Escape Plan

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Things didn't go as I planned they will. Last few days has been a hell for me. I went to palace with Lady Hae to see the queen and I met Prince So there. I know this will happen when I decided to go. I did ignore him a little which made him confused. After that we came back and Lady Hae wasn't feeling well. I tried to get some help for her but it was too late. Her illness couldn't be cured.

Now I am standing in front of her grave thinking about all the possibilities I could have had if she was here. "Miss Hae" I looked up and saw Jimong. "Are you visiting her?" I nodded my head still looking at her. "I didn't think I would but I miss her" he smiled sadly. "You can't change what fate decided"

"That's not fair" I shouted madly. "She didn't harm anyone. There are lot of people out there who kill people just to satisfy their egos. So, why does she have to die when they are all alive and happy?" I wasn't referring to Lady Hae only. I was grieving about my parent's death too. I never even got the chance to cry peacefully with grandpa. He ordered me to move on next day they died. I never found out why he hates them so much though.

"There are some things that can not be answered so easily miss" he smiled at me weirdly. "You will learn to deal with it" he walked away when I stood there sadly. I waited for few more moments before leaving the place. I know lot of things will change in the palace which will write the history of this place. But I can not help but worry about the things which will happen to me. As far as I remember Hae Soo is supposed to marry the king now.

I can not let that happen. Even though I know it is just a drama I can't marry a against my will. At least not here. I need to leave this place before it happens. I made my way to Prince Wook to ask him a favour. "Prince Wook" he looked up at me smiling sadly. We became close after he mourned over his wife death to me. I know he regret not showing her the affection and confessing his love to her. "I need a favour from you"

"Can you arrange me to leave this place?" he looked surprised with my request. "Why so suddenly?" I thought for an excuse. "I came because Lady Hae wanted me to but now she is gone I can't seem to stay here without her. I want to start fresh and live as she wanted me to" he nodded his head understanding. It wasn't lie either. Partially she did want me to live happily which why I am doing this. "Ok I will check for that"

"Can you make it today itself?" he looked uncertain but agreed anyway. "Go and prepare then. I will arrange for you to leave" I walked to my room and packed all the things I needed. I wanted to bid farewell to the princes before leaving so I went looking for them. "Hae Soo?" I turned around and saw Prince Eun and Prince Jung. "Where are you going?" I smiled at them fondly. "I was looking for you guys"

"Why? Did you miss me?" I rolled my eyes at Prince Eun words. "Are you going home with your uncles?" my eyes widened when I heard Prince Jung. "What do you mean?" he frowned confused. "I saw them talking with about meeting the king earlier" then it must mean they are already discussing my marriage or Hae Soo as per the plot. "Help me guys"

"What's wrong?" they looked panicked with my behaviour. "They want me to marry someone I don't know" I grabbed their hands and ran towards my room. "I don't want to marry now" I grabbed my bag and looked at them. "Help me escape from here" they looked shocked and confused with the situation. "I asked Prince Wook to arrange me a ride. I want to leave this place"

"But if the king finds out he will kill you" I shook my head. "I will take care of it myself" at that time Prince Wook came. "Your ride is ready" he looked at the Princes and asked. "What is going on here?" they sighed explaining the situation to them. "So, you mean they are forcing you to marry?" I nodded my head. "How did you know about this?"

"That is not important now. We have to get her out of here before they find out" we were moving out when we were stopped by Prince Baek ah. "What are you all doing?" I sighed tired of explaining every time. "We need to get her out of here" Prince Jung repeated his words with the story again. "I think So hyung can help us" my head snapped towards him when he mentioned Prince So. "He knows lot of shortcuts in the forest"

"I agree" Prince Wook said surprising me. "I will inform him and we will meet at the front" we left hoping he would agree quick. Cause I know what will happen if he didn't come on time. I waited patiently when he came. "Let's go" he grabbed my arm and got on the horse in a moment. I didn't even know how I got on the horse. "We will distract them while you take her" Prince Wook told him and took off.

Prince Jung got the news I am marrying a sixty-year-old man with many sons as he said. They fastened their plan when they heard it. "We will be out of the city soon" Prince So commented making me startle. I was too deep in my thoughts I didn't realize his presence even in this situation. "I hope so"

"What will you do when you go out?" I thought about it. "I think I will just see. Maybe I can some new things" I replied to him. "Fine, when you are all settled, I will visit you" I scoffed at his words. "Who said I will invite you?" I looked up and saw him smiling a little. "I hate saying this but I will miss you" he whispered the last words but I still heard them. There my heart goes again with the loud thumping. I didn't say this but I will miss him too. 

Author Note:

Hey guys... So will you think she will escape or it will be the same fate Hae Soo had? let me know in the comments.

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