Not a Victim

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"Did you see it?" I closed my eyes in fear. "See what?" I asked him back unaware of what he is talking about. "Don't try to be smart. I know you have seen my face" I hitched in my breath when I felt him so close to me. "Please leave me" I whispered trying to stop the argue to cry. "If you tell anyone what you saw you will be dead next second" he pushed me away and walked out of the water. "I won't" I shouted though he won't hear me.

"Aish" I hissed when I felt pain where he held me. I cussed Jimong for making me come here. I shouldn't have come in the first place. I know this place will only bring the pain for me. why did I even bother thinking of coming here in the first place? I hit my forehead and walked back to home tiredly. "Lady Soo?" I looked up and saw everyone standing in the front of the house worried. "Unnie" I called Lady Hae tiredly. "Were you worried about me?"

"You are like my daughter. How can I not worry?" she scolded me in motherly way. "Take her inside" Prince Wook instructed to Chaeryung. "Thank you" I gave her a hug and went in. I know I shouldn't be like this after what I thought few moments back. But the look in her eyes reminded me of my mom. She must be so worried if she knows how I am stuck here. "Lady Soo? I told you not go there" I smiled at Chaeryung. "Don't worry, I am fine"

"Let's get you warm first" she grabbed my hand and made me sit on the bed. while she was helping me, I thought back to my life. If the bath house didn't work out then he might mean I have to stay here and survive till the end. If that's the case I need to get myself together. I can't make the mistakes which I know will put me in danger. I will live quietly with others until I get an option to leave from here. "You should change your dress" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. "I will do that. You can go and rest too"

I changed the clothes and went to sleep without much thinking. If this is how it will be then I will learn to live here.

"Morning" I greeted Lady Hae. "Do you want to come to the palace with me or you want to stay?" she asked me referring to the event where crown prince will chase the evil spirits away. "I will go to the market and enjoy if that's ok with you" she agreed and asked Chaeryung to accompany me "Make sure you stay safe and don't get lost" I smiled at her caring. "Don't worry I will be fine. Just go and have fun too"

"Ok" I waited till she left then went to market with Chaeryung. We wandered in the market looking at all the beautiful places. I was amazed with the things they sell in this era. I did study about it but seeing it live definitely made me thrilled. May be there are some good things I can enjoy being here too. It would have been more fun if Jian was here too. She would freak out looking at all the princes and the places. I chuckled to myself imagining her face if she saw these. "Lady Soo?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Chaeryung. "See there"

"It's a dragon" I said in amazement. "Wah" it was so beautiful and very big. "Let's go there" we ran towards it and looked at the creation they prepared. We were dancing and enjoying ourselves when someone grabbed me by my waist. "Ahh" I screamed in shock and that person dragged me in to woods. "Let me go" I pushed him away hardly. I stumbled away due to the impact and fell hitting my knee on the tree branch. "Ouch my leg" I grabbed my leg in pain. I was about to curse that guy loud but stopped when I heard someone speak.

"Stop right there" I heard Prince So voice. I was distracted by the events that I didn't realize that guy pointed a dagger at me. "Let me go or else I will kill her" he warned Prince So making him smirk. "Do you think I care about her?" he raised his sword at him. "Go ahead and kill her or else should I do it for you?" I scoffed at him for being so rude.

"These boys don't know the value of someone's life" I mumbled to myself and kicked his leg and twisted his arm making him loosen his grip. I moved away from him saving myself. "I will not be anyone's victim anymore"

"Shit" he was about to run away but someone shot an arrow and he died right on the spot. Prince So ran towards him but he was long gone by now. "How did you do that?" he asked me shocked at how I handled him.

I guess my martial arts training came in hand now.

"What do you mean?" he came towards me pushing me in to the tree branch. "How can you beat a man of his size. Who are you?" I pushed him hardly. "Do you expect me stand there and beg for you to help then?" he stumbled back not expecting me to burst like that. "Do you even know the value of someone's life. All you care about is king and his heir. I seriously despise you guys" I walked away from him but he didn't let me.

"You" my eyes widened at the closeness. "I won't let you insult anyone like that again. if you do that, I will kill you with my own hands" I gulped not because of his warning but due to the fact how close we were standing. Please don't tell me I am starting to like a drama character.  

Author Note:

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