Chapter 14

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Ember's POV

"So, Razer," Rain said. "Is Razer your real name, or is it just a  nickname?"

Razer was silent. "It's a nickname," he answered. "But I really don't want anybody to know my real name."

"Why? Is it because you did something terrible?" I asked.

"No," Razer replied. "It's just—"

"Did you kill someone?" I continued. "I knew that Wattpad Punching Game was stupid."

"No, I didn't kill anybody," Razer said. "And it's really nothing, not a big deal at all."

Rain looked over my shoulder. "Looks like Moon and Stella has returned," he said, grinning.

"Oh hi, Moon!" I said, eagerly and accidentally knocked Razer out of his chair as I turned around at Godspeed.

"Bro, do you even—" He said, but I wasn't listening.

"Hey, Ember," Moon said, softly. "How are you?"

"I'm fine! In fact, I'm fantastic!" I told her, my heart racing like crazy. Should I be concerned about that? "I can't believe you're here!"

"This is going to get pretty interesting," I heard Stella whisper to Rain.

"In that case," Rain said. "Pass the popcorn."

"So, how have you been the last 5 days?" I asked, my face turning red. "I mean, I wasn't worried or anything because well, why should I? You can take care of yourself, right?

"Great," Moon replied. "And yes, I can handle myself, but it's kind of nice to have a moment of calm right now."

I laughed. "Yeah, it's nice alright," I agreed. "Not that I can't handle the ultimate evil or anything."

"We understand, hero," Moon said, smiling shyly. And I noticed the others exchanging looks

"I'll go distract Daryll," Razer whispered. "Because now is not the best time for him to be here."

"Good idea, Razer," Rain said.

Moon and I continued to chat about the good times when we were young, we spoke about our recent adventures. Soon, Rain and Stella left us alone so we could have some more privacy.

"Hey, Ember, look," Moon said. "I'm sorry for avoiding you for the last few days. I've just been so confused lately."

"It's okay, Moon," I told her. "I'm glad you're still here with me, and I understand that sometimes you just need to be alone for a while, and I totally respect that."

""Thank you, Ember," Moon said. "That means a lot to me."

We kept chatting about life, when suddenly we brought up the topic of living in Dreadfort.

"This is a nice place, despite all the hard work everybody seems to be doing," I said. "Do you think you'd live here if you have to?"

"Would you?" She asked back. 

"I-I'm not sure," I said honestly, then I held her hands and stared into her sapphire blue eyes.

 "But I want to be where you are, forever," I told her. "Because I can't imagine living in a world without you."

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