Tsukkio (Moon) and Zuko (Sun) Together Alone pt 1

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A/n: This chapter will be heavily be between Tsukkio and Zuko

A/n: I am sorry I missed some update moments to update this story and I haven't forgot it. This story is now my main priority until the end of the story! In this chapter forewarning Tsukkio's POV will not be in this chapter but you will hear from her in this chapter, but her POV in the next chapter! Lastly I would like to give a shameless promo to Wattpad writer Malia_Ross . Malia_Ross wrote a lovely book called the Dragon Fairy! This story is still in its beginning stages, but I hope you guys can join  on the journey she will take you on her story! The screenshot description of her story will be in the next chapter, but please copy the name to get more info on the story!

Future A/n: I also thanks for the 8k reads and I'm so thankful we reached a new milestone!!!


"You know it's okay to open yourself up to the people around you, you know ..... let the people who care about you in, right?"

"That's funny coming from a person whose always want to capture Aang and I on their own, but opening up to people will cause unnecessary worry and other issues that I don't need,"

"It doesn't have to be that way with anyone, it's okay to open up to ........ me,"


"Cut your stupid ponytail and grow your hair out, you're not apart of the Fire Nation anymore,"

"Then what am I apart of?"



"The scar doesn't scare you away, it doesn't make you say I deserve it after trying to capture you or the Avatar?"

"No, I don't feel that way. The scar only let me feel sorry for you because of how you got it,"

"You are the second person to look past this scar and didn't try to point it out in a insult,"


"You need to stop sacrificing yourself, you are not fighting by yourself,"

"Why when the world needs me plus I've always fought by myself, no was there to help me fight so why should I break that cycle now?"

"Sooner or later, it will be your down fall and your cause of misery,"

The Key Quote of this chapter:

"You saw the worst part of my life and I saw yours,"


Zuko's attire:





That's what I felt at this moment. The weight of the world and what I want is off my shoulders hanging somewhere weighing something else down other than me. I have never felt this way since I was a little boy when things were simple and clean. I thought maybe I will feel this way when I get back home in the Fire Nation next to my father. Speaking of home, am I at home? The last thing I remember is sailing the ocean waters trying to track the next location of the Avatar and Tsukkio. But now I hear the endless flow of water pouring into a body of water along with something swishing and swashing in the water. I wonder am I in the water maybe the ship went down under my time resting my eyes?

"Zuko ...... Prince Zuko ........ Do you hear me?"

I heard the motherly like voice calling out to me. It wasn't my mother, but it was another woman calling me. The mysterious woman's voice sounded soothing to my ears as I felt like in her presence nothing could bother or happen to me. But I wonder how this woman know me and my royal title in the Fire Nation? That means my ship isn't underwater but maybe landed somewhere on land? Could this lady speaking to me be apart of the Fire Nation? That can't be since Father publicly disowned me none of the citizens of the Fire Nation will care about me.


Where is Uncle Iroh? I know Uncle would never let a girl, let alone a woman on my ship without them being an asset to finding the Avatar or Tsukkio.

"Come on Prince Zuko, I know you're up ..... well ....... your mind is up," The motherly tone voice of a woman told me, surprising me.

There's no point pretending that I'm unconscious, its time to see who this woman is and what does she want from me. I opened my eyes as the blinding white and blue lights caught me eyes. I shielded them from the light until it dimmed down or someone was blocking the light's path. I unshielded my eyes until I saw a lady, a huge lady bending over me with her hands on her knees. The Lady in front of me seemed so young in the eyes, but her face gave off the appearance of being a matured woman yet it still had a lot of youthfulness in her face as there was no lines or wrinkles to tell or give an idea of how old she actually is. I wonder if this Lady is an eternal goddess or something?

The Lady's skin was brown as the sand on a beach probably her skin is as soft as the sand, when your feet touches it and your feet dives deep within it. The lady's eyes were as blue as the ocean and it probably been mistaken for the ocean as I can imagine her blue irises resembles the push and pull motion of the waves coming and leaving the shore. The Lady's snowy white hair strands caress her brown soft cheeks, forehead, and the sides of her arms. I finally took noticed of her attire as she was dressed in a cloth that wrapped loosely around her head as the wraps goes down blending into her loose dress that showed a bit of her brown skin. Her whole attire was dress in accents of blues as it blends together perfectly on her. On the sides and ends of her head wrap and dress was the color white making the accents of blue standout drawing out more of the Lady's undying eternal beauty.

A/n: A picture of where Zuko and Moon is in! Isn't it pretty!!

"Finally, you're up!" The woman cheered as she lifted herself up to her full height with a smile.

"W-who are you? How do you know my name and importantly where am I and how you got on my ship without my crew and Uncle knowing?" I asked ignoring the woman's sudden happiness to see me up.

The Lady giggled causing more ripples in the water along with the fishes swimming happily around her. I scooped around me to see true enough that we were underwater, but how? I saw air bubbles forming, rising to the top of this water, or popping on its own. I see a school of fish or a single fish swimming to different locations of the water. It seems this water is endless like it holds no bound. The air bubbles were coming out of my nose as I put my hand under my neck. IT's strange shouldn't I be drowning due to lack of oxygen, but I'm breathing this water in and out like I was born to live underwater. I looked over at the Lady seeing if she is reacting like a normal human being underwater for too long, but she was simply smiling at me like its the norm for her. Strange. How can the Lady and I are able to breathe water like its oxygen?

"Hehehehe, Prince Zuko your stubborn eyes are filled with questions waiting to be answered and I'm happy to answer them!" The Lady beamed brightly. "I am the Moon, you can me Moon, Lady Moon, or ...... Mom if you like!"

Mom? Why would I call her Mom when I already have one? Well ...... somewhere out there.

"Lady Moon will do you justice, but who will name a daughter Moon instead of Luna?" I snarled with my arms crossed.

"Hehehe! The heavens and the stars gave me that name once the Earth was made!" Lady Moon giggled along with the fishes making bubbles.

The heavens and the stars gave this woman the name Moon? Is this lady looney or what?"

"I answered The "Who are you?" question, but I believe you asked me "How do I know your name?" question. Is that correct?" Lady Moon asked me placing her finger to her mouth like she was thinking tilting her head off to the side.

"Yes ........ that was my next question," I simply replied.

"I know your name because of my daughter, well I had access to her memories and I can see through her eyes during my time in the sky!"

Daughter? Who is this looney lady's daughter? Not to mention she has access to her own daughter's memories!! How can she do that? I can't miss out that she said, "I can see through her eyes during my time in the sky" like she really is the Moon. The more this Lady talks the more questions begins to form in my head without any answer.

"You are constantly on her mind lately, but please don't tell you I told you that!" Lady Moon beamed covering her mouth to do a muffled giggle. "She will hate me for it!"

"If you don't mind me asking and to not be rude, but who is your daughter again?" I asked tilting my head to the side squinting my eyes.

"Tsukkio!" Lady Moon replied with a grin causing me to widen my eyes. "Tsukkio is my daughter, my first and only daughter!"

Tsukkio is this looney lady's daughter? How is that possible? Wait I remember Tsukkio yelling something back at the Fire Temple.


That was before the Avatar sent the volcano magma into the temple while Tsukkio was bring in the roaring water. I saw that Tsukkio was using the water to cause harm to Zhao and the other Sages who backed him up, but with me, Tsukkio used the water to guide me out to my little boat. Not once did the water did anything to me but floated me in the direction I needed to go. I thought it was a coincidence that Tsukkio didn't hurt me, but if what Lady Moon said is true then was Tsukkio truly thinking about me?

"The next and last question you asked me was "Where are you?" and "How did I end up on your ship without your crew and Uncle knowing?" right?" Lady Moon asked with a thinking look on her face.

"Yea thats' correct," I replied as Lady Moon nodded.

"We are not on your ship ...... well ...... your body is, but your mind is not, you are in my domain where the Moon always shines!"

"Okay then why am I here? What does the Moon, the branding of the Southern and Northern Water Tribes want with someone of the Fire Nation not to mention a Fire Prince at that?"

Lady Moon giggled twirling with her head up watching all the fishes swim by us overhead as the Moon shined down into the water.

"You are here to learn of the past," Lady Moon beamed still looking up and not at me.

Why do I need to learn about the past for? Is Lady Moon is going to be like my Uncle and give me some silly proverb that I won't understand until I'm older or maybe it will happen in the near future? This is ridiculous when is this looney lady is going to set me free.

"I already know of my past and it's not a good one either," I grumbled with my head down to the side to see the fishes below were swimming and few was so curious about me that they bump into my feet and swim off. "I don't want to relive the things I already went through,"

"No worries I won't put you through reliving your past, you silly firebender, but the past of Tsukkio!"

Why do I need to learn about Tsukkio's past? Tsukkio means nothing to me and learning of her past won't make me feel anything about her.

"Why Tsukkio? What will she do for me?" I asked puzzled by what does Tsukkio have to do with me.

"Just how like water can easily change forms, but it still itself, Tsukkio will change you, but you will still be you!" Lady Moon said smiling at me. "Tsukkio will play a crucial role in your life shaping you like water to be who you need to be for this war and your people in the near future,"

Shape me? I swear this looney lady speaks in riddles sometimes. But I'm fine the way I am! I don't need no girl from a poor Water Tribe to shape me into who I need to be for myself and people of the Fire Nation! If anything she needs to be begging on her knees for me to shape her to who SHE needs to be!

"I think I'm fine on my own thank you! Just place my soul or whatever back into my body and leave me alone!" I snarled.

"Humans are like water, you guys are forever changing and I'm glad my daughter could be a witness to the change and can change herself! You need to be here to understand and know her. Tsukkio may need you in the future," Lady Moon informed me as she smiled but was wiped from her face and was replaced with a frown look.

"What does Tsukkio need me for? Last time I checked she is doing fine without me,"

"I just ....," Lady Moon paused looking at her hand then into my eyes. "I just sense that one day in the future you need to be there for her. You know be the reason for her strength,"

I need to be there for her? Be her strength? Why does it have to be me? It's not like anything I do or say affect will affect Tsukkio in any type of way! I have no ties with Tsukkio and neither does Tsukkio have any ties with me.

"Why does it have to be me?" I asked confused by her endless riddles.

"'Cause I see in my countless visions of the future that you and my Tsukkio will be bound together in someway or fashion!" Lady Moon gave me a tired smiled. "Now its time for you to go back into the past ..... Tsukkio's past! I hope you learn something!"

Before I could say anything, the only thing I can hear is a snap of a finger. My bright blue colored underwater world turned into darkness. I felt myself laid out on something soft like a pillow as whatever is under me was molding the shape of my body. But whatever is under me was cold like ice, but luckily for my firebending that was keeping me warm. I heard the sound of waves pushing and pulling accompanying by the laughter belonging to a little girl. I opened my eyes seeing the clear blue skies that was painted before me. The sun was shining down on me, but it was still cold. I clenched my hands feeling something wet and soft. Glancing down, my eyes were met with the white color of the snow. I searched around my vicinity and saw no one insight, but the white snow covering the ground. Where am I?

The sound of the pushing and pulling of water again caught my attention along with the joyful laughter belonging to a little girl. I felt something light grazed my upper hand. Glancing down to see a black particle landed on my hand. I dusted it off with the black particle flying off my hand but leaving behind a black faint, but visible streak mark. Finally, I noticed that the motion of the waves along with the little girl laughter ended as it all of a sudden got quiet. Staring up at the sky, I saw more of this black particles falling from the sky like snow. The clear blue sky quickly disappeared and taking its place was black and gray. The black particles landed in the snow making it a murky dirty color.

I heard the sound of ear piercing scream echoing through the quiet snowy land. Then I can clearly hear the noises of engines running along with metal groaning. I suddenly had enough strength to get on my feet and a walked a couple of meters to the ocean. My eyes widen when I saw rows upon rows of Fire Nation ships coming to the shore. I squint my eyes trying to figure out why would the Fire Nation be coming here with heavy navy support for this snowy land. Then I realized that I must be in the North Pole, but that doesn't make sense because the Fire Nation could never win against the North Pole due to their strong ties and bending abilities to waterbending. It finally hit me that I was in the South Pole which means I'm near the Southern Water Tribe land!

"You are correct for thinking that Zuko!" I heard Lady Moon exclaimed, but she was nowhere to be found.

A/n: From this point on this will be my interpretation of how Katara mother meet her end please you don't want to read it, I understand and I will give you a warning when its over!

Then I felt this strong tug pulling me forward as what seems like time was fasten forward around me. This speed of time didn't race past sorrow screams, cries for help, or me seeing the water tribe family member being taken away by the hands of the Fire Nation. The tugging feeling abruptly ended when I was inside a house. The house looked horrible as broken dishes was on the floor. Household pictures and decor was ripped, torn, or barely hanging on the wall. The fireplace was filled with smoke leaving the house dark. I walked around until I heard a loud slap along with something hard banging against something. I raced to where the noise was and I saw a Fire Nation solider standing over a cowardly Southern Water Tribe woman. In the room between the soldier and scared woman, I could sense malice intent radiating off the soldier. That's when I knew regardless of the good outcome something bad is going to happen.

Standing there was a little girl who looks to be a bit older to be a toddler. The little girl was trembling despite having her Southern Water Tribe coat over her tiny body. The girl looks to be no more than six years old but her youthful face says otherwise. The girl's hair was styled in the same away as Tsukkio's older sister Katara, so this must be Katara I'm looking at. But how could Katara be this young when she looked to be no more than two years younger than me?

"Zuko, you are in the past," Lady Moon said still not showing herself to me.

Right Lady Moon did say I was here to learn about the past. So if Young Katara is here then where is Young Tsukkio at?

I took notice of the situation to see that Young Katara was gone and in her place well out in the open was a little girl. The little girl's dark hair was all over the place and she wore her hair in a somewhat similar style to Katara's. The little girl's sea blue eyes bore into the Fire Nation soldier as I can feel his malice intent soaring higher than before. I heard his cocky chuckle. But the little girl stood her ground even though tears was silently running down her face. The woman shakily raised her arm trying to have the little girl stand behind her but it was no use.

"NO MOMMY!" The little girl jerked herself away from her mother balling her fist into a tight circle.

The little girl went racing towards the Fire Nation soldier pushing, kicking, and punching the soldier which sometimes laughed and winced at the pain he was getting. I was going to go grab the little girl telling her to stop, but I was stopped by gentle hand on my shoulder.

"YOU LEAVE MY MOMMY AND STAY AWAY FROM MY HOME!!!" The young girl barked still attacking the soldier.

I studied the little girl more specifically her eyes since they caught my attention instantly. The little girl's eyes were flickering like a light trying to stay on but keeps cutting off due to a fuse shortage. Her eyes were turning white then switching back to being blue. Water from the sink, the cup, and even the sweat off the mother's face was trying to levitate but was acting like the little girl's eyes. The water wasn't flickering, but they were shaking while rising up while sometimes dropping. This caught the lady's attention along with the Fire soldier's as well. The Fire soldier gritted his teeth and he kicked the little girl knocking her back. The little girl skidded back towards her mother with a loud yelp coming out of her mouth. The mother caught her youngest daughter in her arms as she cried holding her close to her chest.

"HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? HOW DID THE WATER RISE WITHOUT YOU OR THAT BRAT OF A DAUGHTER MOVED?" The Fire Nation soldier snapped pointing an accusing finger at the mother and daughter.

"Tsukkio this is too dangerous and you shouldn't be here, go find Sokka and Katara and get your Daddy!" The mother told the little girl in her arms staring fearful at the soldier.

Tsukkio?! This little girl I'm looking at right now is Tsukkio? She look completely different than she does in the modern time. Tsukkio looked to be a happy child as she was having a hard, but cute time trying to stand her ground to get the soldier to back off her mother.

"Yes listen to your mommy and go run to your pathetic father!" The Fire soldier barked cockily.

"I'm not leaving you mommy!" Tsukkio exclaimed.

"If you don't want to leave your mommy maybe I can use you to get your mommy to tell me the information I need to know!"

The Fire soldier was about to blast Tsukkio as I can see her blue eyes being drowned out by the color of the Fire soldier's flames. Everything stopped when Tsukkio's mother wrapped her arms around young Tsukkio pulling her into her chest.

"I KNOW WHO THE WATERBENDER IS!!" Tsukkio's mother yelled holding her young daughter tightly.

"Then who is it?" The Fire soldier was smirking letting his flames disappear.

"It's me, I'm the last waterbender, you and your men have been looking for!"


I watched the Fire Nation soldier gave Tsukkio's mother a deadly blow. The deadly blow at the mother's forehead. Red liquid poured out of the mother's forehead as it was running down her face. My eyes darted to Tsukkio's mom arms as I saw they was loosing their tightness around Tsukkio. Tsukkio must of felt that too as Tsukkio lifted her head from her mother's chest. Tsukkio's blue eyes were dilated as she saw the red liquid. Tsukkio was searching her mother's eyes for any sign of life and she couldn't find it and neither could I.

"M-m-mommy?" Tsukkio said to her mother as she placed her tiny hands on her cheeks and her mother didn't say a word.

Red liquid appeared on Tsukkio's tiny hands as tears were forming on her waterline. The tears spilled out like a river as she was shaking her mother to talk to her.

"Mission complete!" The Fire soldier smirked walking out of the house.

Before anything else can happen, I felt this strong tugging pull from before. The tug pulled me away from the scene and the last thing I saw was young Tsukkio lifting her head away from her mother's chest. I saw Tsukkio's eyes finally turning white until I get blacked out, unconscious.

A/n: Interpretation of the scene is over

Minutes after Zuko went into Tsukkio's past, Tsukkio

Picture of where Tsukkio is:

Tsukkio's attire:





What am I doing here? The place that I'm in reminds me of the dark night sky with the exception of the different shades of blues along with the bright white light high in the sky like it was the Moon. Loosely formed clouds were hanging above me while it lightly drizzled over me. I heard the soft pitter patter of the water hitting the ground well I should say the water that is under my feet creating small to huge ripples in the water. This place is beautiful, but it reminds me of the dark side of the Moon. I walked around this unfamiliar place hoping to see a sign of something bizarre or maybe a person. But I didn't see anything out the ordinary since this place stretched out for mile and no one or thing was in sight.

I wondered what was my purpose of being here? The main question is who brought me here? I looked at my attire and realized I'm in my underclothing. My eyes widen with fear because I'm suppose to be in my clothes as I remembered hanging around the campfire with Sokka, Katara, and Aang. But I can't help to feel that something is off about this place and ........ what I'm about to find out.

"Tsukkio! My beautiful child! I'm glad you're here!" I heard a familiar motherly voice said with excitement.

I glanced behind my shoulder when that recognizable voice brought me out my pondering mind. I noticed it was the Moon, my mother, she was raising out of the water floor. The Moon had a smile on her face as she walked towards me and I turned to face her completely.

"Its good to see you my child!" The Moon beamed.

"Like I had a choice to be here," I replied with my hands on my hips.

"You right, you don't!"

The Moon walked a bit forward, walking past me causing my to turn back to where I was facing before she popped up out of the water. I sensed the Moon wanted to tell me something important. The Moon had a tight smile on her incandescent face. Her eyes twinkled under the light of the white beams.

"Moon what am I doing here?" I asked the Moon now with my arms crossed tilting my head up so I can see her clearly.

"You're here to witness the past," The Moon simply replied waving both arms to the side like it was a grand thing to tell me.

Witness the past? I thought I was done with all this past stuff and that I'm able to move on from it. To be honest, I'm done going back to the past and I don't want to relive my mother's death ever again. Could I be going back to the past because of a new power that I need to get to help Aang on his journey of being the Avatar? If so, then it would explain why I'm in this place and with my friend and family.

"You're not here to go back to your past, but someone else's!" The Moon elaborated beaming.

If I'm not here for myself then why do I have to look into someone else's past? What make them so important that I have to do this? Do this mysterious person play a significant role in my life, Aang's life, or maybe the turning point for the war against the Fire Nation? But the question I should have asked first is who is this someone else that the Moon is speaking about?

"Who is this someone else you are speaking of?" I asked the Moon forming my eyebrow and face into a questionable look.

"No one really important, hahaha ....... maybe Prince Zuko," The Moon whispered the name low enough so I couldn't hear, but I surely heard that name correctly.

Why would the Moon bring Zuko here knowing this Prince want Aang's and my head on a silver platter to give to his evil father, Fire Lord Ozai. Why would I need to look into Zuko's past for? What is he doing to do for me especially Aang? Speaking of that Banished Prince, where could he be at? I searched around in this vast yet empty place and saw no indications that Zuko was here with the Moon and I.

"Moon is Zuko here in this place with me?" I questioned the Moon as my blue eyes dart around this place I was in searching for any sign or shape of Zuko around.

I finally looked back over to the Moon and she had a gritted smile on her face. The Moon began playing with her fingers and looking down to avoid looking into my eyes. As I took that as her answer for "yes". I sighed placing my thumb and index finger at the intersection of my eyebrows to the top of my nose.

"Since Zuko is here what is he doing right at this moment?" I continue to question the Moon as she continued to look everywhere but at me.

"Oh he is looking at your past specifically the day your Earthly mother died," The Moon continued her mumbling, but I heard her clear as day.

My eyes widen as I felt a chill run down my spine. What made Zuko granted to see that horrible and life changing memory of mine. I've spent years trying to forget that horrible day and was constantly reminded of that time from those days after. Even though now I accepted that it happened and mend my relationships with Sokka and Katara, I'm still stuck with that memory of my mother dying because of me.

"Why did you allow Zuko to see that haunted memory of mine?" I growled lowly gritting my teeth.

"Because he needs to know how you became the person you are today!" The Moon looked at me for the first time since she told me the news of Zuko being here as she was smiling faintly. "Plus he will play an important role in your life, you will need him especially when ..... you can't reach me and need me the most,"

I could see and sense the sorrow coming from the Moon. The Moon's lips quivered, but she trapped her lips between her teeth like she was holding herself back from crying. I walked over to the giant woman as the water under my feet made little flopping noises towards her. I wrapped my arms around the Moon's giant lower calf. The Moon quickly stopped her quivering and I felt her eyes were now on me.

"What do you mean, but I won't be able to reach or need you?" I said laying my head on her leg. "I will always need you!"

I heard the Moon giggle, but it wasn't her usual cheerful giggle she always gave me. This giggle felt like it was something more, something that she was hiding from me that she don't want to tell me.

"I'm glad to hear that you will always need me, but it time for you to take a look at Zuko's past, my dear child!" The Moon patted my head gently.

I blacked out and I opened my eyes to feel and know I was in a different place. My vision was blurry until I blinked a couple of times. Once my eyes were good, I saw I was in a hallways somewhat similar to the Fire Temple with all the reds, oranges, and gold coloring. The hallways was empty but they were lit up by the flames dancing in the torches. I fanned myself feeling the heat enough I was inside a building. Then I heard the sound of muffled footsteps coming towards me. I looked into the direction where the footsteps was coming from and at the far end of the hallways, I see a young boy seemed to be in his early teens dressed in the Fire Nation attire.

His attires wasn't styled like a civilians Fire Nation citizen because the outfit looks more expensive like he was royalty. The boy black hair was pulled into a high ponytail a tiny strand of black hair has slipped out of its style was flowing freely. The boy had golden eyes that shined brightly in the flames. He was very handsome someone I'll probably talk to if this war didn't happen or he came from another bending arts. The boy soon was getting closer to me, but it felt like I couldn't move because I was drawn to his attractiveness.

"Who is that boy?" I asked myself as I studied his handsome features some more.

"That my child is Zuko!" The Moon appeared next to me as she was smiling.

THAT'S ZUKO!!!! How can that be when the Zuko in the present looks angry all the time and not to mention his infamous scar that's on the left side of his face. How did this Zuko turned into the Zuko I know in the present?

"Moon that can't be Zuko, no way!" I scoffed with a shocked look on my face.

"Yes way!"

The Moon disappeared leaving me alone again. My attention went back to the past Zuko Then Zuko walked through and I felt weird about it like my body turned into some kind of liquid. I guess Zuko felt weird about it too as he turned to look me then at himself like he got something on him. Zuko used his hands and felt around himself making sure he felt something slimy on him. Then Zuko stared at me like I was in front of him. I wonder can the past Zuko can see me?

"No worries the anything in the past can't see you, but you can see them!" The Moon informed me answering my silent question.

Zuko reached his right hand out towards me and placed his hand in the middle of my stomach. I glanced down to see the water formed around Zuko's hand. Zuko twist and turned his hand around my stomach as he made a disgust look on his face. I glanced back up at Zuko's face and studied his features up close this time. I don't know by, but something posses me to raise both of my hands to place them on past Zuko's face. My thumbs were on Zuko's plump olive cheeks as the rest my hand went into the nape of his neck or in his hair. My blue eyes were instantly met with Zuko's golden dilated eyes. This caught the past Zuko off guard as his whole body was frozen in time itself.

I gently rubbed my thumbs against the smooth surface of Zuko's cheeks. I watched closely at Zuko's face and importantly his eyes. Zuko's facial muscles twitched a little bit like he was uncomfortable until I gently kept on going. Then Zuko's golden eyes un-dilated and he relaxed on my touch. I softly moved my left thumb up to Zuko's left eye where he scar would be. Zuko tenderly caress his left side of his head towards my hand.

"How did you get that scar on your face?" I whispered to myself as I was about to cry.

A chorus of voices knocked past Zuko and I out of our session. Zuko pulled his hand from my stomach and went back to doing what he was doing. Zuko marched down the hallway to where he needed to go. I followed Zuko until he was stopped by some guards blocking some sort of door leading into another room.

"Let me in!" The past Zuko barked at the guards who are blocking the doors.

The guards didn't even move let alone budge from their positions in front of the door. I nearly laughed when I heard young Zuko's voice and how high his voice was compare to how low his voice gotten in the present. The doors to the guarded room opened causing the guards to slide to the side revealing Iroh was the one who got the door open. Iroh walked completely out of the room to meet his nephew.

"Prince Zuko, what's wrong?" Iroh said his nephew with his face frowning with worry.

"I want to go into the war chamber, but the guard won't let me pass!" Zuko replied with his voice breaking at the end along with the face of clear disappointment.

Iroh kindly placed his arm around Zuko's shoulders leading the Fire Nation Prince away from the guards only by a short distance.

"You're not missing anything, trust me!" Iroh said trying to get Zuko to change his mind of being in the room. "These meetings are dreadfully boring,"

What is going on in that blocked room for Zuko to want to get in so badly? Mainly what meeting are they having?

"If I'm gonna rule this nation one day, don't you think I need to start learning as much as I can?" Zuko asked Iroh that made Iroh think about what Zuko was saying.

"Very well, but you must promise not to speak. These old folks are a bit sensitive, you know," Iroh sighed as Zuko bowed to Iroh with a smile, but it washed away stopping Iroh for leading Zuko inside. "What's wrong Zuko?"

'Its just down the hallway I felt something weird like I walked through some kind of liquid, but I didn't see anything!" Zuko explained to his Uncle. "Then I felt a tender touch on my cheeks like someone was rubbing them,"

"That sounds like a touch of a woman Zuko, lets get you inside the meeting room!" Iroh smiled.

Iroh patted Zuko on the back and guide him inside the used to be guarded room. Iroh was the last one to walk through the door, but he stopped and looked down the hallway. I saw Iroh's kind golden eyes staring back at me with a smile on his face like he can see me. I thought people in the past can't see me.

"Moon, I thought you said that no one can see me in the past?" I asked the Moon.

"They can't and they not suppose to feel you either, I guess you or someone else have a strong connection to allow this to happen," Moon answered as she sounded amused and speechless.

A/n: Flashback to where Zuko is fighting his father in the Agni Kai. So if you don't like this new interpretation of this this scene you can skip this and I will let you know its over.

Then I felt this tug pulling me forward. The tug quickly ended and I was now checking out my surroundings. This time instead of being in a building I was outside surrounded by people of the Fire Nation staring and talking about what's going to happen today. There was an empty stage with huge flames cracking and popping at the ends of the stage. I kept hearing Zuko and Fire Lord Ozai names being whispered back and forth. I walked through the crowd trying to find Iroh hoping to hear the answer from him. After a couple of minutes, I found Iroh as he looked like he was sick and wanted to throw up.

"Uncle, you don't look too well!" A girl that had light olive skin said to Iroh with a wicked smile on her face.

Uncle? Is this girl related to Zuko by being his sister or maybe his cousin. I would believe that this girl would be related to Zuko by being his cousin. I don't see no time of resemblance if I compared Zuko and this girl side by side. But the girl had golden eyes like any traditional Fire Nation citizen and her hair was pulled up in a tight bun with sideburn bangs hanging on the side of her face.

"Of course I don't look well your brother is going to fight your father in an Agni Kai!" Iroh explained as his eyes were dilated with fear.

"Serves him right since he wants to speak out of turn in a battle meeting!" The girl snapped her head to the front to get a good view of the stage.

Zuko is fighting his dad because he spoke out of turn in a meeting? It's not that serious! Fire Lord Ozai has come kind complex problems. I looked over at Iroh as I see the tears swelling up in his eyes. Soon Zuko appears out of the room with his back facing the other side of the stage along with a dark cloak on his back. Zuko had a cocky smile on his face like he was going to take down his enemy without knowing he was going to fight his father. Then Zuko, father, Fire Lord Ozai, appeared on his end of the stage with the cloak. The fight began and both fighters took their cloaks off and faced each other.

I studied Zuko's father and he was massively built compared to Zuko and he stood taller than his son. Zuko's father had still crazed look on his face just like the girl who was talking to Iroh. Zuko's father seemed to have some kind of sinister idea to show Zuko to stay in his place and never to do that again. Why would a father battle their own son to fight like this even though I don't know what an Agni Kai was, but I do know it must not be good to have Iroh looking all despair.

The vibrant color on Zuko's face disappeared when he saw his father at the other end of the Agni Kai stage. Zuko didn't move not one bit. I could have sworn that I saw Zuko was trembling with fear at the thought of fighting his father.

"P-p-p-please, father, I only had the fire nation's best interest at heart! I'm sorry I spoke out of turn!" Zuko apologized with his head to the ground.

"You will fight for your honor," Zuko's father command like Zuko had no choice.

The first thing Zuko did was get on his knees like it was his way of apologizing.

"I meant you no disrespect, I am your loyal son!" Zuko exclaimed with his head down.

"Rise and fight, Prince Zuko!" Fire Lord Ozai continue to command glaring at his son on the floor.

"I won't fight you,"

"You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher!"

Zuko's father began to walk towards Zuko end of the stage. Fire Lord Ozai's eyes bored into his son and his eyes didn't leave Zuko. The Fire Lord Ozai's eyes looked to have fire dancing within his orbs. Zuko lifted his head once he heard his father footstep stopped towards him. Zuko had tears forming and spilling from his eyes. Fire Lord Ozai had his fist balled up and had it cocked back. Fire sparked in Fire Lord Ozai's fist like he was going to attack his own son. Time was running slow as I was moving towards Zuko and his father. Then I felt a familiar presence that was holding my wrist.

"Don't think about changing the past Tsukkio!" The Moon said wrapped my wrist stopping me from moving.

"I'm going to change the past, I'm just going to make it a bit better," I yanked my wrist away from the Moon and moved towards Zuko.

I stopped in my tracks when time resumed and Zuko's father blasted Zuko with a fire at point blank range of his son's face. I heard Zuko screamed at the top of his lungs. I felt a tear dropping from my left eye. I couldn't believe it, that a father would attack his son like he was a strange. Fire Lord Ozai finished his attack and walked away leaving his own son in agony from his frontal offense. I treaded over to Zuko as he was crying and holding his face. I kneeled to Zuko's level on the ground and placed my hands on his cheeks again. Zuko lifted his head up like he was looking at me. Blood and orangish clear was oozing out from the left side of his face on his eye. I was wiping the bodily fluids along with Zuko's tears from his cheeks and rubbed his cheeks trying to eased the pain.

"I'm so sorry Zuko," I laid my forehead on Zuko's forehead.

A/n: interpretation is over.


I just came back from Tsukkio's past and I felt sorry for all the things Tsukkio went through just because of the Fire Nation. I checked my new surroundings and saw that I wasn't in the place I was in before with Lady Moon. I was in a dark location and the only light in this place was the white light coming from the white Moon hanging up in the sky. The floor was covered in water and it was raining here. For some reason while I was going through Tsukkio's past, I felt my insides feeling warm and funny. Then I felt something soft brushing against my cheeks and something brushing mildly on my left eye. Even though I don't feel that touch anymore, I still feel this tingly sensation.

A bright light appear a few meters in front of me and shielded my eyes from the light until it disappeared. I unshielded my eyes and see that where the light was, was now replaced with Tsukkio standing in its place. Tsukkio's blue eyes were red like she has been crying way before she saw me. Tsukkio turned her head and was instantly staring at me mainly my left scarred eye. I felt slightly uncomfortable and this the first time in about two years I felt this way again. Tsukkio continued to walk closer to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry Zuko," Tsukkio said with her head buried in my chest.

"What are you saying sorry for?" I asked confused as I should be the one telling her that.

"Because of your scar,"

My body froze like ice once I heard the word scar coming out of Tsukkio's mouth. Does she knows how I ended up with this scar? Well she have too since she said she felt sorry for me.

"So how do you feel about the scar?" I asked Tsukkio with her head still buried in my chest.

"How I always felt about it since I first saw you, I felt pain for you," Tsukkio replied gently as I wrapped my arms around her.

"The scar doesn't scare you away, it doesn't make you say I deserve it after trying to capture you or the Avatar?"

"No, I don't feel that way. The scar only let me feel sorry for you because of how you got it,"

"You are the second person to look past this scar and didn't try to point it out in a insult,"

It was then since between us as the rain continued to pour down making its ripples on the ground. Tsukkio and I stayed in that hugging position never intending on letting each other go. It felt kind of nice to get a hug from someone outside of Uncle Iroh.

"So you saw how my father punished me?" I asked Tsukkio breaking the silence between us.

"Yes I did," Tsukkio replied sounding sad. "He should have never did that to you!"

Sadden began swelling my heart as I was instantly taken back to my first ever Agni Kai. I thought I had to fight the General that I was spoke out against, but I felt a cold sweat running down my body when I saw my father at the other end. I was brought out of my sadden when I felt that recognizable warm touch grace my left cheek then the scar on my eye. My attention focused quickly on Tsukkio as her blue eyes was staring at my scar and my left eye itself. I took hold of Tsukkio's left wrist and brought it down from my face and a walked a 3 meters away from Tsukkio. My back was facing Tsukkio as I heard the water underneath Tsukkio swished like she turned to face me.

"You shouldn't have to seen that part of my life," I said looking down at the water to stare at my reflection.

"You saw the worst part of my life and I saw yours," Tsukkio said gently as she took one step closer to me.

"I want to say I'm sorry that you lost your mother and that you had to witness the aftermath of it," I said shifting the conversation. "She didn't deserve to meet her end like that,"

I turned to face Tsukkio and she had her head down too looking at her reflection. Tsukkio was frowning probably thinking about her last moments with her mother.

"She didn't deserve that, she was innocent and she was trying to protect Katara and I, and I led her to her death!" Tsukkio cried as her tears created ripples in the water floor.

I walked over to Tsukkio and gave her hug. I hugged her tightly as she was crying in my chest hugging me back.

"I dIdN't Do eNouGH For HeR!" Tsukkio cried harder in my chest.

"Yes you did, you tried Tsukkio, you did everything your young mind thought would help save your mother," I replied petting Tsukkio's head trying to sooth her.

Tsukkio shook her head as she continued to cry out of her sorrows. It seemed like it was Tsukkio's first time coming to terms of her mother dying. I saw in Tsukkio's past that she never opened up to the people around her. When they talk about touchy things to Tsukkio she is either: ignore them, deflect, or flat out threaten them if they continue to talk about that topic again.

"Have you talked about how are you feeling with someone before?" I asked Tsukkio.

Tsukkio didn't vocally reply, but she kept crying and wheezing. The only answer I got was Tsukkio shaking her head.

"You know it's okay to open yourself up to the people around you, you know ..... let the people who care about you in, right?"

"That's funny coming from a person whose always want to capture Aang and I on their own, but opening up to people will cause unnecessary worry and other issues that I don't need,"

"It doesn't have to be that way with anyone, it's okay to open up to ........ me,"

I don't know what posses me to say something like that to Tsukkio. We are fighting on two different sides of the war: I'm fighting the side of the Fire Nation and for my father while Tsukkio is fighting the side of the Avatar trying to free the other nations form the Fire Nation.

"Why would you say something like that to me?" Tsukkio asked frowning with confusion as she was sniffling trying to stop herself from crying.

"I don't know ....... it just sounded nice to say that," I said looking off in the distance.


I was confused why Zuko would say that to me like he was going to fight on my side of the war. We are enemies and always will be til the very end. Why would I speak my problems with someone who can potentially use that against me, to get the best of me. I was falling in love with the enemy and I knew it was wrong to do so. Maybe this is the Moon's sign saying that I need to disconnect my love for Zuko and worry about helping Aang take down the Fire Nation?

"In your past, I saw that you somewhat got picked on after the incident with the last Fire Nation raid and you didn't say anything about it to the kids nor did you say anything to your brother or sister about it? Why is that?" Zuko asked me as I frowned when Zuko mention that time I picked on my peers and brother peers.

"Why say something when Sokka knew the whole time," I said with my hair covering the side of my face.

"You're meaning to tell me that Sokka knew you were being picked on and he didn't do nothing?" Zuko questioned to me sounding surprised as I nodded. "Why didn't he do something about it?"

"Because Sokka hated my guts at the time and he felt like I deserved it, so he watched from the sidelines or he just simply pretended he didn't see it,"

"I didn't get far in your past to know how you stopped them from picking at you so how did you stopped them?"

I chuckled remembering that day how I terrified those boys and it took everyone in the village to try and stop me from getting my paid back against them.

"I created huge water octopus along with some water geysers for the remaining ones that couldn't fit with the octopus water legs! It took the villagers all day to set them free from me and from then on those boys called me the Water Witch!" I smiled. "I realize from that moment it will always be me fighting on my own and I would never sacrifice myself for anyone expect for Koda and my Gran-Gran! I kept that promise as you can proper seen in my past,"

"You need to stop sacrificing yourself, you are not fighting by yourself," Zuko informed me sounding all serious like he's worried about me.

"Why when the world needs me plus I've always fought by myself, no was there to help me fight so why should I break that cycle now?"

"Sooner or later, it will be your down fall and your cause of misery,"

I chuckled shaking my head kicking my legs causing water to rise from the water floor. It's funny we're speaking about misery when the Fire Nation and his dad did everything in his power to make Zuko's life miserable.

"What's so funny Tsukkio?" Zuko asked me looking confused.

"It's funny how we are talking about misery when your nation and your father is causing a lot of misery for the other nations, but mainly you, the Fire Lord own son," I replied still shaking my head.

"I won't have to be miserable anymore when I capture you and the Avatar and send you guys to my father to get my honor back!"

This time I laughed harder knowing the hard truth that Zuko could never piece together. Fire Lord Ozai will never let Zuko come back to the Fire Nation

"Cut your stupid ponytail and grow your hair out, you're not apart of the Fire Nation anymore," I told Zuko shocking him, but then Zuko's face turned into anger.

"Then what am I apart of?" Zuko barked frowning.


Zuko was going to blast his fireball at me until Zuko disappeared from this place. The Moon appeared in Zuko's place as she had the look of disappointment. She got her arms crossed shaking her head. The Moon was scowling at me with her hands on her hips.

"I can't leave you guys alone for a while without you guys about to tear each other heads out!" The Moon slightly growled.

"Well you brought that reject here and what do you expect? You talking about he is going to mean something to me and you're right, he's going to means so much to my fist!" I cracked my knuckles.

"When will you guys ever get along?"

"When he comes to terms his father will never really accept him back into his nation and honor welcomingly,"

"What about you Tsukkio?"

"There's nothing for me to worry about because I'm fine,"

A/n: Again sorry I took so long to update this story. I just want you guys to know I haven't forgot about this story. It just my writing break went to long and extended too many times, but I'm officially back to writing to write and give you guys the next part of this story! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter so like and comment your favorite or touching part of this chapter see you guys soon!!!! 😘

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