Brothers Stuck In An Elevator

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After the movie was done, the boys took a look at their list to figure out what else they wanted to do.

Douxie; "I was right, that movie did suck."

Veneer: "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad."

Douxie: "I would've rather watched Titanic again."

Jake: "No, it sucked, too predictable."

Veneer: "You guys just don't know what a good movie is."

Douxie: "What do we have to do now?"

Veneer: "How about the mall?"

Jake: "The mall? What do we look like, middle school girls?"

Veneer: "Guys hang out at the mall too, Jake."

Jake: "Not with their annoying little brothers."

Douxie: "I'm 19."

Veneer: "I'm 17."

Jake: "Whatever, my point is we're not going to the mall."

A few moments later, the boys are walking around the mall, despite Jake's arguments.

Jake: "I can't believe you talked me into this."

Douxie: "I didn't agree to this either."

Jake: "Then why are you here?"

Douxie: "I'm the oldest, I have to be here."

Jake: "Oh my god, were not babies, Doux!"

Douxie: "Really? Cuz' you're kind of acting like one right now."

Veneer: "Guys, shut up already! Trust me, it's going to be fun!"

Now in the building, the boys looked around and noticed nothing but a desk, stairs, and an elevator.

Veneer: "Well, f*ck."

Now the brothers are all in the elevator to head up to the mall.

Jake: "There's like, no signal for our phones in this elevator."

Veneer: "That's dumb."

Suddenly, the elevator made a strange noise before coming to a stop.

Jake: "Oh my god, I think the elevator just stopped!"

Veneer: "Oh my god is this really happening?"

Douxie: "I told you your asses were too much weight."

Jake: "Shut up, Hisir-doofus."

Veneer: "What do we do?"

Douxie: "I don't know. Isn't there, like a cord we can pull for the driver?"

Jake: "That's to stop a bus, you stupid bitch."

Douxie: "Oh yeah."

Veneer: "What about that big red button?"

Douxie: "Why would we hit that?"

Veneer: "For like, emergencies."

Jake: "Red means stop, Veneer."

Veneer: "So?"

Jake: "If you hit that button, you're telling the emergency people to stop."

Veneer: "Why would they even have a button like that?"

Douxie: "Because they're stupid."

Jake: "We gotta put our heads together and think."

Veneer: "What?"

Jake: "Just lean forward."

Jake and Veneer then, literally put their heads together as Douxie just rolled his eyes.

Jake: "Come on, Douxie."

Douxie: "I'm not doing that."

Veneer: "Have you thought of anything yet?"

Jake: "No, nothing's happening."

Veneer: "Oh my god we'll be stuck in here forever!"

Douxie: "We'll probably be rescued soon."

1 hour later. . .

Veneer: "99 bottles of cider on the wall, 99 bottles of cider, you take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of cider on the wall."

Douxie: "No."

Veneer: "No what?"

Douxie: "It's 98 bottles."

Veneer: "No it isn't."

Jake: "Yes it is. You took 1 bottle down so now you have 1 less bottle, Veneer."

Veneer: "No, cuz' the bottle got passed around."

Douxie: "Yeah, and then it was finished."

Veneer: "Wow, you literally don't know your shapes."

Jake: "What does this have to do with shapes?"

Veneer: "You pass the bottle around."

Jake: "And?"

Veneer: "What shape is round?"

Douxie: "A circle."

Veneer: "Exactly."

Jake: "What the f*ck are you talking about?"

Veneer: "You take the bottle down, pass it around in a circle, and when it gets back to you, you put it back on the wall."

Jake: "Why would you put and empty bottle back on the wall, Veneer?"

Veneer: "It's called 'recycling', Jake."

Douxie: "Wow."

After that, there was a few more seconds of silence before Veneer started singing again.

Veneer: "99 bottles of-"

Douxie & Jake: "Shut up!"

20 minutes later. . .

Now, Jake was in the middle of the elevator and seemed to have some kind of plan to help them get out.

Douxie: "What are you doing?"

Jake: "I'm gonna try something."

Veneer: "What?"

Jake: "If I jump high enough, the elevator will be triggered to move when I land."

Douxie: "That is the stupidest thing you have ever said."

Jake: "Trust me, it's gonna work."

Veneer: "Were did you even hear about this?"

Jake: "I saw it in a movie once."

Veneer: "Jake don't-"

Jake: "I'll have us out of here in no time."

Douxie: "Do it."

Without any hesitation, Jake jumped as high as he could and somehow ended up going through the top and getting stuck.

Jake: "Oh my god!"

Veneer: "Jake!"

Jake: "I'm stuck!"

Douxie: "This Idea was amazing."

Jake: "Get me down!"

Veneer: "How?"

Jake: "Pull!"

Douxie & Veneer (in unison):
"That's too much work."
"I just had my nails done"

35 minutes later. . .

Veneer: "What's that smell?"

Douxie: "Did somebody fart?"

Jake: "I'm sorry, okay? It's hard to hold it in up here."

Douxie: "It smells like burned silicone."

Veneer: "We've got to get out of here. I think we should push the button."

Jake; "No! I told you that won't work."

Veneer: "We're running out of oxygen!"

Suddenly, the boys heard a noise coming from outside the elevator. It sounded as if someone was trying to get in.

Douxie: "What's that?"

That's when a fireman came came in the elevator.

Veneer: "Oh my god we're saved!"

Douxie: "I'm so happy."

Fireman: "We got a call about a suspestious smell coming from the elevator."

Jake: "Douxie did it!"

Fireman: "Wait, were you guys stuck in here?"

Veneer: "We've been stuck forever!"

Fireman: "Why didnt you hit the emergency call button?"

Douxie: "What call button?"

Fireman: "The big red button on the panel."

Jake: "Oops."

Fireman: "Let's get you boys out of here. Follow me."

And just like that, Douxie and Veneer followed the fireman out of the elevator and to safety. However, they seemed to forget about Jake, who was still stuck.

Jake: "Wait, guys help me out! Guys? Help!"

Original video:

Jake belongs to jake_is_great2

Tales Of Arcadia and Trolls band together belongs to DreamWorks

All rights reserved

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