Siege of the North pt 3

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A/n: Before we begin the chapter, I would like to promote the Wattpad user by Zaya_Ross

The stories that she has written are in the screenshots above, and if you are interested, please give them a read, vote, and comment! Please tell them that I sent her and enjoy her storytelling journey!

Also, please follow my burner account on Wattpad BratzDVA. The account's sole purpose is to write anime and other stories I want to publish. I can't write it on this account as too much is going on, on this account. The story I will write is about this anime called Gangsta. I recommend watching the show on Funimation if you are of age, I repeat, ARE OF AGE (18), and it will follow the show's storyline here and there. Still, loosely, I may write a Harry Potter story that focuses on Ron Weasley, and I may write an original story based on Cyberpunk 2077 (still thinking about this story). Decide between those three stories, and I will focus on that story, but if you want a 500-word preview of the first chapter of the Harry Potter or Gangsta., please let me know!

And check out my Youtube channel, Glorinyx for some awesome covers and funny moments in the video!

Also, as a last-minute announcement before reading the chapter. Thanks for the 18k reads! (A/n: As of now, we have 19k reads! 🥰) I appreciate you reading and enjoying the chapters! This is the final part of the Siege of the North chapter, so let's finish this chapter with a bang!

"They balance each other, push and pull, life and death, good and evil, yin and yang,"

"Monk Gyasto was right, I was born under the Moon, and I will die under the Moon,"

Spirit World, Aang

I was deep within the Spirit World. The world was dark, with a sunset-like sun beaming down in the Spirit World. The Spirit World was peaceful as the chirping of the flying or roaming animals echoed in the locations I was passing. Thanks for my conversation with Avatar Roku. He led me to the Face Stealer named Koh. Avatar Roku has given me some helpful information on Koh. He told me not to show any expression as Koh could steal my face. If I allow Koh to steal my face, I won't know how to find the Ocean and Moon Spirits.

The Baboon Spirit pointed me in the direction of where I could find Koh. The Baboon Spirit's directions lead me to be staring at a tree with no leaves. The only thing on the tree was its naked branches sticking up to the sky. I was hopping on rocks leading to the winding path that was going through the opening of the tree trunk. Flying through the sky was a massive rodent-like animal going about its time during the Spirit World.

I hopped until I landed on the start of the winding path. I walked up the curved roots of the tree as I was face-to-face with the dark opening of Koh's home. This eery feeling was creeping through my body, and I could feel the muscles of my face tensing up. An eery expression clouded my face as I walked closer and closer to the entrance. I was trying to calm myself as I knew if I still had the expression on my face, then Koh would steal my face.

I heard a chattering of a monkey coming from the side of me. I checked to see if my hearing was correct, as I didn't think a monkey would be anywhere near this mysterious place. Perched on one of the thick roots of the tree was a monkey. The monkey had its back to me as I couldn't see its face.

"Whew!" I sighed. "You're just a curly-tailed blue nose!"

The brown monkey turned its head to show me its face. I gasped when I stared into something that wasn't a face. I saw a blank face with no eyes, nose, or mouth on the monkey. It was like I was staring at an empty model. Staring into the blank face of the monkey, I realize that I need to relax to get the Moon's location and the Ocean Spirits.

"Show no fear," I blew the fear out of my system as I heard the voice of Avatar Roku speaking with me as I restated Avatar Roku's instructions on interacting with Koh. "Show no emotion at all.

I walked into the cave with no fear left in my body. Upon walking into the cave, I was met with a long descending staircase. The further down the steps I went, the darker it got.

"Hello?" I asked into the empty and silent cave. "I'm looking for a spirit named Koh,"

I didn't get a response as I walked down the last step of the stairs. I didn't see anyone or a spirit that could be Koh. The only thing I saw were branches looming in the dark. I turned to see where my back used to be. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black flash, and I turned on the nonchalant expression on my face.

"Welcome," Koh greeted.

I stared blankly at Koh. Koh had the body of a caterpillar with claws at the trailing end. Koh had four claws on each side of his body. In the middle was Koh's face, well, one of his faces. Koh sported a look that was possibly painted white, and the only color on Koh's face was his lips, which were colored red, and the person's eyes.

"Thank you," I replied monotonously as I bowed.

"My old friend, the Avatar," Koh said as he stared at me, probably hoping I crack so he could steal my face. "It's been a long time,"

I heard a hint of malice in Koh's voice as he moved to the back of me. He said it'd been a long time since we last met. I didn't know of Koh until Avatar Roku informed me of this spirit. Did he meet "me" in my previous lives?

"You know me?" I kept my calm composure.

"How could I forget you!" Koh replied, crawling to my side to be back in front of me with his caterpillar body, not ultimately facing me. "One of your previous incarnations tried to slay me!"

Koh was back in my face to the point I felt his breath on my face. Koh sported a new look: an older man with black hair. Koh's new face had an expression of anger.

"It was eight or 900 years ago," Koh told me the timeline.

"I didn't know that," I replied, showing no ounce of care so Koh would not steal my face as he stared intensely. "Why did he or I try to kill you?"

Koh returned to his opposition of "sitting" further from me. Koh changed into the face of a younger woman. The woman was pretty, and she had long thick brown hair.

"Oh, it was something about stealing the face of someone you loved,"

Koh and I stood there in silence. Koh stared into my eyes, and I stared into his. It was like Koh keeping that face to get me to get some rage out of me, like the past me would get upset and try to kill him. I wonder if the face of the woman I'm looking at was the face that belongs to the past lover? Koh's woman had an angry look, and he switched his face to the screening baboon's face. Koh laughed as he thought he could get me to show any expression outside my calm face.

"Of course, that's all behind us," Koh said as he realized his attempt wasn't working on me. "Why should I have a grudge against you for something in a past life?"

Koh began curling his caterpillar body around me while I just stood there. I could hear the tiny hairs on my body go up, but I took some mini breaths to relax my body, but it slowly wasn't helping.

"After all, you're a different person now," Koh came close to my ears to whisper something in my ears. "You've come to me with a new face,"

I closed my eyes and felt like I was going to explode. Koh unwrapped himself from me to get a look at me. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes once I got my relaxed composure together. Koh went back to circling me.

"It's been a while since I've added a child's face to my collection," Kph switched through the faces of humans and animals. "So, how may I help you?"

"I need to find the Moon and the Ocean," I asked the knowledgeable spirit, Koh.

Koh went back to wrapping himself around me.

"Their spirit names are Tui and La," Koh explained. "Push and pull, and that has been the nature of their relationship for all time,"

"Please, help me find them," I asked Koh. "An entire culture could be destroyed if I don't get their help,"

Koh again unwrapped himself from me as he crawled his body above me, looking in a different direction. I'm sure Koh changed his face again.

"Oh, you think you need their help?" Koh scoffed. "It's quite the other way around,"

Something in Koh snapped as he turned his caterpillar body to me. Again Koh and I were face-to-face. Koh had a face of mask-like face. The look was dark blue, and the eyebrow was light blue. Sharp teeth were sticking out at the mouth end of the mask-like facial structure.

"Someone's going to kill them!" Koh said in a somewhat different voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked, closing my eyes to take a brief refresher moment. "How can I find and protect them?"

"You've already met them," Koh replied as he switched to the face he had when we started our conversation. "The Moon Priestess could see the human form of Tui and La, your Moon and Ocean. They have always circled each other in an eternal dance.

Koh turned to get out of my face. The Moon Priestess could see the human form of Tui and La. Tsukkio can only see their human form, so is she the only one who finds them? But Koh said that Tui and La circled each other in a dance.

"They balance each other, push and pull, life and death, good and evil, yin and yang," Koh explained to me.

When Koh said yin and yang, I had an epiphany. I instantly thought about the koi fish that's in the Spirit Oasis. Then another image of Tsukkio talking to the fishes in their human form popped into my head. A symbol of the yin and yang appeared.

"The Koi fish!" I yelled with excitement.

I saw that Koh was looking away from me. Koh quickly turned to stare at me when he heard the excitement in my voice. I went back, looking bland.

"I must be going now," I told Koh as he stared intensely at the Face Stealer.

"We'll meet again," Koh replied, matching my energy.

Koh changed his face to the older man from before as I walked back to the stairs ascending to the light of the Spirit World.


Appa was flying through the blizzard snow while Yue, Sokka, and I was trying to find any possible sign of Aang or Zuko within the hard-to-see falling snow. I felt like I was on edge and was being pulled in all directions. First, I'm worried about Tsukkio as I hadn't seen her since last night when she hopped into the Koi Fish pond and went off somewhere. Lastly, worrying about Tsukkio is making the situation of finding Aang worst.


"ALRIGHT!!" I replied, hoping that landing could get us a better view of searching for the monk and Fire Nation Prince.

Sokka landed Appa as he took the reigns. Once Appa's feet were on the ground, Sokka slid off Appa. Sokka walked forward and shielded his eyes with his hand as the snow fell to his face. I pan my head over the horizon, and the only thing my eyes caught were snow-covered rocks and white snow going on for miles. I looked at Sokka as he turned to Appa, Yue, and me. Sokka shook his head no to give the silent answer that he didn't see Zuko or Aang anywhere.

I held my head down as this fretting virus took over my thoughts and my body telling me we may never find Zuko or Aang in time. Sokka gently whipped the reigns on Appa, saying the famous line to Appa in the air. I went back to searching for Aang and Zuko as I leaned on the rails of Appa's saddle.

"Don't worry," Princess Yue said as she placed her hand on my shoulder to reassure me. "Prince Zuko can't be getting too far in this weather,"

"I'm not worried they'll get away in the blizzard," I informed Yue addressing that Zuko is escaping with Aang through this blizzard is not getting at me.

My concern was finding Aang's body before he left the Spirit World. If Aang can't return to his body in time, I'm afraid of what might happen to him. Not only that, Tsukkio is not here to possibly tell us how long this blizzard will last. Despite not knowing much about Zuko, one thing I do know from my interactions with Zuko during this journey to the Northern Water Tribe is that Zuko is stubborn and doesn't know when to give up, even when he knows he is in danger or something is foolish.

"I'm worried that they won't," I said, staring sadly at the white snowy horizons of this blizzard land.

"They're not gonna die in this blizzard," Sokka reassured me. "If we know anything, Zuko never gives up," Sokka grumbled.

Sokka's back was facing me, but I could tell by my older brother's posture that Sokka was upset. I know he is saying those things to get me out of my sorrow.

"They'll survive, and we'll find them!" Sokka barked.

I was thankful that Sokka was giving me that pep talk. Something in Sokka's words boosted my mood just a bit as the deeper Appa flew within this unmarked territory, the more the blizzard let up to the point I could see the land now! I felt a chilling breeze soaring past me until I saw a faint blue light flying down to the hunch in the snow, coating the ground.

"LOOK!!" I pointed to the light swooping down at the hunch in the snow. "That's gotta be Aang!"

I smiled when Sokka steered Appa to follow the light. Appa was hovering over the ground to find a good spot to land until I saw Aang tied up from his arms to his legs. Aang moved like a caterpillar until Zuko caught him by his shirt collar. Appa groaned when he landed as he heard the sound of Aang gracefully calling out to him. Zuko threw Aang into the snow as. I scoffed when I saw Zuko getting into a fighting stance.

"You want a rematch?" Zuko dared me.

It wouldn't be a rematch after I'm done with him. I hopped off Appa, more than ever, to get back at Zuko.

"Trust me, Zuko," I prepared myself for the second match. "It's not gonna be much of a match,"

"Kick his butt, Katara!" Sokka cheered.

Zuko went to attack first as he shot a fireball my way. I deflected the fireball with the snow and turned it into water. The fire dissolves into evaporated air as Zuko goes to send another ball of fire in my direction. I moved my arms, causing the snow to lift, heading towards Zuko. Once the snow got to Zuko, I created an ice tower around him that had Zuko in the air. I put my hands down, causing the ice tower to break within the untouched snow. The snow-covered my vision of  Zuko as I didn't know if my attack worked on him or not.

The snow cleared, revealing that Zuko was knocked unconscious as snow covered his body. Sokka ran to free Aang as Sokka quickly cut the rope.

"Hey!" Sokka called with a smile, talking about the wrong thing as he examined the rope Zuko had tied around Aang.

"We need to get to the oasis!" Aang declared, getting the rest of the rope off around his legs.

Why do we need to go to the oasis again? Is something terrible going to happen there?

"The spirits are in trouble!" Aang said as he ran to Appa once the rope around his leg was off.

I climbed on Appa's saddle sitting across from Yue. Sokka followed after Aang as Aang airbended himself on the top of Appa's head. Sokka climbed aboard. Sokka joined Yue and me on the saddle. I was waiting for Aang to fly us in the air, but I noticed that Aang was frowning with his gray eyes on the passed-out Zuko covered in snow.

"Wait, we can't just leave him here," Aang said, making a face.

I glanced over at Zuko, and he wasn't moving at all, like he was sleeping. Staring at him kind of had me feeling sorry for the boy.

"Sure we can," Sokka deadpanned. "Let's go,"

"No, if we leave him, he'll die," Aang replied as he airbended off Appa.

Aang pulled Zuko out of the snow and efficiently carried him to Appa.

"Yeah, this makes a lot of sense!" Sokka said, trying to be funny. "Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us!"

"The same guy our sister fell in love with," I mumbled as I stared at the unconscious Prince, then out into the snowy horizon.

"What was that, Katara?" Sokka asked me.

"Nothing at all," I replied as Appa took the flight back to the direction of the Northern Water Tribe base, and hopefully, Tsukkio was there too, waiting for us. 

Nightfall, Zhao

It was a perfect idea to leave the injured Moon Priestess in the hands of Prince Zuko. I was surprised that Zuko made it alive from that explosion that the pirates planted on his pathetic excuse for a ship. Since that night, I have researched how to take down the Moon Priestess, and they said only the Moon's true love could take her down. Other articles stated that the Moon Priestess's Sun is the only one to end the Moon Priestess's reign.

The Sun Warriors defined the Sun to the Moon Priestess as someone from the Fire Nation. The Sun of the Moon Priestess will spend the rest of their life "chasing" after the Moon Priestess, following the Sun and Moon cycle pattern. The Sun is chosen at birth to be the Moon Priestess's life partner, but they can choose to allow their Sun to be their lifelong partner.

I wanted to read more about the Sun, but the text of the Sun Warriors was hard to read as the ink on the scrolls was smudged or faded away due to the ink losing its longevity on the paper. But if the Sun is someone in the Fire Nation and they were destined to chase after the Moon Priestess, then the Sun had to be, without a doubt, Prince Zuko. Only Prince Zuko can kill off the Moon Priestess, which will lead the Fire Nation into our last step to victory!

I have ordered a particular group of soldiers to follow me to the location of the Koi fish. The soldiers and I rode on the rhinos to the battlefield.

"We'll be following this map to a special location," I held the tightly rolled map to the Spirit Oasis that is deep within the Northern Water Tribe. "And when we get there, we're going fishing,"

"Do we have to worry about the Moon Priestess Admiral Zhao?" One of my soldiers asked me. "You wounded her, but she could easily heal herself and come to attack your forces?"

I smirked. The Moon Priestess would not be a threat for two reasons. One reason is those two girls would hold the Moon Priestess, and she would need her energy to protect and get them home safely. The second reason would be that I would have killed the Moon Priestess off if she hadn't told me that Zuko was still alive despite my plan to kill the Prince. So, I would let Prince Zuko finish off that waterbending trash.

~ Spirit Oasis ~

I made it to the Spirit Oasis without anyone stopping me from getting there. I walked to the center of the little pond where the Moon and Ocean spirits performed their dance. I stared at the hopeless fish as they circled each other without a problem with their simple small-brained minds. I reached into the pond and grabbed the white fish, Tui. The scroll said that the white fish, Tui represented the Moon. I stuffed Tui into the bag as the fish moved slowly until it wasn't moving. The clear lighting of the Moon turned Red. The Northern Water Tribe and the Moon Priestess are no match for me. 

"I am a legend now!" I ranted as I held the bag with Tui in my hand. "The Fire Nation will, for generations, tell stories about the Great Zhao who darkened the Moon!" 

 The victory of the Fire Nation was running through my head. I will be a living legend more than Fire Lord Ozai. The kids in the Fire Nation schools will remember and worship me! The Admiral who blackened the Moon and got rid of the Water Tribe and the Moon Priestess!

 "They will call me Zhao the Conqueror, Zhao the Moon Slayer, Zhao The Invincible!!" I roared until something like a monkey was on my head. 

 I was fighting off the creature until it flew over to the Avatar's arm to land on. Of course, the Avatar would be here, but I see no Moon Priestess anywhere in sight. I smirked when my men, Avatar, and his team were preparing for the fight. 

 "I see that you guys are missing one teammate!" I exclaim with a smirk causing the Moon Priestess's brother and sister to slightly lower their guard. 

 "Moon Priestess?" The Moon Priestess's sister exclaimed with a questionable look on her face. 

 "WHAT DID YOU DO TO TSUKKIO ZHAO?!?!?!" The Moon Priestess's brother barked as he was going to walk towards me. 

 I raised the bag that held Tui inside. I was gesturing one more step that water trash takes. I'm going to end the poor fish's life. The Avatar held his arm out, signaling to the Moon Priestess's brother not to move. 

 "The Moon Priestess, your pathetic sister, is probably bleeding out while trying to protect those ratchet waterbenders, or she is probably drowning in an ocean,"

 This time it was the Moon Priestess's sister's turn to try and get a turn to walk toward me, but I stopped her with the bag of Tui. 

 "Zhao!!" The Avatar exclaimed as he dropped his stage. "Don't!" 

 The Avatar held his hand in a surrender gesture.  

 "It's my destiny to destroy the Moon, the Moon Priestess, and the Water Tribe!" I informed Avatar and his friends. 

 "Destroying the Moon won't hurt just the Water Tribe," The Avatar said, trying to get through to me. "It will hurt everyone, including you,"

 How can the lack of the Moon hurt me? I don't benefit anything from the useless crater hanging in the sky. 

 "Without the Moon, everything would fall out of balance," The Avatar was trying his best to change my mind about what I was doing. "You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world," 

 "He is right, Zhao!" A familiar voice agreed on the side. 

 I knew that voice from anywhere. It was a surprise to hear it, but it wasn't. It was General Iroh as he stood on the other side of my soldiers and me. I knew the moment I informed General Iroh of my plan to blacken out the Moon, and I could feel a shift in Iron's attitude. General Iroh is more like Traitor Iroh, like his no-good nephew Prince Zuko. 

 "General Iroh, why am I not surprised to discover your treachery?" I asked, still holding the bag with Tui high. 

 "I'm no traitor, Zhao," Iroh rebutted as he took the hood off his head. "The Fire Nation needs the Moon too. We all depend on the balance,"

 Silence fell between General Iroh, the Avatar, and my team. I felt like I was outmatched as I didn't have the might of more fire soldiers on hand. 

 "Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you tenfold!" Iroh promised as he got into his fighting stance. "LET IT GO, NOW!!!"

 Iroh wants me to let Tui go? Then I'll let the poor fish go! I dropped to the ground, opened the bag, and released Tui into the pond. The moon's light returned to its natural blue color in the sky. I felt anger building in my body as I felt the loss of the Fire Nation, knowing who I am, and the praise of everyone in the Fire Nation worshipping me. 

 I yelled as I watched the stupid fishes continue their foolish dance. I screamed and snapped my hands together, releasing the burning fire within me. The flames grazed the pond's water as I knew it hit Tui. At that moment, the Moon in the sky had turned black, making the world black and gray. 


 Tsukkio freed us from the chains Zhao and his grunts placed. Ziasina, once she was released, dashed over to Tsukkio to help her up while I stood there like a statue. The only thing I was staring at was the massive red blood stain that soaked Tsukkio's midsection of her Water Tribe clothing. I see Tsukkio placing her hand on her midsection as her blood is now on her hand, and she is trying to heal herself. Tsukkio's hand would illuminate a white light, but it would fade, causing Tsukkio to whimper while she shed a silent tear. 

 This is all my fault. 

 "Tsukkio, heal yourself before we get off this boat," Ziasina cried as she waved her hands, something she does when she doesn't know or understand what to do. 

 Tsukkio shook her head as more teardrops were fallen from her eyes. 

 "WHY?!?!" Ziasina hollered. "WHY CONTINUE TO SUFFER?!?!" 

 "Who's going to protect you two?" Tsukkio uttered as she was heavily panting. "I need my powers to get you two back home," 

 More blood was oozing out of the injured site of Tsukkio's midsection. She will die soon if she doesn't heal herself, or we can't get her back to the Northern Water Tribe in time. 

 "yatari? .... Yatari!!" Ziasina called out to me, getting my attention. "Are you going to help me get Tsukkio on her feet?" 

 Ziasina had her arm under Tsukkio as Tsukkio held onto the wounded site trying to keep the blood from sipping out. Ziasina was crouched like she was prepping herself to lift her and Tsukkio. 

 "Right," I nodded as I dashed over to them and held onto Tsukkio's unoccupied right side of her. 

 "On the count of 3, we'll lift Tsukkio, okay?" Ziasina informed me as I nodded. "1 ... 2 ... 3,"

 Ziasina and I lifted Tsukkio onto her feet as she groaned. Why is Tsukkio so heavy? I gritted my teeth as I felt the weight of Tsukkio on my shoulder. 

 "Tsukkio, what have you been eating?" I groaned as I was having trouble holding the Moon Priestess up. 

 "When you are the strongest in your family, you tend to eat more!" Tsukkio smiled faintly. 

 Ziasina and I walked Tsukkio out of the room. We were having trouble doing so of Ziasina, and I's height difference and having to hold the weight of Tsukkio. Then a question popped into my head. How will we get back to the Northern Water Tribe?

 "So, we got Tsukkio on her feet, but how will we get off the boat?" I asked, which made Ziasina pause.  

 "That is a good question, but we can take Bayou, which is the safer option," Ziasina suggested. 

 "I can dematerialize us to the Northern Water Tribe. It's no big deal," Tsukkio replied, exhausted, as the bangs of her hair stuck to her sweating forehead. 

 "That would use all your energy to do that which will weaken you," I debunked Tsukkio's idea of using her powers. 

 "So Bayou it is," 

 Ziasina and I were going to take a step to move forward, but Tsukkio stopped us. A massive blast of water came through, tearing the ship in half. My eyes widened as the water droplets from the explosion hit my face. The water blast stopped until I saw the dark blue sky and the silver moon above me. 

Then I met a pair of golden eyes as it swam in the center of Ziasina and me. The team of golden eyes rises out of the water, revealing its scaly body. The water serpent's scales matched the sky's dark blue color, and its white hair resembled the Moon. 

 "Bayou!" Ziasina beamed. "What a way to make an entrance!"

 Bayou's golden eyes looked over to Ziasina and then at me. Bayou studied every inch of me like I was under investigation. Then Bayou moved her eyes over to Tsukkio, and that's when things went wrong. Bayou's golden eyes dilated with anger, and they shook with violence. 

 "Bayou, I know you're upset, but we need you to take us back to the Northern Water Tribe," Ziasina said to the water serpent. "Do you think you can take us back quickly before Tsukkio passes or dies?" 

 Bayou roared as she came closer to the torn boat. Ziasina and I placed Tsukkio on Bayou first, with the help of Bayou. Once Ziasina and I were on Bayou's back, Bayou swam back in the direction of the Northern Water Tribe. I glanced behind me at the Fire Nation ship sinking into the ocean. 

 "Why is the Fire Nation ship sinking into the ocean?" I asked, looking back at the ship. 

 "I was using my powers to hold the boat above the water until we all got on Bayou," Tsukkio replied as she held onto her midsection. 

 Ziasina was going to say something until her words caught her mouth. My heart sank when I saw the sky and the Moon turn red. When the Moon turned red, Tsukkio, Ziasina, and I rode on Bayou across the water. Once the moon turned red, Bayou sank into the ocean's deep water. I felt the icy kiss of the water touching my body as the frozen water made contact with my skin. Ziasina screamed, which got my attention. 

 "TSUKKIO!!" Ziasina wailed. 

 I searched around the icy water for Tsukkio and didn't find her. I noticed that Ziasina was staring down at the water. I glance down to see faint white light glowing within the water. It formed around Tsukkio's body which was sinking into the water. I glanced at my hand to see it was burning just like Tsukkio, but it was beaming more than Tsukkio. My blue eyes moved over to Ziasina and saw her shine like me. 

 "Is Tsukkio using her powers to keep us alive within this icy water?" I asked as I was checking out the now dazzling light that was cast on my body.  "Even under the red Moon, Tsukkio still has the power to keep us save,"

 "We've got to save Tsukkio, Yatari!!" Ziasina panicked. 

 I didn't answer Ziasina's question but dived into the water. I heard the water swallowing someone, and I glanced up to see that Ziasina was following my lead. The light around Tsukkio was getting dimmer with every inch, and Tsukkio sunk deeper into the water. I swam below to reach Tsukkio. I grabbed the right side of Tsukkio and Ziasina got the left side. 

 Ziasina nodded up to me. Ziasina and I swam to the water's surface to save Tsukkio. I took a loud breath of air as I felt like my lungs were going to burst from how long I was holding my breath. 

 "We've got Tsukkio. How will we get home now without Bayou to take us?" I asked, keeping the right side of Tsukkio above the water. 

 "I don't know," Ziasina mumbled as she stared from beyond our position in the water. 

 Suddenly, I felt Tsukkio's right side of her was getting lighter. I checked on her to see that part of her body was turning into water. I was going to say something to Ziasina until I noticed she was gone from Tsukkio's left side. I looked at myself to notice that most of my body was gone. I gasped with fear until Tsukkio's white eye was the last thing I saw. 

~ Northern Water Tribe ~

 We materialize in the Northern Water Tribe. I coughed, trying to get the water out of my body. I opened my eyes to see I was back in the Northern Water Tribe. I checked my surroundings and acknowledged that I was back at the Moon Temple. I was surprised we were in the middle of the war, and the Moon Temple was left unscathed from the Fire Nation. Ziasina was next to me as she was up, having a smile on her face. 

 "We made it back to the Water Tribe!" Ziasina cheered. 

 Ziasina's cheering ended when a bad, dry cough erupted. Silence fell between Ziasina and me, and we turned toward the cough to see Tsukkio lying on the icy ground in a massive pool of her blood. Ziasina and I ran over to Tsukkio in a hurry. 

 "Tsukkio, you shouldn't have used your powers!" Ziasina panicked. 

 "A-and let you t-two die of h-hypothermia in that freezing water?" Tsukkio bloodily chuckled. "I think not,"

 I studied Tsukkio's condition, and she didn't look too good. The blood that was pooling under her was stretching out under her. It was like I saw the life leaving Tsukkio's body as she looked paler and paler the more she lay there. 

 "You were acting reckless, Tsukkio!" Ziasina cried. "How are we going to save you under the Red Moon?" 

 "Face it, Ziasina, I'm dying," Tsukkio coughed. 

 "T-Tsukkio, you're d-d-dying?" I uttered while choking on my tears. 

 "Monk Gyasto was right," Tsukkio said, staring up at the Red Moon. "I was born under the Moon, and I will die under the Moon," 

 "Monk Gyasto?" Ziasina mumbled as she looked at me like the name was supposed to mean something to me. 

 I shrugged my shoulders, gesturing that I didn't know anyone by the name of Monk Gyasto. I looked at the sky as it turned black and gray. I looked up at the Moon and saw it was black in the sky. Ziasina was going to something until Tsukkio slowly began closing her eyes. 

 "T-Tsukkio ... TSUKKIO!!" Ziasina screamed, but Tsukkio didn't move. 

 I cried when I knew this was all my fault. 

La (A/n: shoutout to hyailaajaxz for giving me this idea two years ago of having a physical form for Tui and La. So, here's La's physical condition) 

 "Tui?" I mumbled as I tried to continue our dance, but Tui wasn't moving. 

 I swam around Tui's still body and saw a long burnt mark on her back. I saw red as my fish eyes stared at the burnt spot. I was upset those Fire Nations soldiers ruined my other half, my best friend! I saw Aang had entered his Avatar State. I tried to feel around for Tsukkio, but I didn't sense her. I'm assuming that she had died along with Tui. 

 "No, it's not over!!!!" Aang said as his airbending tattoo glowed white. 

 Aang walks into the pond's water. Aang stood in the center as I swam around him. I stopped swimming when I was staring into the glowing eyes of Aang. My eyes and the circle on my back began glowing as Aang, and I became one. Once Aang and I connected, Aang sunk into the pond just like Tsukkio did. 

 The water in the pond began glowing an incandescent blue color as it flowed through all of the Northern Water Tribe. The radiant blue water began rushing and rising towards the entrance of the Spirit Oasis, then outside. I formed the Koizilla with Aang at my center as I stared out at the Fire Nation soldiers and the destruction they have caused within my home and people.

 I need to find Tsukkio quickly, along with helping my waterbending people. 

 I walked down the path of the Northern Water Tribe residence. Every time I turned my head to the way, I saw my fellow waterbending people bowing to me, showing their respects while the Fire Nation soldiers were armed with their weapons in hand. I swung my arm, and the water from the path followed my motion and swallowed those soldiers. The Fire Nation soldiers were wiped from their spots as I marched on as if nothing had happened. 

 But I saw no signs of Tsukkio anywhere that was, until I saw in the distance Tsukkio on the ground lying in the pool of her blood. Two Water Tribe girls were crying over Tsukkio's pale dead body. I marched over to those two Water Tribe girls, and they quickly stopped crying at seeing me. One of the girls had bowed, but the girl with short hair just stared at me with amazement until her friend had her bowing to me. I raised my arm and allowed three droplets of me to land on Tsukkio. 

 Once I felt my essence inside Tsukkio, I marched back to the fight with the Fire Nation soldiers that killed my friend, Tui. 

La Tsukkio

 I opened Tsukkio's eyes, and standing before me were the girls I looked down at not too long ago. I glanced around me to see the blood that left Tsukkio's body was still on the icy ground. I moved Tsukkio's hand at the wounded sight that somewhat took Tsukkio's life away, and sure enough, I felt a hole within her midsection. 

 Healing was always Tui's specialty.  

I heard the gasp and shriek coming from the girls. I was looking down at Koizilla. I saw the fear clouding the two girls' eyes as they wondered how Tsukkio could live after the blackening of the Moon and the stab wound she had. I used the muscles in Tsukkio's body to get on my feet while the two girls watched me with astonishment. Their eyes zeroed in on the stab wound hole in Tsukkio's midsection. 

 "T-Tsukkio?" The girl with the messy braided crown called. 

 "I'm not Tsukkio," I replied with my rough voice laced with Tsukkio's tone. 

 "Then i-if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" The girl with short hair asked me, scared, as she twiddled with her index fingers. 

 "I am known as La, the Ocean Spirit," I introduced myself. "But you can call me for the sake of this situation La Tsukkio," 

 The two girls quickly introduced themselves to me. I did my best to remember those names as we continued our conversation. 

 "La- La Tsukkio," Ziasina corrected herself. "What is the meaning of you entering Tsukkio's body like this?" 

 "I need Tsukkio's body to help fight off the Fire Nation and get them off my land and ocean for killing Tui in cold blood," I replied as I felt the anger rushing through me. 

 "La Tsukkio, you're turning red," Yatari pointed at my fingers.

 I looked at Tsukkio's hands and body to see that she was turning red. Tsukkio's body must be turning red from my anger at losing a friend. I smirked. A blood-red sparkling orb formed in Tsukkio's hands as streams of the balls flew out in different directions of the Northern Water Tribe and even appeared in front of Yatari and Ziasina. 

 Those red streaks formed a Koi Fish that resembles Tui and me. They "swam" peacefully in place surrounding Ziasina and Yatari. 

 "Attack any Fire Nation soldiers or ships you see and leave the special Fire Nation soldiers to either Koizilla or me!" I ordered the Blood Tui and La. 

 The Blood Tui and La swam in any direction, searching out for any nearby Fire Nation soldiers and attacking them. Yatari was going to say something until she pointed behind me, along with Ziasina standing there frozen like a statue. I turned in the direction where Yatari was pointed and saw him standing a few meters away from me, Zuko. 

 Zuko's face looked somewhat severely beaten, as there was a cut going across his nose. I know Zuko didn't play a part in Tui's death, but he's with the Fire Nation. At this moment, until further notice, I hate the Fire Nation and everything they come with. Zuko got another thing coming once I'm done with him!

 "I know you didn't play a part in Tui's death, but you are associated with the Fire Nation, so I have to take you down!" I grinned darkly. 

I could tell that Zuko was surprised by the appearance of Tsukkio and by the change in vocal tone going through Tsukkio's mouth. I didn't give Zuko the chance to speak his peace. I dashed over to him, and I leaped into the air. I turned Tsukkio's right leg into ice. Zuko ducked as he shuffled forward to put some more distance between him and me. 

 "Why are you running?" I taunted the Fire Nation Prince, still smirking. 

 "Nobody's running," Zuko got into his firebending stance. 

 Zuko began blasting off flames my way. I smirked as I deflected the burning balls with the power of the ocean. The connection made a smokescreen of fire and water. I used this as a perfect time to get Zuko when he least expected it! I punched and sent a gush of the roaring ocean toward Zuko. The roaring water hit Zuko as the force of my watery punches evaporated the smokescreen. 

 Zuko was caught off guard. I dashed over to Zuko and grabbed him, knocking not forcefully into the building. Kill him ... Kill him ... KILL HIM!!"

 "La Tsukkio, that is enough?" Ziasina called out. 

 I turned my head to the girl. How dare she tells me what isn't and is enough? Zuko is part of why the balance between the elements is out of balance, not to mention Tui's death. Killing the crowned Prince would be the start of making my statement to the Fire Nation: Don't mess with the Water Tribe ever! 

 I turned to look at Ziasina until, for some reason, a familiar face was standing before me. Strands of white hair flowed, which instantly calmed me down. I stared into the kindhearted eyes of Tui. But Tui's eyes held fear within her gray-silver eyes. Once I blinked my eyes, the image of Tui was gone. 

A/n: A picture of Tui


 I held Zuko's throat in Tsukkio's hand, raising him. Zuko was trying to fight, but I was nearly cutting off his oxygen to produce a spark of fire. I was going to finish him until I suddenly felt at peace. This sudden shift in my mood must be the doing of Tui. 

"Tui?" I questioned as I stared blankly as I felt Tui's presence.

 Once I didn't feel Tui's presence anymore, I was going to go for the finishing blow to him until Zuko, in a desperate move, grabbed Tsukkio's moon necklace. Zuko then applied heat to the moonstone, which burned against Tsukkio's chest. I screamed in agony as I felt the temperature getting hotter. 

 I let go of Zuko, but he held on to the necklace with his other hand used to be free hand. I felt my anger for the loss of Tui and my essence oozing out of Tsukkio's body. The red afterglow of my rage was dimming like a candle's flame dying because of lack of oxygen. 


"It's too late," Katara said sadly as Iroh placed my Koi Fish form back into the water. "It's dead,"

I couldn't believe that the Moon Spirit, Tui, was killed. I felt there was no meaning and no color in life. The reason I'm still here is because of the Moon. Now that the Moon is gone, what do I do now?

"The Moon Spirit has touched you?" Iroh said to Yue as she closed her eyes with sorrow. "Some of its' life is in you!"

 Just like that, an idea went off in my head once Iroh's words quickly got into my head. The Moon did give me life, and now I think ... no, I believe it's time for me to return the favor. 

"Yes, you're right," I agreed as I opened my eyes. 

I felt something urgent for me to do something for the first time! I'm not forced to do something for the sake of others but something I genuinely want to do! This is my chance to change my destiny to how I like it!

"The Moon gave me life, and maybe I can give it back," I said, releasing myself from Sokka. 

I had gotten up to walk over to Tui's body to give back the life she gave to me. But something stopped me, and this time it wasn't me. 

"No," Sokka stopped me by holding onto my hand. "You don't have to do that, my sister Tsukkio will be here in a minute, and she can tell us what to do!"

 Tsukkio. How could I forget Sokka's little sister? If Tui is dead, that means the same goes for Tsukkio and Bayou, as they had a closer connection to the Moon than I did. I didn't know where Tsukkio could be, but I knew she was probably somewhere dead and alone. And she does not deserve to die alone. 

 I turned to Sokka with mixed emotions on my face. The first emotion I could point out was sadness. The second emotion was slight anger. The third and last emotion was the determination to do what was right. I know why Sokka didn't want me to do this, as he would be breaking his promise to my father. 

"Sokka, your sister, Tsukkio, is not coming back. She died along with Tui when Zhao killed the poor fish," Yue informed Sokka sadly.

I saw Katara had a startled look on her face, and her eyes were quickly watering. I turned my attention back to Sokka as I hated to see him by the way I was looking at him. I saw a bit of life leave Sokka's eyes, like a part of him, or what made him, was gone. I jerked my head to the side, scared to see more of Sokka's depressed mood. This made what I'm about to do even more critical of why I should do this! The world needs Tsukkio, the Moon Priestess, and not a silly Northern Water Tribe princess walking around. 

"Let me do this, Sokka," I tiredly begged Sokka as I was scared to look at him again. "It's my duty,"

"I won't let you!" Sokka tenderly but tightly held onto my hand. "Your father told me to protect you,"

I  wanted to look at Sokka but couldn't bring myself to. I knew that if I looked at Sokka, I would be inclined not to go through with this act of self-sacrifice. But my sacrifice must be made to save my people, mainly Tsukkio.

"I have to do this," I declared to Sokka.

My hand slipped through Sokka's hand as I walked towards Tui. I took a deep breath knowing this would be the last time I would do so. I stared at Tui's dead fish body, knowing this was it. My hands touched Tui's fish body and glowed white light. I slowly closed my eyes. Once the light from Tui's body disappeared, I sighed as I leaned over, taking my last breath. 

"NO!!!" Sokka cried as he caught my body before it hit the pond's water.

 The last thing I heard before I died was a kind, but sorrowful thank you from a lady with a tender motherly voice. What is she thanking me for? I opened my eyes to see that my body was transparent. I checked myself out as I was dressed in a white dress. My eyes darted to my new surroundings, and I was in a white room. I stopped looking around until I saw a wolf and a Koi Fish standing before me with their heads bowed. 

 "Lady Yue, thank you for giving up your life to be our new Moon," The wolf said in a deep gentle voice.  "Are you ready to know your role?"

 Learn my new role? What role am I going to be performing? Before I can do anything, I must give my proper goodbye to Sokka, my first and only true love. 

 "Can I say goodbye to someone before I do anything?" I asked the wolf and Koi Fish, that raised their heads to look at me.

 "As you wish, Lady Yue," The wolf granted. 

 I left the white room and was now back in the Spirit Oasis. I noticed that I was floating above the pond as Tui and La were performing their enteral dance underneath me. Once I glanced up, I stared into the eyes of Sokka. I wished I could see his pretty blue hue again before I left him. I can see by Sokka's eyes and cheeks that he is crying. 

 Sokka stared up at me like I was his favorite plate of food. I could see Sokka's eyes violently shaking as he fought for more tears to run down his face. At that moment, I felt like I made the right decision despite not seeing my family anymore or starting a relationship with Sokka. 

"Goodbye, Sokka," I said to the Southern Water Tribe boy as my ghostly hand touched Sokka's cheeks. "I will always be with you,"

My ghost lips touched Sokka's lips. We shared a tender kiss until I had to vanish. The once-black Moon was back to its silver color. When the Moon had returned to its natural color, the sky and everything surrounding its colors was restored. I was back in the white room, seeing the same Koi Fish and wolf waiting for me. The Koi Fish swam forward with a gentle smile. 

 "Welcome, Lady Yue ... to your new home!" A talking Koi Fish said to me in a calmly joyful voice.


 I couldn't believe that I had ended Tsukkio's life well, whatever was inside her, but I killed Tsukkio. I was away from Tsukkio's body and the two girls standing there, scared to get in between us. I was panting from the running as I was collecting myself. I stared at my hands and saw the blue texture coloring from Tsukkio's necklace on my hands. 

 I was staring at the blue coloring on my hands with this funny churning going on through my stomach. This blue streak was like I was staring directly at the blood of Tsukkio. I replayed the scene of Tsukkio and me in our meeting and fighting. I was wondering if there was something that I could have done differently within it. Had I talked to her, could I have calmed her down to the point we were talking to each other? Or had it ended the same way I killed Tsukkio out of self-defense?

 I went to the nearby water to wash off this blue streak on my hands. This reminded me that I was a murderer and didn't want it on me. I began washing my hands as I looked to see that the blue markings weren't coming off. I rubbed my hands harder and harder until the palms of my hands were hurting me.

 My mind instantly went back to Tsukkio standing there with an off-putting grin on her face, like she was a completely different person. My thoughts focused on the hole in the center of Tsukkio's midsection. I wonder how she got that, let alone survived that kind of injury without medical help.

 I walked as I was planning on leaving the Northern Water Tribe as I didn't accomplish what I came here to get, which was the Avatar. I saw a giant rat running away as I was on my way to escape the Northern Water Tribe. That rat was Zhao. Anger floods my body as I shoot a massive blast of fire in front of Zhao, stopping him from jumping over the sculptured snow wall. 

 Zhao turned around, shocked that he was spotted. Zhao relaxed once he saw that it was just me that had stopped him. I jumped down from the platform I was standing on to stare at Zhao. 

"YOU TRIED TO HAVE ME KILLED!!!" I shouted at Zhao.

I shot two more flames at Zhao, which he quickly rolled out of the way, causing the snow-like wall to crumble into smoke.

"Yes, I did," Zhao replied truthfully without even trying to lie to save his own life. "You're the Blue Spirit, an enemy of the Fire Nation. You freed the Avatar, and you are the lover of the Moon Priestess,"

Mentioning Tsukkio gave me chills in my body. Just hearing Tsukkio's final words brought an ache to my heart, something that Zhao couldn't see at the moment.

"For the Avatar, I had no choice," I said, firing off more rounds of fire at Zhao, which, again, he blocked.

"So what about the Moon Priestess, huh? Did you see her?" Zhao smirked. "Did you like the parting gift I gave her for her final moment on this land the Fire Nation will be claiming?"

 I fell silent as I began putting the pieces together. Zhao was the one to stab Tsukkio in her midsection. Then the two girls were either there to help Tsukkio, or Tsukkio was going to free one or both of them from Zhao's captivity. But that doesn't answer why Tsukkio's body was glowing red, how she was able to live after that stab wound, or the simple fact something or someone was taking over her body. 

 "You were the one who gave Tsukkio that stab wound?" I squinted my eyes, causing Zhao's eyes to be dilated with excitement. 

"You did see her?!?!" Zhao had the crazed look of a madman. "Did you kill her? That would be the only way for you to prove your loyalty to the Fire Nation and take back the honor that Fire Lord Ozai took from you,"

 I didn't respond as I fell silent again. This time I tighten the palms of my hands to hide the blue markings of Tsukkio's necklace from Zhao. Zhao noticed it as he slightly jerked his head to see what I was hiding from him until he scoffed with disgust. 

 "I don't see why I should care what you do with the Moon Trash?" Zhao scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I bet you let the Moon Trash live,"


"You should have chosen to accept your failure, your disgrace," Zhao said, taking off his cloak. "Then maybe you could have lived.

The natural color of the world returned, which stunned Zhao, but the funny thing was that it calmed me a bit of relief. I glance at the sky to see the Moon glowing like it did every night. I was surprised when I saw water rising from under the bridge pathway that Zhao and I were fighting under, and it began to form human hands. The human hands of the water started enclosing Zhao and me. I rolled out of the hands' way as Zhao was caught in its killer grips. 

 The human hands of the water lifted Zhao over the bridge to drown him in the water. I knew, despite my intense dislike of Zhao. He was a fellow citizen of the Fire Nation. I ran to the side of the bridge, and I raised my hand for Zhao to reach for to save him from drowning. 

 "Take my hand," I declared to Zhao as he struggled to get off the water's grip. 

 I saw Zhao trying to reach out for my hand until I saw his face and eyes hardening with hate. Zhao pulled his hand back, silently telling me he accepted his faith to drown and die. The hand and Zhao sunk into the water, leaving no trace of what just happened.

 Sorrow began swelling in my heart as I felt like a failure. I could have possibly saved Zhao if he had let me. But I should carry with me that I tried to help Zhao, and that's all I could do. The one I truly felt sad for was Tsukkio because I didn't try with her. I failed you, Tsukkio. I'm sorry.

A/n: Thanks for making it to the end of the chapter, and sorry for the long wait for this chapter. As you can see, a lot was going on for part 3 of the Siege of the North. So, please tell me how you feel about this chapter before the book's last chapter is posted! Thanks again, and I'll see you next time! 

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