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October 2018

Nearing the end of October, the European leg of the Love Yourself Tour comes to a close. The boys are returning to Seoul for a short break before kicking off the fourth leg in mid November. Moonhae, who isn't due for filming in Japan until the beginning of next month, excitedly prepares herself to welcome her boyfriend back home.

Wearing nothing but a black trench coat and heels, just how Taehyung likes it, she makes her way towards his room. As she rides the elevator up to their floor, she thinks of the best way to properly surprise him. However, when she skips along the seating area in the hallway, she notices a beautiful looking girl sitting on one of the couches, her head turned towards the window, admiring the view outside.

"Uh, can I help you?", Moonhae stops in her tracks and questions the stranger. You never know when a sasaeng might show up at the dorms.

The girl whips her head in Moon's direction, her soft brunette hair swaying slightly. Her plush pink lips part in surprise before she can answer.

"Oh... Are you Moon?", her almond eyes are doe-like in innocence.

"Yes", her own eyes narrow themselves, still suspicious, "And you are?"

"How rude of me", she blushes a little and gets up from her seat, bowing her head, "I'm Hyunae. It's nice to meet you."

"Hyunae?", her jaw drops, "As in Kim Seokjin's girlfriend Hyunae?!"

"I guess that's me", she giggles, playing with a strand of her perfect hair.

"No way..."

She takes the girl in again. There's no doubt she's drop dead gorgeous with her slender frame and long legs paired with soft fair skin and silky brunette hair. And she's extremely polite as well. Something Moonhae wishes she was. Especially knowing Jin will kill her when he finds out how rude she was to his precious girlfriend.

"I am so sorry. I didn't know it was you", she apologizes awkwardly.

"That's totally fine!", she keeps smiling with those perfect teeth of her's, "I did just sort of intrude here. I was waiting for Seokjin to come back. We haven't seen each other since he left for tour."

"You unironically call him Seokjin?", she has to suppress a smirk.

"Well, I call him other things, too...", for a moment the girl doesn't seem as innocent anymore, before her cute smile sets back in, "But I just miss him so much! It must be hard for you, too, with Taehyung."

"Y-yeah, I guess", she's surprised the girl knows about her and Taehyung.

In that moment, one of the staff members passes through the hallway towards the elevator, a gust of wind blowing out of the room they just came from. Unluckily, the draft happens to lift up Moonhae's trench coat, exposing her nakedness underneath. She instantly slams her hands down over the fabric so it won't blow up, but she's already revealed herself to a girl she's just met.

"It's not what it looks like", she stammers as soon as the draft passes.

"You don't-"

"I was just about to get dressed", she smiles nervously.

"Moonhae, you don't have to explain yourself", she says sweetly, "I understand."

"Ok... I should go now though. It was nice meeting you", she moves towards Taehyung's room, still clasping down her coat and her expression darkened.

"Nice meeting you, too!", Hyunae calls after her.

She can't believe she exposed herself to a girl she's just met. Not just any girl. Jin's girlfriend. Someone she will most likely have to interact with again. And her first impression of Moon will forever be that she's a slut.

With those thoughts in mind, she changes into one of Taehyung's hoodies and sweatpants that she finds in his closet. When there's voices out in the hall and the doorknob starts turning, she barely lifts the covers off of her face, jumps out of his bed and races towards the door.

"Taehyungie!", she wraps her arms around the surprised boy's neck. She almost causes him to stumble over the suitcase he was trying to wheel into the room.

"Moonhae! What are you doing here?", he beams into her embrace.

"I'm waiting for you of course", she releases him, but then squishes his face between her hands to take a closer look at him, "Did you behave?"

"You tell me", he grins, leaning in for a kiss.

When their lips meet, it's almost a feeling of relief that overcomes them. For so long they haven't been able to hold each other and now his hands are protectively wrapping around her waist again, savoring every moment.

"I missed you so much", he sighs into her ear as they pull apart.

She grins, separating herself from him and grabbing his luggage to bring into the room. He closes the door and follows her towards the bed.

"Why are you wearing my clothes?", he finally eyes her outfit.

"Mmh...", her mood immediately sours and she curls up on the bed, pouting.

"What happened?", he can't suppress a small smile from creeping onto his lips. He's missed the sweet little things she does when she gets upset.

"I met Jin's girlfriend", she spits out.

"So?", he looks a little surprised.

"And I was wearing this", she quickly points at the trench coat and heels lying on the floor.

Immediately knowing she means only this when he sees the ensemble, he sucks in some air. It's his favorite thing on her. And it doesn't fail to excite him.

"And then?", he still doesn't quite grasp what went wrong.

"... And then a gust of wind revealed my whole ass to her", Moon's voice has become barely audible and highly annoyed.

Her mood isn't helped much either when Taehyung bursts out into laughter.

"It's not funny!", she insists, but the boy's barely able to catch his breath.

"So you met Jin's girlfriend for the first time and now she knows what you look like naked?"

"Yes", her face is scrunched together at him in an angry way, but he just thinks it's cute.

"That's golden."

"No, it's not!", she lets her back drop onto the mattress, "She thinks I'm a slut now!"

"That's not true", his expression grows serious, "Please, don't say that. Don't ever associate such a derogatory term with yourself."

Laying down on the covers next to her, he wraps his arm around her waist from the side, nuzzling his nose into her neck.

"But she was so perfect and polite and proper and friendly and sweet and nice and beautiful... And I was just so raunchy", she sighs.

"Believe me, Hyunae is not as innocent as she seems", he chuckles into her ear.

"Really?", she raises her eyebrows, her curiosity peaked.

"I'm not saying anything more, you gossip girl", he playfully pokes her cheek.

"I don't gossip", she pouts once more.

"Sure you don't", Taehyung grins and pushes himself up on his side, so that he's overlooking Moonhae lying there with his loungewear on.

The baggy grey hoodie she's wearing has ridden up on her as he cuddled into her, now revealing a bit of her dainty stomach. A new thought enters his mind.

"So... Does this mean you're still naked underneath?", his grin turns mischievous.

"Taehyung-ah!", she gives him a light shove, but doesn't complain when his greedy hands run their way along her body into sensitive places.

"And you're sure this is okay?", Moonhae asks into the receiver of her phone for the millionth time.

"Trust me, this is going to be the best night ever!", Taehyung's deep voice turns lighter with excitement.

"That's not what I'm worried about...", she sighs.

"Listen, the place is safe and the people that go there are pretty high class, so we don't have to worry about anyone spotting us", he assures her over the line.

"Ok...", she allows herself to be comforted, "I'll be there in 10."

"Great! Love you and you're not going to regret this!", he affirms before hanging up.

With that, Moonhae finally gets into the black SUV waiting for her, sitting pretty in her sparkling red 1920s flapper dress. Matching with a hairpiece that pays ode to that time period, she feels just a tad uncomfortable in the ensemble Taehyung chose for her a few days ago.

However, when she finally arrives at the venue and steps out of the car, she watches her boyfriend's jaw drop from afar.

"Is that really you?", he runs up to her in his old-fashioned yet stylish suit.

"Of course. Do I not look this pretty all the time?", she smirks, flipping a lock of dark hair over her shoulder.

"It's just that you're a 1920s princess!", he exclaims with gleaming eyes. It's adorable how excited he gets about everything.

As she hooks herself into his arm, he guides her towards the brightly lit entrance of the rustic looking jazz club. He had been talking about this place for weeks, fawning over the vintage feel of the building and the sincerity of the jazz music here. He said he would take her as soon as they came back from tour. Now, here they are. Stepping in through the grand entrance, she can immediately tell why he's so enamored with the place.

It's as if they stepped through a time portal and ended up in the age of jazz. Soft blues being played on the main stage near the back, sets the tone for the guests seated at small tables all over the different levels of the lounge. The large dance floor in front of the stage is only occupied by a few couples swaying slowly to the music, as it's still early in the evening and most guests are enjoying their dinner. Most of them are also dressed on theme, letting Moon relax a little, and go well with the vintage decorations and instruments surrounding the place.

They're lead to a private table somewhat near the live music and after a short while their orders are taken and served.

"Even the food here is on theme", Moonhae says in awe, looking down at her dainty American dish.

"I know. Isn't this amazing?", his eyes sparkle as he gestures at his surroundings.

"Honestly, Taehyung, you're the only person I know who would think of going to a place like this. And that's absolutely amazing", she gives him heartfelt props.

Although they've been dating for many months now, he can't help but blush at her compliment. Suddenly the whole situation seems surreal to him. He's sitting in one of the most celebrated jazz clubs in the world, a place he's always wanted to go to and now he's right across from the love of his life. And she loves him, too. Everything is so complete, it's almost scary.

"I love you so much", his voice breaks a little as he's overcome with emotion.

"Tae, are you going to cry?", she lets out a small laugh and reaches over the table to hold his hand.

"No...", he says, but his eyes look glassy, even in the dim lighting.

"I love you, too. So much", her own eyes grow soft, squeezing his hand in assurance.

"Everything's so perfect", he whispers. She can only nod.

The atmosphere soon grows lighter, however, as they start eating.

"I want to take you on a trip real soon", he eventually says, shyly poking around the food on his plate.

"Oh?", she raises her eyebrows.

"I'm not going to tell you where yet, but as soon as we get another break I'm taking you with me", he grins.

"Better be good", she points her fork at him warningly.

Once they've finished their meals and a couple of drinks, the music starts picking up some pace. More and more people find their way onto the dance floor, bopping around to the beat of the jazz.

"You ready to do what we came here for?", he smirks, extending a hand towards her.

"You mean dance? More than ever", she lets herself be swiftly pulled up onto the dance floor.

The smooth jazz gets them moving, he excitedly twirls her around and they dance happily among the other couples. She notices Taehyung's eyes have rarely been as lit up as they are now. He's in his element, completely lost in the music and her own deep granite eyes.

So they keep dancing well into the night, seemingly in their own world together. They enjoy the moments, not worrying about the troubles tomorrow will bring.

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