridge's railing, I was describing how the Southern Water Tribe looks. Representing the Southern Water Tribe made me miss home after not being there for nearly a year.

"So they don't have palaces in the Southern Tribe?" Yue asked me in a questionable tone as she didn't believe or understand why the Southern Tribe didn't have buildings like the Northern Tribe.

"Are you kidding?" I replied, trying to balance myself on the railing. "I grew up on a block of ice,"

I sat down on the railing, causing Princess Yue from walking as we could look at each other face to face.

"It's not like a cultural hub," I pouted.

Yue laughed as she approached me, placing a hand on my arm. This brightens my spirits because I finally see Yue happy and laughing as she did before she told me the news of her engagement.

"Sokka, this is wrong," Yue proclaimed with a look contrasting her smiling and laughing face.

"What's wrong?" I questioned as I didn't see any harm with anything Yue and I was doing. "We're just taking a walk!"

"I'm engaged. It just feels ..."

Yue turned, not ending her statement as I knew what Yue was going to say. It felt like she was cheating on her potential husband by spending time with me. The cliffhanger of Yue's sentence brought my mood down. I studied Yue's body language as she looked uncomfortable, like she was fighting with the terms of what was right and wrong in her head. Yue needs to relax, and I think I know just the animal that could help her. 

 "I know what you need!" I beamed as I kicked off the bridge railing. "You need to meet my good friend, Appa!" 

 "Who?" Yue questioned. 

 I led Yue to where they kept the stables, where they were keeping Appa as Bayou would be housed in the Moon Temple. Once at the stables, I saw Appa hitting a big pile of hay. I signaled Yue to stand further back because I didn't know how Appa would feel if a stranger just walked up to him. 

 "Appa and I go way back!" I beamed, walking towards the flying bison whose attention was now on me, groaning. "Don't we, boy?"

 Appa quickly ran over to me, knocking me down and placing a few of his toes on my stomach to hold me down. I yelped at the sudden impact of the flying bison's reaction causing Yue to giggle at Appa's response to seeing me. Appa roared in my face and began licking my entire face and winter coat as I voiced my disgust, hoping to get Appa off me. 

 "Looks like you haven't been giving Appa enough attention!" Yue teased as she continued to giggle. 

 Once I got Appa's toes off me, I began climbing on Appa's saddle. I helped Yue get on Appa as she quickly noticed the difference in the view around her while being on Appa. I could tell that Yue was getting excited but nervous simultaneously. 

 "So, how does this work?" Yue asked me in amusement. 

 "You hanging on tight?" I asked Yue with a smile. 


 "Yip yip," 

 Appa immediately took off, flying in the air. I heard Yue crying in surprise at how fast Appa took off into the air. I watched how everything was becoming smaller now that Appa was soaring through the sky. I also watched Yue safely leaning from the saddle to check out her new surroundings in pure joy! 

 "Wow, I can't believe you do this every day!" Yue exclaimed with a pink tint on her cheeks. 

 "Yeah, we pretty much live up here!" I replied, trying to sound incredible while also looking cool by stretching. 

 "Is it always this cold in the sky?"

 After Yue said that, she instantly moved to next to me. Her small hands held onto my arm, which shocked me as I didn't expect Yue to act so sudden and make the first move. I tried to retain my composure as I didn't want to look like I didn't know what I was doing in Yue's eyes. 

 "Not when you're with someone," I replied as I took in the side profile of Yue's face. 

 "It's beautiful up here!" Yue complimented, but not at the sky, but me as she stared into my eyes. 


 Yue and I were face-to-face, taking in each other's facial features. The moment was perfect no watchful eyes on us. Yue forgot about her commitment to her arranged fiancé. It was just Yue and I was alone with nothing holding us back! A pink tint was still on Yue's face as we were both inching forward so we could kiss. I stopped myself from being nervous and afraid that I was going to mess this up somehow.

 "Wooo! Yeah!!" I called out, causing Yue to pull back with her pink tint still on her face, but it was different this time. "Ah, good times, good times,"

 I finally took notice of the sky to see falling white, black, and gray particles that suddenly surrounded Appa, Yue, and me. I immediately knew what this meant, and I couldn't believe that this was happening all the times it could happen. 

 "What's happening?" Yue asked me as she took notice of my sudden mood change. 

 "Oh no," I frowned.

 I landed Appa on the nearest land I could see as the black and gray patches formed above the snow. Appa landed as I got off the saddle first, then Yue. Once Yue was safely on the ground, I ran to the nearest patch to examine it, hoping it was my eyes deceiving me. But true enough, it was what I thought it was.  


 "What?" Yue asked me, confused by what soot is. 

 "I've seen it before, right before my village was attacked," I explained to Yue. "It's sort mixed with snow," 

 "But why?" 

 "It's the Fire Nation," I continued explaining what was going on to Yue. "They've closed in on the North Pole, and from the looks of this stuff. They brought a whole army with them," 

Moon Chamber, Moon



I don't want it to happen.

But it got to happen.

I was in the Moon Chamber, my last time in this calming and healing water. A lot happened last night and will occur in the next hour and tomorrow. I couldn't stay in the Moon Chamber for too long as being there makes me sad. I got out of the Moon Chamber, drenched head to toe with water. It's weird because when I touch water or water on my skin, it usually bounces off me like putting water in oil or the other way around.

"So I'm slowly losing my powers!" I grinned sadly, nodding. "This is great,"

"Seems like you're already accepted your fate, huh?" A kind voice asked me that I will never forget.

I turned around to see that it was Monk Gyasto. He had a melancholy smile on his face as he strolled toward me. Monk Gyasto moved his arms and body and airbed the water off my body, drying me off.

"Thank you, Monk Gyasto," I replied lowly.

"You're welcome, Moon," He bowed. "Do you want to continue with the path you are moving for?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but my voice didn't come out. I don't want this to happen, and I wish I could change it. If I do change my fate, then everything that was planned will be a mess. Tsukkio and Zuko will be a mess.

"You can't get your "no" answer out, but you are continuing on this path," Monk Gyasto said, frowning. "Why?"

I crouched down. My hands tangled within my long white hair. I was shaking out of fear, stuck between doing what was right and wrong. Honestly, I am scared to die losing my life to some Fire Nation scum like how my Southern Water Tribe children lost their lives. But if I stopped my death from ever occurring, someone else must die in my place. That is the law of nature, which I signed up for when I became a part of the natural balance.

"Because I don't want to make a mess of things," I mumbled.

"Huh?" Monk Gyasto asked, moving his ear forward so he could hear me better. "You know, I'm an old man, and being an old man comes with horrible hearing,"

"I DON'T WANT TO MAKE A MESS OF THINGS!!!" I yelled as the Moon Chamber and the room Monk Gyasto, and I stood in shook from the echoing of my yelling.

Monk Gyasto chuckled with his arms within his Airbending clothing sleeve. The older man strolled around me mindlessly. Monk Gyasto gave me the impression that he was amused about something, but what is the question for me.

"Then you know what to do, Moon," Monk Gyasto stood in front of me with his amused expression wiped from his face. "Save your life and prevent this attempted siege from happening,"

I couldn't believe my ears. This seemed so out of character of Monk Gyasto! How could he imply to let someone die in my place?

"Are you trying to say I need to let someone die in my place?" I questioned, glaring at Monk Gyasto with disbelief.

"If you value your life, then yes, by all means," Monk Gyasto stared at me.

"So, who do you think could take my place?" I continue to interrogate Monk Gyasto. "Katara? Sokka? Tsukkio?"

Monk Gyasto didn't seem fazed by offering Tsukkio for taking her life in place of me.

"It will be pointless that Tsukkio gives up her life for you as you and Tsukkio are the same. If you die then, Tsukkio dies too, but if you get Yue to die in your place, then it won't affect you or Tsukkio,"

I froze. How could Monk Gyasto even bring the idea out for me? I gave Yue life because I heard the cries of her parents. I can't do wrong to Yue's parents.

"I gave that child life, Monk Gyasto!" I exclaimed.

"But you created Bloodbending to take the lives of the Fire Nation that have done wrong by your children,"

I frown. It is true. I did create bloodbending to take out the Fire Nation for what they did to my children. I made bloodbending out of anger which I am not proud of primarily since I am described as calm.

"You are correct, I can give and take life, but I won't take Yue's life just so I can live to see another day," I stated, drawing the line.

"Really, despite this meaning ending your life just to further the future timeline?" Monk Gyasto questioned me further. Is he trying to fill my head with doubt? "You know if you go through this, Tsukkio will go through some crazy hardships. Do you think she is ready for that?"

I glanced down at the white flooring of the room. I looked into the future to see how Tsukkio would be without me. And yes, Tsukkio would experience hardship in the path I saw for her, but in most of them, she came through that hardship with a smile.

"I looked into my child's future, and most of the paths, she would be fine," I said firmly.

"But you know that Tsukkio could fall into the paths where she won't be happy due to the life choices that are presented to her,"

"I can assure you, Monk Gyasto, that my Tsukkio would be fine when my life ends because I know my little girl is and will be strong just like her mother!" I grinned at the thought of Tsukkio's troubling but bright future ahead of her. "That makes me okay with giving my life up to continue in the timeline!"

Monk Gyasto smiled like he was proud. I squinted my eyes, finding it weird that Monk Gyasto was acting this way during our conversation.

"I am happy that I was here to help you face your concerns and guide you on continuing the path of your destiny!" Monk Gyasto beamed.

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"Because I wasn't there to help Aang continue on his path of being the Avatar, I see it as a redemption arc for me!"


 Everyone was running inside the Tribe-house (A/n: we're going to call this a tribe-house like its a "townhouse") as this soot of what Sokka called it was falling from the sky. The sound of the alarm drums was banging through the tribe as everyone knew that was a signal for trouble. The sound of footsteps crunching on the snow echoed in my ears as I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. Sokka was leading the run inside the Tribe-house with our hands holding. I was secretly melting under the thought of Sokka leading the run like we were running away together. Sokka and I are free from all our responsibilities and happy living the rest of our lives together. 

 But in the back of my mind, I thought about Hahn, the people of the Northern Water Tribe, and my duties as a Princess of my tribe. On that flight on Appa, I realized how deeply in love I am with Sokka. I nearly kissed the boy, knowing that I belonged to another. I need to focus more on my marriage with Hahn. 

 "What's wrong?" Sokka asked me, confused by my sudden action of not following him up the stairs to the Tribe-house. "We have to go!" 

 "No, Sokka, wait," I exclaimed, not feeling too proud. "I can't see you anymore, not at all," 

 "What?" Sokka pivoted to face to see his look of surprise, and it hurt me to see him like this. "We're just friends,"

 Friends? What friends want to kiss each other unless they want more out of their relationship. Sokka can use the friendship card all he wants, but I mean every word I will say to him this time. I can not see Sokka ever again. 

 "I wish we could just be friends, but I like you too much," I said, looking off to the side, afraid to see his face. "And it's too confusing to be around you. I'm marrying someone else!"

 "You don't love him, do you?" Sokka asked me so bluntly as he could see right through me. "You don't even seem to like him,"

 How can I like someone I am being arranged to marry. Hahn and I don't have anything in common, let alone anything interesting to talk about. I know that Hahn was willing to marry me not out of love but out of the title of being the Chief of the Northern Water Tribe. If I asked Hahn what he loved about me, I bet he couldn't even name one thing. How I wish for things to be different and I could marry Sokka, but I must marry Hahn for the sake of my father and the people of my tribe. 

  "But I do love my people," I deflected as I looked at the peaceful horizon one last time before the Fire Nation began their first attack. 

 "You're not marrying them," Sokka clarified. 

 "You don't understand, I have duties to my father, to my tribe," I glance at Sokka's face one last time before running up the Tribe-house stairs alone. "I have to do this, goodbye,"

Inside the Tribe-house

 People began filling the Tribe-house. Chatters and whispers filled the room, which was somewhat drowning due to the running water behind Master Pakku and me. My eyes couldn't help but stare at Sokka. Sokka did everything in his power not to make eye contact with me, and it killed me that he was doing this to me. But this is the decision I made for my people. I just have to live with the choice I made. 

 I took a deep breath. And try to get my mind and eyes off Sokka. Then my eyes caught sight of the Moon Priestess. I believe her name is Tsukkio, as I remember Sokka talking about her while he told me. Tsukkio walked through with ease as everyone's eyes were on her while everyone was silent, basking in her beauty. Everyone returned to what they were doing as Tsukkio stood beside my father. 

 "Hello, Tsukkio!" I grinned but caught myself when Tsukkio turned and looked at me along with Master Pakku and my father. "I mean Moon Priestess," 

 Tsukkio laughed heartily as she looked at me with a gleaming smile. I couldn't help but laugh, too, since Tsukkio's laughter was contagious! Sokka was right about his sister. Tsukkio does have that calming presence that makes you feel at ease!

 "Please skip the formality and call me Tsukkio!" Tsukkio replied, still beaming. "Princess Yue, my brother, can never stop talking about you, and I believe my brother loves you!" 

 My eyes stared at my feet as I had a tight line formed on my lips. Sokka was still a new and awkward subject to mention. I could tell that Tsukkio understood where I was coming from as she placed one of her hands on my shoulder. I glanced at Tsukkio; she had sorrow filling her blue eyes. 

 "I'm sorry for bringing that up," Tsukkio apologized, and I waved it off, gesturing that it wasn't a big deal even though it was to me. "Did he do something wrong, or did he say something stupid? I can beat him up for you if that's the case!" 

 I giggled at Tsukkio's swift change in her mood at one point. She was sad now; she was mad about how I wished to have a sister or a sibling like her! 

 "No, Sokka was the perfect gentleman!" I beamed with my hand on my chest. 

 "That's surprising!" Tsukkio frowned as she glared at her older brother, who swiftly turned his head. 

 I wasn't paying attention to what my father said during his meeting. But I did hear every so words that stood out among my ears. I glanced out to the audience that was listening to my father with the occasional commentary of Tsukkio speaking. I noticed that the crowd was so focused on what they were saying that they were hanging on to every word but Sokka. Sokka was a bit hunched over with his arm leaning over his leg. He wasn't even looking at his sister or my father while they were speaking. 

 "I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission," 

 "Count me in!" Sokka hollered. 

 Sokka stood up like a rushing wave of the tide. My eyes widen at Sokka offering himself for this dangerous mission he might not return from. I glanced over to Tsukkio, who was angry. 

 "Sokka!!" Sokka's other sister, Katara called. 

 "What is my idiot older brother thinking?" Tsukkio scowled as her blue eyes were shooting daggers at her brother. 

 Master Pakku and I walked and stood side by side with my father and Tsukkio as the marksmanship began. Soon the men of the tribe began standing to their feet as they started walking toward my father to receive their mark. Sokka was next in line to receive his mark; this time, my eyes were glued to Sokka. Sokka had a dull expression on his face as the light within his eyes was lost. I felt terrible that I was the reason Sokka was volunteering himself for this mission. 

 Sokka got his mark and walked off to the side, letting another man of the tribe get his signature.   But Sokka stopped and turned to look at me one last time. Sokka was ignoring Tsukkio's killer glare at him. I could tell by Sokka's eyes that he wanted me to do something; he wanted me to stop him and run to his arms. Once he saw that I wasn't moving, Sokka squinted his eyes in anger and walked down the stairs. 

 I closed my eyes, fighting off this feeling that this could be my last time seeing Sokka. I held a thin line on my lips as I felt my lips quivering out of wanting to cry. Not caring if someone saw me crying, tears flowed down my face from my left eye. 


 I was sailing on Admiral Zhao's ship. We were gliding through the water to get to the Northern Water Tribe to start the war Admiral Zhao was leading. 

 "This will truly be one for the history books, General Iroh," Admiral Zhao said to me as we were the only ones standing on the ship's upper deck on looking at the waters ahead. "Think, centuries from now, and people will study the Great Admiral Zhao, who destroyed the last of the Water Tribe civilization!" 

 Admiral Zhao turned to look at me. I just wanted to attack him as I felt my blood boil calmly. I felt disgusted being by Admiral Zhao's side, and I would do anything to push him off the ship, turn this boat around, and put these boats back where they belong. 

 "You're lucky you're here to see it," Admiral Zhao informed me like it was an honor.

 "Be careful what you wish for, Admiral," I warned Zhao as I stared blankly at the dark gray sky. "History is not always kind to its subjects,"

 "I suppose you speak from experience but rest assured," Admiral Zhao stated while walking forward to the upper deck railing. "This will be nothing like your legendary failure at Ba Sing Se," 

 "I hope not, for your sake,"

 "Tell the captains to prepare for the first strike along with informing the soldiers remaining on this boat that be ready for our special guest coming!" 

 I was going to turn and leave Zhao to his lonesome until I saw that smirk when he mentioned a special guest. I wonder did he caught on to what I was doing or the plan that was happening under his nose?

 "Special guest?" I questioned. "Who is that?" 

 "Our good friend of the Southern Water Tribe, the Moon Priestess, will be making her appearance on this very ship, so I need the things I planned for her to be ready!" 

 Why would Tsukkio come to this ship unless Admiral Zhao has something horribly in store for Tsukkio? I went towards the door that was behind Zhao and me. I walked through the door to meet with this one soldier I needed to see. I heard the footsteps of one of the soldiers behind, but that was not the one I wanted to see. I made a left turn at the meet-up spot on the boat. 

 "We'll be landing soon," I informed the masked soldier, knowing precisely who it was. "Do you have a plan?" 

 I questioned the soldier, hoping he had a plan in mind. I heard the metal of the helmet plate cling, indicating he was lowering his mask. The unconcealed soldier revealed their face to me as I saw the face of my nephew, Zuko. Zuko made it out of the explosion of his ship. I was thankful when Zuko stumbled upon me at the burning docks with only cuts and bruises coating his skin. 

 "I'm working on it, Uncle," Zuko replied. 

 "Zhao informed me that Tsukkio will come on this ship for some strange reason," I informed Zuko, hoping he could do something about it. "If you get the chance to come across Tsukkio, please warn her of what to come once she gets on the ship," 

 "Why would I do that?" 

 "Because you seemed like you grow some kind of attraction to her, and I would think you would want to warn her about something bad," 

 "Well, I don't, Uncle," 

 Zuko pulled his metal mask to his face. I turned to leave the corner as Zuko pretended to be a regular Fire Nation soldier. I mentally sighed, knowing this war would not go well for Zuko, Tsukkio, and maybe even the future of everything else around them. 

Northern Tribe-house, Tsukkio

 I grabbed Sokka, bragging him off the side away from anyone that could see or hear our conversation. Once I thought we were in the clear, I yanked him in front of me with my hands on my hips. Sokka grimaced at the pain going through his winter coat, rubbing his arm to ease the pain. 

 "OWWW, TSUKKIO!!" Sokka whined, still rubbing his arm. "What was that for?" 

 "You know why I did that. You trying to kill yourself out there going on the front line like that!" I declared. 

 "What? I'm doing my part as a warrior to help the fight!" 

 I chuckled, shaking my head side to side. Sokka thinks he can fool me. This warrior act is a facade. 

 "Don't pull that warrior act with me, Sokka!" I said strangely in a calm manner. "You are doing this because Yue chose to follow her duties as a Princess of the Northern Tribe," 

"Now, what I said is true!" Sokka barked at me. 

 "No, it is not!" 

 "WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!?!" Sokka yelled at me. "YOU DON'T KNOW  A THING ABOUT HOW I FEEL?!?!" 

 I froze and was speechless, not because Sokka was yelling at me, but because Sokka didn't even know how similar our situations were. I love Zuko, and I can silently admit that. Zuko is the literal crown prince of the Fire Nation, the nation that killed our mother and the Southern Water Tribe waterbenders. If I were part of the Fire Nation and could bend fire, then maybe Zuko and I could be together. But in this reality, Zuko and I would never be together with the same as Sokka and Yue. 

 "You don't even know how similar we are," I mumbled. 

 "Huh?" Sokka questioned, squinting his face. "What did you say?"

 "Don't worry about it, have fun fighting on the frontlines,"

 I walked off, leaving Sokka to his thoughts. I went back inside the nearly emptied Tribe-house with the Chief of the Northern Tribe and Master Pakku standing there discussing something among themselves until I made my presence known. 

 "Moon Priestess, I'm glad you are here!" The Chief said with a light smile on his face. "Will you be joining the fight to defend the North?"

 "Of course, I will, but I need to do something of personal matters first," I replied. 

 "Personal matters?" Master Pakku questioned. "Is there something the Chief and I can do for you?" 

 "No can do, this mission I have is a solo mission, and I'm doing a find and rescue on Yatari," 

 Once the mention of Yatari came into the conversation, Master Pakku scoffed, rolling his eyes with his arms folded. Yatari must have made a more significant impression on him than on me. 

 "Master Pakku?" I called out to the older man regaining his attention on me again. "Is there a problem with the mention of Yatari?" 

 "Yes, that girl causes more problems than she can fix," Master Pakku.  "What did she do this time?" 

 "It seems like Yatari has run off and hasn't come back, so I'll be looking for her once her mother or Ziasina comes back with a belong of Yatari so I can track her," I replied, my hands on my hips. 

 "That does sound troubling since the announcement of the Fire Nation declaring war on us," The Chief proclaimed. 

 "I swear that girl has it out for me," Master Pakku voiced his thoughts. "The Fire Nation must have captured Yatari last night,"

 "What do you mean by that?" 

 Master Pakku sighed, and the Chief had a look like he was uncomfortable and didn't want to listen to what Master Pakku got to say. I was curious why Master Pakku felt the way he felt for Yatari. But I did sense that whatever Master Pakku got to say about Yatari got to be the reason why she wanted to know about bloodbending. 

 "Yatari is upset with me because her father died under my control and for the simple fact that I did not let her join my waterbending classes," Master Pakku informed me. 

 That's why Yatari asked me to teach her bloodbending. She was going to force Master Pakku to teach her how to waterbend. So Yatari lost someone she loved dearly, which must have fueled her to want to learn waterbend. I can respect Yatari wanting to learn waterbending, but I can't appreciate her method of trying and doing it. 

 "Well, thank you for the information, but can you lead me to the weaponry room because I need some weapons to save Yatari," I asked the Chief and Master Pakku. 

 "Yes, I'll get Hahn to show you to the weaponry room," The Chief declared as he called Hahn to show me the way to the weaponry. 


 It was the end of the meeting, and I was outside looking beyond the ocean. I was perched on one of the pots on the side in the front of the entrance and exit of the Tribe-house. Nothing appeared just yet. 

 "The stillness before a battle is unbearable," The Chief said, coming out of the Tribe-house. "Such a quiet dread," 

 I felt someone standing next to me, and I caught it was Katara standing next to me. This must have been the feeling the Airbenders felt when they knew the Fire Nation was coming? I hate that I couldn't help them in their fight when they needed me, but I will be there to help the Northern Water Tribe and right my wrong with them!

 "I wasn't there when the Fire Nation attacked my people!" I informed the Chief, now staring down, imagining what my people had to endure alone. "I'm going to make a difference this time!"

The Start of War 

 Everyone was ready for the Fire Nation to come. The women and children were in the safety of their homes. The men that were able to fight had their weapons in hand and blue masks covering the lower half of their faces. The fighting men glared at the water, waiting for a sign of a Fire Nation Navy ship. Katara and Sokka were standing next to Appa, staring into the water. I was sitting on Appa's head with my staff in one of my hands, and the other was Appa's reigns. Tsukkio was sitting on Bayou as Bayou was floating in the air. Tsukkio held onto Bayou's reigns while her eyes were closed, tracking the Fire Nation Navy ship. 

 "THEY'RE HERE!!!!" Tsukkio yelled at the top of her lungs. "MEN SHOW THEM WHAT THEY GET FOR MESSING WITH THE WATER TRIBE!!!"

 The fighting men roared as they held their weapons in the air. I saw a very faint dark object in the distance floating in the water. Then something was gleaming in the sunlight, and I knew it wasn't the water from the ocean. It was moving closer and closer to the Northern Water Tribe territory. That's when I knew it was a flying fireball the Fire Nation was firing. 

 Bayou and Tsukkio together dispel the fireball from coming any closer by Bayou shooting a dose of water and Tsukkio bending the water from the ocean to dispel it. But what Bayou and Tsukkio didn't anticipate was another fireball flying closely behind the other. The secret flaming sphere hit the frozen insignia wall of the Northern Water Tribe. The fireball formed a big hole in the wall as the wall shook on impact. I heard the screams of Katara, Sokka, and the other warriors. 

 The Fire Nation kept firing those flying burning missiles. Tsukkio and Bayou did everything they could to make sure those spheres were not coming our way, but a few of them landed within our grounds. Explosions were heard blowing up parts of the Northern Water Tribe sidewalks, bridges, and even the protective wall. 

 "HEY, I NEED SOME HELP HERE!!" Tsukkio yelled as her eyes were glowing, and this time, she was physically waterbending. 

 "SORRY!" I apologized. "Yip, yip!"

 Appa and I were soaring in the air. Appa was flying straight for the Fire Nation Navy ships. Sizzling bombs from the Fire Nation flew under Appa and me as I hoped Tsukkio and Bayou could handle those. I flicked the reigns as Appa roared, flying faster towards the boats. One of the fireballs was soaring straight in the direction of Appa's face. I got on my feet with my staff tightly in my hands. I swung my staff to the left as the fireball came my way. The fireball glided in the direction of my airbending, and it hit the enormous ice wall holding up the left side of the protective barrier of the Water Tribe. 

 "I'll take it from here, boy," I informed Appa as he groaned. 

 Appa flew to the side as I let go of the reigns, falling to one of the nearest Fire Navy ships. I began working on the first ship to disarm and sink. 

A/n: Skipping to the next scene as I'm being a lazy writer right now, sorry 😭

Late in the evening

 I grew tired along with Tsukkio as we both laid out on the cooling ground of the Northern Water Tribe. Appa and Bayou were feeling the same as they were lying to us. For some odd reason, the Fire Nation had stopped their attacks which I was thankful for. Taking out the Fire Nation navy ship took a lot of me. Every time I sink one ship, five more ships pop out of nowhere, coming in the place of the sunken ship. I wished for Tsukkio to drop all the Fire Nation vessels. She was doing the same tactic I was doing: taking to offer but s one ship down at a time. 

 "I can't do it!" I said, defeated, as I heard several footsteps coming toward Tsukkio and me. 

 "We can't do it," Tsukkio corrected in a tiered exasperated tone. 

 "We can't do it," I said with my hands on my bald head. 

 "What happened?" Katara questioned as it was Katara and Princess Yue coming toward Tsukkio and me. 

 How are we supposed to win this war with the Fire Nation? Got the one up on us with the number of ships under their control? 

 "We must have taken out a dozen Fire Navy ships, but there's just too many of them," I stated, panicking. "Tsukkio and I can't fight them all!" 

 "Tsukkio could, as she can lift the whole ocean and sink all the Fire Navy ships, and it will be a quick end of the war!" Katara beamed. 

 "Yeah, what about your Moon State? Couldn't you use that?" Princess Yue chimed, trying to be helpful.

 "I could, but we have several problems: first, I'm at my weakest right now as I need my strength to use my Moon State. Secondly, my Moon State only works best at night, so doing it now won't help us turn the tide of war; lastly, I can't lift the ocean now because Yatari is on one of those Fire Navy ships, and if I do that then Yatari could die," Tsukkio answered.  

 "But, you two have to do something. You both are the Avatar and the Moon Priestess!" Princess Yue begged. 

 "We're just kids," I replied, shoving my head within my arms in shame, hiding my face. 

 I heard footsteps coming along with a gentle hand on my back. What could I do to save the Northern Water Tribe? When Tsukkio and I were taken down those vessels, it seemed like we didn't even place a dent in the Fire Nation Navy. 

Night, Katara

 Night has fallen on the Northern Water Tribe. The Fire Nation hadn't attacked since a couple of hours ago, but their ships remained in the ocean. I wondered why they were not attacking at this point since everyone was peacefully preparing for the next attack. I assume this is a perfect time for an ambush, but the Fire Nation hasn't done anything. 

 Tsukkio, Aang, Princess Yue, and I were standing outside, staring at the shining Moon in the sky. Aang had his head resting on his arm as he still had a defeated look. Tsukkio was leaning against the side of the balcony with the Northern Water Tribe weapons on her back and side.  

 "The legends say the Moon was the first-ever waterbender! Our ancestors saw how it pushed and pulled the tides and learned how to do it themselves," Yue informed, telling the history of how waterbending became. "But I'm sure Tsukkio knows of the history of waterbending being personally taught by the Moon herself!" 

 Tsukkio nodded, agreeing with what Yue stated. No wonder I felt this sudden surge of strength at night, especially when I was waterbending. It could also explain why Tsukkio would only train at night instead of the day back home. 

 "I've always noticed that my waterbending is stronger at night," I chimed. 

 "That's why the Fire Navy isn't attacking us now because they know we will wash them in the ocean under the control of the Moon, especially if I activate my Moon State," Tsukkio grumbled with her arms crossed. 

 "Our strength comes from the Spirits of the Moon. Our life comes from the Spirit of the Ocean," Yue said as she stared at the Moon. "They work together to keep balance," 

 "The Spirits!" Aang beamed for the first time since earlier today. "Maybe I can find them and get their help!"

 "How can you do that?" Yue asked in a wondering tone of voice. 

 "The Avatar is the bridge between our world and Spirit World!" Katara chimed. "Aang can talk to them!" 

 "Maybe they'll give you the wisdom to win this battle!" Yue beamed. 

 "Or maybe they'll unleash a crazy amazing spirit attack on the Fire Nation!" Aang said, going overboard. 

 Everyone was silent as Aang quickly got the hint that we were having a severe moment until Aang said his unlikable idea. 

 "Is it possible that there is a place nearby that houses the location of the Spirits of the Moon and Ocean?" Tsukkio asked Princess Yue with a smile. "I can feel it close by!"

 "But the last time Aang got into the Spirit World, it was by accident," I proclaimed. 

 "I have an idea; follow me!" Yue waved, gesturing for Tsukkio, Aang, and I to follow where she was leading us. 

Spirit Oasis 

We arrived at the Spirit Oasis, which is what Yue calls it. Once we went inside the Spirit Oasis, I felt relaxed as I almost forgot about the war that would happen hours from now. Aang immediately ran over the bridge landing on the grass with a smile, saying how he missed it. Tsukkio ran over to the pond with a massive grin on her face. Tsukkio was looking at the water. Then she panned her neck like she was looking at someone. 

 "Wow, you look amazing!" Tsukkio complimented with a smile, then bowed her head, showing respect to ..... the air. 

 "Ummmmm, Tsukkio, who are you talking to?" Aang asked in a concerning tone of voice. 

 "You guys don't see them?" Tsukkio questioned, tilting her head to the side, panned, pointing her finger in front of her. 

 "See who exactly?" I chimed as it was my turn to ask Tsukkio a question. 

 "These women in front of me ... I'm sorry, twin spirits Tui and La!" 

 "Oh, Tsukkio must be seeing the physical forms of the Spirits Tui and La!" Yue grinned as she clapped her hands lightly. (Idea from hayilaajaxz, please comment your updated name 🥺)

 Aang and I glanced at each other than at Yue, nodding slowly. Tsukkio rolled her eyes as she linked both of her arms with "Tui and La" she saw. Tsukkio continued to converse with "Tui and La" as she stood and sank to the bottom of the pond like it was nothing. A blue hue glowed in the spot where Tsukkio fell at. Yue, Aang, and I looked among ourselves as Tsukkio made a weird exit but silently decided not to speak on it. 

A/n: Skipping again, I'm sorry 

 Aang had just entered the Spirit World as his eyes and arrow tattoo glowed white. Yue and I watched in amazement how Aang could easily slip into the Spirit World. I heard Yue gasp out of concern since she had never witnessed Aang entering the Spirit World.  

"Is he okay?" Yue asked me. 

 "He's crossing into the Spirit World," I informed Yue as she quickly understood. "He'll be fine as long as we don't move his body as that his way back into the physical world," 

 "What about Tsukkio?" 

 "Tsukkio? She can handle her own since she got those weapons,"

 "Maybe we should get some help?" 

 Yue was taking steps to the Spirit Oasis's exit, but I stopped her. 

 "No, he's my friend," I proclaimed to Yue as she pivoted to look at me. "I'm perfectly capable of protecting him,"

 "Well, aren't you a big girl now," A familiar voice announced.

 I was paralyzed at the sound of that voice as I hoped it didn't belong to Zuko. 

 "No," I cried as I saw Zuko walking over the bridge. 

 I studied Zuko. Zuko had a blue bruise forming around his right eye and cuts on his upper right eyebrow, which stopped at nearly the center of his forehead, and a cut at his nose. Lastly, there was a red scuff on the upper portion of his right lip.

 "Yes," Zuko replied with a stern expression on his face. "Hand him and Tsukkio over, and won't nobody get hurt," 

 I glanced at the pond where Tsukkio was and noticed that the blue incandescent glow had disappeared. I sighed with relief that Tsukkio had left the Spirit Oasis, leaving me only having to protect Aang while he was in the Spirit World. Once I got into my waterbending fighting stance, Zuko got into his firebending. That's when the fight for Aang began.

A/n: At this point, you already know what I'm going to say ....... Skip


I had the Avatar in my possession. I was trekking in the blizzard with the somewhat unconscious Avatar on my back. It was a bummer not having Tsukkio also in my possession as it could be a bonus for my father to recognize me. But presenting the Avatar is the biggest prize! 

It was challenging walking through the snow as I could barely feel the ground and the thought that Tsukkio was lurking in the fallen snowy mist, ready to attack me as she promised. In the moment of silence, the words of Tsukkio's big sister echoed in my mind. "I don't know what you did to my little sister, but for some reason, she is in love with you. I wonder whether you love Tsukkio?". 

 Why would Tsukkio be in love with me? If anything, I voiced my disgust with her and regretted kissing her in the middle stage of our cat and mouse game. 

But I'm slowly growing obsessed with Tsukkio.

 I was obsessed with finding and capturing the Avatar. I'm sure this feeling for Tsukkio is the same as that. 

It's different than that feeling. 

 I shook my head as the fallen snow got in my eyes. I took that as a sign to get this heinous thought out of my head. 

"Tsukkio," I spoke to myself. "You rise with the Moon, and I rise with the sun. There will be no chance for us to be together, so get that through your love-struck skull," 

 I continued my walk through the blizzard as the fallen snow-covered my tracks, making it hard for Tsukkio's older brother and sister to find the Avatar and me. 

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