-☪️"Oh, June. You never learn."

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The spell book June found in her aunt’s basement was buzzing, and not the discrete buzz a cellphone does. The book was trembling, shaking and spasming over the antique oak table of her grandmother’s kitchen.

“Shit!” June hissed.

Her aunt was going to kill her. She specifically told June more than once —more than a thousand times more likely— that the basement’s door enchanted spell should not be broken. But then, her aunt shouldn’t have done that, because June was so damn curious, and she just couldn’t resist the temptation it posed such forbidden challenge.

She should have listened to her aunt and let the basement alone though, and she definitely shouldn’t have taken the spell book with her, despite it being inside a glass box, protected by a powerful spell and with a battery powered neon pink sign above it that said do not touch in caps letters.

Temptations, temptations… she just couldn’t seemed so resist them no matter how dangerous or forbidden they were.

But her actions had a justification and, in June’s head, it was a valid one. She wasn’t after the book when she first descended to her aunt’s magical chambers —a.k.a. the basement. Actually, it was an enchanted comb she was after. The magical object was rumored to be unique in its kind, because it not only provided a fast-perfect hairdo at any moment, but also had the ability to change people’s aspect at will.

Cool, right? No? You didn’t think so? Well, June certainly did.

Though she never reached that comb she desired so much, because an old black book, closed with a meridium unbreakable lock and protected by magic caught her attention before she managed to reach it. She observed the detailed, almost invisible carvings on the cover, captivated by its raw unique beauty. But it wasn’t all the mentioned above that really got her hooked, but the name.

It had such a pretty name: “Tells and spells of the Fantasmical world and its marvelagic wonders.” The name was rather long, but it was prettier than the petty ugly one of her simple “Spells of the Frikat Magical Bloodline.” And well, it was safe to say that June Frikat, the most powerful witch of the twelfth generation of the Lenac Conclave, liked her things pretty and fashionable.

But she was currently in a crusade, because the book had stopped shaking and it had opened. She expected to find it pages filled with spells and secrets and tells of all the good and wonderful, but they were blank, void of any writings.

“Ugh, so damn strange,” mumbled June.

She closed the couple of inches that separated her from the table hesitantly. She didn’t trust the book’s innocent facade, with its black detailed skin and yellowish empty pages.

“Maybe it’s just a spell book meant to be filled”

Not that she really thought that to be truth. If that were the cased, her aunt wouldn’t have protected it so fiercely.

June put a finger in one of the empty pages and closed her eyes in preparation. She expected something to have happened. With all the buzzing and trembling and shaking, she, at least, expected to be electrocuted, or poisoned, or… well, something.

“This is disappointing.” She pouted and closed the book with a loud clang.

“Maybe I can use it to write my new stories in it. My diary is getting too old and worn-out.” She blew her bubblegum thoughtfully, until it blasted all over her pastel pink lip gloss covered lips. “Yeah, I think I will do that.”

Oh, but dear June, I wouldn’t do it if I were you, because those stories might become real at some point if you do.

• • •

This is the beginning of a short story of a few chapters, all part of a contest made by a few fantasy profiles in Wattpad. The first challenge was to create a character, but I just wanted to give June a little introduction before doing her character sheet.

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