Fake Love

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May 2019

Taehyung slouches back on one of the couches in the group's dressing room, watching Jin with a pout. The eldest beams into his phone's camera as he speaks excitedly to his girlfriend, who showers him with sweet nothings and praise. Looking down at his own phone without any new notifications, his lower lip protrudes even further. Sometimes he wishes Moonhae wasn't also an idol, so she would have more time for him when he's on tour. With both of their busy schedules combined their free time hardly ever lines up.

"Taehyungie, what's the matter?", Jimin jumps into the spot next to him on the couch and cuddles up to him sweetly.

"Hmph...", he only grunts, not tearing his eyes away from the cheerful Jin.

Jimin quickly follows his gaze and understands, "Seriously? You honestly only think about Moonhae all day."

"I can't help it", he whines loudly, sinking further into his friend's arms, "And you just wish you had a girlfriend."

"So what?", Jimin now joins in with his pouting.

"Oh, you know who got some last night?", Jungkook cuts in from the other couch.

"Who?", they glance up at the maknae curiously. He then gestures slyly towards Yoongi, who's just entered the room.

"Way to go, hyung", Jimin whistles.

"What?", he ruffles through his hair tiredly and blinks at the maknae line in confusion.

"Heard you got laid last night", he smirks.

"Oh... I guess", Yoongi merely shrugs, but there's a hint of blush tainting his cheeks.

"So, who was the lucky girl?", Jungkook looks up at him in anticipation.

"Um... It wasn't a girl", he answers shyly whilst staring down at his feet.

"A guy?", Jungkook can't help the surprise in his voice.

Jimin immediately pulls his arms back from around Taehyung and leans forward in his seat excitedly, "How hot was he?"

"Uh...", Yoongi squirms a little, but can't help a small smile at Jimin's enthusiasm, "Yeah, he was really hot."

"Slightly tanned?", his eyes gleam.

"How did you know?", he crosses his arms, slightly suspicious.

"I don't know, hyung, you must have a type", he chuckles and leans back again.

"I do not", he scoffs.

"Actually, I think Jimin's right", Taehyung joins in, "When it comes to girls you like someone similar in character to you, but with guys you like someone who... takes control?"

Jimin bursts out laughing, slapping Taehyung on his back, "Oh my god, that's so true!"

"No it's not", Yoongi scowls at them.

About to continue the conversation by teasing their hyung some more, they freeze when Jiyoo enters the dressing room and heads over to the figure leaned against the wall in the far corner.

"Joonie, I missed you", she sings sweetly and loud enough for everyone else to hear.

Namjoon puts his phone away, which was keeping him preoccupied before, and returns her embrace. Jiyoo then leans in to kiss him slowly, but sensually as she runs a hand along the back of his neck. Both Jimin and Taehyung turn uncomfortably to see Jungkook's reaction. His narrowed eyes are glued to the couple, his jaw set harshly as his nostrils flare. The couch's armrest sinks in under his steal grip, his knuckles turning white with agitation.

"Jiyoo, I don't think we should do this here", Namjoon whispers, simultaneously breaking away from her and glancing worriedly over at Jungkook.

The boy, however, quickly jumps to his feet and dashes out of the dressing room without saying a word or even another look back.

"Seriously, Namjoon?", Jimin groans.

"I'm sorry...", he hangs his head apologetically.

"I didn't even know he was here", Jiyoo looks at them innocently, "Sorry about that."

As the hours pass, Jungkook stays as far away from the dressing room as possible until the staff informs him he needs to get ready for the concert. Reluctantly, he joins his group again, getting changed and hair and makeup done. The last few minutes before they go on stage are always the most hectic and the whole room is filled with managers and stylists as they give them queues and last minute touch-ups.

"I need someone to set the foundation on Jungkook", one of the makeup artists calls out. In a hurry, she grabs the nearest person to her, "Here, Jiyoo, you do it."

The girl then stands in front of him with a makeup sponge, glancing up at him scaredly as she hesitates to touch him.

"Jiyoo, now! They need to get on stage in five!", the other woman calls out again from across the room when she doesn't see her moving.

With a deep breath she starts setting his foundation with the sponge, focusing on his skin and not daring to meet his eyes. They're glaring down at her as his jaw tightens and his body stiffens.

"Look at me", he suddenly murmurs in a deep voice.

Hesitantly, her eyes flutter up to meet his and her hand stops moving.

"Do you still love me?", he asks without missing a beat.

"W-what?", she nearly falls backwards, but Jungkook's hand catches her arm sturdily.

"Do you?", he repeats.

"Kookie, I...", she holds her breath, trying to read the boy in front of her, but his intense stare leads her to nothing.

"You shouldn't be with him, Jiyoo", he sighs and finally averts his eyes.

"Let's go Bangtan! It's go time!", one of the managers yells and motions for the boys to follow him backstage.

"You shouldn't be with him", Jungkook whispers one last time before heading out after the other members.

It's later in the month after one of their concerts when Jungkook finally gives in to himself. Exhausted, panting heavily and full of sweat, he gets off stage to have the staff take care of him backstage. Cool towels and water bottles are handed to him, but his attention is once again caught by two people standing in the corner. Jiyoo pats the sheen of sweat off of Namjoon's forehead as he stares down at her lovingly. The girl smiles, but then glances around the room to spot Jungkook's eyes on her. With devilish smirk she quickly turns back to her boyfriend.

Jungkook's hands ball into fists as her tries to control his emotions, but as the other members move toward the dressing rooms to get changed and Jiyoo is left standing alone, he knows he's in for trouble. Without thinking, he grabs onto her wrist and pulls her away from the dimly lit backstage area and down the hallway.

"Kookie-ah! What are you doing?", she wriggles her tiny wrist in his iron grasp, but has no choice but to be dragged out of the venue and into the parking lot outside.

When Jungkook tells one of the staff members he needs a quick ride back to the hotel in a separate car from the other members, she wants to protest. Then again, she finds herself in the backseat of a black SUV a few minutes later.

"What's going on?", she speaks quietly, glancing over at the driver in front every now and then.

"Shut up", he merely grunts, his head turned to stare out the window and avoiding her gaze.

She doesn't question him again and just leans back in her seat silently. This isn't how she thought this would go.

When they finally arrive at the hotel, Jungkook's got his hand around her arm again, tugging her along with him until they reach his room on the twenty-first floor. He quickly pushes her in and shuts the door behind him. Her breath hitches when he slams her against the hotel room wall, his hands on her shoulders as he gazes down at her darkly.

"Jungk-", she starts fearfully.

"Do you love him? Don't lie to me", he snarls at her.

"Kookie, I...", her eyes tremble.

"You can't say it, can you? You can't say that you really love him", he leans in closer.

"I've told him I love him countless of times", she protests.

"So you've told him. What do you really feel?", he instigates further.

Her eyes travel over his body for a moment, seeing him so close as he stands over her. His muscles tense with agitation, his firm hands pressing her into the wall, his brunette hair hanging into his eyes, still moist from the sweat he worked up during the concert. Everything about it excites her.

"...H-how do you want me to feel?", she asks slyly as her eyes linger on his lips.

He catches her gaze and leans forward even further, his nose brushing up against her's. Feeling his soft breath against her skin, her stomach flutters again. Teasing her just a moment longer, he finally leans in all the way and connects his lips with her's. The kiss they share seems harsh as he pushes his hand into the back of her hair and pulls her whole body up against his. Lips and tongues moving together quickly, their built-up lust is finally released onto each other. It doesn't take long for his hands to be traveling down along her figure and his mouth moving onto her jawline and neck.

"I'll ask you again, Jiyoo", he speaks lowly into her ear between kisses, "Do you love me?"

She moans as his lips work magic against the skin on her neck and she can't form proper words to answer him. When she doesn't respond, he becomes harsher, sucking and biting at her skin, bound to leave a mark and making her yelp.

"Do you love me?", he repeats darkly, now staring down into her eyes.

"Y-yes!", she stammers, lost in the feelings of his touch.

That's when he grabs a hold of her waist and throws her back onto the bed. With a gasp, she lays sprawled, looking up at the brooding boy standing over her.

"Say it", he growls again.

"I-I love you", she confesses timidly.

A smirk paints itself in the corners of his mouth when he hears it. His mind is cloudy, hazy from after the concert and drunk on what's right in front of him. The words she's saying aren't helping his head rush either. She's his for the taking. Only his.

Nearing her on the bed, she doesn't protest when he places his lips back on her's while his hands go to remove her shirt and skimpy skirt. The feeling of skin on skin intoxicates them when she helps him out of his own clothes. Once they're free of all constraints of their undergarments, Jungkook gazes down upon her one more time.

"You want this, don't you?", the harshness hasn't left his voice.

"Yes", she moans, her expression contorted in arousal.

And so he takes her. Making her his once again. Blinded by lust and emotions, his thoughts of what's right and wrong escape him.

The morning lights shining through the drawn blinds is what wakes Jungkook the next morning. Being able to sleep in after the night of a concert is what keeps him content for a moment. That is until he realizes he's not alone in bed. Turning slowly, dreading to see the girl lying next to him, he puts his palm to his forehead when he does.

He's done it again. No matter how many times he's told himself he wouldn't, he's done it again. Now, with the added consequence that Jiyoo is his hyung's girlfriend.

"Fuck", he mutters and stirs to get up and throw some clothes on.

When she's still lying there fast asleep, he decides to wake her.

"Jiyoo", he shakes her in a not very gentle way, "Wake up."

The girl groans and swats his hand away, keeping her eyes shut. He lets out an exasperated sigh before trying again.

"Jiyoo, wake the fuck up", he says more harshly.

"What do you want?", her eyelids flutter open and she's wary of her surroundings.

"You have to go. Namjoon can't know about this", he leaves her little time to take everything in.

"Namjoon?", she squints at him confusedly.

"Yeah, Namjoon. Your boyfriend", he scoffs, surprised he has to remind her and tosses her her clothes from last night.

Pulling herself out of bed and getting dressed while trying to get her mind straightened out, Jungkook leans against his dresser with his arms crossed.

"I'm not going back to Namjoon", she states once she's dressed again.

"What do you mean?", he eyes her.

"You don't want me to. So I won't", she takes a step towards him, "I still love you."

"Jiyoo, I know I made you say that last night, but you don't have to-"

"No, I meant it. I love you, Kookie", she doesn't waver.

"Don't call me that", he responds harshly and can see her flinch a little.

"Why are you like this? You wanted me to love you and I do", her eyebrows knit together.

"You belong to Namjoon. I don't know what I was trying to prove", he shakes his head.

"I never belonged to Namjoon! Kookie, I was yours all along! The only person I've loved is you!", tears spring to her eyes as she yells to convince him.

"But...", his heart breaks for his hyung when he hears her say that. Of course he was jealous and thought their relationship was wrong, but he never really wanted for this to happen. "You never loved him?"

"Of course not! It was you all along. When you broke up with me, Namjoon was there to comfort me. He liked me and he was the only thing that kept me close to you. But none of that matters now, because you love me again!", she smiles fearfully as she confesses.

"Y-you used Namjoon?", Jungkook's hands tremble against the dresser's surface and he tries to keep his eyes trained on the carpeted flooring. Isn't this exactly what he was trying to coerce from her last night though?

"I would do anything for you", she nears him and places her hands on his cheeks, heightening his gaze to look at her.

"You're insane", he whispers, his hands now tightly pressed fists.

"What?", her expression falls and her hands drop to her sides.

"You're absolutely insane! I knew I shouldn't have laid a finger on you, but you were driving me crazy!", he yells out and she flinches away.

"B-but you love me", her voice is small and insignificant.

"I don't love you, Jiyoo", he comes to his final resolution, "I never have."

"No, Kookie, no...", her eyes fill with tears as she shakes her head, "You don't mean that."

"I'm sorry, but they were right. I don't even know what love is", he admits solemnly, "And it's definitely not this."

"How can you-", she starts, but cuts herself off with her own sobbing.

As if the timing can't get any worse, there's a knock on his hotel room door. He urges Jiyoo to hide in the bathroom or anywhere but crying in the middle of the room, but she doesn't budge, lost too deeply in her own sorrows. Carefully stepping up to the door when there's a second knock, he barely opens it a crack to see who's bothering him.

"Jungkook-ah...", Taehyung trails off and furrows his brow when he hears crying coming from inside the room, "Is that Jiyoo?"

"Hyung...", he tries to shut the door again, but Taehyung manages to get in and push past the boy.

"What the fuck", his eyes widen at the sight of a messily dressed Jiyoo sitting in the middle of the floor with tears running down her cheeks, mixing with her streaked mascara.

"What did you do to her?", Taehyung whips around towards to the maknae.

"I didn't-"

"Jungkook!", he speaks sharply.

"I... Slept with her", he stares down at his hands.

"What the hell!", he suddenly presses his hands against Jungkook's shoulders, harshly shoving him against the wall, "That's Namjoon's girlfriend!"

"I know but-"

"I don't care if you dated her first!", he yells at him, "I know Namjoon did a really shitty thing dating your ex, but sleeping with your best friend's partner: That is really fucked up."

"Hyung, I know. I didn't want to..."

"Oh, Jungkook, everyone and their grandma knew you wanted to! Don't even try to deny that. But that doesn't mean you act on it!", he shouts sense into his friend.

"But I don't even love her", he speaks small now, wavering under his older friend's words.

Another pained wail comes from the girl crying next to them when he says that.

"You did not...", Taehyung tears his eyes away from the boy and glances at Jiyoo, "Jesus, Jungkook, you can't treat girls like this. They're not property and something you can just use and throw away. I don't even want to know everything you've said to her. And after sleeping with her? Are you actually fucking kidding?"

"She used Namjoon! He truly loves her and she stepped all over him just to make me jealous!", he bursts out, somehow trying to defend himself.

Taehyung's eyes flash in rage hearing that, but he keeps himself composed, gritting his teeth, "I understand... Nevertheless, she's still a human."

"I'm sorry...", the maknae lowers his head in defeat and shame. How does he always manage to be such an asshole to the girls he dates?

"Ok, Jiyoo, do you think you can get back to your place alright?", he finally takes his hands off the younger and turns to speak to her softly, although his insides are boiling with resentment.

"Mmh", she sniffles through her hiccuped breaths and nods.

Finally getting to her feet, Taehyung escorts her out before turning back to his friend solemnly.

"Now, we talk to Namjoon."

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