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Five Months Later


Raindrops struck the paper and blurred the ink until all her mother's last words to her were illegible. But it didn't matter to Meribella. She'd read them so many times in the last few hours that they were burned into her brain.

My Darling Girl,

I never called you that enough. Endearments weren't easy for me. Your Mam isn't the softest woman. She spent most of her life trying to convince her own mother that she was enough to make her happy, and it didn't leave her much time to make sure I was. I suppose I decided fairly early on that taking care of me was the most important thing. I probably should've never been a mother, but then I might never have learned what it meant to love someone- truly, deeply, completely. And that's how I love you.

When I found out I was pregnant with your brother I thought I was being given a second chance to do it right. Then, you told me that it would end my life. Kind of ironic, really. I'm one of the most selfish people I've ever met, and the act of giving another person life is going to end my own. I decided then that I wasn't going to waste what time I had left, and I was going to be the mother I always should've been. I thought I was doing right by working with Nerida and Morgan.

Of course, we know how that turned out. I lost you. All I wanted was a second chance, and I was too late. You must be reading this wondering why I chose to stay behind with Valencia and the others if I felt this way. It's like I turned my back on the second chance I asked for and received. I could've packed my things and gone home with you, but Meribella, the truth is that you never needed me. So, I chose, one last time to be selfish and spend the rest of my days among people who could give me the love I was always searching for. I was afraid we would turn back to old patterns and fight the entire time. I didn't want that to be your last memory of me.

I became bitter and selfish because of neglect. I turned inward. You strengthened and blossomed and made a family of your own. It's a family I'm so excited for Ace to grow up in. I was never meant to be a mother.

You will be the best.

I love you- more than you ever knew,


Meribella wiped away her tears and lifted her eyes to the horizon. A ship bobbed in the distance, and she fought the urge to swim to it. It carried such precious cargo. Her mother's body, carefully preserved by one of Thorne's spells, and Ace, her baby brother. The others wanted to be here, but she asked for this moment to herself.

One last time, Meribella wanted to look upon her brother's face. It was perfect, even with all of his father's features so evident, but despite their promise to Dorea, she and Raff could not offer a safe home for an infant. Not right now. Valencia would care for him until they were able.

Every day brought back word of another skirmish. Another friend lost in the battle against the Fae Queen. It would seem she had a deadline she was trying to meet, and she no longer cared about playing games in the shadows. It was outright war.

She pressed her hand against her stomach and fought back a wave of nausea. Nothing had been confirmed, but if she was right, she had a deadline of her own to meet. It hadn't been intentional. After getting lucky the first month, they made sure to be extra careful. Every precaution had been taken. Magical. Modern Science. All of it. Raff woke up drenched in sweat some nights, terrified she was pregnant. It didn't matter that every month she wasn't proved the curse was broken. Some part of him believed she would die regardless.

So, she kept her suspicions to herself. No need to worry him until she was certain, and it would be a few more days before she would take a test. Only now, for the first time since she suspected, she wished her mother was holding her hand.

She sighed. Raff would want her to step down from the fight, but the Fae Queens had made it very clear that Meribella was essential to winning this war. The Guide. The Gatekeeper. The Guardian.

"Well, one out of three ain't too bad," she whispered to her stomach before heading back to the loft. They were no closer to locating the Guardian, and after speaking to her High Priestess, Thorne learned Lux had gone missing. None of it boded well for their efforts to defeat Morgan.

Aurora trotted along side her. Despite their bond, the she-wolf remained fairly autonomous, going away for a few days at a time. She'd more than doubled in size in the last few months and no longer looked like a puppy.

Meribella ran her hand over Aurora's head, letting her mind wander. Even with all the troubles looming before her- the war and Raff's fears- she couldn't help but imagine the changes they would make to their home when a baby arrived.

The office would become a nursery. Mint walls would be gender neutral, though Raff would insist it was too girly for the boy he was convinced they'd have. She smiled. What a shock it would be if it was a girl. Perhaps, that would be enough for him to believe in a broken curse.

"How about it?" she said, "Are you a girl?"

"Meribella, who are you talking to?"

She tensed at the bottom of the stairs. Damn the man's ears. Hanging up her rain jacket, she started up the steps slowly. No one told her how tiring pregnancy could be, but these days everything seemed to take more effort. Last night, she sneaked into their bedroom to put on Raff's favorite lingerie, only to fall asleep before he finished brushing his teeth.

And the smells. Sometimes, they were overwhelming. Like right now- the entire place smelled of flowers.

"Just talking to myself," she puffed. "Why are all the lights out?"

The strike of a match hissed and a dim light appeared in the middle of the room. Raff moved through the darkness, lighting candle after candle until their entire apartment was filled with warm, flickering flames. In the glow, she could finally see the flowers. Dozens of peonies spread around the room, their pale pink petals shimmering.

"What is all this?" she asked, tucking her hair behind her ear.

He stopped in front of her and dropped to one knee. "I know the timing of this sucks, but to be honest, there hasn't seemed to be a good time since the day I bought the ring. Losing your mother and saying goodbye to Ace reminded me that we don't have time to waste. Moments don't have to be perfectly planned-"

"Yeah, we know all about that," she whispered around happy tears. The blush on his cheeks made her smile.

"So, Meribella McNamara, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes, yes, yes," she squealed, throwing her arms around his neck. She peppered kisses along his jaw, before settling on his mouth.  Applause broke out across the room, and the lights flipped on to reveal Lincoln and Thorne hiding in the corners.

"Ugh, that took forever. I hate concealment spells," Thorne said. "Congratulations!"

"So, Raff what exactly was Meribella referring to?" Lincoln asked, nudging his friend in the ribs before clapping him on the back. "I'm happy for you brother. I can't believe you managed to marry up."

"Why," Meribella teased, "because he's already a ten?"

"Ugh, you two are ridiculous," Lincoln whined, hugging her. "Welcome to the pack. Now, let's eat cake!"

Raff rolled his eyes and slipped the ring on her finger. She held it out, admiring the way the diamonds glittered. The rose gold complimented her olive complexion. But it could've been a plain band- she would've worn it proudly as long as she was able to call Raff her husband.

"Hey, someone's knocking at the door," Lincoln said. He leaned over the half wall by the stairs and shouted down. "Come on in. Door is open."

"Lincoln, we have no idea who is out there," Raff snapped, but it was too late. The door opened and heavy footsteps thudded up the stairs. The four of them tensed, preparing to defend themselves.

Thorne gasped when the couple came into view. The man was only an inch or two shorter than Raff. He had dark hair and darker eyes. Strange gloves covered his hands, and his body language made it very clear that he was willing to die to protect the young woman with him.

For her part, the woman didn't look all that worried. Gray eyes filled a heart-shaped face, and she wore her auburn hair in loose waves around her shoulders. Hanging between her breasts was a strange necklace. A key made of what appeared to be quartz. Meribella knew most people would look at the woman and dismiss her as being fragile, but she could feel the power rolling off of her.

"Hello, Thorne," the woman said before turning to look at Meribella. She studied her for several moments before speaking, and then, as if deciding she liked what she saw, she stuck out her hand. "I'm Lux- the Gatekeeper. I believe you've been looking for me."

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