Hey Sister (m)

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December 2020

Moonhae strides through the luxurious apartment complex Taehyung has his personal apartment in. Instead of him staying at the dorms and her at her own apartment, they find themselves spending so much more time together here. At some point Taehyung had even given her a spare key to let herself in.

Turning that key in the lock, she pushes the door open, an excited Yeontan running right towards her. After petting him and giving kisses, she removes her jacket and shoes. The place seems empty, but as she moves closer to where the bedroom is she notices some noises. Stepping nearer to the closed door, she can definitely make out some stifled groans and low moans.

Without another thought, she pushes the door open, Yeontan immediately dashing into the room eagerly. Taehyung just sits there, looking up from his laptop screen in front of him slightly startled. His deep brown hair lays messily on top of his head while his chest is exposed, having nothing on but a pair of boxers. Of course nothing out of the ordinary if it weren't for him holding his erection in one hand, the movement frozen as he just stares at her.

"Get Yeontan out of here!", he whines a little, not wanting his puppy to be exposed to such things.

With a soft chuckle, Moonhae turns to shoo Yeontan out of the bedroom, displaying his puppy-dog eyes as he reluctantly moves through the doorframe again.

"I-I thought you were working", he breathes out heavily once she shuts the door behind her.

"I was", she steps towards him, a light grin painting her face, "But I wanted to come spend time with you. I see you're busy though."

The flush in his cheeks gets darker, but he doesn't take his hand away from his member, still wanting that high he was chasing.

"Don't let me stop you", she seats herself at the foot of the bed with an amused expression.

As he slowly starts pumping himself again with shallow breaths, she can't help running her tongue over bottom lip as she watches. Reaching over to pull the laptop away from him, she shuts it with a mischievous smirk. His eyes, although half-shut, never leave her figure.

"I c-could use your help", he manages to say between low grunts.

As if waiting for those exact words, Moonhae crawls towards him on all fours on the bed, her narrow eyes focused on him. Tongue wetting her lips once again, she sits herself in between his legs and firmly pushes his hand away. Before touching him, however, she leans forward to kiss him, his lips moving sloppily against hers in arousal.

"Relax", she pulls back with a smirk when he starts to whine into her, tensing his thighs in anticipation.

Her hands finally wrap around his length, stroking delicately to tease him a little. His head rolls back against the pillows, exhaling at her touch, but he quickly starts wanting more again. She obliges, leaning down to run her tongue from base up, eliciting a low moan from him.

"Fuck, Moonhae", he swears as she takes all of him into her mouth.

Bobbing her head and hallowing her cheeks, it doesn't take her long to send him over the edge. He had been so close before and having her fondling him makes him climax much faster than usual. Taking deep breaths, he calms himself, still feeling oversensitive. With Moonhae running her fingers up along his chest, licking the leftover cum from her own lips, he knows she's far from done.

"You're so fucking hot", he says lowly, his eyes looking dangerous once again as he reaches up to cup her face.

Before she knows it, he's switched their positions, throwing her back onto the mattress and hovering over her. Kissing her feverishly, he can't help his hands delving further down, tugging at the fabric of her dress. After pulling it up over her head to reveal her dark lace undergarments, his mouth moves towards her neck and collarbone, attacking it with sloppy kisses and love bites. Hearing soft moans escape her, he moves his lips down further along her body, running over her waist until reaching her panty line. Teasing just a little like she had done, he finally pulls the underwear off of her, kissing all the wetness between her legs.

"Taehyung-ah!", she moans out as his tongue delves into her, causing pleasure to ripple through her body.

He works tirelessly on her, skillfully licking and sucking at her most sensitive areas while working in one of his long fingers. Everything about it is perfect up until a phone starts ringing. While Taehyung seems unfazed by this, Moonhae glances around in irritation, eyeing his phone lying on the bedside table.

"Taehyung", she says to get his attention, seeing the name on the display.

"Mmh?", he hums into her, making her suck in a breath as he keeps pleasuring her.

Reaching for the phone, she grabs it with a frown, "It's your sister."

"Just ignore it", he murmurs, pulling his head up only for an instant.

"She never calls, what if it's- ah-", she stifles a moan whilst talking, "an emergency?"

Instead of responding, he just continues with his little task in front of him. Although everything feels good, she gets kind of mad at him, deciding to pick the call up herself.

"Hello?", Moonhae keeps her voice level, trying to ignore Taehyung's relentless tongue.

"Oh, hey. It's you", Eunjin's voice sounds out over the line, "Where's Taehyung?"

"He's -ah- busy", she covers up her breathy moan with a cough. For whatever reason, he pokes his head up a little between her legs, showing how amused he is with the whole situation. He places a finger over his lips to indicate for her to keep quiet before getting back to business.

"Of course he is", Eunjin's tone now seems slightly annoyed, "Either way, tell him I got the job in Seoul."

"O-oh, that's great", Moon tries to keep the strain out of her voice.

"And I heard y'all are too busy to do Christmas this year", she continues, sounding impatient.

"Well, yes...", she bites her bottom lip to stay quiet as another finger enters her.

"Yeah, so I'm just gonna come visit you instead", she says quickly and nonchalantly.

"Alright", Moon breathes into the phone before realizing what she's actually said, "Wait what?"

"Yeah, tell Taehyung I'm coming to visit you guys and finally see what he spends all of his stupid time doing, okay? It'll be fun", she conveys eagerly.

"He's not going to like-", she starts, remembering it was her that invited Eunjin in the first place.

"Oh well", she laughs a little, "Anyway, I'll see you soon!"

"B-bye", she manages to get out.

"Oh and Moon?", Eunjin interrupts before hanging up, "I'm not stupid, you know?"

"Fuck", Moonhae swears, dropping the phone next to her once the call has ended, knowing that girl always sees through all bullshit.

Taehyung still going at it, is slowly getting her to the edge. Nevertheless, she forces herself to talk.

"Your sister's coming to visit", she says between moans. That's when his mouth stops moving and his head lifts to stare at her.

"What?", he doesn't look amused anymore, even with all that wetness coating his lips.

"She got the job in Seoul. She's coming over cause we're missing Christmas", Moonhae keeps it short, suddenly wanting him to get back to pleasing her.

"But I don't want her to meet the members!", he then whines, having completely forgotten about the state he's leaving Moon in.

"Fuck, Taehyung, we'll deal with it later", she groans whilst moving her hips impatiently, "At least finish what you started!"

Although Taehyung's more than excited to see his sister again, his mood on the day of meeting up with her couldn't be worse. After Moonhae convinced him everything would be fine and Eunjin just wants to see what he does for a living, he eventually gave in. He doesn't want to be the overprotective brother, but at the same time he doesn't want her exposed to this kind of life too much. He wants to keep his job and his family separate, maybe to a fault. Without a doubt he's happy about her new job that frankly, she's always dreamed of, but he can't help feeling apprehensive.

A week earlier he had even briefed the members on her showing up, warning them not to get any funny ideas. Of course they just laughed him off.

"Can you just relax?", Moonhae scoffs at him for the tenth time that morning as they sit in the lounge area of the company, "What are you so worried about anyway?"

"Everything", he huffs in response.

"She's your sister. Honestly, it's kind of weird that she hasn't seen the company yet", Moon reasons.

"I just... I don't want the members to...", he trails off with a pout.

"The members to what?", she asks slightly annoyed, "Taehyung, let's look at this objectively. Jin is basically tied to Hyunae. Jimin has a girlfriend he's faithful to despite his flirting habits. Yoongi apparently found a new boyfriend. And Hobi... I don't know how he tamed that snake, but he did."

"But-", he starts in exasperation.

"No, Tae, she's just visiting", she cuts him off mercilessly.

"But she lives here in Seoul now too", he gives her a side-eye.

"And why isn't that a good thing?", she expresses in irritation, "You'll get to see her more often!"

"I guess...", he hums defeatedly.

That's when the elevator door slides open at the end of the hall, in perfect sight of the lounge. One of their managers steps out, motioning for the girl behind him to step forward. With perfect black hair reaching just below her shoulders, a maroon sweater and dark skirt, Eunjin strides forward, flashing her little boxy smile when she spots her brother.

"Well don't you look happy to see me?", she says sarcastically when seeing Taehyung's tense expression before hugging him.

"Hey, Eunie", he greets her lamely.

"I, for one, am glad you're here", Moonhae cuts in, receiving a hug as a greeting as well, "I was just saying how weird it is that you've never come by."

"It is weird, isn't it?", she responds dramatically, eyeing a clearly uncomfortable Taehyung.

"I don't think I like how close you two have become", he pouts a little, just gazing between them.

"I thought you loved seeing us get along?", Moon nuzzles into him teasingly, just causing him to grunt in return.

"Anyway, show me the good stuff!", Eunjin announces excitedly, desperately wanting a tour of the now luxurious Big Hit building.

And so they show her around for the next few hours, spending most of their time in Taehyung's little studio of his own. Even though it's the weekend, most of the members are in and out of their studios during the day. Eventually, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok come in to introduce themselves to his sister. Even Yoongi joins the conversation at one point, just to be polite before returning to his genius lab.

It's only later that Jimin and Jungkook return from god knows where and find a huge get-together happening in Taehyung's studio.

"What's going on?", Jimin pokes his head in to spot everyone standing around and having a good time.

"Taehyung's sister is visiting", Namjoon explains whilst gesturing towards her.

"Hello", Eunjin grins at the new arrivals of the group stepping into the now crowded studio, "I'm Eunjin!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jimin", he immediately goes up to her to shake her hand with a bright smile.

Jungkook, who's strolling behind however, stops to stare at her with round eyes for a moment. The girl has an uncanny resemblance to her brother, beautiful features like big sweet eyes and that same damned smile.

"I'm Jungkook", the boy introduces himself with parted lips whilst holding out his hand.

"Well, nice to meet you too", she replies with a smirk painting her heart-shaped lips, taking his hand daintily. Both of their dark colored eyes linger on each other for a few moments.

"Alright, so you want to see the rest of the studios?", Taehyung cuts in quickly, almost pushing Jungkook towards the exit.

"I guess so", Eunjin shrugs and follows everyone as they step out into the hallway.

The members happily show off each of their work spaces for Taehyung's sister to see. Finishing the tour in Yoongi's genius lab, the last place to explore is Jungkook's studio. Before they can even step out into the hallway, however, there's a crash and some disconcerted yelling coming from another room.

"Taehyung?", Jimin calls from down the hallway, "Namjoon broke your bookshelf!"

"What? Are you serious?", he whines back, quickly stepping out of Yoongi's room to assess the situation.

Moonhae and the others follow, but Eunjin seems to be interested in some kind of sculpture standing on a shelf in the studio. Jungkook being the last one to exit the room, pauses in the doorway, noticing she's not following. He can't help biting his bottom lip, contemplating whether he should stay out of trouble and just join the others or dare to do what he really wants instead.

"Hey, um... Eunjin?", he catches her attention shyly.

"Huh?", she averts her gaze from the sculpture and focuses on him instead.

"Do you want to see my studio?", he wavers on his feet for a moment.

"Sure", she breaks out into a smile before following him.

His is definitely something different, a whole other vibe emanating through the darker decor, yet little colorful decorations here and there making the place a lot softer. His taste seems to be slightly younger, with useless items strewn around the room. The kinds you would look at online, thinking it's funny, but not buying them because they serve no purpose. Except he's actually bought them. Nevertheless, each piece is carefully placed around the room, whether it be on its own shelf or on the coffee table, everything seems to have its place. And even the useless things seem to hold meaning and value.

"Wow", she breathes as she scans his shelves, different souvenirs catching her eye.

"I like to collect things...", he says faintly, watching her admire his small collections.

"I can see that", she responds before reaching out towards a small figure he had bought in Hawaii once, "May I?"

Glancing over at him to see him nodding, she carefully takes the figure between her dainty fingers. It looks like a hula girl carved into a chunk of wood, only the head is slightly bigger than the body making it look comical. It serves absolutely no purpose and that's what she loves about it.

"Cute", she says laughing a little and holding it up next to her face for him to see. He can't help grinning in return.

"Very cute", he agrees with a grin, but his eyes just won't focus on anything else but that adorable boxy smile she has.

"Why do you have all of these things?", she continues moving along, picking up some box laying in the corner next to his desk.

"I think they're fun", he responds, eyeing his newest purchase in her hands and feeling the need to explain it, "That's an inflatable shark that'll fly and you can remote-control it."

"I see", she raises her eyebrows and sets the box back down, "Yes, totally fun."

"Hey, don't shame my purchases", he pouts, leaning against the top of his desk chair.

"Ah, yes, I forgot you're like a gazillionaire", she rolls her eyes at him.

"A gazillionaire?", he chuckles at the made-up word.

"Yeah, both you and my brother just have way too much money to spend", she pops.

"I don't buy these things because I have a lot of money", he clears the misunderstanding whilst following her around the room, "I'd buy them regardless. I don't know about you, but I think floating sharks are like the best thing ever."

"Well, I can't really deny that", she turns from the picture she's been looking at to find how close Jungkook's standing to her, "But..."

"No buts", he looks down at her with a smirk, "I just buy it and regret it later."

"Then you wouldn't mind getting me one too?", she suggests slyly, seeing the way his eyes are exploring her features.

"A remote-controlled floating shark? Of course not", he grins from ear to ear, "Depending on how long you're sticking around, I can get same day shipping."

"Yeah, why don't you?", she plays along before moving away to plop down on his couch.

"Alright", his tongue wets his bottom lip, "Why don't you come over tonight then to pick it up?"

Her expression gives away her astonishment for just a second as she raises her eyebrows and lets her eyes widen. Maybe Taehyung was right for not wanting her to meet the members. But for now, she goes along with it, her mischievous mind getting the better of her.

"Okay", she wraps a strand of dark hair around her finger, "What time?"

"I could text you the details later if I had your number", he replies smoothly.

Everything about the conversation screams that he's done this a million times to a million different girls and yet, it amuses her. Although he's insanely attractive, it's really not enough for her to catch feelings. What he doesn't know, is that she handles guys like him all the time.

"Smooth, Jungkook", she laughs, getting her phone out, "I guess I have no choice."

Putting her number into his phone as she reads it out to him, he feels a sense of excitement he doesn't usually feel. This girl isn't just gorgeous, there's something more that attracts him. At the same time she seems to be quite cunning despite being friendly. And she happens to be Taehyung's sister.

Speaking of which, he suddenly bursts into the room frantically, "What are you doing?"

"I was showing her my studio", Jungkook responds to a tense-looking Taehyung.

"Yes, very nice indeed", Eunjin chuckles as she gets up from the couch.

"Alright, let's go to lunch now though. Moonhae's waiting", Taehyung tells her, shooting the maknae and indecipherable look.

"Okay", she moves with him nonchalantly, "See you later, Jungkook."

"No, no", her brother shakes his head at her once they're out in the hallway, "There's no seeing him later."

Having heard that before they move too far away to understand, Jungkook smirks to himself. This should be funny.

Or at least that's what he thought.

Jungkook, although having sworn off hooking up with people for the fun of it, anticipates the evening. At the same time, he's naive enough to actually purchase another floating shark with same day shipping.

So there he sits in his room with the package, waiting for her to text him back. He had told her what time to be there, but she never responded and time's passing along. Just reading something on his phone, he doesn't even realize a whole hour passes. A whole hour that she hasn't shown up in.

Opening up their chat, he sends her another text, "Hey, where are you?"

Surprisingly, he receives a reply not too long after.

"Yeah, so I kinda know you want to sleep with me so I'm not coming."

Almost choking on thin air reading her response, he has to catch his breath. Of course, she's not wrong, but at the same why did she act so susceptible when he suggested them meeting up. It confuses the hell out of him.

Suddenly thinking of Taehyung however, he starts to understand that maybe this wasn't the best idea in the first place. His hyung will most definitely kill him if he finds out about his intentions. The thought of Eunjin still lingers on his mind though, slowly pushing Taehyung to the background.

With that, he sends one last text.

"I guess you'll have to pick up your floaty shark another time then."

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