Chapter 11: Clear Water

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Hau's POV

The battle was over, and we had won. Aether Paradise's emergency room was full of grunts, but everyone was more than happy with the end result: they got to keep their jobs, and more importantly, they saved all of Alola and possibly the world. What's a few wounds compared to thát?
Humming, I head down to the lower floors, ready to visit someone very special. Hopefully her stay has been a bit comfortable...

"Hi Shelly." I exclaim, smiling, and head over to sit down next to the girl, who was tucked away in a corner of the cell. She looks up slowly, then looks back down sighing:
"Hey Hau..."
Her room was neat. Everything was all white, as was the usual style at the Foundation. She had a clean bed, even her own bathroom. Smiling, I conclude she's been well taken care off:
"Have you been doing okay here? I wanted to check on you!" I tell her while inspecting the room further.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice her blushing slightly:
"You're too sweet, Hau. I've been alright... A bit worried about what's going to happen to me and the boss... and how long I'm going to have to be here."
Slowly, I nod, looking into her blue eyes:
"Not long, I think... If you want to get out fast, at least! Did you think about what I said earlier? About Archie's plan?"
A bit overwhelmed, she looks away shyly:
"That it was stupid and that we didn't think things through? I know... and you're right. Our plan failed, and I didn't see things clearly..."
Smiling from ear to ear, I stand up to jump up and down like I always do when I'm excited:
"Exactly! See? You're not a bad person, Shelly, I know you aren't! You followed orders from a person you admired, but deep down I know that that's not you. Screw Archie. Yeah?"
Slowly, she nods:
"...Yes. Thanks, Hau. However, I'll probably have to think about those things for a while longer, since I'll probably be stuck here for a few weeks at least... they'll most likely want to question me about our plans."
I quickly shake my head to interrupt her:
"Not if you come with me! Join Team Alola!"
The beautiful girl frowns:
"Is that an Evil Team?"
"Nooo, it's a word I just made up... I meant me and my friends! There's Y/n, the Champion, he's a great guy, and insanely strong! There's Lillie, she's very intelligent and sweet, I think you two would get along... there's Gladion, her brother, he's... edgy, but you shouldn't mind him too much, he's tough on the outside but a real teddybear on the inside. Then there's other people like the Professor, Team Skull,... Everyone's awesome, and I'm sure they'll like you!" I say, chuckling from the thought of their reaction if they'd meet Shelly. She shakes her head sadly:
"That sounds like a dream, Hau, but I wouldn't have anywhere to stay... let alone that the Aether Foundation would let me go just like that."
I shrug:
"They would if I'd tell them you're with me. Everyone knows me here, they trust me, and they have no reason not to. I'm sure they'd think the same of you in no time! And for lodging, you... you could stay at my place! It maybe isn't that practical, but my house is big and you wouldn't have to worry about money, I'd pay for y-" I say embarrassedly, but stop as I feel her warm body against mine. Her hug was very tight, and I could feel one of her tears falling on my shoulder:
"You're the best, Hau! I would... like that, for sure. We can try it, if it's possible."
Cheering, I grab her hand and quickly pull her out of the cell. The grunt on duty frowns as he sees me returning with the girl, and stops me in my tracks:
"Hey! The prisoner isn't allowed out of her cell until further notice!"
I quickly turn in my tracks to face the grunt, raising my hands innocently:
"Hey, my man, it's me, Hau! You know me, I'm the Melemele Kahuna! I'm friends with the Champion, too. Surely we can take care of one prisoner, right? We'll make sure to keep an eye on her."
Hesitantly, the grunt nods:
"Y-yes sir. I'll notify Mr. Aether." He stutters.
With Shelly's hand in mine, I chuckle and quickly walk out of the building, into the sunlight:
"So, how does it feel? Ready for your new life?"
"I... I think so. It'll take some adapting, but we'll take what comes!" She says excitedly. I smile brightly her way:
"We'll take what comes!"

Y/n's POV

"I still can't believe it's really over!" You sigh as you walk home with Lillie. After the fierce battle with Kyogre, you were exhausted, and your body cold to the bone. Worried about your well-being, Lillie decided to go home with you, to make sure nothing would happen on the way. Naturally, you didn't mind.
"Me neither," she chuckles, holding your arm in hers, "you saved the region once again, Y/n. I'm very proud of you, I'm sure everyone is!"
Laughing, you give her a playful push:
"You're forgetting the key player in the story, Lillie the brave! Y/n did nothing but hold off the Pokémon, you're the one that managed to actually stop it."
Lillie giggles:
"I suppose I am... It was so stressful, you have no idea. I thought you'd die, or that I'd miss and everyone would succumb into the darkness... How can I be brave if I was afraid?"
You slowly nod:
"That's the only time a man can be brave. Or woman, for that matter." You say chuckling. With renewed energy in her eyes, Lillie quickly stares into yours before turning away, blushing:
"Thanks, Y/n... Oh, we're here!"
After you open the door, Lillie helps you to the kitchen table:
"Here, you can rest, I'll make something for the both of us."
You quickly shake your head:
"Oh, you don't have to, you know? I can take care of myself!"
Lillie quickly eyes you, frowning teasingly, before turning back to the fridge:
"Y/n... I'm not doing this because I feel like I'm obliged to. I want to do this, for you. Besides, as a woman, I'm a lot better at it than you are, aren't I?"
You shrug, smiling:
"I suppose you are!"
The girl nods, continuing:
"It's only natural, isn't it? You for example are better at fighting than I am. Since you're the Champion, the best Trainer in the entire region, you make people feel safe when they're around you... and I can make people feel happier by cooking! At least that's what mum taught me." She giggles, as she puts some pasta in the pan.

hrowing your hands in the air, you grin:
"Well, I'm not complaining."
Lillie quickly turns around to stick out her tongue at you, before turning back to cooking the delicious lasagne:
"Of course you aren't! It's going to be delicious." She chuckles, but soon her voice grows more serious:
"You really should rest, Y/n. It's been a long day, for the both of us. My first few days here in Alola haven't exactly been what I'd expected... But spending time with you has most certainly brightened up my days."
Blushing, you get up and grab your Pokémon's favourite Pokébeans to reduce the anxiety a bit:
"The same goes for me... I'd awaited your return a long, long time, you know? I definitely didn't plan it to go like this... but I'm still grateful to Arceus for letting us have this time, and for keeping us all safe despite what happened." You tell the girl, while putting the beans in each of the Pokémon's bowls. They immediately started cooing from excitement, which made both of you chuckle out loud.
"Talking about Arceus," Lillie breaks the silence, "when dinner is ready, do you think we could pray together?"
The question took you by surprise, but you couldn't deny her anything. Besides, it seemed like a good idea!

"Dear Arceus," you say in unison, "who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. We thank you for keeping us and our families and friends safe today." Lillie says softly, and the silence in the room was ominous yet magical. As Lillie stutters a bit, trying to find the right words, you pick up for her:
"Dialga, we thank you for the time that is given to us, and we thank Palkia for allowing us to reunite again, and for being able to live here in a beautiful paradise like Alola."
Lillie's eyes, that were closed during the prayer, quickly opened up as you started speaking, and a slight smile appeared on her cute face:
"Dialga and Palkia? That's... new! But I like it, Y/n. It was beautiful." She says, flashing her white teeth your way. As you blush, she giggles and gets up quickly to grab your plate:
"And thank Lord Slurpuff for the food I hereby serve thou today, Champion." She says in an overly official tone.

Chuckling, you accept the plate and nod in her direction:
"I thank thee, kind m'lady." You reply teasingly, and wait until she sits down with her own plate to say:
"Bon appetit!"
Lillie's eyes widen in surprise:
"You learnt Kalosian?!"
Laughing, you shake your head:
"I wish! No, I learnt it from a Kalosian challenger I had at the League a few years ago... She taught me that. I think her name was Erena...? Or was it Tsareena? Something like that."
Impressed, Lillie smiles:
"Well, either way, buen appetito to you too, and let's have a champion time!"

After a very pleasant meal with Lillie, you sigh as you head to the bathroom. Having some one-on-one time with the love of your life was definitely something that you hadn't had a lot of so far, so this evening was exceeding all expectations!
As you quickly throw some cold water in your face to freshen up, Lillie suddenly appears next to you:
"Hey, Y/n?"
"Hmm?" You exclaim, putting your head in a towel fast.
Blushing heavily, Lillie nervously play with her thumbs as she looks down. Ever since she returned from Kanto, she had been a lot more teasy and confident, it had been years since you last saw her this shy before.
"Well, um... do you think I could, maybe, only if you'd be okay with that, of course, um... do you think I could stay here for tonight? Aether Foundation must be a mess right now, I'm not really eager to return there this late... I-"
"Of course!" You interrupt her, "you don't have to explain yourself, Lil. You can stay here anytime you want! The bed is very big and comfortable, I'm sure you'll love it!"
Blushing even more, Lillie nods slowly:
"And what about you, where are you going to..."
You shrug:
"I'll sleep on the couch! It's not a big deal, don't worry. Back when I bought the couch, I made sure it was big and comfy enough for every occasion! It cost a lot, but it's definitely been worth the price! The perks of being a Champion, I suppose."
Chuckling, the two of you get ready for bed after doing the dishes together while listening to music from Sinnoh.

"And? What do you think?" You ask Lillie, as she lays down onto the huge bed.
"Haaahhh..." She moans, "it's perfect! Thanks, Y/n. Are you sure you want to sleep on the couch, though?"
You nod, as thinking of words to say was hard right now. Lillie was wearing a nightgown, made out of white silk, that was slightly revealing her curves. Gulping, you smile:
"I'll be fine! And thanks for saving my ass today, again... I can't thank you enough, Lil. You're the best."
Lillie blushes, but quickly recovers herself:
"You are, Y/n." She says confidently, and waves your way before diving underneath the blanket, moaning:
"Goodnight! And sleep well!" You smile at her, as you close the door on your way out.

As you close your eyes to try to fall asleep, you quickly mutter a curse:
"Dangit, I should have used this evening as an opportunity to tell her how I feel about her!" You whisper to yourself, and Lycanroc slightly turns its head upon hearing your annoyed voice. Your Pokémon always remained out of their Pokéballs at home. Most of them remained in the courtyard or in the hallway, but especially Lycanroc preferred to sleep on the rug in the living room, in front of the TV so that it could watch its favourite series, Pawniard Patrol.
"It's okay, Lycanroc, you should sleep." You kindly tell your Pokémon, before closing your eyes once again...

"Hm?" You startle, slowly opening your eyes upon hearing quiet footsteps! You don't remember how long it has been since you last closed your eyes, but it was probably a long time ago... What is that noise?

Upon realising what was going on, you quickly sat up and looked around to identify the burglar. Suddenly, a high shriek escaped the girl's lips:
"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, Lycanroc!" Her soft voice whispered, as Lycanroc softly cried out from a sudden step onto its tail. Slowly, you remember that Lillie was staying at your house, and quickly relax:
The girl's soft voice calls out from the dark:
"Y/n? I'm so sorry for waking you up, I didn't mean to! It's just... I was having a nightmare, I'm kinda scared... It's weird not to be in my own bed, or my own house..."
"I understand," you exclaim, as Lillie softly sits down next to you, "it's all okay! I'm glad I can be here for you. Do you want to sleep here? Don't worry, Lycanroc is here to protect you, and Nebby and the others are somewhere at the entrance!" You say, as you get up to head towards your room. Suddenly, her soft, small hand grabs yours and pulls you back down onto the couch:
"No, please, stay." She says, convinced this time. Slowly, you sit back down next to her:
"Alright." You reply, and slowly lay back down again. A few seconds after, Lillie lays down right next to you. Her breath was quiet and steady, and her inviting smell took over all of your senses. Soon, her body was inches away from yours, until your foreheads almost touched.
"Hey, Y/n?" Lillie whispered softly, as her hand brushes yours, "I-"
After taking the deepest breath of your life, you confidently reply to her before she could exclaim another word:
"Lillie, I love you. I truly do, and I have been loving you for years. I-"
A finger on your lips stopped you from saying more:
"I love you too, Y/n. You don't have to explain, at all. Your actions tell me more than a thousand words could."

The kiss that followed was the most magical thing you'd ever experienced, a moment you'd treasure forever...

Hey guys! It's me, Golf! It's been a while since I last uploaded, I hope this chapter was worth the wait! I've had a few very busy weeks, with my wisdom teeth surgery, a lot of assignments for college etc.

I've also changed my habits quite a bit. I try to work a lot nowadays. Basically from the moment I wake up until the moment I sleep, I try not to waste too much time, which also means I can't write a lot. But it is very relaxing, so when I do feel like I have some time left, I'll definitely write more!

Since the first 10 chapters have been very messy and packed with action, this and the next few chapters will be more relaxing, which gives me space to focus more on character development and relationships!

I hope you liked the confession scene, I switched things up a bit to contrast the My Shining Sun confession.

Either way, I don't know when the next chapter will be out, but with the Easter holidays around the corner, it shouldn't be too long.

Also, if you are craving for some more Golf content, you should check out my Tier List story, where I post a link to some random videos I posted!

Anyways, please do stay safe, and I'll see you all very soon!

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