Chapter 7

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Next day in Palace...

"Your highness" The voice echoes in empty audience hall. The man kneed on one leg in front of the king sitting on his throne.

"Your Majestic...We send our mans around the whole Zico but we didn't found anything."


"Are you telling me you search whole planet and didn't found single trace of their mana or magic?" The King finally speak.

Namjoon pursed his lips toegther before nodding, "Yes..Your highness"

"How's that possible?" King slammed his fit on his armchair causing servants around him to flinch but the soldiers present there and even Namjoon didn't blink their eyes.

The king is not angry on Namjoon. He was just feeling frustrated that how could someone disappear like this without any trace?

"We need fix this now! What if other wizards will start disappearing too?"

"Yes Your highness, we won't dissapoint you" Namjoon promised with determined but there was still fear of shadow in his eye.

He used every magic methods he could like teleportation, scan, detecting etc, even checked everything personally too but miserable failed as if they are not lost but was never exist.


"Hey look! It's Taehyung-shi"

Jimin point at Taehyung who was sitting with other wizard on one of the benches for good view of spring tree.

What is he doing here?

If I were him, I wouldn't even dare to come near palace after what happened.

This boy is really stubborn.

"Let's go and find out what he is doing!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly dragging me toward him without giving me chance to protest and we are already standing in front of him.

"Hey Taehyung! it's fancy seeing you here"

Taehyung lift his head to look at us, when his gaze locks with mine it widened probably from shock seeing me here. I quickly avert my gaze to his drawing, it seems like he was sketching spring tree.

Jimin straight went out sitting next to him even though he is uninvited guest.

"Oh wow they are your friends? Princess too?" One of the artist wizard asked eyeing me from head to toe. When I lock his gaze with mine, he bowed placing his hand on his chest. I responded back by bowing slightly.

Taehyung nodded with forced smile that didn't reach to his eyes.

"Well then spend time with your friends, I will be going now" He patted Taehyung shoulder and then make his hands to glow around his stuff as paintings and various things turn into ting shapes, soon flying in air and going inside his pocket by itself.

"See you" He said before walking away, Taehyung waved at artist's back before turning around to look at me again and Jimin followed the same.

Understanding their silent message, I quickly walk to them, sitting next to Taehyung but keeping some distance from him.

"So whatcha doing?" Jimin inquired placing his chin on Taehyung shoulder while staring at his incomplete spring tree.

"Yah! Go away" Taehyung sneered drewing back from him, "Why you two are here interrupting my work? Don't you have your own life?"

Hearing his last sentence I burst out laughing loudly and he whip his head around looking at me suprised.

Seriously who says that? Is he 5 year old?

"Yeah he is not 5 year old" Jimin said before turning his attention back to Taehyung, "How did you survive all those 12 years as Half-human and broke new record?


Wait what?

How did Jimin know about that? I am hella sure I didn't told him.

"I know everything"

"Are you freaking reading my mind?" I burst out getting up angrily making the boy sitting next to me flinch.

"About a time you realize princess" He said chuckling with lost looking Taehyung.

Why I didn't notice trace of mana power when he used on me to read my mind?

"I have my ways"

"YAH YOU PARK JIMIN" I stride at Jimin ready to punch him on his face.

"Hold up right there" Taehyung demanded while shielding Jimin with his arm. I quickly backed off because my power is emitting from me could hurt him.

"What did you read about me?" Taehyung asked pure curiosity lingering in his innocent eyes.

"I- Uh"

Jimin burst out laughing, "Taehyung, Is that what you ask from girl when she try background search on you or think about you all day?"

I feel my cheeks getting heat whether it is from embarrassment or anger which I cannot pin point on it right now.

"Then what should I ask?" Taehyung asked with single crooked eyebrow, way too innocent for corrupt mind of Jimin.

"Ask her like this- "Why are you curious about me? Do you lo-"

And Jimin went flying to another corner before Taehyung could process where did he disappeared.

I laugh nervously sitting on Jimin place "Don't listen to him, he is reading weird stories these days a lot"

"And what it has something to do with love stories?" Taehyung asked cocking his single eyebrow questionably.

My eye widened, I'm pretty sure I didn't mentioned "love stories."

"Just nevermind, continue your work" I said giving up and letting out deep sigh. I am not in mood to argue with anyone of them especially Taehyung. They can misunderstood all they want...Who cares anyway.

Taehyung stares at me for a second before shrugging and looking back at srping tree while holding his pencil tight ready to draw.

"The sketch is about to finish now" Taehyung claimed excitedly and proudly before beginning to sketch again with full concentration and focus.

From my peripheral vision I noticed Jimin coming back, few leaves and stems sticking on him as he removing one by one when he spots it.

I glare at him causing my irises to glow without letting Taehyung notice to me. When Jimin hold up his hand in defence, I tear my eyes away from him, looking back to Taehyung.

Jimin slowly sit next to Taehyung shuttling his gaze between Taehyyng and his sketch, Being amazed by him.

After few minutes of silence and admiring him, he finally slammed the pencil on sketchbook and exhaled deeply.

"Done!" He exclaimed with husky voice holding out sketchbook so that all three of us can see properly

Behind the sketchbook, we could see spring tree. He trying to match with it and it's really matching as it is very detailed just like real tree.

After staring at sketch admiringly, we were about to shower him with compliments but suddenly bright and sharp yellow light glows from the direction of tree. It was so powerful and blinding that I hide my eyes behind my elbow.

When we no longer caught glimpse of any bright light, we all lift our head in unison and saw...

Spring tree is gone.

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