The Wedding pt.2

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June 2022

The touching ceremony has them all in tears, not just the couple standing up front finally tying the knot. Even Moonhae watches the scene with teary eyes, clutching onto an emotional Taehyung beside her. Their best friend, their brother, their family member is getting married and there's nothing happier they've witnessed.

When the party continues with the wedding reception, the mood swings to be more joyous and less emotional. There's music, entertainment and exquisite food. Some tables stand indoors while others are located on the large terrace or out in the enchanting gardens of the venue. The time comes for the speeches of loved ones and everyone quiets down while they wait for the toast at their tables. As the best man, Namjoon, delivers probably his best speech so far, coming straight from the heart. There's no one that can top him in that regard. Surprisingly, Hyunae's maid of honor comes pretty damn close with her speech though.

Once the toast is held, the guests go off to dance or mingle around this magical venue. Namjoon heads over towards the bar where he spots the girl who almost outdid him with her speech. The maid of honor is quite the rare beauty as well. A mix of Korean and something foreign, probably where she gets her natural dirty blonde hair from. It's in perfect loose curls that fall delicately around her shoulders and over that cute baby blue dress she's wearing.

"That's quite a speech you gave", he leans against the bar counter next to her.

Her hazel eyes meet his and a small smile forms on her lips, "I could say the same for you."

"I'm Kim Namjoon", he holds out a hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Grace Lee", she says, taking it, "I mean... Lee Grace. I always forget the Korean name thing."

"You're not from here?", he studies her beautiful side profile as she fixes her purse on the counter in front of her.

"No, I think that's pretty obvious", she giggles a little while gesturing towards her own face.

"But your Korean's amazing", he compliments her, "And that speech..."

"Ah well, my father's Korean and my mother's Canadian. I grew up in Canada, but we spoke Korean at home", she gives a short explanation, "And the speech... Well, I'm a producer."

"Really?", he can't help grinning.

"Yeah, I write and produce movies, dramas, anything really", she tells him, holding soft eye contact.

"Wow, well I'm a producer myself", he responds lightly, "Not in cinema though. In music."

"You're a singer?", she raises her eyebrows.

"Oh no", he chuckles a little, "I'm a... rapper."

"A rapper?", she seems amused.

"Yeah, part of a group called BTS. We're known here and there", he downplays it to seem cool.

"I came here four years ago, so I wouldn't know", she shrugs lightly.

"Well... It's kind of an international thing...", he says under his breath while looking away.

"Huh?", her gaze snaps back to him.

"Nothing", he quickly replies, now slightly embarrassed, "So... Can I get you anything?"

He gestures towards the bar as she doesn't have a drink in front of her yet. Her eyes follow his hand, but then return to meet his gaze.

"Um... The drinks are free", she tells him awkwardly.

"Oh uh...", he scratches the back of his head, now very embarrassed.

"But you mean order for me, right?", she attempts to save his offer, "I'd like that."

His grin returning with a little bit of confidence, he waves the bartender over and orders for this lovely young lady.

"So...", Myeong sits boredly at her assigned table, tapping at her fork a little unsurely.

The boy, who's invited her here, sits next to her, tense and staring around the room glumly every so often. They haven't spoken much at all and his eyes seem to be avoiding her at all costs. This could quite possibly be the most awkward event she's attended.

"Yoongi?", she says his name timidly.

"Yeah?", he glances at her before picking up his glass of champagne and downing it.

"Um... So are we gonna talk to the others or... dance or...?", she suggests random things. Anything but sitting at this silent table that'll be the death of her.

"I...", he suddenly stands up from his chair, "I'm gonna get a drink."

"But-", she wants to tell him to slow down, but he's already gone and vanished behind a crowd of people.

Completely bummed out by the whole situation, she leans back in her chair. A sudden yelling figure that appears by her table scares the living hell out of her.

"Myeong!", Moonhae grabs her hand and pulls her up, "Come on, they're doing the bouquet toss! We can't miss it!"

"What?", she's confused, but just lets herself be tugged along out to the gardens of the venue. Moonhae's obviously already tipsy and it's not like she has anything better to do.

There's a bunch of girls standing gathered in the grassy area right below the terrace. Myeong finds Moonhae to her left and Eunjin to her right. She also recognizes Aya not too far from her. Most of the guys are standing around the whole scene, observing everything from a safe distance.

"Come on, Youna", Hoseok stands off to the side with his girlfriend, trying to persuade her with a laugh, "Don't you want to join the bouquet toss? We could know if we're the next ones to get married!"

"No", Youna merely answers with a frown, not budging an inch when the cheerful Hoseok tries pulling her into the crowd.

"Wait a minute...", Taehyung then speaks up, not too far away, scanning the group of girls, "What's Eunjin doing in there? What in the hell...? YO, someone get Eunjin the fuck out of there!"

"Yup, probably a good idea", Jungkook, who finally realizes what's going on, agrees while rushing to pull his girlfriend out of the circle.

"Why?", Eunjin complains, looking back in forth between Jungkook and her brother.

"You're too young to think about marriage", Taehyung insists with his arms crossed.

"Agreed", Jungkook nods quickly.

"What the...", she mutters, "And yet Moonhae, literally the same age as me, is in there."

"Uh huh", Taehyung acknowledges that without even glancing at her, not realizing his own hypocrisy.

"I just wanted to take part in the bouquet toss...", she huffs under her breath, "Not get married, you assholes. Besides, I would've totally won."

"I know you would've", Jungkook tries to smooth things over, not ready for anything remotely close to marriage, "That's why you gotta give the others a chance, okay Eunie?"

"Whatever", she pouts.

"It's not that you guys don't make a great couple...", Taehyung then buts in.

"Did you just admit to that?", Jungkook grins from ear to ear.

"I mean... yeah", he gives in, but warns them at the same time, "But don't get any funny ideas, alright?"

"Taehyung likes Eunkook", Eunjin says teasingly in a sing-song voice, "Taehyung likes Eunkook!"

"Eunkook? What the fuck- No", he glares at his sister, "Eunjin, shut up."

Their attention is redirected to the bouquet toss as Hyunae finally steps up on the terrace and holds up a large pink flower arrangement for the girls to see. Everyone squeals, excited to catch it or just see who does. On three, she turns and tosses it up far over her head.

The bouquet seems to be moving in slow motion as it soars through the air, about thirty different girls raising their hands up simultaneously. But it goes so far with Hyunae's throw that it seems to be aiming for the last few rows of girls.

Before she even knows it herself, Myeong finds the flowers landing in her arms.

"Oh my god, Myeong!", Moonhae, who's standing next to her, gawks at the girl in awe before she starts laughing uncontrollably.

Myeong can't do anything but blink and process as the other girls start surrounding her and congratulating her catching the bouquet.

"You're so lucky! You'll be the next one married!"

"Such pretty flowers! I'm jealous!"

"Who's the lucky guy?"

Far off, near the terrace where the bar is located, a dumbfounded Yoongi has been watching the whole scene go down. He had almost choked on his drink when she caught the bouquet. What drink was this anyway? His fifth now?

Huffing angrily, he stumbles down to the garden where the girls are standing and heads straight towards Myeong. Her eyes meet his, surprised at his demeanor, but still shocked with what just happened.

"What are you even doing?", he grumbles while grabbing her arm to pull her away.

"Yoongi-", she tries to wriggle away from his upset form, but he harshly takes the bouquet she's clutching and throws it into Moonhae's arms instead.

"Yoongi!", Moonhae calls after him disturbed, but he's already headed for the inside of the venue with Myeong in tow.

"What the hell, Yoongi!", Myeong finally says as he pushes her into the now empty foyer of the place.

"I could say the same to you!", he retorts angrily, "Why did you join the fucking bouquet toss?!"

"Why wouldn't I? It's just a thing you do at weddings!", she responds all irritated, but quickly notices just how intoxicated the boy in front of her is. He's definitely not thinking straight.

"You shouldn't have caught it!", he keeps his voice raised in agitation.

"Who fucking cares?!", she shoots back, "It doesn't mean I'm going to get married next! Who even believes in that sort of crap? And why would you even care?! It's not like we're together or anything!"

His eyes seem dark as they stay trained on hers. She can see him swallow harshly at her words. If she wasn't confused enough before, she definitely is now. There's no reason for him to be acting like this.

Until he steps forward, pushing her against the wall and smashing his lips against hers. He kisses her roughly, his hands running up through her hair as if he'd been longing to do so. Her back is pressed even further against the cold wall while his body breaks all the distance between them. Her heart may be set aflame by his actions, but deep down she knows better, clearly tasting the bitter remnants of liquor on his lips. This man is obviously drunk out of his mind.

"Yoongi...", she manages to gasp as his lips relentlessly move down to her neck.

"Yoongi, we can't...", she murmurs, but her hold on his shoulders isn't strong enough to push him away and he merely moans into her in response.

"But you want this", he speaks lowly as he starts leaving love bites along her neck.

"You don't want this", she breathes, finally giving him enough push for him to look her in the eyes, "You're drunk and upset and you're just finding the next best thing to make out with. I don't want to be used again."

"You misunderstand", he leans in closer again, "I do want this. I want you, Myeong."

Before he can kiss her again though, she snaps out of the trance laid on her by him. Pressing both hands against his chest, she shoves him away.

"No, you don't", she states harshly, tears then springing to her eyes, "I guess you're still hurting, but don't pull me down with you."

With that, she escapes from his hold and dashes across the empty foyer to leave the building far behind her. All she needs to do is get to the hotel.

The drunken man stands there alone for a while, watching her run away from him. He did that. He made her hate him. And it makes him hate himself even more. He doesn't even realize he's pounding his fist against the stone walls until a stabbing pain shoots through his arm. That's when he falls to the floor defeatedly. All of this happened because of him.

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