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Meribella massaged her cheeks, trying to ease the muscles in her face. They were sore from holding up the corners of her lips in extended smiles, and her stomach ached from laughing. A small child- her cousin, Coral- snoozed against her chest. A tiny bit of drool dribbled down the girl's sweet face and pooled on Meribella's chest, but she refused to move her for fear of waking her up.

"No, no. Don't go blaming me," Anahita wagged her finger at Como. The woman was identical in every way to Kai, and it made Meribella's heart twist with longing.

"Who else am I to blame? You were the lookout!" Como crossed his arms and stared at his sister. He was tall and broad shouldered with lean muscles. He wore his white hair long, tied off in a ponytail down his back, and his eyes were darker than everyone else's- more emerald than turquoise.

Anahita dismissed him with a flick of her fingers. She looked at Meribella, eyebrows high over her almond eyes. "Please tell me what you would've done."

"Um," Meribella searched for a way to answer, but she finally shrugged, "I've never found myself in that situation before?"

"W-wait?" Como shouted the question. "How is that possible?"

"Como, enough," Valencia said, patting him on the head as she put a plate of sushi on the table. Meribella was stuffed- they'd done nothing but eat and talk for hours- but the fresh scent of fish had her stretching her arm across the table to snag a bite.

"But Mama, I just don't know how this is possible," he continued. Thick, callused fingers scratched his pointed jaw.

"I was raised around humans. They're not really into...I mean..." Meribella blushed and shoved the salmon roll between her lips to save herself further embarrassment.

"The word you're looking for is orgy, and I happen to know for a fact there are humans who are into those types of things. I've been with several."

"Well, it's not the norm, and most keep it quiet if they choose to indulge in that lifestyle."

Anahita filled her plate with sushi and settled back into her seat. "That's silly. Why keep something so wonderful such a secret? Why, after my mating ceremony with Lorian, we found our two very best friends and celebrated all night long. The people three houses over said they could hear us."

The woman looked smug- the expression reminding Meribella so much of Thorne she wanted to laugh and cry. The water witch would be right at home with the selkies. Heck, Lincoln would think he'd died and gone to heaven.

"Are you alright?" Valencia pulled out the chair beside Meribella and put her hand on her shoulder. "You suddenly feel very sad."

"Oh, it's just this makes me think of my friends back home."

Como waggled his brows. "Friends or friends?"

Anahita slapped him. "I think we've determined she doesn't do plurals."

"What about just one? You got a boy toy-" Como threw up his palms, "or a girl toy back home?"

They all leaned forward and waited for Meribella to respond. Her face flushed- not just from embarrassment but from thinking about Raff. Since she'd left, she did her best to keep her mind off of him during the day. Caspian would prefer to pretend Raff didn't exist so it had been easy. Only at night, did she let him come to her in dreams that left her aching with want when the sun rose. But to speak of him now scared her.

"Oh, look at her. There is someone. Is he the one?" Anahita purred.

"The one?"

"Your mate? The one whose soul matches your own. All selkies have one. A blessing from Astra."

Meribella nodded. Raff complimented every part of her, made her stronger. Better. "I have someone."

"And?" Her family gestured for her to go on. In her arms, the child shifted, letting loose a little snore.

"And, it's complicated."

"He's human?"

"Um, no."

Valencia pursed her lips and bounced her leg. "A Fae. That's good. Strengthen your bloodline."

"Not quite."

Como spoke next. "A sorcerer?" His voice turned dreamy. "I've always wanted to be with a witch or sorcerer. I've heard they can cast spells for stamina."

"It wouldn't be terrible," Valencia said. "Most of your selkie traits wouldn't pass on unless they were girls. The boys would, of course, be sorcerers."

Meribella rolled her eyes to keep them from seeing the sadness in them. Children were not a possibility. "Not a sorcerer."

"What the hell is left?"

A soft voice came from another room. "A werewolf."

Meribella startled, the jerky motion waking the child in her arms. Coral saw who was holding her and began to wail, likely confused by the darker hair and skin. Chubby arms flailed until her father took her and began to rock her back to sleep.

"Calder, don't be absurd," Anahita hissed, but she shot a concerned look at her mother.

"I can see the soul bonds," he said, lifting a hand and tracing them through the air, outlining something around Meribella. "And they belong to a cursed druid."

"Is this true? Did he not tell you the dangers?"

"It is true, and yes! I know the dangers. That's part of why I came here."

"Oh gods, are you pregnant?" Anahita asked.

"No! No, Raff and I haven't been together that way."

Valencia slumped in her chair, looking much older. "You are Star Blessed, but even that will not save you from the Moon Cursed. His seed will take root in you, and you will die after giving birth to his son."

"We're working on a solution," Meribella said, her arms wrapping around her waist. She should've never said anything. Calder tilted his head and continued to let his eyes rove over her figure. But he remained silent.

The others stared at her. Pity evident in their expressions- crushing her hope.

"I should go. It's late."

"No, Meribella, please. We didn't mean to run you off."

"No, really. It's late, and it's been a big day. I'll see you all soon," she said, stumbling back to the door and twisting the knob to leave. No one followed her, and after she was clear from the village, she broke into a run, her longs legs carrying her to the shore. 

There were others on the beach, most in their seal forms. The only sounds were the crash of waves against the sand and the amorous grunts and moans coming from the shadows.

Good lord, she thought wading into the freezing water. It was a welcome relief for the heat running rampant through her veins. Every slap of flesh against flesh, every gasp made her thoughts turn to Raff. Her nipples hardened against the black lace bodysuit, and it wasn't from the cold.

I want to go home. I want to be with Raff. I want his body against mine. 

She forced herself to remain looking out to sea when what she really wanted to do was become a voyeur. I'm becoming as bad the rest of them. The feeling was gone from her legs, but she kept walking into the ocean. The water was at her waist now, the sparkle on her submerged skin making the liquid glow around her like moonlight.

Someone screamed their release, and Meribella followed their exaltation with a curse. Without another thought, she dropped beneath the surface of the ocean. She stayed as long as she could manage, but it wasn't nearly long enough. When she emerged, she stormed out of the sea, fingers over her ears like a child as she skirted past round two.

By the time she reached her cottage, she was frustrated, angry, freezing, and spoiling for a fight. But the moment she saw Addien, she wilted. The girl was kneeling in front of her door, head down, fingers laced together over her thighs.

"Addien, have you been waiting for me?"

The girl nodded, her eyes remaining on the ground. "Yes. I must help you prepare for bed."

"How long have you been there?"

"Since darkness fell."

Meribella flinched. "That was hours ago. Please, get up. You don't have to help me get ready for bed."

Addien stood but she grabbed Meribella by the arm and drew her inside the room. "Remember what we spoke of earlier. You have a roll to play."

"I can't play that roll," she insisted, flopping onto her bed. Addien pulled off her vest and then began to towel dry her hair. Meribella didn't stop her. She was so tired and cold.

"You must."

She thought of the way her body was changing just after being around the selkies for a day. "But how long before I'm not playing anymore? Before I become like the others?"

There was a long moment of silence, but Addien stilled. Meribella just barely made out the woman's shaky, whispered words. "May that day never come."

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