A Celebration of Sorts (m)

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July 2018

In the beginning of July their group chat, still named the Most Magical Collab, reads as following.

Moonhae: "Listen up bitches"

Jimin: "Bitches? o.o"

Jin: "Who are you calling bitches huh"

Moonhae: "Ok who cares. I have something important to tell you"

Jungkook: "You're..."

Yoongi: "Don't say it Kookie"

Jungkook: "...Pregnant!!!"

Yoongi: "*faceplam*"

Taehyung: "WAIT WHAT"

Moonhae: "Wtf Jungkook?"

Taehyung: "Is that why I'm feeling so emotional lately?? Because you're PREGNANT???? AND I FIND OUT FROM JUNGKOOK??????"

Moonhae: "Omg NO!! First of all, turn your mother f-ing caps off"

Taehyung: "sorry..."

Jimin: "Tae's about to be schooled y'all"

Taehyung: "Shut up Jymen"

Jimin: "-,-"

Moonhae: "Second of all, why would you be emotional if I'm the one who's pregnant??"

Taehyung: "Dads get emotional too you know :(((( WAIT BUT DOES THIS MEAN YOU'RE PREGNANT???"

Moonhae: "Ok, now THIRD OF ALL, I'm not pregnant you idiot and Jungkook the asshole just made that up"

Jungkook: "Hey! ;("

Taehyung: "I'm going to go cry now"

Yoongi: "The fuck? Aren't you supposed to be relieved?"

Taehyung: "I am, but I'm just VERY EMOTIONAL RIGHT NOW"

Moonhae: "Oh my god you're such a drama queen"

Hoseok: "Someone called me?"

Taehyung: "No. No one called you"

Hoseok: "Someone's salty"

Yoongi: "He's just mad cause he didn't get to be on Ddaeng when we released it last month"

Moonhae: "Ooh ddaeng is a bop"

Taehyung: "Yeah well they wouldn't let me rap on it :((("

Yoongi: "Cause you suck"

Taehyung: "I DO NOT"

Moonhae: "Omg stop I just wanna tell you guys my news can you just stop being idiots for two secondssssss"

Jungkook: "Fine, we're listening"

Moonhae: "After way too much build-up I wanted to tell you... I got the role!!!!!!!"

Namjoon: "..."

Jin: "What role?"

Moonhae: "You're kidding, right?"

Jungkook: "Wait what do you mean role?"

Moonhae: "I hate you guys"

Hoseok: "Omg YAAAAAAAY you got the role!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Moonhae: "I like that you're excited, but you still don't know what I'm talking about, do you?"

Taehyung: "How do you people not pay attention? It's the supporting role in the Japanese TV series that's a live action adaptation of this one anime"

Moonhae: "I knew I could count on you"

Hoseok: "WOOOOHOOOO you did it!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!"

Moonhae: "And you, sort of...."

Jimin: "Omggggg I have an idea!!!"

Jin: "Oh no"

Jimin: "Lets celebrate tonight!!!"

Jungkook: "ooh I'm down"

Yoongi: "You're just looking for an excuse to drink, Jiminie"

Jimin: "No I'm not! Stop being a party pooper"

Namjoon: "I'm just gonna pop in here and remind you that we have a company gathering tonight"

Jungkook: "Aw maaaaaaannnn :(((("

Jimin: "Well isn't that just a boring version of a party? We'll just turn it into a fun one!!"

Moonhae: "Actually sounds low-key good..."

Yoongi: "Fine..."

So somehow, after a long discussion over text, they end up at a summer party for the entertainment company, where Jimin has magically spiked the punch bowl. Not that they aren't already serving alcoholic beverages at the huge venue, but they wanted to ensure everyone has a good time.

"Here's to Big Hit!", Bang PD booms with his glass held high, his face already reddened from drinking, "We look forward to two major events coming up in August! One being our biggest tour yet with our favorite boys, Bangtan Sonyeondan!"

Everyone claps enthusiastically for the bashful boys who bow their heads respectfully.

"And the second being...", he proudly turns his head towards Moonhae, "Our very first album venture with our soloist Moon!"

Receiving an applause that matches the one before in intensity, she too bows her head.

"Hear, hear!", their team of managers and staff cheer, clinking their glasses together.

Then you could say they basically drop all formalities. Loud talking fills the banquet hall as everyone converses with each other, the alcohol mixed in their systems providing for a much looser atmosphere amongst the employees.

An even looser one is forming between Taehyung and Moonhae, who are trying their best to maintain a distance from one another. No one at the company can know about them. But it's so hard for them to pretend when he keeps standing close to her, lightly brushing up against her arm. His recently dyed blonde hair has somehow made him even more attractive, if that's even possible.

"So congratulations on getting that role by the way", Jimin steps in between the two, breaking the tension, "Sorry we forgot you auditioned for that."

"It was a while back though", Moon is almost thankful for his distraction, "Since I have a supporting role, it wasn't as important to decide on right away. And it turns out I'm the only Korean in the cast."

"Aren't the characters from the anime all supposed to be Japanese anyway?"

"Yeah, but I guess they just loved me for the role too much!", she does an exaggerated hair flip and winks at him.

"Isn't there that one American on the cast?", Taehyung cuts in and moves to Moonhae's other side to stand next to her again.

"Oh yeah... I guess we're the only non-Japanese cast members then", she averts her eyes from his sultry gaze, hoping she'll forget how much she wants to lean against him.

"When does filming start?", luckily Jimin calls her attention away once more.

"October", she answers, taking a sip from her fourth champagne glass.

"Sounds great", he starts swaying on his feet nervously when he's run out of ideas to keep the two apart through conversation.

"I'm really happy for you", Taehyung smiles and rests his hand just above her ass.

"Thank you", she leans into him now, her breath quickening, "I'm really excited about it."

"Yeah... Me too", his voice sounds dreamy near her ear.

"You're still talking about the acting, right?", Jimin looks at them awkwardly, knowing he's failed at his job.

"Aish, you can't even do one thing right", a voice mirrors his thoughts.

It's Jin, who pushes past the boy and pulls the lovebirds apart annoyedly.

"I'm not a babysitter, you know?", Jimin pouts and then hiccups, "I want to have a good time, too."

"Yeah, well I'm also drunk and would rather be fucking my girlfriend right now, but we ain't doing that cause we're at this stupid party where Bang PD could literally see these two fucking around at any moment and we can't let that happen for obvious reasons", his language is a lot choppier and more explicit than usual.

Moonhae just stays in the elder's grasp, not minding much, but Taehyung shakes him off angrily.

"I'm not a child", he complains and moves around Jin to get back to his girlfriend.

"But you can't control yourself now, can you?", he mockingly cocks his head.

"Look at what Jungkook's doing! I don't see you babying him", Taehyung argues, pointing at the maknae across the room.

He has his arm around some girl's waist, whispering sweet nothings into her ear causing her to giggle. It's probably another young intern they recently hired.

Just when Jin is about to respond, a booming voice interrupts them.

"How are my favorite boys doing?!", Bang PD cheerfully slaps Jimin on the back, but he flinches a little at the drunken man's strength.

"Great", Jin answers quickly.

"Why are there only four of you? I thought you were...", he starts counting on his fingers before looking confused, "Seven?"

"Sir, I'm not...", Moonhae is unsure if she should make herself known, "I'm not one the boys."

"Ahh! Moon! My new favorite!", now his eyes gleam, "Well technically not yet, but when your album starts selling, I'm sure you won't let me down, so then you'll be my favorite."

"Wonderful", she says without much interest as she's very much distracted by a certain someone's hand trailing under her dress in the back.

"It's great you're focusing on only your career now. Let me tell you, men are only trouble for you these days", he goes off on a rant.

"Not if she finds the right man", Taehyung straightens up and looks his boss in the eyes.

"Is there such a thing?", the man seems oblivious and laughs heartily.

"Ok, you two, get a room, out right now", Jin hisses at them and pushes them away from the conversation.

They don't hesitate to leave the venue and finally get their hands on one another.

Bang PD, however, goes quiet after a couple jokes with the two boys though and looks serious while he's thinking.

"What's going on with those two?", he says slowly.

"Who two? What? Where?", Jin basically stutters.

"You know...", the man rubs his eyelids for a moment before continuing, "Moon and Taehyung."

"What would be going on with them?", Jimin smiles innocently, hoping to distract him.

"I don't know... They just... Something...", then his face changes again, "Whatever! Let's go celebrate!"

They waste no second getting car service and being brought back to the dorms where they can get some privacy at long last. Stumbling into Taehyung's room, they already have their hands all over each other.

She tugs at his shirt, letting the buttons pop open one by one as he unzips the back of her dress while kissing her passionately. Left in only their undergarments he pushes her onto the bed roughly and she squeals excitedly, their drunkenness making them even more eager than usual.

"Want to use these tonight?", Taehyung pulls their trusty silk ties from the bedside drawer, playfully dangling them above her.

"I would, but I just want you too much right now", she groans, grabbing the ties from him, wrapping them around his neck and pulling him down towards her.

It doesn't take long before their underwear, too, is tossed somewhere off to the side and Moonhae pushes the roused boy down onto the mattress, taking control. She lowers herself onto him, letting him plunge deep inside of her as pleasure ripples through both of them. They move at a faster pace than usual, their yearning overcoming them.

"Fuck", Taehyung moans breathlessly as she hits the right spot repeatedly.

Feeling her tight walls around him as he moves his hips up to meet hers, he simultaneously runs his hands along her ass and towards her waist. He then takes a firm hold and rolls her onto her back, now taking control back for himself. Continuing to thrust into her, she moans in approval. Despite the sloppiness of their intercourse, she looks as ethereal as ever, a sheen layer of condensation glistening over her skin as he makes her sweat. He wants to make her scream his name again, feel so good she can't contain herself. Without thinking, his hands move towards her neck, wrapping around the soft skin and choking her lightly in a kinky way.

Immediately, her eyes widen in fear. Her mouth goes dry and her breath, which is already out of control, gets stuck in her throat. All of her surroundings black out and all she can feel is those hands around her neck that threaten to drain the life out of her.

Her fingers frantically start scratching at his hands and he releases her as soon as he sees the expression on her face, pulling out as well.

She quickly rolls out from under him, heaving for air, grasping at her throat in vain, desperately wanting oxygen to fill her lungs again. Sitting with her knees close to her chest at the edge of the bed, her gasping turns into sobbing and a waterfall of tears starts streaming down her cheeks.

"Moonhae...", a horrified Taehyung places a hand on her back.

"N-no! Please, no more!", she cowers away, her naked body seeming so fragile now.

"Please, no", she continues to sob as the clueless boy just sits there.

"It's me, Moonhae", he finally says carefully, "It's Taehyung. You're safe."

Her broken figure slowly lifts her head and turns to look at him through tear-blurred eyes.


"Yeah, it's me", he whispers softly and reaches his hand out towards her.

She takes it in slowly, hesitating to hold onto it. When she does, she lets herself be pulled into his  comforting arms.

"I'm so sorry", he sighs into her hair as she cries until her tear ducts are dry, sobbing uncontrollably in his embrace.

"I should've told you...", her voice is quiet when she's finally able to speak again.

"No, none of this is your fault, it's all mine", he assures her.

"He...", her voice wavers when she thinks about him, "He used to choke me..."

Taehyung tightens his embrace around her, hoping it would somehow protect her from all the pain and harm that was inflicted upon her.

"When we had sex he did it and when we fought he did it. And I thought I was going to die every time", her expression's gone blank, "I can't even wear necklaces or chokers anymore. I feel like I can't breath every time."

"I'm so sorry", he nuzzles his head into the crook of her neck and squeezes his eyes shut, wishing all the problems away.

"It's okay...", she relaxes a little more in his arms, "I just wish... I wish I could have that time back. I wish I had realized sooner what I wanted and needed. I wish my mind wasn't such a fucked up place now."

"But you single-handedly took your life back. That's the most important thing. You're the strongest person I know", he admires her, his expression growing doe-eyed as he gazes down at her.

"I could never have done that if I hadn't met you guys. All seven of you... It took all seven of you and many months for me to finally figure out how messed up things were", she grows teary.

"In the end it was all you. And I wish I could take the pain away now, but I can't", he softly strokes her hair.

"You being here is enough", she whispers, closing her eyes and resting peacefully against his bare chest.

With the mood gone hazy, he wraps a blanket around both of them and carefully rests her head on the pillows near the headboard. Cradling her tightly, he doesn't dare shut his own eyes until her breathing becomes soft and he knows she's asleep.

"I love you so much", he kisses her forehead and then gently nestles himself into her.

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