The Photographer

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July 2020

"Dispatch has done it again y'all, are we even surprised?"

Jin stands at the head of the table, sliding his phone across the surface for everyone to see. The members were minding their own business, just eating lunch during their break as they usually do. Now Jin seems to have found a new issue to bring up.

"What is it?", Jungkook barely looks up from the bowl of ramen he's scarfing down.

Namjoon, who is staring at Jin's phone screen, has his jaw drop in surprise.

"Are you kidding?", he glances up at Jin and then at Jimin, who's seated across from him.

"I wish I was", Jin scoffs with his arms crossed.

"What?", Jimin seems confused, his cheeks stuffed with rice as he glances up from his food.

"Show me that", Hoseok suddenly reaches across the table to grab Jin's phone, "Oh shit."

"What?", the maknae line gets a little impatient, but is still too preoccupied with eating to take a look at the phone themselves.

"BTS's Park Jimin spotted in Dongdaemun lingerie shop", Hoseok reads out for everyone.

Jimin chokes on his food, almost spewing out his rice as he tries to regain himself. Both Jungkook and Taehyung, which he's sitting in between of, try patting him on the back to dislodge the food stuck in his throat. Eventually calming himself, he takes a swig of water, coughing lightly into his hand.

"What the fuck?", he croaks, still hunched over from choking.

"And you said I was the idiot", Jungkook rolls his eyes, thinking back to his scandal, which was much less significant in his opinion.

"Jimin why though?", Yoongi interjects with an annoyed expression, "Everyone knows to order stuff like that online."

"I just- I- But-", he stammers to find words, "There was no one in that mall though!"

"Dispatch apparently was", Jin whistles through his teeth.

"Fuck", he buries his head in his hands, leaning his elbows against the table in frustration.

"Well, it's not the end of the world...", Taehyung leans forward to comfort him, "It's not like they know who you were buying lingerie for."

"Yeah, only that army found out about Jimin's obvious crush on Aya last year", Jungkook conquers sheepishly.

"Yeah, but how would they know that he's dating her now? It could be anyone", Taehyung argues.

"I mean, for all they know, I could've bought the lingerie for myself, right?", Jimin suggests hopefully, but only receives solemn head shaking from his hyungs.

"No, Jimin... I don't think anyone would think that", Namjoon tells him honestly.

"Bang PD's gonna hate me", the boy in trouble then groans.

"You certainly won't be his favorite person for a while", Yoongi mutters, nonchalantly stretching back in his seat.

"Like that title was ever up for grabs anyway", Namjoon scoffs, "Ever since Moon came to the company she's been his favorite."

"He's just happy to see how much money you can make with a female solo act", Jin waves him off.

"Sex sells", Yoongi says under his breath.

"Excuse you", Taehyung shoots his hyung a deadly glare.

"But he actually loves her though", Namjoon shrugs, knowing Bang PD gets fed up with her so often, yet under all that really cares for her.

"As much as he loves us?", Jungkook's eyes suddenly grow round at that, becoming pouty, "But we've been with Big Hit since the beginning..."

"Yah! A little off topic here!", Jimin interjects annoyedly, trying to focus on his current dilemma.

"Look, you'll be fine", Taehyung assures him, "It's not like you were actually caught with a girl. Big Hit probably won't even respond to this and it'll blow over."

"You're just saying that, because you've been through worse with Moonhae", Jimin frowns.

"Fine, then don't need my help", Taehyung humphs and leans back with his arms crossed.

"No, no, I'm sorry, help me please, I don't know what to do", Jimin huffs out all in one breath, clinging to his friend in desperation.

"Alright, then let's head to manager hyung, huh?", he suggests, pulling the boy up from the table with him.

Sure enough, Bang PD and the other managers tell Jimin to lay low and ignore any of the articles coming at him. Things will soon blow over if they don't respond to any allegations of him having a girlfriend. He just can't have any more slip-ups.

With restrictions being lifted in their country, the company puts them back to more work however. A big new photoshoot is scheduled for them, shooting for promotional packages later that month. Apparently Big Hit splurged a little on the photographer this time around, for the word around the staff is they're getting quite the famous celebrity photographer. It doesn't mean much to Bangtan, as they don't mind who takes their pictures, but they can't help overhear the gossip.

"So who's this photographer everyone's talking about?", Hoseok wonders aloud as his makeup artist fixes him up in front of the mirror, "Is he a celebrity himself or something?"

"Ah, no, they're just really good at what they do", the makeup noona tells him while setting the concealer under his eyes, "And she's not a guy."

"A girl?", Jungkook suddenly seems interested from his chair on the other side of Hoseok, leaning towards their conversation as his hair's being done up.

"Don't even think about it, Jungkookie", Hoseok warns him.

"I'm not thinking about anything", the maknae pouts, diverting his attention back to his phone.

"She's probably older and married anyway", Hoseok mutters, dropping the conversation.

His makeup artist is about to open her mouth when she's called to help get the members' outfits for the shoot.

Once they're all ready, the members start strolling out onto the set as they usually do. The set itself is jaw-dropping, traditional yet modern Korean elements tied into the royal looking hall. Red, silver and golden details sparkle in the chandeliers, streamers and seating arrangements. It's not quite like anything they've done before, but will definitely please the fans with the fitted suits they're wearing.

"Where's the director?", Jin fiddles with his hair while waiting.

Everyone looks around, not being able to spot their usual director anywhere among the other staff members. They're not really sure what to do without one.

"I'm the director", a girl that can't be any older than them, struts out from behind the cameras. Her raven black hair is done up into two braided pigtails, her dark pink lipstick almost matches the color of her cheeks and her sweet angled eyes are lined perfectly. The stare she gives the boys, however, could send icy chills down anyone's spine.

"Oh...", Jin gawks a little.

"I'm also the photographer. And the set designer. I do it all", she speaks simply, not bragging, just stating facts, "My name is Youna."

Namjoon seems slightly uncertain addressing her without a title, "Is there a last name we can-?"

"I go by Youna", she cuts him off quickly without even blinking.

"Now", she claps her hands together, scanning the group, "Who's missing?"

Exchanging looks of puzzlement, the members realize they are in fact missing one person. The person who always shows up last.

"Uh, Jimin's probably still in the dressing room", Taehyung scratches the back of his head.

"Jimin", she narrows her eyes, "Alright. Can someone please get him then?"

More looks are exchanged before a frightened Jungkook runs over to the dressing room, urging his hyung to follow him out. When he eventually does, he takes his sweet time walking onto the set, while Jungkook hurries ahead back to his spot.

"I don't appreciate latecomers", Youna eyes the boy that has finally joined them.

Jimin looks up in confusion, taking in the tense atmosphere and the gorgeous girl standing in front of him, hands placed carefully behind her back.

"Sorry?", he gives an unsure apology. No one has reacted to his tardiness in this way for a while.

"Yes, well the least you can do is hurry up and get in your spot", she gestures impatiently to the left of Jungkook.

Youna watches with her tongue in cheek as Jimin moves to stand where she's shown him. His movements seem excruciatingly slow to her, although he himself doesn't intend for them to be.

"Alright, great", she takes a deep breath, placing her hands on her hips with a slight grin, "Now let's have some real fun, huh?"

With the uneasy looking boys just standing there, she starts giving out orders to everyone.

"You", she points at Yoongi and then at a spot on the sofa, "There."

"You", she then points at Hoseok and his spot on set, "There."

They all follow her directions, not wanting to know what happens if they don't.

"Camera", she calls out into the room once all the boys are lined up on set.

Seemingly out of nowhere, an assistant comes running up with a large camera. Carefully placing it on a high tripod and securing it, they scurry off again. Youna steps forward and gazes through the camera's lens for a moment, taking everything in through her artist's eye.

"Jeon Jungkook", she startles the boy by using his full name so sternly, "A little to the right."

As he scoots over bit by bit, the others chuckle lightly. Hoseok in particular finds it quite funny how on edge everyone is because of her commanding nature.

"Jung Hoseok", she then speaks, wiping that amused smile right off his face, "Lift up your chin."

Once she's done giving orders and perfecting the angles and lighting, she snaps into her fingers one last time, "Music."

It's like every staff member is just waiting for her requests, as the music immediately starts booming out of the loudspeakers upon her speaking. It's peppy music. The kind that makes you feel energetic and ready to run a marathon. It definitely helps ease up the mood.

Posing as she calls out to them, the boys do their best. It seems Youna goes into some hyper focused headspace while she works, her hands working as quick as her eyes in taking pictures and adjusting. It's intriguing to watch her be in what must be her element. There's no doubt that the girl is gorgeous. And has an attitude problem too. But her passion and professionalism somehow makes it okay again.

As she straightens up and raises a hand over her head, the music stops. The first session must be done, for she seems to have some new ideas to add.

"Park Jimin needs glitter under his eyes", she calls out to a nearby makeup artist, who quickly rushes over.

"Kim Taehyung needs light freckles", she continues, "And Jung Hoseok needs a choker."

With assistants running around, she meticulously adjusts the settings on her camera. The careful way she runs her fingers over the machinery, does not reflect in the way she treats everything else around her.

"Amazing", her sudden praise catches them off-guard, but when they look over they can see why. She's staring down at the pictures she's taken so far.

"Um... Youna... Noona?", Hoseok's hesitant to address her, "Are you sure this is good?"

He seems to be uncertain about the dainty choker one of the stylists put around his neck, lined with sparkling diamonds.

"Looks great", she merely responds, blinking at him, "But I'm not your noona."

Hoseok gulps at that, wanting to know just how old this girl is if she's younger than him. And how she can be so demanding when more than half the people here, including staff, are older than her.

Getting back to work, she takes some close-ups and tries new angles. While she sets her camera back on the tripod and gives new instructions, someone else strolls into the studio. The click-clacking of high-heeled boots can be heard before Moonhae steps into view. Walking right up to stand near the photographer, she gives Taehyung a small wave.

His face suddenly lighting up, calls Youna's attention to him. She pulls away from the camera lens with an annoyed expression to look who's showed up.

"Can I help you?", Youna frowns at the female company.

"Yeah, could you take five or something, I want to talk to Taehyung", Moonhae speaks nonchalantly, barely taking notice of how severely bothered the young photographer is by this.

"No, we can't take five", she narrows her eyes, "This is a photoshoot not an idol get-together."

"What's the big deal?", Moon scoffs, "Aren't they supposed to take breaks?"

"They are. Under my watch. On my time", Youna pops back, "You can come back when I say it's time for a break."

"Excuse me?", Moon can't help her blood starting to boil. She turns and steps forward so she's glaring at the girl eye to eye.

"You can leave now, you're disturbing", Youna reiterates with a forced smile.

"Disturbing? I want to have a quick fucking conversation with someone. Is that too much to ask?", she cocks her head.

"It really is", she doesn't budge an inch, "However, it's really not hard to just wait until your precious boyfriend is done with work to speak to him."

"You're unbelievable", Moon can't remember the last time someone's spoken to her like this and decides she doesn't want to listen.

Turning to walk towards Taehyung on set, she's surprised when Youna steps out in front of her.

"This. Is not. A playdate", she makes it clear, "Do I have to call security?"

You could hear a pin dropping if one were to fall in that instant. Not only are the seven boys holding their breath, but the whole staff in the studio is. They have been since this argument started.

Moonhae laughs out darkly, taking a step back and glancing over at Taehyung. He shakes his head vigorously at her, warning her not to start anything. There's anger in her eyes. Petty anger he hasn't seen in a very long time. If she wasn't at work, she would've taken a swing at the girl.

"Fine", she chuckles bitterly, "Have your fun with them while you can."

Youna's dark eyes drill into her until she goes to strut out of the studio on her own accord.

"Damn", Jungkook whispers under his breath, "Did she just threaten to call security on Moon?"

"Yes, she did", Hoseok whispers back, clearly impressed. Something about her just excites him. "Yes, she did."

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