Chapter 4

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Moon's POV

"Did you lose something?" I asked.

Ember jumped about 100 feet in the air (just kidding) and spun around. "What?" He said, very confused, until he realized what I was asking. "Oh no, I didn't lose anything. I was just, um, staring at the grass! Yeah that's it!"

Stella chuckled softly.

"Wonderful, Ember, you're a terrible liar," I told him. "Which can be a good thing, so don't worry."

"Except when we're about to die and we have to make something up on the spot." Rain said.

"Yeah, that'll be the moment we die," I agreed. "Ember, you are not going to be our spokesperson, especially if we have to tell a lie to save ourselves."

"That's fair," Ember said. "A lot of people tells me that."

"How many?" Rain asked.

"One billion, nine hundred eighty-two million, six hundred thirty-four thousand and seven hundred forty-five people." He answered.

"And how many people have told you that you're an idiot?" Rain continued.

"Over a septillion," Ember replied. "Now shut up."

"Press F for respects," Rain said. 

"I told you to shut up."

"Well, I don't care."


I groaned. "Both of you stop arguing!" I yelled and surprisingly, they both closed their mouths. Stella shot me a grateful look and mouthed thank you.

I knew Ember had lost something, but I wasn't sure what it was. Surely it couldn't be his Netherrite sword, he was tossing it into the air right this second.

Maybe it was nothing, after all, the only thing Ember had brought with him, as far as I could tell, was his sword and a flint and steel.

Oh, maybe he lost his flint and steel. Well, if that's the case, then he must have lost it a long time ago and just realized it. After all, that flint and steel should have been easy to spot in this snowy white biome. Too bad, that flint and steel would have been really useful. 

Ember was still throwing his Netherrite sword into the air, and was trying to catch it, which I didn't feel like it was at all safe, because not only could it kill someone, but half the time Ember didn't even catch it and the sword would land in a different place, for an example, a tree. But that's pure Ember for you: act before you think.

I wasn't the only one who was concerned about this.

"Stop throwing that into the air," Rain warned him. "Somebody might get-"

"OW! F—!" Stella yelled as Ember's Netherrite blade landed on her shoulder.

"EMBER, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" She shouted.

"And for my next trick," Ember said, dramatically. "I'm going to make myself DISAPPEAR!"

And then he ran.

I tried my hardest to not laugh, as Ember ran into the trees, Stella wasn't even chasing him. 

"Hey, Ember! Get back here right now or I'm going to throw your weapon into the water!" Rain yelled.

"I'M COMING, OH MY GOSH!" Ember shouted, returning.

"Thank you for returning," I said politely, because Rain was still laughing. "If we're done trying to kill one another, I think it's high time we get to our destination... wherever that is."

"We're close," Ember said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"It's Cold as Ice," he replied.

"Shut up, please, I'm begging you." Rain groaned.

"Let's go," I said, before Ember and Rain could begin another argument.

Stella rubbed her shoulder. "I liked it more when Ciara and Kane were trying to kill me." She mumbled.

I grinned. "It sounds like that was the time of your life." I said.

Stella shrugged as the boys got into another argument, so let's just ignore them.

"So how long have you been with the Frostbourne?" I asked.

"At least a month by now," she said.

"Are they friendly?" I asked. 

"Most of them," she said. "Although they can be serious sometimes."

I nodded. I liked serious but friendly people, unlike Ember, apparently, but he was always the kid who hung at the back and made jokes. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't serious. He could be, especially in battle, but even then, he'll make jokes.

Maybe it's a good thing that he's able to joke around, but it's also a bad thing if he doesn't take the important stuff seriously.

But I can't force him to change. He has to on his own.

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