Chapter 10

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Moon's POV

I've been avoiding Ember for five days now.

It's not like I suddenly hate him or anything, it's just well, awkward to be around him.

Does he really like me? Or was Stella just joking? 

For a split second I saw Ember staring at me, before I hastily looked away.

I did feel pretty guilty about avoiding him. I knew that he just had a simple crush on me, he wasn't doing anything malicious.

Maybe I should go outside for a quick breather, that'll calm me down. It always does.

I stepped outside and breathed in the fresh crisp air and immediately calmed down.

I waved hello to Hilda who was teaching the foot soldiers some new tactics. Patrick had told me that the former grandmaster, Ser Theo, was also the leader of the foot soldiers before his death.

I also noticed how serious everybody was.

I guess that's why Rain and Stella can be so tense sometimes, I thought to myself, laughing.

I understood why, too. The residents have fought countless battles already, and have suffered many losses. And they surely wouldn't be throwing a party after every time a battle was over.

"Come on, please, I'm begging you!" I heard somebody say. "Just let me through, please."

I turned to see two guards at the entrance blocking another person, who was desperately begging to go in.

"We are not sure if we can trust you not to attack us when you enter in," one of the guards said. "So you're not allowed in."

"I'm not an idiot, you know," the person said. "I know I don't stand a chance against hundreds of people."

I began to walk over towards them, trying to calm myself down before I yelled at them. I hated yelling, it made me feel terrible afterwards. But it didn't seem fair that Ember and I could enter but this person can't.

The other guard noticed me. "Stay back, young lady," he told me. "We have a potential threat."

The person sighed. "I'm not a threat," he said. "Maybe I shouldn't have said what my name was."

Suddenly I recognized him. "Razer?" I said, shocked.

Razer sent me a small smile. "Hey, Moon, it's been a while."

I turned to the guards. "Razer is a good friend of mine," I told them. "His name is just really a nickname."

The guards nodded and let Razer in.

"Thank you so much," he said after we had walked for about five minutes.

I smiled. "I was wondering how you and Meeps were doing," I said, remembering the young cybernetic red panda. "Speaking of Meeps, where is she?"

Razer's face was filled with grief. "S-she's dead," Razer choked out, crying unwanted tears. "Entity k-k-killed her."

"Oh no," I said, softly. "Razer, I'm so sorry. I know how fond you were of her."

"I-I-I promised Meeps," he said. "I promised that s-s-she would l-live and that I w-would protect her. She was s-so young, she wasn't even fifteen and a half yet. S-she shouldn't have d-d-died, I-I should have realized that it was a trap. S-she was like a y-y-younger s-sister to me."

"Shhh," I whispered. "I know it's awful, and I'm sorry."

Razer tried his best to stop crying. "Am I allowed to stay?" He asked. "I understand if the answer is no, but I don't want to be alone."

"You're allowed to stay, Razer," I told him. "We help those who have been affected by the Entity's attacks."

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