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April 2018

The evening where all the boys agreed to go out and eat has come, everyone sitting at the reserved table in one of the restaurant's private rooms. Everyone except for Taehyung that is.

"Really? Is this happening again?", Jungkook leans back in his seat, slightly frustrated.

"He said he'd make up for missing our last dinner by eating out tonight... And now he's not here", Yoongi sighs.

"Whatever, it's fine. Let's just order", Jimin attempts to divert the attention from Taehyung, exchanging a knowing look with Jin.

Unfortunately, Jungkook catches on, his eyes widening a little.

"Wait a minute...", he starts, his eyes now flicking between Jimin and Jin, "Is he ditching us to be with Moonhae?"

The two groan, covering their faces with the palms of their hands in frustration. He couldn't even last two days.

"What do you mean?", Yoongi looks up from his menu suspiciously.

"Well, I might as well say it now-", Jungkook shrugs.

"NO! No, Jungkook, no", Jin gives him a warning glare.


"Really, Jungkookie, no", Jimin groans again.

"What is going on?", Namjoon asks, joining the argument.

"Taehyung and-", Jungkook starts again, but immediately feels a sharp pain in his foot as Jimin steps on it under the table, "Ow!"

"What is the matter with you guys?", Hoseok chuckles nervously.

"Nothing", Jin composes himself, sitting up straight and folding his hands on the table, "Jungkook just doesn't know when to shut up."

"Can someone just say what's going on?", Yoongi interjects annoyedly, "What is Taehyung doing with Moonhae?"

And suddenly the dinner table becomes a battlefield. Jungkook's eyes travel swiftly between Jimin and Jin, who are both giving him deadly glares of You better not say anything. The rest of the hyungs watch in shock as the maknae opens his mouth and begins shouting before Jin and Jimin can leap across the table to forcefully silence him.

"Taehyung and Moonhae are sleeping together!"

There's complete silence as everyone takes this in. Jimin is lying across the table, scattering cutlery, with his hand over Jungkook's mouth, whereas Jin is basically on Namjoon's lap, grabbing onto the maknae's collar.

"Wait WHAT?!", Hoseok is the first to speak and he starts laughing hysterically.

When no one else joins in, he dies down a little, his eyes widening, "Are you serious?"

Namjoon pushes Jin back into his seat and Jimin slowly retreats back over the table.

"Yeah, I found out two days ago when I heard them having sex and these two traitors already knew about it and decided not to tell anyone and then tried to keep me quiet!", the words come out like a waterfall, Jungkook finally pouring out all the secrets.

"You WHAT? And you KNEW?", Hoseok's eyes and mouth are rounded in surprise.

"You just happened to hear them having sex?", Namjoon double checks, very confused.

"Yeah, it wasn't like they were being very discreet", the youngest scoffs, "We were walking back to our rooms and were greeted with... those noises in the hallway."

"And you guys found out how?", the leader now turns to the two traitors.

"Jin told me he saw them them coming out of the same closet looking disheveled and secretive. And then I saw Taehyung in the hallway on a separate occasion with red lipstick all over his mouth. And I wanted to tell everyone, but Jin dragged me down with him!", Jimin throws his hyung under the bus.

"Hey! I was just minding my own business, innocently eating my wonderfully delicious banana when I was corrupted by the scene happening in front of me! I didn't ask to know about their secret, but when I found out I thought it would be best if we didn't tell anyone, because look at how much drama it's causing!", Jin's frantic yelling voice finally finishes.

"So are they together?", Yoongi, who's been quiet until now, asks with a blank expression.

"Well... We actually have no idea", Jimin admits.

Hoseok looks at his friend worriedly. He's the only one who knows just how bad Yoongi has fallen for Moonhae.

"I saw it coming", Namjoon breaks the tension, leaning back in his chair.

"How?", everyone turns to him, disbelieving and calling bullshit.

"I know Moonhae. And of course I know Taehyung. When all of you were tripping head over heels, you could actually see him fall in love. And he's never really been in love before, not with any of his girlfriends. So he would never let her go. And who can resist him? Even Moonhae who usually goes for the worst guys can't resist him", Namjoon explains in his own thought-out way.

They take it in for a moment.

"Aw bullshit!", Jungkook scoffs and the others agree that Namjoon is indeed just trying to be smart.

"Whatever, I don't need your guys' approval to know I'm the most intelligent in the group", Namjoon shrugs and earns more disapproving looks.

That's when the door to the private room bursts open and Taehyung stumbles in, followed by the waiter.

"I'm so sorry, guys!", he apologizes frantically and takes the last free seat.

He looks like he threw on the nearest thing he could find, wearing a mismatched coat with a sweater and loose pants. His hair isn't very neat either, to put it nicely.

"Look who finally arrived. The man of the hour", Jin flips the pages of his menu angrily, cursing the boy out in his mind for getting him in trouble with the other members.

"May I take your order now that your full party has arrived?", the waiter, who stands off to the side, asks awkwardly.

They nod and place their orders, now awaiting the food's arrival with an odd tension in the air.

"So... What were you doing, Taehyung?", Hoseok tries to make idle conversation.

"Well, I...", he trails off.

"Oh, cut the crap already", Yoongi snaps at the others and then turns to Taehyung, "We all know you're sleeping with Moonhae."

"Yoongi!", Hoseok scolds him, as everyone stares at Taehyung's face of shock, his jaw nearly dropping down to the table.

"W-what?", he stammers.

"Don't play dumb", Yoongi has had enough of the secretive shit.

"I-I'm not. I mean I don't- I mean- How?", he nervously ruffles through his messy hair.

"You mean how do we know? Jin, Jimin and Jungkook heard you having sex and Jungkook told us", he responds nonchalantly, taking a sip of the water the waiter has brought him.

"Yoongi, chill", Jimin warns him, "But he's not wrong, Tae. Also it was kind of obvious when you kept showing up to practice with red lipstick on your mouth."

"And even more obvious when you came out of that closet after Moonhae, looking like you just ran a marathon", Jin scoffs with his arms crossed.

"I can't believe... Wait, but you can't tell her you know!", the boy suddenly says frantically.

"What exactly is even going on between you two?", Namjoon asks the question that's burning on all of their minds.

"W-well...", he nervously looks down at his fidgeting hands, "I guess we're dating now."

"Aw, Taehyungie, that's all you've ever wanted", Jimin lovingly places his hand on his best friend's shoulder.

"How did it happen? We all thought you were devastated after that kiss", Hoseok inquires.

"I was. But a couple days later she came to my room. I was ready to apologize and go back to being friends, but she kissed me. A lot. I don't know what happened, but she said that she thinks she really likes me", he smiles cutely to himself.

"Well, that's because-", Jungkook starts, but gets cut off by Jimin's look and the shaking of his head. He doesn't want Taehyung to know that he made Moonhae realize her feelings for him. It would just complicate things.

"...Because you're so great", the maknae finishes his sentence chuckling awkwardly.

"What happened then?", Namjoon encourages Taehyung to continue, ignoring the other boy.

"I took her on a date. I mean just dinner, but we're trying to keep things private. And well, I spend every free moment I have with her now. She's absolutely amazing", he gushes.

"More like every free second you have, even every stupid bathroom break we get...", Jin mumbles under his breath, flicking his fork at the table.


"What?", Jin looks up at the boy innocently.

"So you really like her?", Namjoon rests his chin in the palms of his hands.

"I think I love her", he expresses, surprised by his own honesty, "But you really can't tell her! Not about any of this. She didn't want anyone to know about us yet."

And so the boys promise they will keep the secret.

And they do. Sort of.

When Moonhae comes into their dance practice room the next morning, they don't say a thing.

"Hey, do you have any of those foam rollers? The ones to work out with? I can't find any", she asks them, joining the group with her hands on her hips.

"Uh, I'm not sure...", Namjoon starts looking around the room.

Moonhae glances at Taehyung, who doesn't meet her eyes and nervously chews on his bottom lip. That's when she notices the rest of the members staring at her in an unusual way.

"What's wrong?", she hesitates.

"Nothing", they almost say in unison.

Taehyung looks at them angrily. They're the absolute worst at acting like they have nothing to hide.

"Um, Tae, can I talk to you for a second?", her lilted voice and narrowed eyes tell him he's in trouble.

Gulping down his nervousness, he nods, following her out of the room. As soon as they step out into the hallway, Moonhae pushes him against the wall and places her hands up on either side of his shoulders. It's not in a sexual way though and it startles him a little.

"What did you tell them?", she asks, looking up at him expectantly.

"What do you mean?", he furrows his brow.

"I'm not stupid, you know? Did you see how they were looking at me? What did you tell them?", she repeats.

"I swear, Moonhae, I didn't tell them anything", she sighs disappointedly at his answer, so he decides to continue, "B-but Jimin, Jin and Jungkook found out and told everyone..."

"I knew it!", she retreats her hands from the wall, "I fucking knew that they knew!"

"Wait what?"

"Guys just have that look. That look when they know you're sleeping with someone they know", she shakes her head and smiles a little bit.

"You're not mad?"

"No... I'm sorry for being upset. Honestly, it's probably better they know. We have enough people we have to keep this a secret from", her expression turns a little darker.

Dating is never easy as a k-pop idol. Despite most fan's loving nature, they tend to get possessive because they care so much. They get jealous of anyone who seems too close to their idol. It's a sad truth.

"You're right", he can only agree.

"Ok, let's go back in and get this over with", Moon eyes the door that the expectant boys are waiting behind.

"Wait!", he grabs for her hand before she can move away. She gazes up at him expectantly.

"I just... I want to know, before we have to face everyone... Do you want to be my girlfriend?", he finally musters up the courage and says it, looking her straight in the eyes.

Her expression changes at this question, her eyes widen a little at first and her lips part, but then her mouth forms into a perfect smile, biting her lips before it gets too wide, as she practically beams at the boy in front of her.

"You're really cheesy, you know? But of course I'm going to say yes", she giggles excitedly, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Are you sure you want to be my boyfriend?", her low whisper in his ear makes his heart bounce.

"I've never been more sure of anything", he smirks, leaning down to kiss her.

This time, before entering the room again, Taehyung makes sure there's no residue of Moon's red lipstick on his mouth. As they go in, the boys just stare at the two. Not being discreet whatsoever.

"So... You guys all know about me and Tae", Moonhae starts awkwardly and they nod, "I don't want this to be weird, cause you're all of my closest friends..."

"And it won't be weird, because you're my girlfriend now", Taehyung wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her closer with a cute boxy smile.

"I meant for them", she reiterates, but can't help laugh at how proud Taehyung seems.

"It's not weird", Jimin speaks up with a small grin, "It's actually really nice to see you guys together."

"But now Tae sounds like Jin!", Jungkook whines and receives looks from the two.

"Well, I think it's wonderful that some other people finally understand how to appreciate real, adult relationships", Jin preaches, "So maybe if you put in some work, you would understand, too, Kookie."

"You make us sound old, I don't like it", she frowns at the elder.

"Not old, but mature", he smiles.

"You and mature? Pfft...", Jungkook shakes his head.

"Yah!", Jin looks like he's about to take off his shoe and hit the younger with it.

"I, um...", Yoongi speaks up to everyone's surprise. Hoseok gazes at him worriedly again. He doesn't know what's going through his mind or what he'll say.

"You guys make a really great couple. I'm happy for you", Yoongi continues shyly, barely looking at the two.

"Thank you, Yoongi", she thanks him sincerely. It means a lot to her that he approves. Of course, she has no idea what Yoongi's heart really looks like.

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