The Aftermath

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April 2021

"You did not have to make a scene like that at dinner", Moonhae scolds Taehyung for the tenth time the next day. Getting ready for the concert tonight, he has no choice but to listen.

"Yeah, but I had to say something! Who knows what Jungkook was doing to her?", he shoots back, trying not to picture them together.

"Tae, your sister is very capable of making her own decisions", she tells him.

"Yeah, but not when it comes to Jungkook", he starts ranting, "Am I the only one who remembers Jiyoo? He led her on so bad, she got together with Namjoon just to be close to him. And when he finally admitted he never loved her, guess who saw the aftermath of that? I didn't even like her and I felt bad for her. Imagine that being my sister."

"But it wasn't. That was Jiyoo. Call me delusional, but I actually believe Jungkook has feelings for Eunjin", Moon tries to reason.

"You're delusional", he merely responds.

"Oh my god, Tae", she can't help rolling her eyes at how stubborn he's become, "Fine, you can believe whatever you want, but that won't stop them from seeing each other."

"But...", he doesn't come up with anything, so he makes an unhappy whining noise instead.

"Well, that's it", Moonhae gets up from the couch they've been sitting on, "We're not having any kids cause I've obviously already got one."

"Nooo!", Taehyung jumps up after her before she can leave the ready room, "But I want kids!"

"I know", she turns to him with a cold smile, "Five of them to be exact. And I ain't giving you that."

"B-but", he grabs her wrist before she turns away, "If I'm an adult about the Eunjin and Jungkook situation, will you give me kids?"

Looking at his pleading face for a moment and trying to hold back her laughter, she slowly considers, "Hmm... Maybe one."

"Just one?", he drops her hand in disappointment.

"And not anytime soon", she flicks his nose while he pouts, "We're not even close to being married."

"Jin and Hyunae are getting married and they've only been together a little longer than we have", he tells her with puckered lips.

"Jin and Hyunae have always had their shit together", she feigns a soft tone, "Us? Not so much."

"One day though...", he pokes at her and she can't help but giggle a little.

"I heard Jin's going to announce it at the concert tonight", she then changes her demeanor, slightly worried about army's reactions, "Is he going through with it?"

"Yeah", Taehyung scratches the back of his head, "The company gave him the go-ahead, because he also has to tell his fans about his military service and it's best if they hear it from him directly."

"He must be terrified of the responses though. No one has the slightest idea that he's been dating her for the past three and a half years", she voices her worries.

"He is... But he's finally ready to tell them."

There's a pause before Taehyung's expression changes to be playful again, "You know, you can sit in the crowd with Hyunae and support her... and maybe she'll talk about some wedding stuff... and maybe you'll get some ideas..."

"Kim Taehyung, respectfully, shut the fuck up", she gives him an unamused stare.

"Alright, alright", he laughs, pulling her back into the room, "No more wedding talk, I promise. Will you help me get ready for the concert though?"

"Fine", she gives in to the man she knows she can't resist.

With the beginning of the concert inching closer and closer, Yoongi grows increasingly worried when neither Minjun nor Myeong show up backstage and won't answer his calls either. When one of them does show up, it's not the person he's desperately hoped for.

"Hi, sorry I'm late", Myeong breathes out in a hurry while a staff member adjusts Yoongi's microphone and sound pack.

"Where's Minjun?", he immediately asks.

"I...", she looks around nervously, anywhere but his eyes, "He, um..."

"What?", the elder grows impatient, "I go on stage in like 5. Please tell me he's already in the crowd."

"Yoongi, I...", she bites her bottom lip, "I don't know where he is..."

"What do you mean?", his heart drops into his stomach, "When did you see him last?"

"Um, well... We were getting ready for the concert and had some extra time, so Minjun wanted to  hang out in the city for a bit...", her hesitation to speak is getting on the stressed boy's nerves, "And we met this group of people and when I said it's time to leave for the concert, he insisted on staying a little longer and told me to go ahead, so eventually I did, but he hasn't shown up since and he's not answering my calls..."

There's more she wants to say, but she holds herself back, digging her fingernails into her wrist under her sleeve to remind herself.

"Are you kidding? Minjun is off in New York somewhere by himself and there's no way to reach him?!", Yoongi bursts out in irritation.

"Well, he's with the group of guys we met...", she wishes she could just keep her mouth shut.

"And him being with a bunch of random Americans is supposed to make me feel better?!"

"Look, I'm sorry, Yoongi", she can barely meet his eyes, as hers start to tear up, "I should've stayed with him. But you know he does these things, he'll show up sooner or later..."

"Time to go", the staff member notifies Yoongi and starts pushing him towards the stage area.

"Fuck", he swears under his breath before turning to Myeong once more, "Okay, just go to your seat and see if he shows up."

With that she turns on her heel and tries to hold back tears as she makes her way to the VIP area. Yoongi on the other hand, stressed, disappointed and slightly confused, gets ready to go on stage.

Most of the other boys are already waiting in line. Somehow Eunjin has found herself into the backstage section, as she's wishing Jungkook good luck for his performance. They hug and kiss, making it clear that Taehyung must not have arrived yet. The next moment he does though, walking up to the couple with a scowl and grabbing Jungkook's shoulder. Ignoring Eunjin's protests, he pulls the younger along with him to finally set foot on stage.

The concert begins without any complications, except for the varying moods the members seem to be experiencing. Nevertheless, they give army their best performance.

Myeong sits with the girls of Bangtan, including Moonhae, Aya, Eunjin, Youna and Hyunae, in their own private booth area. It's towards the middle of the concert that she notices someone being let into their space.

"Minjun!", she jumps up from her seat to hiss at him, "You idiot, where were you?!"

"Relax", looking flushed, he plops down next to her, "I was hanging out with the guys, you know that."

"Yeah, but the concert already started!", she tries to keep her voice down, so the others can enjoy the show, "What the hell were you doing with all those guys that don't even speak your language for that long?!"

"You know I speak some English", he merely rolls his eyes and looks away, "And we didn't need to talk all too much to understand each other."

Her stomach churns, but she ignores the bad thoughts in the back of her mind. Just bad memories threatening to spill over.

"Well, at least make it up to Yoongi. He was really upset", she murmurs, her heart beating for the boy on stage.

"I always make it up to Yoongi", Minjun mutters back, leaning forward to get a better look at the performance.

Songs upon songs go by, the fans getting rowdier and rowdier with each one. The stadium shines beautifully with all the colorful lights going off from the army bombs and the mood in the crowd couldn't be better. The worries of the world outside are blended out and there's only the moment right here, right now with seven ethereal boys standing in front of them.

It slowly gets to the last few songs and everyone knows to await their little speech interludes. While everyone in the crowd is ecstatic over Namjoon's heartfelt speech and the other member's kind words, the people in the VIP section are on the edges of their seats, knowing very well what's going to happen next.

After everyone has spoken, the camera finally pans to Jin.

"Hello, army!", he starts off as his usual cheerful self, shouting excitedly into the microphone. As he continues to speak in Korean however, fans are surprised they've hired a live translator to put subtitles up on the big screens as he talks.

"I want to thank all of you so much for coming here tonight. Not only that, but for supporting us every day with such intense energy that it makes all of our lives brighter. We are- and I am- so lucky to have an audience like you that we can call ours. That we can call army. You mean the world to mean and that's why I want to tell you some things that I'd much rather do face to face than over some big press statement."

With that sentence, the crowd that had been cheering so loudly before, suddenly becomes a little uneasy. Jin himself, takes a deep breath to keep his voice from wavering and the teariness out of his eyes.

"As you know, there's been some discussion about when I'll be completing my military service for my country. And I'm happy to say that I'll be serving my duty once we've completed the tour. I will miss all of you dearly during that time, but I will be back and work my hardest to make up for the time I've been away!"

There's some uneasiness and definitely some tears amongst army, but they support him with cheers nevertheless, as he bows in front of them out of courtesy. It's with trembling hands that he then continues.

"A lot of changes are going to be happening in my life in the next year", he gives a weary smile, tears threatening to spill over, "There's a secret that I've been keeping from all of you... A secret that makes me very happy."

Pausing for a moment and gazing out into the audience towards where Hyunae must be sitting, the stadium becomes increasingly louder in anticipation.

"You all know Moonhae and Aya", he continues, making everyone quiet down, "Two lovely girls that make Taehyung and Jimin very happy. Well... This is the first time I can tell you that I, too, have my own girl."

The screams are almost too intense to handle, but he's not finished speaking.

"Her name is Hyunae and she's sitting in the crowd tonight. I've never loved someone as much as I love this young woman. She is the most amazing to me and if you hold love for me, I hope you can share it with her as well. We've been together for quite some time now and I must truly be the luckiest man in the world..."

His words are cut off by his voice breaking, tears now rolling down his cheeks in this highly emotional moment. Jimin, who's standing next to him, gives him a loving squeeze for strength.

"I am the luckiest", he wipes his happy tears, "I have been for a while and that's why... That's why I asked the love of my life to marry me yesterday and she said yes-"

If you thought the the screams couldn't get any louder, you thought wrong. It's the whole stadium shaking, with a crying Jin at its center and a sobbing Hyunae out in the crowd, both of them overwhelmed with feelings of happiness.

And then, like in a moment out of a fairy tail, the screams and cheers slowly turn into something else. A tune. And then words are distinguishable. That very moment, all the armys around them engulf into song, singing the chorus of You Never Walk Alone.

If Jin wasn't crying enough before, he sure was now. Sinking to his knees before them, the most loving people in the world, he finds himself at his most vulnerable state. The song not only signifies their support throughout his military service, but also his relationship and marriage. Something he was so afraid of telling them about.

But the stadium echoes in support, far beyond what they could've imagined.

"Ayy I never walk alone

neowa na hamkkeramyeon

useul su isseunikka

Ayy you never walk alone

noewa na hamkkeramyeon

useul su isseunikka."

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