Art drop for THG fans

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So I resently watched the last movie from HG mockingjay p2(it is great) so i desided on drawing some Hunger Games stuff

Here is the first one First day of drawing HG

Spoiler alert
It is just the mockingjay symbol for all the books than the one for the movie. Under it it is the salute and the wistle in tones. To the right of the wistle is the lightning tree in catching fire and the tree to the left is the hangning tree from the song in mockingjay, above the lightning tree is lightning that strike in the tree, on the left there is the capsels that Colin drops in the last film/book(that triggers a bomb) poor Primrose:'(

Here is the second one Second day of drawing HG

It is just the burning mockingjay symbol.

The salute with some text

Third day of drawing HG

Just Panem I did not know what to draw so

Fire is catshing and it WE Burn, YOU burn with us!

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