Chapter 1: Hope

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Author's note: I don't own any of the characters. All rights go to Nintendo, the Pokémon Company and GameFreak.

Y/n = your name
y/c = your colour (for eyes, hair,...)


"Welcome, Champion! Here again?" The lady asks, smiling sadly.
You nod:
"Mhm. Is it here yet?"
Softly humming, the girl checks the computer screen in front of her:
"You're right on time, sir, as always! In two minutes it should be arriving."
"Thank you very much."

Hau'oli's Marina was always empty at night, excluding the terminal lady.
"There's always a chance..." You sighed, and sat down on the pier, staring into the distance until the boat was slowly sterned in.

You quickly look back at the arrivals screen behind you: Kanto.
You summon your Solgaleo, a gift from days long in the past. Nebby, she called him, as in nosy, snoopy, referring to the Pokémon's character when it was still a Cosmog.
Nebby's trainer was something else entirely. Kind, caring, and extremely shy yet fierce, passionate and self-sacrificing. As exciting and full of bliss as the day, as beautiful and calm as the night. It didn't take long for you to fall in love. She pulled you right in, and you drowned as deep as the ocean in front of you. Even now, almost five years since her departure, you still couldn't believe she actually left.
"I didn't even get the proper chance to tell her I loved her..." You think to yourself. Suddenly, you get disrupted from your thoughts by the sound of passengers debarking.
Taking a deep breath, you mount Nebby to have a better overview of the crowd finally setting foot on land.
"Black hair... Nope... Brown hair... Also not... Blonde hair! Hmmm... No, she's too young... What about this one... Blonde, white dress! It has to be!" You think to yourself, and quickly urge Solgaleo to sprint over to the girl you've been thinking of for so long. Breathing heavily from the stress, you dismount Solgaleo and run the last steps to the girl:
"Lillie!!" You shout. The surprised girl turns around, and looks you in the eyes:
"Blimey! I'm sorry?"
"Not her either." You sadly realise. You quickly recover, faintly smiling:
"Oh, I'm sorry, Miss. I mistook you for a friend..."
The girl smiles softly:
"It's no problem at all, sir. Excuse me, if I might ask... I'm from Galar, could you tell me where they sell those famous Malasadas? I'd like to go try 'em while I'm here! "
Strongly resisting the urge to facepalm, you nod:
"Take a left at the end of the street, then the store will be on your right. It has a big Slurpuff sign."
"Thank you kindly, sir." The lady smiles, and goes away. You sigh:
"Damn this! She didn't even look like Lillie at all. Much taller, blue eyes, and her face wasn't even similar at all..."

Slowly stepping out of the crowd, you have one last look at the rest of the passengers: no one came even close to what you remember Lillie looked like.
You sigh, grab your wallet, and pull out a printed copy of the selfie Rotom took of you, Hau and Lillie. You remember everything: when you met at the bridge, how she was there when you got your starter Popplio, when you both took shelter from the rain on Exeggutor Island, the way she looked at you during the Champion Inauguration party, and when she left... Mostly when she left. Feeling a tear welling up, you get up, summon your Charizard ride and fly home.

"I'm home, guys." You exclaim softly, and your other 5 Pokémon greeted you excitedly.

"I'm also glad to see you all!" You laugh, as you pet Silvally's head. You quickly look at the clock: 3:24 AM.
"Time to go to bed, everyone." You tell your friends, yawning. You head back to your room, but before dozing off, you had to do one more thing, as usual: you grab your Rotom dex and mark yet another "X" on the Rotom calendar. 1810 days it has been since Lillie left for Kanto with Lusamine.
"She must be 20 now, like me..." You tell the walls. As you feel your eyes starting to get heavy, you grab the Pokédoll next to your pillow, hold it tight, and head into the dream realm...

You startle awake, only to see Hau's face inches away from yours.
"AAAAH," you scream, "Hau?! What are you doing here? You know you can't just barge in like tha-... Ugh, whatever."
As you quickly put on some clothes to cover yourself, Hau chuckles:
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I just wanted to surprise you, for old times sake, huh?"
You grunt:
"How did you even get past my Pokémon? I deliberately put Nebby's bed in the courtyard so that he'd stop any intruders."
"Oh, he knows me... And so do the others! Nice house you have by the way, Y/n. Gigantic, but classy! It's a shame you live here all on your own... You should at least throw a sleepover party at some point for me and Glad!"
"Gladion wouldn't even come if we'd promise him 10.000 pokédollars. But you're right, maybe we should do that sometime. There's enough space to fit Melemele Island in here." You say grinning, and it was true. As the Alolan Champion, money wasn't really a big issue for you, so you spent quite a bit on a nice mansion in Hau'oli City. An entrance hall, a courtyard, a large kitchen including a kitchen island, two living rooms, 3 bathrooms, 5 toilets, not to mention the 5 bedrooms. It also had a fitness gym for you and your Pokémon, as well as a big swimming pool and a jacuzzi.

You continue:
"Why are you here, Hau?"
Your friend pouts:
"What, I need a reason for visiting my best friend now? I just wanted to tell you we're going malasada shopping, now! You haven't been out for ages! Arceus, you probably haven't even had a proper Pokémon battle in ages, either! That needs some changing, man, starting today!"
You look at the clock: 7 AM.
"Ughhhh... Can't I sleep for a few more hours, please? You can use the jacuzzi if you'd like." You moan, falling back into bed.
Hau grunts, laughing:
"No, we're going now! Move!" He shouts, pulling you back up. With a soft "fine", you get up and head outside to the malasada shop.

"Champion Y/n!! It's been so long since I saw you, you were only a teenager back then! And Kahuna Hau! It's been... well, a few hours. What would you like to have today?" The counter lady asks, blushing. Hau claps his hands, jumping up and down:
"We'll take 6 sweet malasadas, please."
"6??" You exclaim, scratching your head, "I don't think I'm thát hungry yet..."
Hau smiles from ear to ear:
"Oh, no problem, Y/n, I expected as much. Four of those are for me!"
As you all laugh, you pay the lady and grab a seat. The TV was playing football in the background, and the malasadas were definitely delicious. There was one complication however:
"Hau, could you please eat with your mouth closed? I think the entire restaurant can hear you."
Hau quickly looks around him, only to see half the restaurant staring at him. With his hands full of sugar, he grabs the next malasada and munches in silence.
"Sorry, Y/n, they're just too nice... Hey, what's that?" Hau says, pointing at the TV screen. The football match was no longer on and got replaced by a newsflash:
"... Members of a mysterious organisation supposedly called Team Aqua were spotted in the Kanto region a few months ago, and still haven't been defeated. Hoenn's very own Champion Steven is now demanding a Championmoot, however it is unclear if the other Champions will respond to this matter. Speaking of Champions," the news reporter says, as the picture shifts, "tomorrow's annual honouring of Tapu Koko will take place in Iki Town! Hundreds will gather there to witness the battle between the Kahuna and Champion Y/n! Who do you think will win this fight, Molayne?" The man says, as he holds out his microphone. You weren't even paying attention anymore to the screen, as you quickly look at Hau:
"You told them we're going to have a battle?!"
Hau smiles innocently:
"Yep! It's time, Y/n. Time for Alola to see their Champion again! You haven't been out in a long time. I know why that is, you don't have to explain, I understand. However, you need to get up and fight! Don't let all this time go to waste, live your own life and do something useful with the time that is given to you! Who knows what will happen tomorrow? I don't. But today, today is in our own hands. So eat malasadas! Battle with your Pokémon! And most importantly, have fun while doing it."
Hau's positivity is right what you needed:
"You're right. Enough moping around. I'll show the region why I'm still their Champion!" You say loudly, and finish your malasada in a second.
Hau chuckles, and gets up:
"That's the spirit! Besides, I haven't fought anyone with your strength in a long time. Oh, also, Y/n," Hau continues while you exit the restaurant and stroll past the shops, "you should probably contact that Steven guy. This is what you need to become happy again! A new challenge! An evil organisation, action, adventure! It's been five years already since the last big threat, who knows? Maybe this will turn out to be a real problem!"
You turn around and face your friend, frowning:
"I don't want this to become a problem. All I want is for Alola and its people to be safe. Besides, I've had my fill of danger and fighting. But you're right about one thing: I will contact my colleague and see what I can do, such is my duty as Champion... Now let's go home first."
Hau puts a hand on your shoulder and quickly pulls you back:
"Woah woah... Not so fast! Y/n, it's only 9 in the morning! What are you going to do all day, besides seeing that Champion? No, today I really want your day to be eventful! Let's... go swimming! It's 30 degrees, surely you're melting like I am."
Without being able to get a single word in, Hau already pulls you to the beach, and after changing in one of the changing cabins, you lay down on the warm sand:
"Well, this is relaxing to say the least..."
Hau summons his Noivern, and gives it a quick scratch behind the ears. Flapping its wings, Noivern blows some cool air on the both of you. Hau sighs of happiness and lays down next to you:
"This is the life, Y/n... By the way, did you know that in Johto they're having an outbreak of a virus right now? Corona, they call it. Apparently people have to keep distance from each other! Can you believe that? I can't even start to imagine what that must be like! Thank Arceus we're from Alola... Well, I am... Thank Arceus we both live in Alola!"
As you both chuckle, a slim brunette in bikini walks by to head into the water. Hau follows her with his eyes and sighs:
"Heh, there are a lot of advantages from living in Alola... Hey Y/n... Can I ask you something?"
You grin and nod.
"Well uhhh... Don't you think it's time to move on? From... Lillie, I mean. I don't know if she's ever even going to return."
You shake your head:
"I can't give up on her, Hau. I'd be giving up on possibly my only chance to find someone as amazing as her. There aren't many people like her... If any at all."
Hau sighs:
"Y/n, I spoke to the lady at the ferry terminal. Apparently you visit almost every night to see if she's arriving. It wears you down, it needs to stop. Look around you! There are so many beautiful girls here, girls that would love to even be near you! In their eyes, you're a living legend!"
You smile faintly:
"Then why don't you have a partner yet?"
Hau groans and shrugs:
"I guess I just haven't found the right one yet... Or maybe I don't look handsome enough, unlike you."
You laugh:
"I think it's because you're too nice for them, Hau. You should show them how fierce you can be in battle tomorrow! They don't know it yet, but you're a force to be reckoned with. You're brave, gentle, as well as stubborn. I'm sure they'll love you. And as you said, you haven't found the right one yet. But I have. I know in my heart that Lillie is the right one for me. That's why I'm willing to wait so long."
Hau slowly gets up:
"Maybe you're right... I should show them what I'm made of!"
You smile and beckon your eyes towards the girl Hau was looking at earlier:
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go get her!"
As Hau runs off into the water to talk to the lady, you smile and look at the sea, reaching as far as the eye could see. Somewhere on the other side was the girl of your dreams, miles away, but so close in your mind and your heart. As you watch the waves crash onto the shore, your mind slowly drifts away to a world of ideals...

There we go, chapter 1 is done! It feels so nice to write about Sun and Lillie again, I just love their story too much. I hope you're enjoying the story so far, I'm trying a different approach than in My Shining Sun, I hope it works out. This story will most likely be shorter than My Shining Sun, as that story took me about 2 years or even more to complete, and then I had time.

I will do my best to upload a new chapter every now and then, but I won't make any promises.

Either way, let me know what you would like to see in this story, as always! I love reading your feedback and recommendations.

As always, take care, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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