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January 2020

Jimin bounces down the hallway of their dorm rooms excitedly, his little girlfriend in tow as he has his hand entwined with hers.

"And over here...", he pauses, pushing one of the doors open, "Is my room!"

"Tadaaa!", he sings out, letting go of her hand and jumping around and gesturing wildly at his own small space.

"Cute", she pops with a smile, "Isn't it kind of messy?"

"Messy?", his jaw drops, "I just cleaned it yesterday so I could show you."

"Oh", she feels guilty, eyeing the clutter that still covers the room, "I mean it's perfect!"

"You think my room's messy... After I worked so hard on it", he pouts in a sulky manner.

"No, baby, I'm sorry", she goes up to him, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"Baby?", his eyes grow round in surprise.

"You're acting like one", she smirks.

"Honey, you don't call me baby", his demeanor suddenly changes, his hands wrapping around her waist with a dangerous look in his eyes, "I call you baby."

"Jimin, stop", she giggles as he leans in to kiss her.

"You want to just stay here, baby?", he murmurs lowly, close to her ear as he places soft kisses along her neck and jawline.

"No, I booked a hotel room", she answers faintly, enjoying the sensation his lips are providing.

"Isn't it nicer here though? With me?", he continues relentlessly.

"Park Jimin, there's a reason I'm staying at a hotel", she pulls back from him with a warning look in her eyes.

"Why?", he plays innocent with his mischievous grin.

When Jimin had visited her in Japan he had also stayed in a hotel. They didn't have many days together then, but they used them to the fullest, exploring Tokyo at Christmas time. It surprised Aya how swimmingly the relationship was going so far, both of them being head over heels for each other and Jimin's definitely living up to his promise of making time for her. Now that Aya has more modeling gigs in Korea, she'll get to see him more often. Getting closer to one another with each passing day, whether in person or over FaceTime, she becomes so much more comfortable around him. He feels the same way with her, noticeable in his constant wanting to touch her.

"Because...", she bites her lip, thinking of how to map her feelings out for him this time.

That's when a knock at the door separates them as Jimin moves to see who's causing the disturbance. Opening the door, he reveals Hoseok standing there, going off on a small rant as he enters the room.

"I told you not to take my headphones out of my room, Jimin. I said you're only allowed to use them when you're staying there and not to take them to your own room when you feel like it, it's annoying...", he trails off when he spots Aya standing quietly in front of him, "Oh... I see you have company."

"Hello, Hoseok", she smiles politely and slightly bows her head.

"Hello, Aya", he grins back, "Jimin didn't mention you were coming over."

"I don't have to tell you guys everything", Jimin interjects, walking over to his dresser to find what Hoseok came for.

"Yeah, but you usually warn us not to disturb you in advance", Hoseok says it innocently, but receives a dirty look from his friend.

"Just take the headphones and go, hyung", he shoves them into his hands and pushes him towards the door.

"You know, Jimin really likes you Aya", Hoseok can't help babbling, resisting Jimin's arms steering him away, "I share a room with him most of the time and I swear he dreams about you like every night!"

"Hyung, shut up", he whines, pushing him harder.

As he finally gets him out of the room, Hoseok shouts one last thing before the door slams, "And I don't think all the dreams are child-friendly!"

Both parties left in the room interlock surprised gazes with flushed cheeks. Aya stares at him with parted lips, about to speak when Jimin quickly interrupts her.

"Hobi hyung says some weird things sometimes, he doesn't really know what he's talking about", he forces a chuckle.

"Of course", she nods quickly, but can't help the small smirk that spreads over her lips.

"I mean...", he hesitates to admit, "I do dream about you sometimes..."

"You do?", she smiles.

"Mmh...", he gets close to her, "I miss you so much when you're not around."

She can't help blushing under his intent gaze and knows she's digging herself into a hole when she asks, "W-what happens in the dreams?"

A smirk paints itself across his face as he drapes his arms around her waist again, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "You want me to show you?"

Knowing she's in trouble now, she gulps. Jimin pulls her over to his bed, gently pushing her down onto it. His eyes fill with lust as he moves to hover over her body, wetting his lips ever so slightly. One kiss leads to another and very soon they're making out with Jimin's hands getting touchy all over her smooth skin. A light moan escapes her as his hands glide under her shirt, starting to lift it over her head.

"Jimin", she squeaks, suddenly pulling away and grasping her shirt protectively with a heaving chest.

"What's wrong?", his eyes go round as he moves to sit back on his heels.

"I um...", she stutters while straightening herself up on the bed.

"Was it too much?", he seems worried, "I didn't mean to move too fast."

"It's just that...", she takes a deep breath, not daring to look him in the eyes as her face turns a dark shade of pink, "I... I'm a virgin..."

"Oh...", is all Jimin can manage to say, having his lips part in surprise. 

It's not that the fact bothers him very much, it's just a lot to think about for him in just a few minutes. Aya, however, doesn't take his silence very well, becoming increasingly embarrassed with each passing moment.

"Um, y-yeah...", her cheeks are flushed beyond control when she decides to push herself up off the bed, "Maybe I should just head back to the hotel now."

"No, wait!", he jumps up to block her from leaving, "Aya, I'm sorry."

"About what?", she avoids his gaze while his hands place themselves lightly on her shoulders.

"I didn't want to push you to do anything or make it seem like I was expecting anything", he speaks apologetically, "This relationship isn't about sex for me and I don't care if you're a virgin or not, all I want is for you to be comfortable. If you're ever ready to take that step with me, that's amazing, but please don't ever feel like you're pressured to do anything."

"...So you really don't care?", she finally looks up at him with puckered lips.

"Of course not", he says sweetly, "I just didn't know what to say at first. I'm sorry for giving you such a shitty reaction."

"You didn't", she sighs, reaching up to embrace him.

The next few days go by in a dream for both of them despite their work schedules. Sweet conversations, gazing into each other's eyes, light kisses and holding hands is what they fill their free time doing. They're both hopelessly in love, still in the honeymoon state of their relationship. Everything around them seems brighter when they're around one another.

Jimin does notice after a while, however, that Aya spends a decent amount of time laughing at her phone as well. One day in particular he can't just wave it off to being one of her friends from home. Usually she shares some of the funny messages being sent to her with him, but today she's standing in the kitchen next to him almost completely ignoring him.

"Who are you texting?", he asks seeing her type quickly.

"A friend of mine", she merely responds.

"Which one?", he pops innocently.

"Ah, he's so funny", she giggles when reading the new message lighting up her phone.

"He?", his stare intensifies.

"Yeah, it's Kaito. You know him", she says without looking up.

"Yes, I know him", he seethes.

Hearing his tone, she lifts her gaze to look at him questioningly, "What's the matter?"

"Didn't you two used to date?", he leans against the counter.

"It's not like that, Jimin", she sighs, "He's one of my best friends."

"What was it like then?"

"We just dated for a little while until we noticed it just didn't work out very well."

"But you still like him", he says it more like a statement than a question.

"He's my friend, of course I like him", she retorts, upset with his sudden interrogation.

"I don't like that you like him", he responds, crossing his arms.

"Because you don't like him? I don't like that you don't like me liking him", she says without missing a beat.

"Wait what?", his brow furrows at the confusing sentence.

"I don't know", she seems just as confused with what she just said as he is, "My point is: You're jealous, aren't you?"

"No...", Jimin suddenly scoffs, trying to make the idea sound ridiculous, "Why would I...? No."

That's when the door to the kitchen opens, an exhausted Moonhae striding in. She's kicked off her world tour in Seoul already and although her performances seem flawless, it doesn't seem to be treating her too well. Heading for the fridge for a bottle of water, she doesn't take much notice of the couple standing there.

"Oh, hey guys", she greets them.

"Moonhaeee", the suddenly sly girl goes up to her, leaning herself on one of her shoulders.

"What?", Moon takes a swig of water.

"Mmmh... What would you say if a guy got jealous of his girlfriend's guy friends?", she speaks with her eyes focused on the boy across from her, who gives her a warning look in return.

"Taehyung used to be like that. I told him to fuck off. Eventually he stopped caring", she shrugs.

Aya raises her eyebrows at Jimin, trying to get her message across.

"What about just one really close guy friend? One that the girl used to date", he cuts in.

"I guess that's different. It sucks when the girl is close to her ex", Moonhae answers, not quite connecting the dots yet, not caring enough to catch the stares the couple is giving each other.

"How do you know the girl just has one close guy friend?", Aya then challenges.

"Oh? She has multiple now, does she?", his mouth opens along with his widening eyes.

"I don't know, maybe she does", she shrugs exaggeratingly.

"Well that's just more people to worry about", he responds.

"If they're friends it shouldn't be a problem. Besides, I'm sure the boyfriend isn't completely innocent in that regard either", she puckers her lips.

"Um, I have a feeling that this isn't hypothetical, so I'm just gonna go", Moonhae announces before slipping out of the room.

"I'm completely innocent", Jimin insists once she's left, "I don't keep in touch with any of my exes."

"Jimin, he's barely an ex. If I'm honest all the people I've dated are barely exes!", she huffs back, "I'm young and stupid and I don't know what I'm doing, but I do know that you're the one I want to be with."

He watches her in awe for a moment, taking in her loving words. Although he still feels involuntary twinges of jealousy thinking about Kaito, he can't help feel stupid for believing she'd rather be with that guy than him.

"Aya...", he steps closer, gently brushing strands of her light hair behind her ear, "Am I... Am I allowed to tell you that I love you yet?"

Her eyes twinkle at that, completely lost in his charm and soft voice. Her hand reaches up to brush against his as she leans into him.

"Y-yes", she stammers, "You're allowed to say that."

"I love you, Aya", his face breaks out into a smile.

Tilting onto her toes, she raises her head up to kiss him. Sweet and gentle before pulling back shyly.

"And you don't have to be jealous", she speaks quietly, pouting down at her shoes, "Because... I love you, too."

"What was that?", he leans down to put his forehead against hers, while smirking mischievously. Obviously he had heard, but it's something he can't hear enough of.

"I said I love you too", she repeats annoyedly, now pouting up at him instead.

Jimin laughs, kissing those little puckered lips of hers over and over again.

"Maybe... I could stay here tonight...", she then suggests shyly to his surprise.


"Just to cuddle! Don't get it twisted Park Jimin!", she warns him.

So for the rest of her trip she stays with him, enjoying snuggling into him at night. Neither of them could be happier to start the new year off in each other's arms and taking another step in their relationship, bringing them closer than ever.

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