Talking About Their Experience (Finale)

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That evening, after the boys got home, Nora was waiting for them to talk about their day.

"So, how was it boys?" Nora asked as her brothers sat on the couch. "Did you have fun?"

"Those little delinquents smoke bombed us!" Jake said in anger. "How do you think we felt?"

"I mean about the overall experience." Nora said rolling her eyes. "But, yeah that didn't sound fun. Sorry about that."

"It wasn't entirely your fault, light bulb." Douxie said honestly. "You didn't know they'd act like demons."

"Other than that, I think our bonding experience went quite well." Veneer said with a smile. "We had an absolute blast hanging out with each other."

Jake and Douxie just looked at him as they raised an eyebrow. "What? We did, didn't we?"

The boys thought it over as they remembered the goofy shenanigans they found themselves in.

"Well, the elevator situation was pretty funny" Douxie said with a chuckle as he recalled Jake getting stuck in the ceiling of the elevator.


Douxie: "What are you doing?"

Jake: "I'm gonna try something."

Veneer: "What?"

Jake: "If I jump high enough, the elevator will be triggered to move when I land."

Douxie: "That is the stupidest thing you have ever said."

Jake: "Trust me, it's gonna work."

Douxie: "Do it."

Without any hesitation, Jake jumped as high as he could and somehow ended up going through the top and getting stuck.

Jake: "Oh my god!"

Veneer: "Jake!"

Jake: "I'm stuck!"

Douxie: "This Idea was amazing."

Veneer and Douxie laughed while Jake just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, real funny."

"It was." Veneer said honestly. "Come on, don't be so serious all the time."

Jake thought about it for a second and he couldn't help but start laughing as well. "Okay, it was pretty funny. I mean it was such a stupid idea, I should've known it wouldn't work."

"Well, I'm glad you were able to look back on that and laugh." Nora smiled before letting out a little chuckle. "What else did you guys do?"

"Oh, how about when we almost died playing Five Nights at Freddy's?" Jake asked. "Granted we wouldn't have actually died, but it was still pretty fun to play."


Jake: "Oh my God! Veneer!"

Veneer: "What?! Oh my God, what happened?"

Jake: "I saw the f*cking bunny!"

Veneer: "What are you talking about?"

Jake: "The bunny from the stage!"

Veneer: "The anamorphic?"

Jake: "The animatronic is in the closet, Veneer. I saw it."

Veneer: "But they're all on the stage."

When he said that, the brothers walked over to the stage so that Jake could prove what he saw. Of course when they were over there, no animatronics were to be found.

Veneer: "Oh my God!"

Jake: "I told you!"

Veneer: "Somebody stole them."

Jake: "We're the only ones in the building you stupid bitch."

Douxie then made his way to the others who were still standing by the stage.

Jake: "Douxie! Are you okay?"

Douxie: "Yeah. Oh my God, Veneer, did you steal the animatronics?"

Veneer: "No, what the f*ck?"

Jake: "Did you see one of them?"

Douxie: "Yeah in the bathroom."

Jake: "Oh my God."

Veneer: "You saw one?"

Douxie: "I'm not repeating myself."

Jake: "We need to figure out where all the f*cking animatronics went."


"Do you remember how scared we all were?" Douxie asked with a chuckle in disbelief. "We could've taken off the headsets and quit at any point, but nope."

"We decided to keep playing for some reason." Jake scoffed. "At least it was fun though."

"Yeah, but the fact that somehow we were actually able to hold the doors with our bodies was insane." Veneer said. "How did that even work in a virtual setting?"

"I think it might have been good timing?" Nora said, a little confused about what they were talking about. "But at least that was fun for you guys."

"Oh, but my favorite had to have been working at that fast food place." Veneer said honestly. "Sure, it was definitely different and I don't know how people do that for a living but it was a nice experience."

"V, we had to deal with ungrateful jerks." Jake said bluntly. "How was that fun?"


Jake: "Is there a problem?"

Customer: "yes, I ordered a burger and I got a salad."

Jake: "Enjoy."

Customer: "I wanted a burger not a salad."

Jake: "A salad is all I know how to make so that's what you get."

Customer: "I wanted a burger."

Jake: "A salad is much healthier."

Customer: "If I wanted a salad I would've ordered a salad."

Jake: "Just eat the salad you stupid bitch!"


"Okay, well it sounds like you were a little rude to the customer." Nora said as a matter of factly.

"Yeah, I mean how hard was it to make a single burger?" Douxie asked. "At least they didn't order 7 idems at once."


Customer: "Okay, I'll have 2 small fries, 3 double triple burgers, 1 large burger with no pickles, and a cookie burger."

Douxie: "No. Next."

Customer: "What?"

Douxie: "Your order is way too long."

Customer: "You have no right to tell me-"

Douxie: "Next."

Customer: "I demand to see your manager."

Douxie: "I demand you to shut the f-"


"I'm surprised you reacted like that, Doux." Nora said in a little bit of shock. "You worked at a cafe for a long time."

"Yeah well, I've never had crazy orders like that." Douxie admitted. "Plus, I wasn't in the best mood."

"So, what happened with the whole jail situation?" Nora asked.

"Well. . ." The boys all said in unison.


Jake: "This is all your fault Veneer."

Veneer: "How? You're the one who shoved the salad in the customer's face."

Jake: "Okay, but that doesn't mean you and Douxie has to start a food fight that lead to a riot."

Veneer: "Whatever."

Douxie: "How are we ever going to get out of this mess?"

Veneer: "It's okay, I called my lawyer."

Lawyer: "Okay, let's get your ass out of jail again."


"Well, alrighty then." Nora said. "I already know how the babysitting went so I'm not gonna ask."

The boys just stood there in silence when she mentioned that as they didn't really want to talk about it either.

"But, I'm glad you guys can look back on this and realize how much fun you had." Nora smiled. "What do you think about making this a regular thing?"

"Absolutely not." The boys said in unison and without hesitation as Nora just smiled and shook her head.

The End

Tales Of Arcadia and Trolls: Band Together belongs to DreamWorks

Hevanora Kuryami belongs to me

Jake belongs to jake_is_great2

All rights reserved

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