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January 2017

"I feel like I haven't trained enough for the ISACs this year...", Jimin whines at his stylist noona.

"You'll do fine", she waves him off.

"Have you seen Kookie? He's really been going at it. But I'm just sitting around lazily..."

"If you feel that way, then do something about it. Get up and go train with Jungkook, but don't go injuring yourself", she tells him as she fixes his hair.

Jimin just groans and buries his head in his hands, "They're all going to hate me..."

"Oh, shush. Now raise your head again or I can't keep working on your hair."

Reluctantly, Jimin complies, but he goes silent and stares off into the distance, thoughts of self-doubt slowly spiraling.

"You know what I've heard...", the stylist starts, noticing his absent mind.

He looks at her expectantly.

"Apparently you guys are staying at the same hotel as Twice", she says in a low voice, making sure no one overhears.

"Twice?", Jimin raises his eyebrows, "And management allowed it?"

She nods, continuing, "And apparently, Moon is staying with them."

"Moonhae?", now Jimin's eyes widen, "Are you serious?"

"Very... Now you didn't hear it from me though...", she warns him.

Later in the day, six of the boys are getting their dinner from the kitchen. After a long day of practicing, they're all exhausted and hungry. That's when Jimin bursts into the room excitedly.

"You'll never believe what I just heard", he acts cooly as his members look at him expectantly.

"We're staying at the same hotel as Twice and Moon for the ISACs", Jimin cuts right to the chase.

"No way", Jungkook's mouth hangs open.

"Don't they always keep the boy and girl groups separate?", Hoseok inquires.

"They do. I have no idea why they would...", Namjoon ponders, "Where did you hear this from?"

"Stylist noona."

"Chill, guys. You're acting like a bunch of pubescent boys. It's really not a big deal", Yoongi groans.

"But Moonhae is going to be there", Taehyung gulps down some kimchi.

"Speaking of which, don't you still have a story to tell us, Namjoon?", Jimin eyes him.

"A story?", Namjoon echoes innocently, but his eyes tremble a little.

"Oh, yeah! You said you knew Moon from way back in the day!", Hoseok recalls.

"I really don't think...", Namjoon trails off as they beg him to tell the story.

"Alright... Well, we knew each other from when I was in the underground rap scene. We were sort of in the same friend group", Namjoon starts hesitantly.

"No way", Jungkook says once again.

"Remember I had that girlfriend who made me insecure with all of her guy friends? Well, one of her close girl friends was Moonhae", he continues, "And one day after I was on another break with my girlfriend, I hung out with Moon to vent to her. We got really drunk-"

"I'm sorry, but how old were you again?", Jin interrupts.

"We were all underage, it was kind of a messed up friend group, but anyway, that's not the point", Namjoon waves him off, "So we got really drunk and I thought it would be a great idea to kiss her... And then we started making out..."

"You did what?!", everyone looks at Namjoon, shocked by what they just heard.

"...Well, she also gave me a blowjob", Namjoon's voice is barely audible, but his hyungs sure heard it and erupt into perplexed shouting.

"Moon- like the hottest singer on earth- gave you a fucking blowjob?!", Jungkook struggles to wrap his head around it.

"How could you have never told us this before?!", Jimin's mouth is still dropped open.

"Did you have sex?", Hoseok's eyes are wide.

"Guys, no! Chill for a second! First of all, no we didn't have sex. Second, she wasn't really that into it and said it was a mistake. And third, she ended up telling my girlfriend about it who then never got back together with me. So, we really didn't end on a good note", Namjoon explains annoyedly, "That's why it's stupid that all of you are going crazy over meeting her."

"Ok, but if it were me, I would have told your girlfriend, too, since they were close friends", Hoseok says honestly.

"She sounds like she had some past...", Jin sighs.

"Yeah, none of us had it good back then...", Namjoon recalls, "I remember she had a lot of family troubles. We each had our own shit we were going through."

Over the next few days, the Bangtan boys train vigorously, but there's a faint whispering going around the staff about the hotel situation. One afternoon Bang PD drops by at one of their practices and asks to speak with the boys.

"It's come to my attention that you've heard about Twice and Moon staying at the same hotel you are", he starts and the seven boys exchange glances. 

"Now we're not sure why, but the ISAC management assigned us to this hotel. That's all fine, we're not going to argue. What I need from you guys though is to be civil. There's common rooms where you can hang out and you'll be having dinners along with the girls, but for the love of god please do not visit their private hotel rooms or go off on your own. You know how lenient we are when it comes to dating, but with the media watching all the groups like hawks during the ISACs, we really can't afford a scandal. So please behave and no silly one-night stands", Bang PD finishes explaining.

The Bangtan boys just stand there in silence as if they've just been given "the talk" by their parents.

"I mean really: What do you think of us?", Jin breaks the ice and laughs his little windshield-wiper laugh.

"That's right: We're gentlemen", Jimin snickers.

"When have we ever caused a scandal?", Hoseok adds.

Bang PD narrows his eyes at them, knowing they're definitely not as innocent as they seem, but decides to trust them.

"Very well. Have fun, but not too much fun", he warns before leaving the room.

"You heard that, Kookie? That whole speech was for you", Jimin teases the youngest.

"Yeah, right! It was more for you than for anyone!", Jungkook retorts as he tries to hit Jimin, who keeps dodging him.

"Actually, I feel like Namjoon might be the one causing a scandal. I mean with all that history!", Hoseok teases him excitedly.

"Shut up. I'm the one you should worry the least about", he grunts in return.

When the day of the Idol Star Athletic Championship finally comes, the seven boys are driven to the venue in order to arrive the night before. After unloading their baggage and settling into their rooms, they're invited to a dinner in one of the hotel's private mess halls.

"Where should we sit? Why is the table so big?", Jungkook asks the rest of the group as they step into the dining hall.

"Didn't they say Twice was going to eat with us?", Jin ponders.

"Oh, yeah..."

Without explanation Taehyung picks up a pair of chopsticks from one of the table settings and sticks them in his mouth to imitate a walrus.

"Guys, look at me", he giggles.

"Seriously?", Namjoon doesn't look impressed.

Jungkook, on the other hand, decides to follow what his hyung is doing and picks up another chopstick, sticking this one into his left nostril. The two are giggling at each other's immaturity until the dining room door suddenly opens. Jihyo, Momo, Nayeon and Dahyun walk into the room and Jungkook immediately pulls the chopstick out of his nose and puts it back on the table, causing him to sneeze loudly. The girls eye him and he attempts to regain his composure. Taehyung, however, does no such thing, still having both of his chopsticks sticking out of his mouth.

"Hey! Haven't seen you guys in forever", Jihyo smiles and greets them.

They giggle at Taehyung, who's just staring at them, and he finally decides to put down the chopsticks and greet them properly with the rest of his hyungs. They talk to catch up for a couple of minutes before Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon and Sana enter the room. They include themselves in the conversation as well, but slowly drift off to the other side of the table with the rest of their Twice members. Finally, the door swings open for the last time, Tzuyu and Mina accompanying Moonhae and giggling as they do.

Moonhae's sensual beauty is intimidating as she steps into the room like she owns it. Her wavy, long black hair sways slowly with every motion and her sun kissed skin practically glows under the dining room light. She moves around daintily in her small ensemble: A short black silk dress one would usually wear to a party. Her red lips fall into a natural pout while she scans the room, her seductively angled cat eyes falling onto the group of boys standing at the right side of the table.

"Oh, you guys must be BTS", Moon acknowledges them, the corners of her mouth slightly rising.

The boys nod and she walks over to introduce herself in a polite, yet distant tone, "I'm Choe Moonhae. Nice to meet you guys in person."

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Jimin", Jimin gives her a hearty smile.

"I'm Taehyung", he steps forward and slightly bows his head, giving her a shy smile.

"I'm Kim Soekjin", for once Jin's introduction is not over-the-top, although he does look at her with enticing eyes.

"I'm Hoseok. Everyone just calls me Hobi though", Hoseok laughs a little.

"I'm Yoongi", Yoongi merely says, scratching behind his ear, as he does when he's nervous or concentrating.

"I'm Jungkook", the youngest says grinning from ear to ear.

"Um... I'm Namjoon", Namjoon is the last to introduce himself.

The group falls silent as they look from Namjoon's face to Moon's, gaging the atmosphere between the two.

"Oh... Namjoon...", Moon says in a light tone, but her eyes seem to be narrowed.

"Well, I'm going to have a hard time learning your names... But I do know you, Hobi. You worked with my choreographer on one of my songs", Moon breaks the odd tension.

"Oh, yeah, I remember! That was a lot of fun", Hoseok nods with a big heart smile.

"You did an amazing job. We should dance together sometime", Moon gives him a small grin.

"I'd love that."

"How about we get to eating?", Jeongyeon suggests and everyone agrees, seating themselves at the table.

They dig into the various Korean dishes and hold a light conversation with each other. Jokes are told, experiences are shared, the idols know the struggles of the industry all too well. Moon makes a few witty remarks, but doesn't say much for most of the meal. Her demeanor has always been quite cold on the outside, especially when she's around people she doesn't know too well.

"So... Moon... I've been wondering", Jihyo looks at her from across the table, "How on earth did you get your relationship with Jaewon to go public?"

Moon just looks at her friend with an amused expression, but the rest of the Twice girls encourage the question.

"We've got to know! I mean you did it so soon after your debut as well!", Tzuyu commends her.

"Well...", Moon hesitates, looking around at the expectant faces at the table. Even the Bangtan boys are looking at her. "You have to know exactly how to present your relationship to management in order to make it seem like a good business proposition for them."

"I could never", Chaeyoung sighs.

"It was a process", Moon admits, "I don't know if I'd do it again..."

"But you and Jaewon are so cute together!", Dahyun gushes.

"Thanks", Moon barely smiles as she accepts the compliment.

"Are you two alright, though? I heard some scary stuff", Jeongyeon asks with a lowered voice next to Moon.

"Oh, yeah, we're fine", the girl assures her.

"By the way, what are you guys competing in tomorrow?", Namjoon changes the subject.

The Twice members happily list their disciplines and BTS does the same.

"Since I'm a solo artist, they only let me compete in rhythmic gymnastics and the 60m dash", Moon explains.

"Rhythmic gymnastics? We'll definitely all come see you", Jimin smirks.

"You better not. I've been practicing the choreography for forever, but it's still really bad", Moon tells him.

"I guess we'll be the judge of that", Jimin teases her lightly.

Dinner finishes on a good note and the group prepares to head back to their hotel rooms. Moon gets a call on her phone and quickly leaves the room, looking tense.

"Should we maybe hang out at the private lounge?", Jungkook suggests to the rest of the group.

"We also thought about relaxing there", Jihyo admits.

"We could play some games?", Taehyung suggests cutely, but then lowers his voice to sound more mature, "Or maybe listen to some music?"

"Sure", the Twice girls agree.

"Could you let Moonhae know as well? She probably headed for her room", Tzuyu asks the boys.

"What room is she in?"

"305. That's on your floor, I think", she replies.

That's when seven giddy boys get into the elevator to invite Moon to hang out with them.

"She's funny", Jungkook says to his members, but smiling to himself.

"Funny?", Yoongi raises his eyebrows.

"I know what you mean", Jin agrees, "She's subtly funny. She has a very subtle humor."

"I can't believe you guys are actually fanboying over her", Namjoon grunts, but they ignore him.

When they reach the entrance to her hotel room, Jimin is the one to knock on the door.

There's a pause, then a "Come in, it's open!" from inside. Sure enough, the door was left ajar, so the boys shuffle into the hotel room to see Moon standing by her dresser on the phone.

"Hold on one minute", she tells the person on the receiver with an irritated expression, then turns to BTS with a small smile, "Hey, what's up?"

"Sorry to bother you", Jimin is also the one to speak, "We're getting together at the lounge on the second floor. Do you want to come?"

Taehyung gives her a happy smile and a thumbs up from behind Jimin, causing Moon to laugh a little.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there in like ten minutes", she tells them and they shuffle back out of the room to leave Moon to finish her phone conversation.

Almost a half an hour of relaxing and listening to music in the lounge passes before Moonhae gets there. The Bangtan boys are sitting on a long L-shaped couch, fighting loudly over a snickers bar when she walks into the room. Her eyes seem a little red and puffy as if she's been crying, but she grins when she sees the ruckus the boys are causing.

"You know, for your ages you sure are silly", she laughs at them and crosses her arms.

"You came!", Hoseok says excitedly, finally grabbing the snickers bar for himself.

"Of course I did", she smiles, her red lipstick making her smile look straight out of a commercial, "So what are we listening to?"

"Jeongyeon put something on, I don't know", Jimin merely says.

The current song ends and the next one starts playing. It's none other than Blood Sweat & Tears.

"Noooo! Why are you playing our songs?", Jimin complains, covering his face with his hands.

"Leave it on! I never listen to BTS, I want to hear you guys", Moon interjects before Jeongyeon can change the song.

"We should make you listen to the classics then", Jin suggests.

"Alright then", Moon seats herself next to Jin on the sofa, "Hit me."

They borrow Jeongyeon's phone to select certain songs. The first they play is Save Me. Moon seems to be enjoying the song as she bobs her head to the music and tries to figure out the notes with her fingers.

"Not bad", she nods slowly once the song finishes, making the boys pleased.

The next is Run.

"Oh, I get it now", Moon announces after the second song, "Jimin has a very soft and high voice and Jungkook has a very stable and light voice."

"Pretty much", Yoongi nods.

"I really like Hobi's parts, they sound so fun. Namjoon's English parts sound a little odd...", she continues to ponder aloud.

Namjoon just looks at her with a blank expression and doesn't react.

"I think Taehyung's voice is the best though. It's so soulful", Moon's eyes are gleaming as she pays him the compliment.

"Thank you", Taehyung is taken-aback.

"Ok, ok. You want to listen to one of my solo songs?", Hoseok cuts into the conversation.

Boy Meets Evil starts playing and Moon immediately looks like she's enjoying it. When it gets to the "Too bad but it's too sweet" part, Moon starts harmonizing along with her soft voice.

"Who composed this?", her eyes are gleaming again when the music ends.

"Pdogg", Hoseok replies, happy that she loved the song.

"Wow, I'd love to make music like this some day. They don't really let me write...", Moon trails off for a moment, "You guys are really talented. Maybe we can listen to more tomorrow."

The group agrees as it's already gotten fairly late and they have to compete tomorrow. Having enjoyed their short time together, they head off into their private hotel rooms, awaiting the events the next day holds.

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