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October 2023

Taehyung carries big baby Haneul into the practice room at work. Almost immediately all of his hyungs jump up in excitement. Every time he brings Haneul to work everyone loves it and starts playing around with the adorable baby boy.

"Ah, Haneul!", Jimin smiles widely at him in his father's arms. His playful demeanor earns a cute giggle from the baby.

"Wow, he's gotten so chubby", Hoseok starts laughing while admiring him.

"He's not chubby", Taehyung gets defensive, "Yeah, he weighs a bit more than the average eight month old, but that just means we feed him well."

"You feed him a lot", Jungkook chuckles.

"Shut up", he pouts in response.

"Don't be like that around Haneul", Jimin starts talking in a baby voice while making gestures at the boy, "His first words may be shut up, if you're not careful."

After Jimin pats the baby on the head and he giggles, Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"Alright, watch this", he sets his son on the floor, sitting down right in front of him, "Haneul, say Appa."

Haneul giggles cutely and waves his arms up and down while looking at Taehyung's expectant eyes and then at the other six pairs of eyes on him.

"Haneul, say Ap-pa", he repeats again.

"Ap-pa", Haneul pops out as his attention stays focused on his father. With the other guys cheering excitedly, the happy sounds make him all giggly again.

"Good job, Haneul!", Taehyung praises his boy, taking his tiny hands into his and moving them up and down in elation.

"Haneul, say Kookie", Jungkook sits down next to Taehyung, "Koo-kie."

Even though Haneul's eyes are wide at Jungkook's interesting face making the same sounds over and over again, he doesn't quite understand.

Instead he lets out an excited "Ouui!" and waves his arms again.

"Good, but not quite", Jungkook wiggles his thumbs at him, "It's Koo-kie. Koo-kie."

"Here, look what else he can do", Taehyung puts an end to the maknae's hopeless goal by pulling out his phone and searching for a song to play.

As IDOL starts playing over his speaker, he turns the volume up. Haneul gets even more excited with the sensory overload and not only moves his arms to the music, but also kicks his legs up and down. If he wasn't sitting in the middle of the floor, he would be able to pull himself up to stand with the help of a chair or something.

Seeing the way the baby reacts, all the Bangtan members starts dancing along enthusiastically, getting hyped themselves. They're all so wired that only Jungkook, who's still sitting across from Haneul, notices the change in the baby's behavior. His movements stop and his expression contorts to look somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hyung?", Jungkook calls Taehyung.

"Yeah?", he stops dancing and turns to the younger.

"Why is he making that face?", he asks, his eyes still glued to the child.

"I don't know", Taehyung looks closely at him, his baby's mouth opening and closing while his eyebrows scrunch together.

He decides to stop the music, but the next thing he knows Haneul throws up over himself.

"Oh no", he blinks in surprise before rushing forward to take care of his sick son.

Haneul obviously starts crying with vomit dripping down his face and making his clothes all sticky, so Taehyung picks him up and grabs a nearby towel to clean him up. Then, while holding the baby in one arm, he takes his phone in the other hand and calls Moonhae.

"Hey, are you still in the building?", he asks embarrassedly over the crying of his kid, "Yeah, um, can you come here real quick? Haneul just threw up..."

Before long, Moonhae struts into the room carrying some baby stuff and not looking very pleased. By now Taehyung's gotten Haneul to stop crying with the magic that he always works, but he still seems somewhat uncomfortable.

"Did you play IDOL again?", Moonhae shoots her fiancé a knowing look.

"No...", he looks away guiltily.

"He most definitely did", Yoongi tattles on him.

"Dammit, Tae- I mean dang it, Tae!", she catches herself swearing, "You know that I fed him just before! You can't make him dance right after he eats!"

"You fed him again?", he seems surprised and then lowers his voice, so the others won't hear, "I thought the doctor put him on a diet?"

"But he was hungry!", she insists with a pout, "He was looking at me all sad, what was I supposed to do?"

"This is why-", he wants to start, but she stops him before he can.

"Here, I'll just give him some water", she takes Haneul into her arms, who gives a little whine of protest, and then grabs some water to pour into a sippy cup.

"By the way, Taehyung, are you trying to grow a beard?", Jin changes the topic while staring at the younger.

"No, I...", he runs his hand over the stubble that's growing in, "There hasn't been much time to shave..."

"Besides, I like stubbly Taehyung", Moonhae pipes up as she takes care of her son.

"See? Someone finally appreciates my beard", he then looks proud.

"It's really not much of a beard...", Moon says under her breath.

"Oh, by the way", Namjoon cuts in, "Jin, isn't your baby's due date soon?"

"Yup, our little girl is due in just under a month", Jin beams happily.

"Ooh, ooh!", Jimin interrupts with one of his ideas, "What if when Haneul and your baby girl grow up, they'll fall in love, because they're almost the same age and then they'll get married and then you'll be related."

"Not gonna happen", Jin shakes his head, "My baby girl won't date until she's thirty."

"Hey, just so you know, any girl would be lucky to have a guy like Haneul", Taehyung responds in a serious tone.

"Why are you talking like he is thirty?", Hoseok starts laughing along with the rest of them.

"Well, Jin, I guess we won't be related then if it's like that", Taehyung shrugs, minimally offended.

"You and I will be related", Jungkook says to him, "I'll be your brother in law."

"Since when?", he eyes the younger.

"Since...", the maknae gets nervous, "In the future?"

"Well, first things first, what about your wedding?", Namjoon questions Taehyung.

"We started planning some of it", he explains, gazing over at Moonhae, "But we want to wait until Haneul can sort of walk down the aisle to throw petals or whatever, you know?"

"We want him to be a part of the wedding", Moonhae adds while she smiles down at her baby.

"That's adorable", Jimin fawns over them, "Maybe Jin's daughter can walk along with him~"

"Jimin, no! What is with you?", Jin shoots the romantic a look.

"We don't want to wait that long", Taehyung clarifies, "Either we'll do it next summer or maybe even this winter, if I can convince Moonhae that winter weddings are a great idea. Jin's daughter won't be able to walk by then."

"Hey, who knows? I have superior genes", Jin gives a smug shrug.

"Sure, Jin", the younger humors him, having read one too many medical books on babies' developments.

The next moment Youna walks in, her camera in hand. Hoseok immediately greets her with a kiss on the cheek, before she turns to the others.

"We're doing headshots today", she informs them, "Can we meet in the studio?"

They agree and start packing their stuff up. As Youna heads for the door, her gaze falls upon the baby sitting in Moonhae's lap. She stops in her tracks, blinking at it for a second.

"That's a chubby baby", she remarks, not trying to be rude, but just being her Youna self.

Hoseok, of course, starts laughing, "I said the same thing!"

"Excuse me?!", Moonhae takes immediate offense, about to get up and throw hands at this girl.

"...But he's kind of cute", she admits, shyly averting her eyes, "Really cute."

"Oh...", Moon relaxes in her chair again, unsure how to take the compliment, "Thanks..."

"What's his name?", she asks, catching the other girl by surprise once more.

"H-Haneul", she replies.

"Pretty", Youna simply says before moving to head for the exit.

Hoseok quickly moves after her, sweet talking her along the way.

"So you like babies now, huh?", he prods her and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Shut up, Hobi", she tries to suppress her laugh.

Everyone slowly starts following after them to get to the studio. Taehyung grabs a few things before he heads to leave.

"You taking Haneul to the headshots?", Moonhae grins as he picks up the boy.

"Yeah, you wanna come?", he smirks.

"I have work to do", she sighs.

"Oh, c'mon, don't we always?", he takes her hand into his with Haneul on one arm again, "Let's get some family photos while we're down there, it'll be fun."

One thing that'll probably never change is the fact that she cannot say 'no' to this man.

"Okay, let's go."

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